2017-04-26 18:24:06 UTC
On 27/04/2017 3:39 AM,
Nous: #11
Time: 02:25 hrs
Date: 2017.4.27
Torah: #30 #1 #6 %81 = #37
Dao: Value and Function of Non-Existence
Tetra: #33 - Closeness
I-Ching: H8 - Closeness, Seeking Unity, Grouping, Holding together, Alliance
Latin: Oriens {Praised & Exalted God} Alt: Harachel {The Crushing of God} {
4. Rombomare
Shem {Exhalted Name, Name, renown}
***@zen: 2, row: 1, col: 2, nous: 11 [Date: 2017.4.27, Super: #220
/ #13 - Status, Loathing Shame; I-Ching: H5 - Waiting, Delay, Attending,
Moistened, Arriving; Tetra: 17 - Holding Back, Ego: #274 / #11 - Value
and Function of Non-Existence; I-Ching: H8 - Closeness, Seeking Unity,
Grouping, Holding together, Alliance; Tetra: 33 - Closeness]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #220 has 23 Categories: #6, #1, #7, #6, #200 = 'ezowr
(H232): 1) waist-cloth, the innermost piece of clothing; 2) waistband;
1a) of God's power over kings (fig.); 1b) of faithfulness (metaph); #5,
#1, #200, #4, #10 = 'Ardiy (H716): 1) the descendants of Ard; #3, #4,
#2, #200, #10, #1 = gedabar (Aramaic) (H1411): 1) treasurer; #6, #5, #4,
#200, #5 = hadar (Aramaic) (H1923): 1) honour, majesty; #6, #8, #6, #200
= Chuwr (H2354): 1) a chief assistant to Moses and Aaron; 2) grandfather
of Bezaleel, the chief artificer of the tabernacle; possibly the same as
1 above; 3) the 4th of the 5 kings of Midian who were slain with Balaam
after Peor; 4) father of Rephaiah in the time of Nehemiah; 5) father of
Ben-Hur who was commissariat officer for Solomon in Mount Ephraim; #2,
#8, #200, #10 = choriy (H2750): 1) heat (of anger), burning (of anger);
#20, #200 = kor (H3734): 1) kor, a measure (usually dry); 1a) a dry or
liquid measure equal to 10 ephahs or baths; 1a1) a dry measure
containing 6.25 bushels (220 l); 1a2) a liquid measure of 58 gallons
(263 l); #6, #30, #40, #60, #80, #4 = micepd (H4553): 1) wailing; #6,
#40, #40, #70, #40, #4, #20 = ma`amad (H4612): 1) attendance, office,
function, service; 1a) station, office, post; 1b) office, function; 1c)
service; #40, #80, #10, #90 = mephiyts (H4650): 1) scatterer, disperser,
scattering club; #50, #80, #30, #10, #50 = nephal (Aramaic) (H5308): 1)
to fall; 1a) (P'al); 1a1) to fall; 1a2) to fall down; #30, #70, #30,
#40, #10, #40 = `owlam (H5769): 1) long duration, antiquity, futurity,
for ever, ever, everlasting, evermore, perpetual, old, ancient, world;
1a) ancient time, long time (of past); 1b) (of future); 1b1) for ever,
always; 1b2) continuous existence, perpetual; 1b3) everlasting,
indefinite or unending future, eternity; #40, #70, #10, #100 = `uwq
(H5781): 1) (Hiphil) to totter, cause to totter, crush; 1a) meaning
dubious; #5, #70, #9, #6, #80, #10, #40 = `ataph (H5848): 1) to turn
aside; 2) to envelop oneself; 3) to be feeble, be faint, grow weak; 1a)
(Qal) to turn aside, turn (in order to cover); 2a) (Qal) to envelop
oneself, cover; 3a) (Qal) to be feeble, be faint; 3b) (Niphal) to faint;
3c) (Hiphil) to show feebleness; 3d) (Hithpael) to faint, faint away;
#5, #70, #40, #100, #5 = `amoq (H6013): 1) deep, mysterious, depths; 1a)
deep; 1b) unsearchable; #30, #90, #30, #70 = tsela` (H6761): 1) limping,
stumbling; #2, #90, #30, #90, #8 = Tseltsach (H6766): 1) a place on the
boundary of Benjamin, close to Rachel's tomb, 5 miles (8 km) southwest
of Jerusalem; #90, #30, #100 = Tseleq (H6768): 1) an Ammonite and a
warrior for David; #10, #90, #70, #50 = tsa`an (H6813): 1) (Qal) to
wander, travel; #90, #80, #10, #40 = Tsophiym (H6839): 1) a spot on or
near the top of Pisgah, the site of Balaam's oracles; #100, #10, #90,
#20 = qayits (H7019): 1) summer, summer-fruit; 1a) summer; 1b)
summer-fruit; #30, #100, #30, #60 = qalac (H7046): 1) to mock, scoff;
1a) (Piel) to scoff at; 1b) (Hithpael) to mock, deride, make fun of;
#200, #8, #2, #10 = rachab (H7338): 1) breadth, broad or wide expanse;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #274 has 9 Categories: #5, #1, #8, #10, #200, #40,
#10 = 'Achiyramiy (H298): 1) one of the clan of Ahiram; #3, #6, #200,
#10, #5, #50 = guwr (H1482): 1) cub, whelp, young; #5, #5, #3, #200,
#10, #1, #10, #40 = Hagriy (H1905): 1) a people dwelling to the east of
Palestine, with whom the tribes of Reuben made war in the time of Saul
adj patr; 2) of one of David's servants Haggeri = 'wanderer'; 3) father
of Mibhar and one of David's mighty warriors; #6, #30, #10, #6, #10,
#200, #10, #2 = Yowyariyb (H3114): 1) the head of the 1st of the 24
courses of priests in David's time; 2) a teacher in the time of Ezra; 3)
a Judaite in the time of Nehemiah; #40, #10, #200, #10, #8, #6 =
Yeriychow (H3405): 1) a city 5 miles (8 km) west of the Jordan and 7
miles (11.5 km) north of the Dead Sea and the first city conquered by
the Israelites upon entering the promised land of Canaan; #6, #60, #200,
#8 = cerach (H5629): 1) excess, overhanging; #200, #10, #8, #50, #6 =
reyach (H7381): 1) scent, fragrance, aroma, odour; 1a) scent, odour; 1b)
odour of soothing (technical term for sacrifice to God); #3, #5, #50,
#5, #1, #10, #200 = genea (G1074): 1) fathered, birth, nativity; 2) that
which has been begotten, men of the same stock, a family; 3) the whole
multitude of men living at the same time; 4) an age (ie. the time
ordinarily occupied be each successive generation), a space of 30 - 33
years; 2a) the several ranks of natural descent, the successive members
of a genealogy; 2b) metaph. a race of men very like each other in
endowments, pursuits, character; 2b1) esp. in a bad sense, a perverse
race; #4, #70, #20, #10, #40, #10, #70, #50 = dokimion (G1383): 1) the
proving; 2) that by which something is tried or proved, a test;
Just terrible,
@memeBrain [Telos: #1041, Super: #71 - Know-How as a Disease, Disease of
Knowledge; I-Ching: H38 - Contrariety, Opposition, Polarising,
Perversion; Tetra: 6 - Contrariety, Ego: #69 - Profound Use, Function of
the Mysterious; I-Ching: H34 - Great Strength, Great Invigorating, The
power of the great, Great maturity; Tetra: 22 - Resistance]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #71 has 26 Categories: #6, #1, #4, #10, #50 = 'edayin
(Aramaic) (H116): 1) then, afterwards, thereupon, from that time; #1,
#4, #6, #50, #10 = 'Adonay (H136): 1) my lord, lord; 2) Lord - title,
spoken in place of Yahweh in Jewish display of reverence; 1a) of men;
1b) of God; #6, #2, #1, #6, #50, #6 = 'own (H202): 1) vigour, generative
power; 2) wealth; 3) physical strength (of men and behemoth); #5, #1,
#20, #10, #30, #5 = 'akiylah (H396): 1) food, a meal, an eating, meat;
#1, #20, #50 = 'aken (H403): 1) surely, truly, indeed; 1a) truly, indeed
(strong assertive force); 1b) but indeed, but in fact (emphasizing a
contrast); #1, #30, #30, #10 = 'alelay (H480): 1) woe! alas!; #1, #30,
#40 = 'illem (H483): 1) mute, silent, dumb, unable to speak; #1, #50,
#20 = 'anak (H594): 1) plummet, plumb, lead-weight; #6, #2, #3, #30, #30
= galal (H1558): 1) on account of, for the sake of; #3, #50, #7, #10, #1
= genaz (Aramaic) (H1596): 1) treasure; #6, #4, #10, #50, #1 = diyn
(Aramaic) (H1780): 1) judgment; #2, #4, #10, #50, #5 = Diynah (H1783):
1) daughter of Jacob by Leah, full sister of Simeon and Levi; #6, #5,
#10, #50 = hiyn (H1969): 1) hin; 1a) a unit of measure, about 5 quarts
(6 l); 1b) a vessel holding a hin of liquid; #6, #50, #10, #5 = Vanyah
(H2057): 1) one of the sons of Bani, in the time of Ezra, who took a
foreign wife; #6, #10, #3, #2, #10, #40 = yageb (H3010): 1) field,
ploughed field; #10, #5, #6, #20, #30 = Yehuwkal (H3081): 1) a son of
Shelemiah and a servant of king Zedekiah whom he sent to Jeremiah to
entreat his prayers and advice; #5, #10, #6, #50 = yaven (H3121): 1)
mire, mirer; #6, #10, #20, #30, #5 = yekel (Aramaic) (H3202): 1) to be
able; 1a) (P'al); 1a1) to be able; 1a2) to prevail; #30, #40, #1 = ma'
(Aramaic) (H3964): 1) what, whatever; 1a) what?; 1b) whatever, what,
whatsoever; 1c) how?, why?, wherefore? (with prefixes); #2, #40, #4,
#20, #5 = medokah (H4085): 1) mortar; #6, #40, #6, #2, #1, #10, #6 =
mowba' (H4126): 1) entrance, entering, in-coming; #6, #40, #7, #10, #8 =
maziyach (H4206): 1) girdle; #20, #40, #8, #2, #1 = machabe' (H4224): 1)
hiding place; 2) (TWOT) bosom; #40, #10, #20, #1 = Miyka' (H4316): 1)
son of Mephibosheth; 2) a Levite who signed the covenant with Nehemiah;
3) father of Mattaniah, a Gershonite Levite and descendant of Asaph; #5,
#30, #30, #1, #4, #1 = Hellas (G1671): 1) a country in southern Europe;
#20, #1, #50 = kan (G2579): 1) and if; 2) also or even if; 2a) of only,
at least; 2b) even if;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #69 has 19 Categories: #6, #1, #2, #4, #6, #50 =
'abaddown (H11): 1) place of destruction, destruction, ruin, Abaddon;
#1, #2, #6, #60 = 'ebuwc (H18): 1) crib, manger, feeding trough; #6, #1,
#6, #50, #6 = 'Ownow (H207): 1) city in Benjamin; 2) a valley (of
craftsman); #1, #8, #10, #50 = 'Achyan (H291): 1) son of Shemida of
Manasseh; #6, #2, #6, #50, #5 = Buwnah (H946): 1) a son of Jerahmeel, a
Judahite; #6, #3, #30, #30 = Galal (H1559): 1) a Levite, one of the sons
of Asaph; 2) a third Levite, son of Jeduthun; #6, #4, #1, #2, #6, #50 =
de'abown (H1671): 1) fainting, pining, languishing, faintness; #6, #4,
#4, #50, #5 = Dedan (H1719): 1) the son of Raamah and grandson of Cush.
A son of Jokshan and grandson of Keturah; 2) a place in south Arabia;
#6, #4, #10, #3, #6, #40 = diyg (H1770): 1) (Qal) to fish, catch fish,
fish for, catch; #20, #4, #40, #5 = dummah (H1822): 1) one silenced, one
quieted by destruction, one destroyed; #5, #4, #50, #10 = Daniy (H1839):
1) descendants of Dan, son of Jacob; 2) inhabitants of the territory of
Dan; #6, #10, #8, #30, #9, #6 = chalat (H2480): 1) (Hiphil) to take up,
catch, pick up (a word); #6, #8, #50, #5 = Channah (H2584): 1) the
mother of Samuel, one of the wives of Elkanah; #6, #10, #7, #30, #10,
#1, #5 = Yizliy'ah (H3152): 1) a Benjamite of the sons of Elpaal; #6,
#10, #8, #4, #10, #1, #30 = Yachdiy'el (H3164): 1) a chief of Manasseh
on the east of the Jordan; #10, #8, #10, #1, #30, #10 = Yechiy'eliy
(H3172): 1) a Gershonite Levite of the family of Laadan; #40, #8, #1,
#20 = macha' (H4222): 1) to strike, clap (the hands); 1a) (Qal) to clap
(of joy); 1b) (Piel) to clap (of exultation); #50, #6, #8, #5 = Nowchah
(H5119): 1) the 4th son of Benjamin; #6, #60, #2, #1 = cobe' (H5435): 1)
drink, liquor, wine;
Island lost in the sea,
@memeBrain [Telos: #962, Super: #13 - Status, Loathing Shame; I-Ching:
H5 - Waiting, Delay, Attending, Moistened, Arriving; Tetra: 17 - Holding
Back, Ego: #71 - Know-How as a Disease, Disease of Knowledge; I-Ching:
H38 - Contrariety, Opposition, Polarising, Perversion; Tetra: 6 -
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #84 has 92 Categories: #10, #4, #70 = yada` (H3045):
1) to know; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to know; 1a1a) to know, learn to know; 1a1b)
to perceive; 1a1c) to perceive and see, find out and discern; 1a1d) to
discriminate, distinguish; 1a1e) to know by experience; 1a1f) to
recognise, admit, acknowledge, confess; 1a1g) to consider; 1a2) to know,
be acquainted with; 1a3) to know (a person carnally); 1a4) to know how,
be skilful in; 1a5) to have knowledge, be wise; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be
made known, be or become known, be revealed; 1b2) to make oneself known;
1b3) to be perceived; 1b4) to be instructed; 1c) (Piel) to cause to
know; 1d) (Poal) to cause to know; 1e) (Pual); 1e1) to be known; 1e2)
known, one known, acquaintance (participle); 1f) (Hiphil) to make known,
declare; 1g) (Hophal) to be made known; 1h) (Hithpael) to make oneself
known, reveal oneself; #1, #2, #10, #40, #1, #30 = 'Abiyma'el (H39): 1)
son of Joktan, descendant of Shem; #5, #40, #30, #9 = malat (H4422): 1)
to slip away, escape, deliver, save, be delivered; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to
slip away; 1a2) to escape; 1a3) to be delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to
lay, let slip out (of eggs); 1b2) to let escape; 1b3) to deliver, save
(life); 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to give birth to; 1c2) to deliver; 1d)
(Hithpael); 1d1) to slip forth, slip out, escape; 1d2) to escape; #8,
#30, #40, #6 = chalam (H2492): 1) to dream; 2) to be healthy, be strong;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to dream (ordinary); 1a2) to dream (prophetic); 1a3) to
dream (of false prophets); 1b) (Hiphil) to dream; 2a) (Qal) to be
healthy; 2b) (Hiphil) to restore to health; #30, #8, #40, #6 = lechem
(H3899): 1) bread, food, grain; 1a) bread; 1a1) bread; 1a2) bread-corn;
1b) food (in general); #30, #40, #9, #5 = matteh (H4294): 1) staff,
branch, tribe; 1a) staff, rod, shaft; 1b) branch (of vine); 1c) tribe;
1c1) company led by chief with staff (originally); #50, #20, #8, #6 =
nekach (H5226): 1) be in front of adv; 2) in front of, opposite to, in
the sight of, before, to the front, right on; 3) towards the front of,
in front of, on behalf of, as far as in front of; #5, #70, #4, #5 =
`edah (H5712): 1) congregation, gathering; #10, #8, #30, #30, #6 =
chalal (H2490): 1) to profane, defile, pollute, desecrate, begin; 2) to
wound (fatally), bore through, pierce, bore; 3) (Piel) to play the flute
or pipe; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to profane oneself, defile oneself, pollute
oneself; 1a1a) ritually; 1a1b) sexually; 1a2) to be polluted, be
defiled; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to profane, make common, defile, pollute; 1b2)
to violate the honour of, dishonour; 1b3) to violate (a covenant); 1b4)
to treat as common; 1c) (Pual) to profane (name of God); 1d) (Hiphil);
1d1) to let be profaned; 1d2) to begin; 1e) (Hophal) to be begun; 2a)
(Qal) to pierce; 2b) (Pual) to be slain; 2c) (Poel) to wound, pierce;
2d) (Poal) to be wounded; #20, #50, #6, #8 = nuwach (H5117): 1) to rest;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to rest, settle down and remain; 1a2) to repose, have
rest, be quiet; 1b) (Hiph); 1b1) to cause to rest, give rest to, make
quiet; 1b2) to cause to rest, cause to alight, set down; 1b3) to lay or
set down, deposit, let lie, place; 1b4) to let remain, leave; 1b5) to
leave, depart from; 1b6) to abandon; 1b7) to permit; 1c) (Hoph); 1c1) to
obtain rest, be granted rest; 1c2) to be left, be placed; 1c3) open
space (subst); #70, #4, #10 = `ad (H5704): 1) as far as, even to, until,
up to, while, as far as; 2) until, while, to the point that, so that
even; 1a) of space; 1a1) as far as, up to, even to; 1b) in combination;
1b1) far as, both...and (with 'min' - from); 1c) of time; 1c1)
even to, until, unto, till, during, end; 1d) of degree; 1d1) even to, to
the degree of, even like conj; #10, #30, #40, #4 = lamad (H3925): 1) to
learn. teach, exercise in; 1a) (Qal) to learn; 1b) (Piel) to teach; 1c)
(Pual) to be taught, be trained; #8, #50, #20, #6 = chanak (H2596): 1)
to train, dedicate, inaugurate; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to train, train up; 1a2)
to dedicate; #6, #40, #30, #8 = melach (H4417): 1) salt; #8, #60, #10,
#6 = chacah (H2620): 1) (Qal) to seek refuge, flee for protection; 1a)
to put trust in (God), confide or hope in (God) (fig.); #6, #10, #60,
#2, #6 = cabab (H5437): 1) to turn, turn about or around or aside or
back or towards, go about or around, surround, encircle, change
direction; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to turn, turn about, be brought round,
change; 1a2) to march or walk around, go partly around, circle about,
skirt, make a round, make a circuit, go about to, surround, encompass;
1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to turn oneself, close round, turn round; 1b2) to be
turned over to; 1c) (Piel) to turn about, change, transform; 1d) (Poel);
1d1) to encompass, surround; 1d2) to come about, assemble round; 1d3) to
march, go about; 1d4) to enclose, envelop; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to turn,
cause to turn, turn back, reverse, bring over, turn into, bring round;
1e2) to cause to go around, surround, encompass; 1f) (Hophal); 1f1) to
be turned; 1f2) to be surrounded; #2, #70, #7, #5 = `Azzah (H5804): 1)
another name for 'Gaza', a city of the Philistines located in the
extreme southwest of Palestine close to the Mediterranean; #6, #8, #30,
#10, #30 = chaliyl (H2485): 1) pipe, flute; #2, #70, #2, #4, #6 = `ebed
(H5650): 1) slave, servant; 1a) slave, servant, man-servant; 1b)
subjects; 1c) servants, worshippers (of God); 1d) servant (in special
sense as prophets, Levites etc); 1e) servant (of Israel); 1f) servant
(as form of address between equals); #4, #70, #10 = yada` (H3045): 1) to
know; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to know; 1a1a) to know, learn to know; 1a1b) to
perceive; 1a1c) to perceive and see, find out and discern; 1a1d) to
discriminate, distinguish; 1a1e) to know by experience; 1a1f) to
recognise, admit, acknowledge, confess; 1a1g) to consider; 1a2) to know,
be acquainted with; 1a3) to know (a person carnally); 1a4) to know how,
be skilful in; 1a5) to have knowledge, be wise; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be
made known, be or become known, be revealed; 1b2) to make oneself known;
1b3) to be perceived; 1b4) to be instructed; 1c) (Piel) to cause to
know; 1d) (Poal) to cause to know; 1e) (Pual); 1e1) to be known; 1e2)
known, one known, acquaintance (participle); 1f) (Hiphil) to make known,
declare; 1g) (Hophal) to be made known; 1h) (Hithpael) to make oneself
known, reveal oneself; #70, #9, #5 = `atah (H5844): 1) to cover, enwrap,
wrap oneself, envelop oneself; 2) to grasp; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to wrap,
envelop oneself; 1a2) to cover (the beard in mourning); 1a3) mourner,
one who covers (participle); 1b) (Hiphil) to cover, enwrap, envelop; 2a)
(Qal) to grasp; #6, #70, #7, #1 = `Uzza' (H5798): 1) a man slain by
Jehovah for touching the sacred ark; 2) a Benjamite of the sons of Ehud;
3) ancestor of a family of temple slaves who returned from exile with
Zerubbabel; 4) a Merarite Levite; 5) the garden where kings Manasseh and
Amon of Judah were buried; #8, #30, #1, #40, #5 = Cheylam (H2431): 1) a
place east of the Jordan, west of the Euphrates, in Gilead, at which the
Syrians under Hadarezer were defeated by David; #40, #8, #6, #30 =
Machowl (H4235): 1) father of Heman; #10, #8, #10, #50, #6 = chayah
(H2421): 1) to live, have life, remain alive, sustain life, live
prosperously, live for ever, be quickened, be alive, be restored to life
or health; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to live; 1a1a) to have life; 1a1b) to
continue in life, remain alive; 1a1c) to sustain life, to live on or
upon; 1a1d) to live (prosperously); 1a2) to revive, be quickened; 1a2a)
from sickness; 1a2b) from discouragement; 1a2c) from faintness; 1a2d)
from death; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to preserve alive, let live; 1b2) to give
life; 1b3) to quicken, revive, refresh; 1b3a) to restore to life; 1b3b)
to cause to grow; 1b3c) to restore; 1b3d) to revive; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1)
to preserve alive, let live; 1c2) to quicken, revive; 1c2a) to restore
(to health); 1c2b) to revive; 1c2c) to restore to life; #70, #7, #2, #5
= `azab (H5800): 1) to leave, loose, forsake; 2) to restore, repair; 1a)
(Qal) to leave; 1a1) to depart from, leave behind, leave, let alone;
1a2) to leave, abandon, forsake, neglect, apostatise; 1a3) to let loose,
set free, let go, free; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be left to; 1b2) to be
forsaken; 1c) (Pual) to be deserted; 2a) (Qal) to repair; #70, #7, #7 =
`Azaz (H5811): 1) a Reubenite, father of Bela; #6, #8, #20, #40, #10 =
chakam (H2450): 1) wise, wise (man); 1a) skilful (in technical work);
1b) wise (in administration); 1c) shrewd, crafty, cunning, wily, subtle;
1d) learned, shrewd (class of men); 1e) prudent; 1f) wise (ethically and
religiously); #2, #70, #2, #10 = `ab (H5645): 1) darkness, cloud,
thicket; 1a) dark cloud; 1b) cloud mass; 1c) thicket (as refuge); #70,
#6, #4, #4 = `Owded (H5752): 1) father of Azariah the prophet in the
reign of king Asa of Judah; 2) a prophet of Jehovah in Samaria at the
time of Pekah's invasion of Judah; #30, #40, #4, #10 = day (H1767): 1)
sufficiency, enough; 1a) enough; 1b) for, according to the abundance of,
out of the abundance of, as often as; #70, #7, #3, #4 = `Azgad (H5803):
1) ancestor of a family of laymen who returned from exile with
Zerubbabel; 2) a man who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah; #6, #10, #2,
#10, #50, #6 = biyn (H995): 1) to discern, understand, consider; 2)
(TWOT) prudent, regard; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to perceive, discern; 1a2) to
understand, know (with the mind); 1a3) to observe, mark, give heed
to,distinguish, consider; 1a4) to have discernment, insight,
understanding; 1b) (Niphal) to be discerning, intelligent, discreet,
have understanding; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to understand; 1c2) to cause to
understand, give understanding, teach; 1d) (Hithpolel) to show oneself
discerning or attentive, consider diligently; 1e) (Polel) to teach,
instruct; #8, #20, #40, #10, #6 = chakam (H2450): 1) wise, wise (man);
1a) skilful (in technical work); 1b) wise (in administration); 1c)
shrewd, crafty, cunning, wily, subtle; 1d) learned, shrewd (class of
men); 1e) prudent; 1f) wise (ethically and religiously); #1, #10, #3,
#70 = yaga` (H3021): 1) to toil, labour, grow weary, be weary; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to toil, labour; 1a2) to grow weary, be weary; 1b) (Piel) to
weary, make weary, cause to go toilsomely; 1c) (Hiphil) to make to toil,
make weary, cause to be weary; #40, #6, #20, #10, #8 = yakach (H3198):
1) to prove, decide, judge, rebuke, reprove, correct, be right; 1a)
(Hiphil); 1a1) to decide, judge; 1a2) to adjudge, appoint; 1a3) to show
to be right, prove; 1a4) to convince, convict; 1a5) to reprove, chide;
1a6) to correct, rebuke; 1b) (Hophal) to be chastened; 1c) (Niphal) to
reason, reason together; 1d) (Hithp) to argue; #50, #6, #20, #8 = yakach
(H3198): 1) to prove, decide, judge, rebuke, reprove, correct, be right;
1a) (Hiphil); 1a1) to decide, judge; 1a2) to adjudge, appoint; 1a3) to
show to be right, prove; 1a4) to convince, convict; 1a5) to reprove,
chide; 1a6) to correct, rebuke; 1b) (Hophal) to be chastened; 1c)
(Niphal) to reason, reason together; 1d) (Hithp) to argue; #6, #5, #8,
#20, #40, #5 = chokmah (H2451): 1) wisdom; 1a) skill (in war); 1b)
wisdom (in administration); 1c) shrewdness, wisdom; 1d) wisdom, prudence
(in religious affairs); 1e) wisdom (ethical and religious); #40, #30,
#6, #8 = malluwach (H4408): 1) mallow; 1a) a plant that grows in salt
marshes; #10, #8, #20, #40, #6 = chakam (H2449): 1) to be wise; 1a)
(Qal) to be or become wise, act wisely; 1b) (Piel) to make wise, teach
wisdom, instruct; 1c) (Pual) to be made wise; 1d) (Hiphil) to make wise;
1e) (Hithpael) to show oneself wise, deceive, show one's wisdom; #50,
#20, #7, #2, #5 = kazab (H3576): 1) to lie, tell a lie, be a liar, be
found a liar, be in vain, fail; 1a) (Qal) liar (participle); 1b)
(Niphal) to be proven to be lying; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to lie, tell a lie,
tell a lie with, deceive; 1c2) to disappoint, fail; 1d) (Hiphil) to make
a liar, prove to be a liar; #8, #6, #60, #10 = chacah (H2620): 1) (Qal)
to seek refuge, flee for protection; 1a) to put trust in (God), confide
or hope in (God) (fig.); #10, #8, #6, #30, #30 = chuwl (H2342): 1) to
twist, whirl, dance, writhe, fear, tremble, travail, be in anguish, be
pained; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to dance; 1a2) to twist, writhe; 1a3) to whirl,
whirl about; 1b) (Polel); 1b1) to dance; 1b2) to writhe (in travail
with), bear, bring forth; 1b3) to wait anxiously; 1c) (Pulal); 1c1) to
be made to writhe, be made to bear; 1c2) to be brought forth; 1d)
(Hophal) to be born; 1e) (Hithpolel); 1e1) whirling (participle); 1e2)
writhing, suffering torture (participle); 1e3) to wait longingly; 1f)
(Hithpalpel) to be distressed; #2, #50, #2, #30 = nebel (H5035): 1) a
skin-bag, jar, pitcher; 2) harp, lute, guitar, musical instrument; 1a)
skin-bottle, skin; 1b) jar, pitcher (earthen); #6, #8, #60, #4, #6 =
checed (H2617): 1) goodness, kindness, faithfulness; 2) a reproach,
shame; #40, #30, #9, #5 = malat (H4422): 1) to slip away, escape,
deliver, save, be delivered; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to slip away; 1a2) to
escape; 1a3) to be delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to lay, let slip out (of
eggs); 1b2) to let escape; 1b3) to deliver, save (life); 1c) (Hiphil);
1c1) to give birth to; 1c2) to deliver; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1) to slip
forth, slip out, escape; 1d2) to escape; #1, #2, #10, #6, #50, #10, #5 =
'ebyown (H34): 1) in want, needy, chiefly poor, needy person; 2) subject
to oppression and abuse; 3) needing help, deliverance from trouble,
especially as delivered by God; 4) general reference to lowest class;
#10, #1, #7, #10, #50, #6 = 'azan (H238): 1) to hear, listen; 1a)
(Hiphil); 1a1) to hear, listen, give ear; 1a2) to be obedient, harken;
1a3) to hear or listen to prayers (of God); #10, #60, #8, #6 = nacach
(H5255): 1) to pull or tear away; 1a) (Qal) to tear away, tear down; 1b)
(Niphal) to be torn away; #6, #20, #3, #50, #5 = gannah (H1593): 1)
garden, orchard; #10, #8, #60, #6 = chacah (H2620): 1) (Qal) to seek
refuge, flee for protection; 1a) to put trust in (God), confide or hope
in (God) (fig.); #8, #10, #10, #50, #6 = chay (H2416): 1) living, alive;
2) relatives; 3) life (abstract emphatic); 4) living thing, animal; 5)
community; 1a) green (of vegetation); 1b) flowing, fresh (of water); 1c)
lively, active (of man); 1d) reviving (of the springtime) n m; 3a) life;
3b) sustenance, maintenance n f; 4a) animal; 4b) life; 4c) appetite; 4d)
revival, renewal; #40, #4, #30, #10 = deliy (H1805): 1) bucket; #10, #8,
#6, #60 = chuwc (H2347): 1) (Qal) to pity, have compassion, spare, look
upon with compassion; #3, #30, #6, #30, #10, #5 = gilluwl (H1544): 1)
idols; #6, #50, #2, #10, #1, #10, #5 = nabiy' (H5030): 1) spokesman,
speaker, prophet; 1a) prophet; 1b) false prophet; 1c) heathen prophet;
#40, #1, #6, #7, #30 = 'azal (H235): 1) to go, to go away, to go about;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to go away; 1a2) to go about; 1a3) to be used up, be
exhausted, be gone, evaporated; 1b) (Pual) to go to and fro; #30, #8,
#10, #30, #6 = cheyl (H2426): 1) rampart, fortress, wall; 1a) rampart;
1b) fortress; #8, #30, #30, #10, #6 = chalal (H2491): 1) slain, fatally
wounded, pierced; 2) (CLBL) profaned; 1a) pierced, fatally wounded; 1b)
slain adj; 2a) defiled, profaned (by divorce); #10, #50, #10, #8, #6 =
yanach (H3240): 1) to rest; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to rest, settle down and
remain; 1a2) to repose, have rest, be quiet; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to cause
to rest, give rest to, make quiet; 1b2) to cause to rest, cause to
alight, set down; 1b3) to lay or set down, deposit, let lie, place; 1b4)
to let remain, leave; 1b5) to leave, depart from; 1b6) to abandon; 1b7)
to permit; 1c) (Hophal); 1c1) to obtain rest, be granted rest; 1c2) to
be left, be placed; 1c3) open space (subst); #6, #2, #70, #6 = be`a'
(H1156): 1) to ask, seek, request, desire, pray, make petition; 1a)
(P'al); 1a1) to ask, request; 1a2) to seek (for favour); #5, #3, #40,
#6, #30 = gemuwl (H1576): 1) dealing, recompense, benefit; 1a) dealing
(of one's hand); 1b) recompense; 1c) benefit; #6, #5, #50, #10, #8, #5 =
yanach (H3240): 1) to rest; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to rest, settle down and
remain; 1a2) to repose, have rest, be quiet; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to cause
to rest, give rest to, make quiet; 1b2) to cause to rest, cause to
alight, set down; 1b3) to lay or set down, deposit, let lie, place; 1b4)
to let remain, leave; 1b5) to leave, depart from; 1b6) to abandon; 1b7)
to permit; 1c) (Hophal); 1c1) to obtain rest, be granted rest; 1c2) to
be left, be placed; 1c3) open space (subst); #6, #1, #3, #4, #70 = gada`
(H1438): 1) to cut, hew, chop, cut down, hew down, hew off, cut off, cut
in two, shave off; 1a) (Qal) to hew, chop in two; 1b) (Niphal) to be
chopped off, be hewn off; 1c) (Piel) to cut off or down in two, hew off
or down in two; 1d) (Pual) to chop down, hew down; #4, #10, #70 = dio
(G1352): 1) wherefore, on account off; #5, #60, #1, #3, #5, #10 = exago
(G1806): 1) to lead out; #1, #4, #10, #20, #8, #40, #1 = adikema (G92):
1) a misdeed, evil doing, iniquity;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #140 has 126 Categories: #80, #50, #10 = paniym
(H6440): 1) face; 1a) face, faces; 1b) presence, person; 1c) face (of
seraphim or cherubim); 1d) face (of animals); 1e) face, surface (of
ground); 1f) as adv of loc/temp; 1f1) before and behind, toward, in
front of, forward, formerly, from beforetime, before; 1g) with; 1g1) in
front of, before, to the front of, in the presence of, in the face of,
at the face or front of, from the presence of, from before, from before
the face of; #40, #70, #30 = `al (H5921): 1) upon, on the ground of,
according to, on account of, on behalf of, concerning, beside, in
addition to, together with, beyond, above, over, by, on to, towards, to,
against; 2) because that, because, notwithstanding, although; 1a) upon,
on the ground of, on the basis of, on account of, because of, therefore,
on behalf of, for the sake of, for, with, in spite of, notwithstanding,
concerning, in the matter of, as regards; 1b) above, beyond, over (of
excess); 1c) above, over (of elevation or pre-eminence); 1d) upon, to,
over to, unto, in addition to, together with, with (of addition); 1e)
over (of suspension or extension); 1f) by, adjoining, next, at, over,
around (of contiguity or proximity); 1g) down upon, upon, on, from, up
upon, up to,, towards, over towards, to, against (with verbs of motion);
1h) to (as a dative) conj; #70, #10, #50, #10 = `ayin (H5869): 1) eye;
2) spring, fountain; 1a) eye; 1a1) of physical eye; 1a2) as showing
mental qualities; 1a3) of mental and spiritual faculties (fig.); #40,
#40, #50, #10 = min (H4480): 1) from, out of, on account of, off, on the
side of, since, above, than, so that not, more than; 2) that; 1a) from
(expressing separation), off, on the side of; 1b) out of; 1b1) (with
verbs of proceeding, removing, expelling); 1b2) (of material from which
something is made); 1b3) (of source or origin); 1c) out of, some of,
from (partitively); 1d) from, since, after (of time); 1e) than, more
than (in comparison); 1f) from...even to, both...and, either...or; 1g)
than, more than, too much for (in comparisons); 1h) from, on account of,
through, because (with infinitive) conj; #5, #70, #10, #50, #5 = `ayin
(H5869): 1) eye; 2) spring, fountain; 1a) eye; 1a1) of physical eye;
1a2) as showing mental qualities; 1a3) of mental and spiritual faculties
(fig.); #10, #4, #70, #50, #6 = yada` (H3045): 1) to know; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to know; 1a1a) to know, learn to know; 1a1b) to perceive; 1a1c) to
perceive and see, find out and discern; 1a1d) to discriminate,
distinguish; 1a1e) to know by experience; 1a1f) to recognise, admit,
acknowledge, confess; 1a1g) to consider; 1a2) to know, be acquainted
with; 1a3) to know (a person carnally); 1a4) to know how, be skilful in;
1a5) to have knowledge, be wise; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be made known, be
or become known, be revealed; 1b2) to make oneself known; 1b3) to be
perceived; 1b4) to be instructed; 1c) (Piel) to cause to know; 1d)
(Poal) to cause to know; 1e) (Pual); 1e1) to be known; 1e2) known, one
known, acquaintance (participle); 1f) (Hiphil) to make known, declare;
1g) (Hophal) to be made known; 1h) (Hithpael) to make oneself known,
reveal oneself; #70, #50, #10, #10 = `oniy (H6040): 1) affliction,
poverty, misery; 1a) affliction; 1b) poverty; #40, #40, #10, #40, #10 =
mayim (H4325): 1) water, waters; 1a) water; 1b) water of the feet,
urine; 1c) of danger, violence, transitory things, refreshment (fig.);
#5, #100, #5, #30 = qahal (H6951): 1) assembly, company, congregation,
convocation; 1a) assembly; 1a1) for evil counsel, war or invasion,
religious purposes; 1b) company (of returning exiles); 1c) congregation;
1c1) as organised body; #5, #10, #70, #50, #5 = ya`anah (H3284): 1) an
unclean bird; 1a) owl, ostrich, literally translated as 'daughters of
the owl'; 1b) perhaps an extinct bird, exact meaning unknown; #6, #8,
#30, #90, #6 = chalats (H2502): 1) to remove, draw out, draw off, take
off, withdraw, equip (for war), arm for war, rescue, be rescued; 2) to
draw off or out, withdraw; 1a) (Qal) equipped (participle); 1b)
(Niphal); 1b1) to be equipped; 1b2) to go equipped; 1b3) to be armed;
1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make strong, brace up; 1c2) to invigorate; 2a)
(Qal); 2a1) to draw, draw off; 2a2) to withdraw; 2b) (Niphal); 2b1) to
be delivered; 2b2) to be saved; 2c) (Piel); 2c1) to pull out, tear out;
2c2) to rescue, deliver, set free; 2c3) to take away, plunder; #70, #40,
#30 = `amal (H5999): 1) toil, trouble, labour; 1a) trouble; 1b) trouble,
mischief; 1c) toil, labour; #30, #50, #60 = nec (H5251): 1) something
lifted up, standard, signal, signal pole, ensign, banner, sign, sail;
1a) standard (as rallying point), signal; 1b) standard (pole); 1c)
ensign, signal; #5, #40, #40, #30, #20, #5 = mamlakah (H4467): 1)
kingdom, dominion, reign, sovereignty; 1a) kingdom, realm; 1b)
sovereignty, dominion; 1c) reign; #70, #6, #4, #50, #10 = `owd (H5750):
1) a going round, continuance adv; 2) still, yet, again, besides; 2a)
still, yet (of continuance or persistence); 2b) still, yet, more (of
addition or repetition); 2c) again; 2d) still, moreover, besides; #5,
#80, #50, #5 = panah (H6437): 1) to turn; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to turn toward
or from or away; 1a2) to turn and do; 1a3) to turn, decline (of day);
1a4) to turn toward, approach (of evening); 1a5) to turn and look, look,
look back or at or after or for; 1b) (Piel) to turn away, put out of the
way, make clear, clear away; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to turn; 1c2) to make a
turn, show signs of turning, turn back; 1d) (Hophal) to be turned back;
#10, #30, #100 = laqaq (H3952): 1) to lap, lick, lap up; 1a) (Qal) to
lap, lap up; 1b) (Piel) to lap up; #6, #90, #40, #4 = tsemed (H6776): 1)
couple, pair, team, yoke; 1a) couple, pair, span (usually of animals);
1b) acre; 1b1) the amount of land a span of oxen could plow in one day;
#100, #30, #10 = qaliy (H7039): 1) parched grain, roasted grain; 1a) a
common food; #30, #70, #30, #10 = `Eliy (H5941): 1) descendant of Aaron
through Ithamar and high priest and judge of Israel when Samuel entered
service as a child; #10, #100, #30 = qalal (H7043): 1) to be slight, be
swift, be trifling, be of little account, be light; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
be slight, be abated (of water); 1a2) to be swift; 1a3) to be trifling,
be of little account; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be swift, show oneself
swift; 1b2) to appear trifling, be too trifling, be insignificant; 1b3)
to be lightly esteemed; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to make despicable; 1c2) to
curse; 1d) (Pual) to be cursed; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to make light,
lighten; 1e2) to treat with contempt, bring contempt or dishonour; 1f)
(Pilpel); 1f1) to shake; 1f2) to whet; 1g) (Hithpalpel) to shake
oneself, be moved to and fro; #40, #90, #4, #6 = tsad (H6654): 1) side;
#6, #90, #30, #8, #6 = tsalach (H6743): 1) (Qal) to rush; 2) to advance,
prosper, make progress, succeed, be profitable; 2a) (Qal) to prosper;
2b) (Hiphil); 2b1) to make prosperous, bring to successful issue, cause
to prosper; 2b2) to show or experience prosperity, prosper; #5, #40,
#60, #30, #5 = mecillah (H4546): 1) highway, raised way, public road;
#70, #4, #10, #50, #6 = `adiynow (H5722): 1) one of David's mighty
warriors; #30, #20, #30, #5, #50, #5 = kol (H3605): 1) all, the whole;
1a) all, the whole of; 1b) any, each, every, anything; 1c) totality,
everything; #6, #5, #50, #40, #30, #9 = malat (H4422): 1) to slip away,
escape, deliver, save, be delivered; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to slip away;
1a2) to escape; 1a3) to be delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to lay, let slip
out (of eggs); 1b2) to let escape; 1b3) to deliver, save (life); 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to give birth to; 1c2) to deliver; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1)
to slip forth, slip out, escape; 1d2) to escape; #20, #70, #40, #10 =
`am (H5971): 1) nation, people; 2) kinsman, kindred; 1a) people, nation;
1b) persons, members of one's people, compatriots, country-men; #2, #8,
#30, #100 = cheleq (H2506): 1) portion, share, part, territory; 2)
smoothness, seductiveness, flattery; 1a) portion, share; 1b) portion,
tract, parcel (of land); 1c) one's portion, one's possession; 1d)
(chosen) portion; 1e) portion, award (from God); #40, #8, #90, #2 =
machtseb (H4274): 1) hewing, hewn; 1a) of stones; #10, #90, #10, #30 =
natsal (H5337): 1) to snatch away, deliver, rescue, save, strip,
plunder; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to tear oneself away, deliver oneself; 1a2)
to be torn out or away, be delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to strip off,
spoil; 1b2) to deliver; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to take away, snatch away;
1c2) to rescue, recover; 1c3) to deliver (from enemies or troubles or
death); 1c4) to deliver from sin and guilt; 1d) (Hophal) to be plucked
out; 1e) (Hithpael) to strip oneself; #5, #50, #10, #70, #5 = nuwa`
(H5128): 1) to quiver, totter, shake, reel, stagger, wander, move, sift,
make move, wave, waver, tremble; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to wave, quiver,
vibrate, swing, stagger, tremble, be unstable; 1a2) to totter, go
tottering; 1a2a) vagabond (participle); 1b) (Niphal) to be tossed about
or around; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to toss about; 1c2) to shake, cause to
totter; 1c3) to shake, disturb; 1c4) to cause to wander; #6, #80, #30,
#10, #9, #5 = peleytah (H6413): 1) escape, deliverance; 1a) escape,
deliverance; 1b) escaped remnant; #6, #80, #30, #9, #10, #5 = Pelatyah
(H6410): 1) son of Hananiah and grandson of Zerubbabel; 2) a Simeonite
in the days of king Hezekiah of Judah who was one of the captains of 500
men who defeated the Amalekites who had escaped; 3) one of the heads of
the people who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah; 4) son of Benaiah and
one of the princes of the people against whom Ezekiel was ordered to
prophesy doom; #20, #90, #30 = tsel (H6738): 1) shadow, shade; 1a)
shadow (on dial); 1b) shadow, shade (as protection); 1c) shadow
(symbolic of transitoriness of life); #70, #7, #2, #50, #5, #6 = `azab
(H5800): 1) to leave, loose, forsake; 2) to restore, repair; 1a) (Qal)
to leave; 1a1) to depart from, leave behind, leave, let alone; 1a2) to
leave, abandon, forsake, neglect, apostatise; 1a3) to let loose, set
free, let go, free; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be left to; 1b2) to be
forsaken; 1c) (Pual) to be deserted; 2a) (Qal) to repair; #5, #3, #2,
#70, #50, #10 = Gib`oniy (H1393): 1) an inhabitant of Gibeon; #6, #10,
#70, #40, #10, #4 = `amad (H5975): 1) to stand, remain, endure, take
one's stand; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to stand, take one's stand, be in a
standing attitude, stand forth, take a stand, present oneself, attend
upon, be or become servant of; 1a2) to stand still, stop (moving or
doing), cease; 1a3) to tarry, delay, remain, continue, abide, endure,
persist, be steadfast; 1a4) to make a stand, hold one's ground; 1a5) to
stand upright, remain standing, stand up, rise, be erect, be upright;
1a6) to arise, appear, come on the scene, stand forth, appear, rise up
or against; 1a7) to stand with, take one's stand, be appointed, grow
flat, grow insipid; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to station, set; 1b2) to cause to
stand firm, maintain; 1b3) to cause to stand up, cause to set up, erect;
1b4) to present (one) before (king); 1b5) to appoint, ordain, establish;
1c) (Hophal) to be presented, be caused to stand, be stood before; #80,
#30, #30 = Palal (H6420): 1) son of Uzai and one who assisted in
restoring the walls of Jerusalem in the time of Nehemiah; #100, #5, #30,
#5 = qehillah (H6952): 1) assembly, congregation; #6, #30, #50, #8, #40,
#6 = nacham (H5162): 1) to be sorry, console oneself, repent, regret,
comfort, be comforted; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be sorry, be moved to pity,
have compassion; 1a2) to be sorry, rue, suffer grief, repent; 1a3) to
comfort oneself, be comforted; 1a4) to comfort oneself, ease oneself;
1b) (Piel) to comfort, console; 1c) (Pual) to be comforted, be consoled;
1d) (Hithpael); 1d1) to be sorry, have compassion; 1d2) to rue, repent
of; 1d3) to comfort oneself, be comforted; 1d4) to ease oneself; #6,
#40, #10, #4, #70, #10 = yada` (H3045): 1) to know; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
know; 1a1a) to know, learn to know; 1a1b) to perceive; 1a1c) to perceive
and see, find out and discern; 1a1d) to discriminate, distinguish; 1a1e)
to know by experience; 1a1f) to recognise, admit, acknowledge, confess;
1a1g) to consider; 1a2) to know, be acquainted with; 1a3) to know (a
person carnally); 1a4) to know how, be skilful in; 1a5) to have
knowledge, be wise; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be made known, be or become
known, be revealed; 1b2) to make oneself known; 1b3) to be perceived;
1b4) to be instructed; 1c) (Piel) to cause to know; 1d) (Poal) to cause
to know; 1e) (Pual); 1e1) to be known; 1e2) known, one known,
acquaintance (participle); 1f) (Hiphil) to make known, declare; 1g)
(Hophal) to be made known; 1h) (Hithpael) to make oneself known, reveal
oneself; #6, #1, #8, #30, #90, #5 = chalats (H2502): 1) to remove, draw
out, draw off, take off, withdraw, equip (for war), arm for war, rescue,
be rescued; 2) to draw off or out, withdraw; 1a) (Qal) equipped
(participle); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be equipped; 1b2) to go equipped;
1b3) to be armed; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make strong, brace up; 1c2) to
invigorate; 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to draw, draw off; 2a2) to withdraw; 2b)
(Niphal); 2b1) to be delivered; 2b2) to be saved; 2c) (Piel); 2c1) to
pull out, tear out; 2c2) to rescue, deliver, set free; 2c3) to take
away, plunder; #10, #80, #30, #9, #5, #6 = palat (H6403): 1) to escape,
save, deliver, slip away; 1a) (Qal) to escape; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to bring
into security, deliver; 1b2) to cause to escape, cast forth; 1b3) to be
delivered; 1b4) to slip away; 1c) (Hiphil) to bring into security, bring
to safety; #5, #90, #10, #30, #5 = natsal (H5337): 1) to snatch away,
deliver, rescue, save, strip, plunder; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to tear
oneself away, deliver oneself; 1a2) to be torn out or away, be
delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to strip off, spoil; 1b2) to deliver; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to take away, snatch away; 1c2) to rescue, recover; 1c3)
to deliver (from enemies or troubles or death); 1c4) to deliver from sin
and guilt; 1d) (Hophal) to be plucked out; 1e) (Hithpael) to strip
oneself; #6, #30, #40, #4, #50, #10 = lamad (H3925): 1) to learn. teach,
exercise in; 1a) (Qal) to learn; 1b) (Piel) to teach; 1c) (Pual) to be
taught, be trained; #10, #60, #70 = naca` (H5265): 1) to pull out, pull
up, set out, journey, remove, set forward, depart; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
pull out or up; 1a2) to set out, depart; 1a3) to journey, march; 1a4) to
set forth (of wind); 1b) (Niphal) to be pulled up, be removed, be
plucked up; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to set out, lead out, cause to
spring up; 1c2) to remove, quarry; #1, #8, #30, #90, #5, #6 = chalats
(H2502): 1) to remove, draw out, draw off, take off, withdraw, equip
(for war), arm for war, rescue, be rescued; 2) to draw off or out,
withdraw; 1a) (Qal) equipped (participle); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be
equipped; 1b2) to go equipped; 1b3) to be armed; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to
make strong, brace up; 1c2) to invigorate; 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to draw, draw
off; 2a2) to withdraw; 2b) (Niphal); 2b1) to be delivered; 2b2) to be
saved; 2c) (Piel); 2c1) to pull out, tear out; 2c2) to rescue, deliver,
set free; 2c3) to take away, plunder; #6, #10, #8, #30, #80, #6 =
chalaph (H2498): 1) to pass on or away, pass through, pass by, go
through, grow up, change, to go on from; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to pass on
quickly; 1a2) to pass away (vanish); 1a3) to come on anew, sprout again
(of grass); 1a4) to pass through; 1a5) to overstep, transgress; 1b)
(Piel) to cause to pass, change; 1c) (Hiph); 1c1) to change, substitute,
alter, change for better, renew; 1c2) to show newness (of tree); #70,
#30, #10, #20, #10 = `al (H5921): 1) upon, on the ground of, according
to, on account of, on behalf of, concerning, beside, in addition to,
together with, beyond, above, over, by, on to, towards, to, against; 2)
because that, because, notwithstanding, although; 1a) upon, on the
ground of, on the basis of, on account of, because of, therefore, on
behalf of, for the sake of, for, with, in spite of, notwithstanding,
concerning, in the matter of, as regards; 1b) above, beyond, over (of
excess); 1c) above, over (of elevation or pre-eminence); 1d) upon, to,
over to, unto, in addition to, together with, with (of addition); 1e)
over (of suspension or extension); 1f) by, adjoining, next, at, over,
around (of contiguity or proximity); 1g) down upon, upon, on, from, up
upon, up to,, towards, over towards, to, against (with verbs of motion);
1h) to (as a dative) conj; #10, #20, #50, #60 = kanac (H3664): 1) to
gather, collect, wrap; 1a) (Qal) to gather; 1b) (Piel) to gather; 1c)
(Hithpael) to gather together, wrap oneself up; #40, #90, #6, #4 =
matsowd (H4685): 1) siege-works, bulwark; 2) hunting implement, net n f;
3) net; 4) fastness, stronghold; #6, #60, #70, #4 = ca`ad (H5582): 1) to
support, sustain, stay, establish, strengthen, comfort; 1a) (Qal) to
support, sustain; 1a1) to sustain, stay (of heart); 1a2) to support,
uphold (of throne); #40, #100 = maq (H4716): 1) decay, rottenness; #20,
#10, #100, #6, #4 = yeqowd (H3350): 1) a burning; #6, #50, #30, #8, #40,
#6 = lacham (H3898): 1) to fight, do battle, make war; 2) (Qal) to eat,
use as food; 1a) (Qal) to fight, do battle; 1b) (Niphal) to engage in
battle, wage war; #5, #50, #6, #9, #70 = nata` (H5193): 1) to plant,
fasten, fix, establish; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to plant; 1a2) to plant,
establish (fig.); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be planted; 1b2) to be
established (fig.); #5, #8, #7, #10, #100, #10 = chazaq (H2388): 1) to
strengthen, prevail, harden, be strong, become strong, be courageous, be
firm, grow firm, be resolute, be sore; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be strong,
grow strong; 1a1a) to prevail, prevail upon; 1a1b) to be firm, be caught
fast, be secure; 1a1c) to press, be urgent; 1a1d) to grow stout, grow
rigid, grow hard (bad sense); 1a1e) to be severe, be grievous; 1a2) to
strengthen; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to make strong; 1b2) to restore to
strength, give strength; 1b3) to strengthen, sustain, encourage; 1b4) to
make strong, make bold, encourage; 1b5) to make firm; 1b6) to make
rigid, make hard; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make strong, strengthen; 1c2) to
make firm; 1c3) to display strength; 1c4) to make severe; 1c5) to
support; 1c6) to repair; 1c7) to prevail, prevail upon; 1c8) to have or
take or keep hold of, retain, hold up, sustain, support; 1c9) to hold,
contain; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1) to strengthen oneself; 1d2) to put forth
strength, use one's strength; 1d3) to withstand; 1d4) to hold strongly
with; #6, #50, #40, #30, #9, #5 = malat (H4422): 1) to slip away,
escape, deliver, save, be delivered; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to slip away;
1a2) to escape; 1a3) to be delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to lay, let slip
out (of eggs); 1b2) to let escape; 1b3) to deliver, save (life); 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to give birth to; 1c2) to deliver; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1)
to slip forth, slip out, escape; 1d2) to escape; #70, #30, #30, #10 =
`owlel (H5768): 1) child, boy; #80, #30, #9, #10, #5, #6 = Pelatyah
(H6410): 1) son of Hananiah and grandson of Zerubbabel; 2) a Simeonite
in the days of king Hezekiah of Judah who was one of the captains of 500
men who defeated the Amalekites who had escaped; 3) one of the heads of
the people who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah; 4) son of Benaiah and
one of the princes of the people against whom Ezekiel was ordered to
prophesy doom; #6, #5, #70, #40, #10, #4, #5 = `amad (H5975): 1) to
stand, remain, endure, take one's stand; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to stand, take
one's stand, be in a standing attitude, stand forth, take a stand,
present oneself, attend upon, be or become servant of; 1a2) to stand
still, stop (moving or doing), cease; 1a3) to tarry, delay, remain,
continue, abide, endure, persist, be steadfast; 1a4) to make a stand,
hold one's ground; 1a5) to stand upright, remain standing, stand up,
rise, be erect, be upright; 1a6) to arise, appear, come on the scene,
stand forth, appear, rise up or against; 1a7) to stand with, take one's
stand, be appointed, grow flat, grow insipid; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to
station, set; 1b2) to cause to stand firm, maintain; 1b3) to cause to
stand up, cause to set up, erect; 1b4) to present (one) before (king);
1b5) to appoint, ordain, establish; 1c) (Hophal) to be presented, be
caused to stand, be stood before; #80, #60 = pac (H6447): 1) palm of the
hand; #30, #5, #70, #30, #5 = `alal (H5954): 1) to thrust in, go in,
come in; 1a) (P'al) to go in, come in; 1b) (Aphel) to bring in; 1c)
(Hophal) to be brought in; #40, #40, #30, #30 = melal (H4449): 1) (Pael)
to speak, say; #10, #8, #7, #100, #10, #5 = Chizqiyah (H2396): 1) 12th
king of Judah, son of Ahaz and Abijah; a good king in that he served
Jehovah and did away with idolatrous practices; 2)
great-great-grandfather of Zephaniah the prophet; 3) son of Neariah, a
descendant of David; 4) head of a family of returning exiles in the time
of Nehemiah; #6, #30, #8, #90, #6 = lachats (H3905): 1) to squeeze,
press, oppress; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to squeeze, press; 1a2) to oppress; 1b)
(Niphal) to squeeze oneself; #10, #50, #10, #70 = nuwa` (H5128): 1) to
quiver, totter, shake, reel, stagger, wander, move, sift, make move,
wave, waver, tremble; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to wave, quiver, vibrate, swing,
stagger, tremble, be unstable; 1a2) to totter, go tottering; 1a2a)
vagabond (participle); 1b) (Niphal) to be tossed about or around; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to toss about; 1c2) to shake, cause to totter; 1c3) to
shake, disturb; 1c4) to cause to wander; #5, #6, #3, #70, #50, #6 =
yaga` (H3021): 1) to toil, labour, grow weary, be weary; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
to toil, labour; 1a2) to grow weary, be weary; 1b) (Piel) to weary, make
weary, cause to go toilsomely; 1c) (Hiphil) to make to toil, make weary,
cause to be weary; #40, #20, #30, #20, #30 = kuwl (H3557): 1) to seize,
contain, measure; 1a) (Qal) to measure, calculate; 1b) (Pilpel) to
sustain, maintain, contain; 1b1) to sustain, support, nourish; 1b2) to
contain, hold in, restrain; 1b3) to support, endure; 1c) (Polpal) to be
supplied; 1d) (Hilpil) to contain, hold, hold in, endure; 1d1) to
contain; 1d2) to sustain, endure; #5, #3, #5, #100, #9, #8, #10 = egeiro
(G1453): 1) to arouse, cause to rise; 1a) to arouse from sleep, to
awake; 1b) to arouse from the sleep of death, to recall the dead to
life; 1c) to cause to rise from a seat or bed etc.; 1d) to raise up,
produce, cause to appear; 1d1) to cause to appear, bring before the
public; 1d2) to raise up, stir up, against one; 1d3) to raise up i.e.
cause to be born; 1d4) of buildings, to raise up, construct, erect; #30,
#5, #10, #80, #5, #10 = leipo (G3007): 1) to leave, leave behind,
forsake, to be left behind; 2) to be wanting, to fail; 1a) to lag, be
inferior; 1b) to be destitute of, to lack; #5, #4, #70, #60, #1 = dokeo
(G1380): 1) to be of opinion, think, suppose; 2) to seem, to be
accounted, reputed; 3) it seems to me; 3a) I think, judge: thus in
question; 3b) it seems good to, pleased me, I determined For Synonyms
see entry 5837; #5, #100, #10, #9, #5, #10, #1 = eritheia (G2052): 1)
electioneering or intriguing for office; 1a) apparently, in the NT a
courting distinction, a desire to put one's self forward, a partisan and
fractious spirit which does not disdain low arts; 1b) partisanship,
Another lonely day,
@memeBrain [Telos: #1994, Super: #17 - Politics; I-Ching: H54 -
Marriageable Maid/Maiden, Converting the Maiden; Tetra: 65 - Inner, Ego:
#50 - Fantasies of Avoiding Death, Value of Life; I-Ching: H2 - Pure
Yin, Passive Principle/Earth, Field, The receptive, Acquiescence, The
flow; Tetra: 77 - Compliance]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #101 has 108 Categories: #10, #90, #1 = yatsa'
(H3318): 1) to go out, come out, exit, go forth; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to go
or come out or forth, depart; 1a2) to go forth (to a place); 1a3) to go
forward, proceed to (to or toward something); 1a4) to come or go forth
(with purpose or for result); 1a5) to come out of; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to
cause to go or come out, bring out, lead out; 1b2) to bring out of; 1b3)
to lead out; 1b4) to deliver; 1c) (Hophal) to be brought out or forth;
#50, #1, #20, #30 = 'akal (H398): 1) to eat, devour, burn up, feed; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to eat (human subject); 1a2) to eat, devour (of beasts and
birds); 1a3) to devour, consume (of fire); 1a4) to devour, slay (of
sword); 1a5) to devour, consume, destroy (inanimate subjects - ie,
pestilence, drought); 1a6) to devour (of oppression); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1)
to be eaten (by men); 1b2) to be devoured, consumed (of fire); 1b3) to
be wasted, destroyed (of flesh); 1c) (Pual); 1c1) to cause to eat, feed
with; 1c2) to cause to devour; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to feed; 1d2) to cause
to eat; 1e) (Piel); 1e1) consume; #2, #90, #4, #5 = tsad (H6654): 1)
side; #90, #6, #5 = tsavah (H6680): 1) to command, charge, give orders,
lay charge, give charge to, order; 1a) (Piel); 1a1) to lay charge upon;
1a2) to give charge to, give command to; 1a3) to give charge unto; 1a4)
to give charge over, appoint; 1a5) to give charge, command; 1a6) to
charge, command; 1a7) to charge, commission; 1a8) to command, appoint,
ordain (of divine act); 1b) (Pual) to be commanded; #6, #80, #6, #9 =
Puwt (H6316): 1) a nation and people of northern Africa; probably
Libyans; #40, #30, #1, #20, #10 = mal'ak (H4397): 1) messenger,
representative; 1a) messenger; 1b) angel; 1c) the theophanic angel; #5,
#40, #30, #1, #20, #5 = mela'kah (H4399): 1) occupation, work, business;
1a) occupation, business; 1b) property; 1c) work (something done or
made); 1d) workmanship; 1e) service, use; 1f) public business; 1f1)
political; 1f2) religious; #6, #10, #80, #5 = yapheh (H3303): 1) fair,
beautiful, handsome; #1, #20, #30, #20, #30 = kuwl (H3557): 1) to seize,
contain, measure; 1a) (Qal) to measure, calculate; 1b) (Pilpel) to
sustain, maintain, contain; 1b1) to sustain, support, nourish; 1b2) to
contain, hold in, restrain; 1b3) to support, endure; 1c) (Polpal) to be
supplied; 1d) (Hilpil) to contain, hold, hold in, endure; 1d1) to
contain; 1d2) to sustain, endure; #80, #10, #5, #6 = peh (H6310): 1)
mouth; 1a) mouth (of man); 1b) mouth (as organ of speech); 1c) mouth (of
animals); 1d) mouth, opening, orifice (of a well, river, etc); 1e)
extremity, end; #5, #1, #10, #80, #5 = 'eyphah (H374): 1) ephah; 1a) a
dry measure of quantity, equal to 3 seahs, 10 omers; the same as the
liquid measure bath; (about 9 imperial gallons (40 l), rabbinical
writings give sizes of one-half this amount); 1b) the receptacle for
measuring or holding that amount; #30, #1, #4, #50, #10, #6 = 'adown
(H113): 1) firm, strong, lord, master; 1a) lord, master; 1a1) reference
to men; 1a1a) superintendent of household,of affairs; 1a1b) master;
1a1c) king; 1a2) reference to God; 1a2a) the Lord God; 1a2b) Lord of the
whole earth; 1b) lords, kings; 1b1) reference to men; 1b1a) proprietor
of hill of Samaria; 1b1b) master; 1b1c) husband; 1b1d) prophet; 1b1e)
governor; 1b1f) prince; 1b1g) king; 1b2) reference to God; 1b2a) Lord of
lords (probably = 'thy husband, Yahweh'); 1c) my lord, my master; 1c1)
reference to men; 1c1a) master; 1c1b) husband; 1c1c) prophet; 1c1d)
prince; 1c1e) king; 1c1f) father; 1c1g) Moses; 1c1h) priest; 1c1i)
theophanic angel; 1c1j) captain; 1c1k) general recognition of
superiority; 1c2) reference to God; 1c2a) my Lord,my Lord and my God;
1c2b) Adonai (parallel with Yahweh); #30, #40, #30, #1 = male' (H4390):
1) to fill, be full; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be full; 1a1a) fullness,
abundance (participle); 1a1b) to be full, be accomplished, be ended;
1a2) to consecrate, fill the hand; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be filled, be
armed, be satisfied; 1b2) to be accomplished, be ended; 1c) (Piel); 1c1)
to fill; 1c2) to satisfy; 1c3) to fulfil, accomplish, complete; 1c4) to
confirm; 1d) (Pual) to be filled; 1e) (Hithpael) to mass themselves
against; #6, #8, #30, #2, #50, #5 = chelbenah (H2464): 1) galbanum; 1a)
a kind of resin or gum, ingredient of the holy incense; #6, #10, #1,
#80, #4 = 'aphad (H640): 1) (Qal) bind, gird; 1a) to gird on (ephod);
1b) (TWOT) ephod; #40, #10, #20, #1, #30 = Miyka'el (H4317): 1) one of,
the chief, or the first archangel who is described as the one who stands
in time of conflict for the children of Israel; 2) an Asherite, father
of Sethur, one of the 12 spies of Israel; 3) one of the Gadites who
settled in the land of Bashan; 4) another Gadite, ancestor of Abihail;
5) a Gershonite Levite, ancestor of Asaph; 6) one of the 5 sons of
Izrahiah of the tribe of Issachar; 7) a Benjamite of the sons of Beriah;
8) one of the captains from Manasseh who joined David at Ziklag; 9)
father or ancestor of Omri, chief of the tribe of Issachar in the reign
of David; 10) one of the sons of Jehoshaphat who were murdered by their
elder brother, Jehoram; 11) father or ancestor of Zebadiah, of the sons
of Shephatiah; #5, #90, #6 = natsah (H5327): 1) (Qal) to fly; 2) to
struggle; 3) to strip off, make desolate, fall in ruins; 2a) (Niphal) to
struggle; 2b) (Hiphil) to struggle; 3a) (Qal) to fall in ruins; 3b)
(Niphal) desolated, ruined heaps (participle); #6, #40, #30, #20, #5 =
Milkah (H4435): 1) daughter of Haran and wife of Nahor, her uncle and
Abraham's brother, to whom she bore 8 children; 2) a daughter of
Zelophehad and granddaughter of Manasseh; #5, #40, #5, #6, #40, #5 =
mehuwmah (H4103): 1) tumult, confusion, disquietude, discomfiture,
destruction, trouble, vexed, vexation; 1a) tumult, confusion,
disturbance, turmoil, disquietude, panic; 1b) discomfiture; #6, #10,
#70, #7, #2, #6 = `azab (H5800): 1) to leave, loose, forsake; 2) to
restore, repair; 1a) (Qal) to leave; 1a1) to depart from, leave behind,
leave, let alone; 1a2) to leave, abandon, forsake, neglect, apostatise;
1a3) to let loose, set free, let go, free; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be left
to; 1b2) to be forsaken; 1c) (Pual) to be deserted; 2a) (Qal) to repair;
#40, #30, #6, #20, #5 = malak (H4427): 1) to be or become king or queen,
reign; 2) to counsel, advise; 1a) (Qal) to be or become king or queen,
reign; 1b) (Hiphil) to make one king or queen, cause to reign; 1c)
(Hophal) to be made king or queen; 2a) (Niphal) to consider; #6, #40,
#50, #3, #2 = negeb (H5045): 1) south-country, Nekeb, south; 1a)
south-country; 1a1) region of southern Judah, boundaries not specific;
1b) south; #5, #20, #30, #40, #6 = kalam (H3637): 1) to insult, shame,
humiliate, blush, be ashamed, be put to shame, be reproached, be put to
confusion, be humiliated; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be humiliated, be
ashamed; 1a2) to be put to shame, be dishonoured, be confounded; 1b)
(Hiphil); 1b1) to put to shame, insult, humiliate, cause shame to; 1b2)
to exhibit shame; 1c) (Hophal); 1c1) to be insulted, be humiliated; 1c2)
to be put to shame, be dishonoured, be confounded; #6, #80, #10, #5 =
peh (H6310): 1) mouth; 1a) mouth (of man); 1b) mouth (as organ of
speech); 1c) mouth (of animals); 1d) mouth, opening, orifice (of a well,
river, etc); 1e) extremity, end; #6, #10, #70, #4, #5, #6 = `uwd
(H5749): 1) to return, repeat, go about, do again; 2) to bear witness;
1a) (Piel) to surround, go round and round; 1b) (Pilel) to restore,
relieve; 1c) (Hithpalel) to be restored; 2a) (Qal) to bear witness, say
again and again; 2b) (Hiphil); 2b1) to testify, bear witness; 2b2) to
cause to testify, take or call as witness, invoke; 2b3) to protest,
affirm solemnly, warn, exhort or enjoin solemnly, admonish, charge; 2c)
(Hophal) to protest, give warning; #6, #10, #40, #30, #9, #6 = malat
(H4422): 1) to slip away, escape, deliver, save, be delivered; 1a)
(Niphal); 1a1) to slip away; 1a2) to escape; 1a3) to be delivered; 1b)
(Piel); 1b1) to lay, let slip out (of eggs); 1b2) to let escape; 1b3) to
deliver, save (life); 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to give birth to; 1c2) to
deliver; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1) to slip forth, slip out, escape; 1d2) to
escape; #70, #30, #1 = `Ulla' (H5925): 1) an Asherite, head of a family
in his tribe; #6, #30, #5, #30, #30 = halal (H1984): 1) to shine; 2) to
praise, boast, be boastful; 1a) (Qal) to shine (fig. of God's favour);
1b) (Hiphil) to flash forth light; 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to be boastful; 2a2)
boastful ones, boasters (participle); 2b) (Piel); 2b1) to praise; 2b2)
to boast, make a boast; 2c) (Pual); 2c1) to be praised, be made
praiseworthy, be commended, be worthy of praise; 2d) (Hithpael) to
boast, glory, make one's boast; 2e) (Poel) to make a fool of, make into
a fool; 2f) (Hithpoel) to act madly, act like a madman; #5, #6, #4, #10,
#70, #6 = yada` (H3045): 1) to know; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to know; 1a1a) to
know, learn to know; 1a1b) to perceive; 1a1c) to perceive and see, find
out and discern; 1a1d) to discriminate, distinguish; 1a1e) to know by
experience; 1a1f) to recognise, admit, acknowledge, confess; 1a1g) to
consider; 1a2) to know, be acquainted with; 1a3) to know (a person
carnally); 1a4) to know how, be skilful in; 1a5) to have knowledge, be
wise; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be made known, be or become known, be
revealed; 1b2) to make oneself known; 1b3) to be perceived; 1b4) to be
instructed; 1c) (Piel) to cause to know; 1d) (Poal) to cause to know;
1e) (Pual); 1e1) to be known; 1e2) known, one known, acquaintance
(participle); 1f) (Hiphil) to make known, declare; 1g) (Hophal) to be
made known; 1h) (Hithpael) to make oneself known, reveal oneself; #30,
#5, #30, #10, #20, #6 = halak (H1980): 1) to go, walk, come; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to go, walk, come, depart, proceed, move, go away; 1a2) to die,
live, manner of life (fig.); 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to walk; 1b2) to walk
(fig.); 1c) (Hithpael); 1c1) to traverse; 1c2) to walk about; 1d)
(Niphal) to lead, bring, lead away, carry, cause to walk; #40, #1, #50,
#10 = ma'n (H3984): 1) vessel, utensil; #40, #30, #20, #10, #1 = melek
(H4430): 1) king; #6, #5, #50, #6, #30, #4 = yalad (H3205): 1) to bear,
bring forth, beget, gender, travail; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to bear, bring
forth; 1a1a) of child birth; 1a1b) of distress (simile); 1a1c) of wicked
(behaviour); 1a2) to beget; 1b) (Niphal) to be born; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to
cause or help to bring forth; 1c2) to assist or tend as a midwife; 1c3)
midwife (participle); 1d) (Pual) to be born; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to beget
(a child); 1e2) to bear (fig. - of wicked bringing forth iniquity); 1f)
(Hophal) day of birth, birthday (infinitive); 1g) (Hithpael) to declare
one's birth (pedigree); #6, #70, #7, #10, #7, #1 = `Aziyza' (H5819): 1)
a layman of the family of Zattu who took a foreign wife in the time of
Ezra; #40, #50, #5, #6 = min (H4480): 1) from, out of, on account of,
off, on the side of, since, above, than, so that not, more than; 2)
that; 1a) from (expressing separation), off, on the side of; 1b) out of;
1b1) (with verbs of proceeding, removing, expelling); 1b2) (of material
from which something is made); 1b3) (of source or origin); 1c) out of,
some of, from (partitively); 1d) from, since, after (of time); 1e) than,
more than (in comparison); 1f) from...even to, both...and, either...or;
1g) than, more than, too much for (in comparisons); 1h) from, on account
of, through, because (with infinitive) conj; #6, #20, #30, #10, #30, #5
= layil (H3915): 1) night; 1a) night (as opposed to day); 1b) of gloom,
protective shadow (fig.); #6, #10, #4, #20, #1, #50, #10 = daka'
(H1792): 1) to crush, be crushed, be contrite, be broken; 1a) (Niphal);
1a1) to be crushed; 1a2) to be contrite (fig.); 1b) (Piel) to crush; 1c)
(Pual); 1c1) to be crushed, be shattered; 1c2) to be made contrite; 1d)
(Hithpael) to allow oneself to be crushed; #6, #10, #3, #6, #70, #6 =
gava` (H1478): 1) to expire, die, perish, give up the ghost, yield up
the ghost, be dead, be ready to die; 1a) (Qal) to expire, die, be about
to die; #10, #60, #20, #5, #6 = cakak (H5526): 1) (Qal) to hedge, fence
about, shut in; 2) to block, overshadow, screen, stop the approach, shut
off, cover; 3) (Qal) to cover, lay over; 4) to weave together; 2a)
(Qal); 2a1) to screen, cover; 2a2) to cover oneself; 2a3) protector
(participle); 2b) (Hiphil); 2b1) to screen, cover; 2b2) to cover,
defecate (euphemism); 4a) (Qal) to weave together; 4b) (Pilpel) to
weave, weave together; #1, #40, #30, #30 = 'umlal (H536): 1) weak,
feeble; #6, #20, #30, #40, #5 = kelimmah (H3639): 1) disgrace, reproach,
shame, confusion, dishonour, insult, ignominy; 1a) insult, reproach; 1b)
reproach, ignominy; #6, #10, #9, #70, #6 = nata` (H5193): 1) to plant,
fasten, fix, establish; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to plant; 1a2) to plant,
establish (fig.); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be planted; 1b2) to be
established (fig.); #6, #10, #70, #9, #6 = `atah (H5844): 1) to cover,
enwrap, wrap oneself, envelop oneself; 2) to grasp; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
wrap, envelop oneself; 1a2) to cover (the beard in mourning); 1a3)
mourner, one who covers (participle); 1b) (Hiphil) to cover, enwrap,
envelop; 2a) (Qal) to grasp; #40, #6, #50, #5 = manah (H4487): 1) to
count, reckon, number, assign, tell, appoint, prepare; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
to count, number; 1a2) reckon, assign, appoint; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be
counted, be numbered; 1b2) to be reckoned, be assigned; 1c) (Piel) to
appoint, ordain; 1d) (Pual) appointed (participle); #6, #50, #3, #7,
#30, #5 = gazal (H1497): 1) to tear away, seize, plunder, tear off, pull
off, rob, take away by force; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to tear away, rob; 1a2) to
seize, plunder (with acc cognate); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be robbed; 1b2)
to be taken away; #50, #6, #40, #5 = nuwmah (H5124): 1) drowsiness,
somnolence, indolence (fig.); #90, #1, #10 = yatsa' (H3318): 1) to go
out, come out, exit, go forth; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to go or come out or
forth, depart; 1a2) to go forth (to a place); 1a3) to go forward,
proceed to (to or toward something); 1a4) to come or go forth (with
purpose or for result); 1a5) to come out of; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to cause
to go or come out, bring out, lead out; 1b2) to bring out of; 1b3) to
lead out; 1b4) to deliver; 1c) (Hophal) to be brought out or forth; #40,
#1, #60 = ma'ac (H3988): 1) to reject, despise, refuse; 2) (Niphal) to
flow, run; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to reject, refuse; 1a2) to despise; 1b)
(Niphal) to be rejected; #20, #40, #30, #6, #5 = lavah (H3867): 1) to
join, be joined; 2) to borrow, lend; 1a) (Qal) to join, be joined,
attend; 1b) (Niphal) to join oneself to, be joined unto; 2a) (Qal) to
borrow; 2b) (Hiphil) to cause to borrow, lend to; #6, #10, #30, #40, #4,
#5, #6 = lamad (H3925): 1) to learn. teach, exercise in; 1a) (Qal) to
learn; 1b) (Piel) to teach; 1c) (Pual) to be taught, be trained; #10,
#5, #10, #30, #10, #30, #6 = yalal (H3213): 1) (Hiphil) to howl, wail,
make a howling; #40, #1, #20, #10, #30 = 'akal (H398): 1) to eat,
devour, burn up, feed; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to eat (human subject); 1a2) to
eat, devour (of beasts and birds); 1a3) to devour, consume (of fire);
1a4) to devour, slay (of sword); 1a5) to devour, consume, destroy
(inanimate subjects - ie, pestilence, drought); 1a6) to devour (of
oppression); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be eaten (by men); 1b2) to be
devoured, consumed (of fire); 1b3) to be wasted, destroyed (of flesh);
1c) (Pual); 1c1) to cause to eat, feed with; 1c2) to cause to devour;
1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to feed; 1d2) to cause to eat; 1e) (Piel); 1e1)
consume; #10, #20, #50, #10, #5, #6 = Yekonyah (H3204): 1) son of king
Jehoiakim of Judah and king of Judah for 3 months and 10 days before he
surrendered to Nebuchadnezzar and was taken captive to Babylon where he
was imprisoned for the next 36 years; released at the death of
Nebuchadnezzar and lived in Babylon until his death; 1a) primary
spelling 'Jehoiachin'; #10, #20, #6, #50, #10, #5 = Yekonyah (H3204): 1)
son of king Jehoiakim of Judah and king of Judah for 3 months and 10
days before he surrendered to Nebuchadnezzar and was taken captive to
Babylon where he was imprisoned for the next 36 years; released at the
death of Nebuchadnezzar and lived in Babylon until his death; 1a)
primary spelling 'Jehoiachin'; #60, #30, #6, #5 = calal (H5549): 1) to
lift up, cast up, exalt; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to cast up a highway; 1a2) to
cast up a way; 1a3) to lift up (of song); 1b) (Pilpel) to exalt, esteem
highly, prize; 1c) (Hithpoel) to exalt oneself; #30, #40, #20, #5, #6 =
nakah (H5221): 1) to strike, smite, hit, beat, slay, kill; 1a) (Niphal)
to be stricken or smitten; 1b) (Pual) to be stricken or smitten; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to smite, strike, beat, scourge, clap, applaud, give a
thrust; 1c2) to smite, kill, slay (man or beast); 1c3) to smite, attack,
attack and destroy, conquer, subjugate, ravage; 1c4) to smite, chastise,
send judgment upon, punish, destroy; 1d) (Hophal) to be smitten; 1d1) to
receive a blow; 1d2) to be wounded; 1d3) to be beaten; 1d4) to be
(fatally) smitten, be killed, be slain; 1d5) to be attacked and
captured; 1d6) to be smitten (with disease); 1d7) to be blighted (of
plants); #6, #4, #50, #10, #1, #30 = Daniye'l (H1840): 1) the 2nd son of
David, by Abigail the Carmelitess; 2) the 4th of the greater prophets,
taken as hostage in the first deportation to Babylon, because of the
gift of God of the interpretation of dreams, he became the 2nd in
command of the Babylon empire and lasted through the end of the
Babylonian empire and into the Persian empire. His prophecies are the
key to the understanding of end time events. Noted for his purity and
holiness by contemporary prophet, Ezekiel; 3) a priest of the line of
Ithamar who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah; 2a) also 'Belteshazzar';
#6, #40, #50, #5 = min (H4481): 1) from, out of, by, by reason of, at,
more than; 1a) from, out of (of place); 1b) from, by, as a result of, by
reason of, at, according to, (of source); 1c) from (of time); 1d)
beyond, more than (in comparisons); #40, #50, #3, #8 = nagach (H5055):
1) to push, thrust, gore; 1a) (Qal) to gore; 1b) (Piel) to push or
thrust at; 1c) (Hithpael) to engage in thrusting, wage war; #6, #5, #70,
#10, #4, #6 = `uwd (H5749): 1) to return, repeat, go about, do again; 2)
to bear witness; 1a) (Piel) to surround, go round and round; 1b) (Pilel)
to restore, relieve; 1c) (Hithpalel) to be restored; 2a) (Qal) to bear
witness, say again and again; 2b) (Hiphil); 2b1) to testify, bear
witness; 2b2) to cause to testify, take or call as witness, invoke; 2b3)
to protest, affirm solemnly, warn, exhort or enjoin solemnly, admonish,
charge; 2c) (Hophal) to protest, give warning; #30, #10, #6, #50, #5 =
Yonah (H3124): 1) son of Amittai and a native of Gath-hepher; 5th of the
minor prophets who prophesied during the reign of Jeroboam II and whom
God sent also to prophecy to Nineveh; #40, #10, #1, #50 = heis (G1520):
1) one; #5, #20, #5, #10, #50, #1, #10 = ekeinos (G1565): 1) he, she it,
etc.; #4, #70, #9, #8, #10 = didomi (G1325): 1) to give; 2) to give
something to someone; 3) to give; 4) to grant or permit one; 2a) of
one's own accord to give one something, to his advantage; 2a1) to bestow
a gift; 2b) to grant, give to one asking, let have; 2c) to supply,
furnish, necessary things; 2d) to give over, deliver; 2d1) to reach out,
extend, present; 2d2) of a writing; 2d3) to give over to one's care,
intrust, commit; 2d3a) something to be administered; 2d3b) to give or
commit to some one something to be religiously observed; 2e) to give
what is due or obligatory, to pay: wages or reward; 2f) to furnish,
endue; 3a) to cause, profuse, give forth from one's self; 3a1) to give,
hand out lots; 3b) to appoint to an office; 3c) to give one to someone
as his own; 3c1) as an object of his saving care; 3c2) to give one to
someone, to follow him as a leader and master; 3c3) to give one to
someone to care for his interests; 3c4) to give one to someone to whom
he already belonged, to return; 4a) to commission For Synonyms see entry
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #190 has 32 Categories: #6, #10, #8, #60, #50, #6,
#50 = chacan (Aramaic) (H2631): 1) (Aphel) to take possession of; #2,
#8, #90, #90 = chatsats (H2687): 1) gravel; #10, #9, #70, #40, #6, #50,
#5 = te`am (Aramaic) (H2939): 1) (P'al) to feed, cause to eat; #6, #10,
#4, #70, #50, #10, #40 = yidde`oniy (H3049): 1) a knower, one who has a
familiar spirit; 1a) a familiar spirit, soothsayer, necromancer (meton);
#40, #10, #40, #10, #50, #40 = yamiyn (H3225): 1) right, right hand,
right side; 1a) right hand; 1b) right (of direction); 1c) south (the
direction of the right hand when facing East); #30, #10, #70, #30, #10,
#40 = ya`el (H3277): 1) mountain goat; #40, #70, #80 = ya`aph (H3286):
1) to be or grow weary, be fatigued, be faint; 1a) (Qal) to be or grow
weary, be fatigued, be faint; 1b) (Hophal) wearied (participle); #30,
#10, #70, #80 = ya`eph (H3287): 1) faint, weary, fatigued; #30, #10,
#100, #10, #40 = Yaqiym (H3356): 1) a Benjamite and descendant of
Shimhi; 2) a Levite priest in charge of the 12th course in the time of
David; #6, #30, #8, #90, #50, #6 = lachats (H3906): 1) oppression,
distress, pressure; #6, #40, #30, #100, #6, #8 = malqowach (H4455): 1)
booty, prey; 2) jaw; #40, #90, #6, #4, #10, #40 = matsowd (H4685): 1)
siege-works, bulwark; 2) hunting implement, net n f; 3) net; 4)
fastness, stronghold; #50, #20, #60, #10, #50 = nekac (Aramaic) (H5232):
1) riches, property; #6, #70, #4, #50, #10, #50 = `iddan (Aramaic)
(H5732): 1) time; 1a) time (of duration); 1b) year; #30, #70, #10, #80 =
`ayeph (H5889): 1) faint, exhausted, weary; #70, #40, #30, #10, #40 =
`amel (H6001): 1) labourer, sufferer, wretched one; 2) toiling; 1a)
labourer, workman; 1b) sufferer adj v; #6, #70, #40, #70, #4 = `Am`ad
(H6008): 1) a town in Asher on the border between Alammelech and
Misheal; #6, #10, #70, #100, #4 = `aqad (H6123): 1) (Qal) to bind, tie;
#40, #80, #10, #20, #40 = peh (H6310): 1) mouth; 1a) mouth (of man); 1b)
mouth (as organ of speech); 1c) mouth (of animals); 1d) mouth, opening,
orifice (of a well, river, etc); 1e) extremity, end; #40, #80, #20, #10,
#40 = pachaz (H6349): 1) recklessness, wantonness, unbridled license,
frothiness; #80, #10, #50, #50 = piynon (H6373): 1) one of the chiefs of
Edom; #80, #60, #10, #40 = pac (H6446): 1) flat (of the hand or foot),
palm, sole; 1a) of the tunic reaching to palms and soles (fig.); #80,
#100, #6, #4 = Peqowd (H6489): 1) a people in the Babylonian army and a
tribe in southeast Babylonia bordering Elam; #90, #40, #20, #40 = tsowm
(H6685): 1) fast, fasting; #90, #50, #10, #40 = tsen (H6791): 1) thorn,
barb; 1a) meaning dubious; #90, #50, #50 = Tsenan (H6799): 1) a town in
the low country of Judah; #6, #30, #100, #4, #10, #40 = qadiym (H6921):
1) east, east wind; 1a) east (of direction); 1b) east wind; #6, #40,
#100, #4, #40 = qedem (H6924): 1) east, antiquity, front, that which is
before, aforetime; 2) eastward, to or toward the East; 1a) front, from
the front or east, in front, mount of the East; 1b) ancient time,
aforetime, ancient, from of old, earliest time; 1c) anciently, of old
(adverb); 1d) beginning; 1e) east adv; #30, #100, #10, #50 = Qayin
(H7014): 1) eldest son of Adam and Eve and the first murderer having
murdered his brother Abel n pr gent Kenite = 'smiths'; 2) the tribe from
which the father-in-law of Moses was a member and which lived in the
area between southern Palestine and the mountains of Sinai; #1, #30, #1,
#30, #1, #7, #70, #50 = alalazo (G214): 1) to repeat frequently the cry
alala as soldiers used to do on entering into battle; 2) to utter a
joyful sound; 3) to wail, lament; 4) to ring loudly, to clang For
Synonyms see entry 5804; #4, #1, #50, #5, #10, #70, #50 = daneion
(G1156): 1) a loan; #5, #50, #50, #5, #70, #10 = enneos (G1769): 1)
dumb, mute, destitute of power of speech; 2) unable to speak for terror,
struck dumb, astounded;
No one here with me is here,
@memeBrain [Telos: #1312, Super: #24 - Important Distinctions, Trouble
from Indulgence; I-Ching: H5 - Waiting, Delay, Attending, Waiting,
Moistened, Arriving; Tetra: 18 - Waiting, Ego: #16 - Being a Guide,
Returning to the Root; I-Ching: H28 - Major Superiority, Excess, Great
Exceeding, Preponderance of the great, Critical mass; Tetra: 75 - Failure]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #125 has 87 Categories: #90, #30, #5 = Tsillah
(H6741): 1) the 2nd wife of Lamech and mother of Tubal-cain, an
instructor of every craftsman in bronze and iron; #40, #20, #60, #5 =
mikceh (H4372): 1) a covering; 1a) covering (of the ark); 1b) covering
(of the skins of the tabernacle); #70, #50, #5 = `Anah (H6034): 1) son
of Zibeon and father of Aholibamah, a wife of Esau; 2) a Horite chief f;
3) daughter of Zibeon; #6, #40, #70, #9 = me`at (H4592): 1) littleness,
few, a little, fewness; 1a) little, small, littleness, fewness, too
little, yet a little; 1b) like a little, within a little, almost, just,
hardly, shortly, little worth; #5, #50, #10, #60 = nuwc (H5127): 1) to
flee, escape; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to flee; 1a2) to escape; 1a3) to take
flight,m depart, disappear; 1a4) to fly (to the attack) on horseback;
1b) (Polel) to drive at; 1c) (Hithpolel) to take flight; 1d) (Hiphil);
1d1) to put to flight; 1d2) to drive hastily; 1d3) to cause to
disappear, hide; #10, #80, #30, #5 = palah (H6395): 1) to be distinct,
marked out, be separated, be distinguished; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be
distinct, be separated, be distinguished; 1a2) to be wonderful; 1b)
(Hiphil) to make separate, set apart; #30, #40, #50, #5 = manah (H4490):
1) part, portion; #70, #40, #10, #5 = `am (H5971): 1) nation, people; 2)
kinsman, kindred; 1a) people, nation; 1b) persons, members of one's
people, compatriots, country-men; #40, #60, #20, #5 = maccekah (H4541):
1) a pouring, libation, molten metal, cast image, drink offering; 2)
web, covering, veil, woven stuff; 1a) libation (with covenant
sacrifice); 1b) molten metal, molten image, molten gods; #2, #50, #3,
#70 = nega` (H5061): 1) stroke, plague, disease, mark, plague spot; 1a)
stroke, wound; 1b) stroke (metaphorical of disease); 1c) mark (of
leprosy); #9, #70, #40, #6 = ta`am (H2940): 1) taste, judgment; 1a)
taste; 1b) judgment (fig.); 1c) decision, decree; #5, #10, #40, #10,
#50, #10 = Yemiyniy (H3228): 1) the descendants of Jamin; #50, #70, #5 =
No`ah (H5270): 1) one of the 5 daughters of Zelophehad in the time of
the exodus; #5, #40, #20, #60 = mekec (H4371): 1) computation,
proportion to be paid, tribute, tax; #5, #8, #7, #100, #5 = chazaq
(H2389): 1) strong, stout, mighty; 1a) strong; 1a1) severe, sharp, hot;
1a2) firm, hard; 1b) a strong one (subst); #2, #40, #30, #8, #40, #5 =
milchamah (H4421): 1) battle, war; #6, #5, #8, #90, #10, #6 = chetsiy
(H2677): 1) half; 1a) half; 1b) middle; #30, #40, #30, #20, #5 = melek
(H4428): 1) king; #2, #8, #10, #100, #5 = cheyq (H2436): 1) bosom,
hollow, bottom, midst; #5, #80, #10, #30 = naphal (H5307): 1) to fall,
lie, be cast down, fail; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to fall; 1a2) to fall (of
violent death); 1a3) to fall prostrate, prostrate oneself before; 1a4)
to fall upon, attack, desert, fall away to , go away to, fall into the
hand of; 1a5) to fall short, fail, fall out, turn out, result; 1a6) to
settle, waste away, be offered, be inferior to; 1a7) to lie, lie
prostrate; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to cause to fall, fell, throw down, knock
out, lay prostrate; 1b2) to overthrow; 1b3) to make the lot fall, assign
by lot, apportion by lot; 1b4) to let drop, cause to fail (fig.); 1b5)
to cause to fall; 1c) (Hithpael); 1c1) to throw or prostrate oneself,
throw oneself upon; 1c2) to lie prostrate, prostrate oneself; 1d)
(Pilel) to fall; #6, #10, #90, #10, #3, #6 = yatsag (H3322): 1) to
place, set, establish; 1a) (Hiphil); 1a1) to set, place; 1a2) to
present; 1a3) to exhibit; 1b) (Hophal) to be stopped, be stayed, be
detained; #30, #5, #6, #4, #10, #70 = yada` (H3045): 1) to know; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to know; 1a1a) to know, learn to know; 1a1b) to perceive;
1a1c) to perceive and see, find out and discern; 1a1d) to discriminate,
distinguish; 1a1e) to know by experience; 1a1f) to recognise, admit,
acknowledge, confess; 1a1g) to consider; 1a2) to know, be acquainted
with; 1a3) to know (a person carnally); 1a4) to know how, be skilful in;
1a5) to have knowledge, be wise; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be made known, be
or become known, be revealed; 1b2) to make oneself known; 1b3) to be
perceived; 1b4) to be instructed; 1c) (Piel) to cause to know; 1d)
(Poal) to cause to know; 1e) (Pual); 1e1) to be known; 1e2) known, one
known, acquaintance (participle); 1f) (Hiphil) to make known, declare;
1g) (Hophal) to be made known; 1h) (Hithpael) to make oneself known,
reveal oneself; #5, #40, #6, #70, #4 = mow`ed (H4150): 1) appointed
place, appointed time, meeting; 1a) appointed time; 1a1) appointed time
(general); 1a2) sacred season, set feast, appointed season; 1b)
appointed meeting; 1c) appointed place; 1d) appointed sign or signal;
1e) tent of meeting; #60, #30, #30, #5 = colelah (H5550): 1) mound; #6,
#70, #40, #4, #5 = `amad (H5975): 1) to stand, remain, endure, take
one's stand; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to stand, take one's stand, be in a
standing attitude, stand forth, take a stand, present oneself, attend
upon, be or become servant of; 1a2) to stand still, stop (moving or
doing), cease; 1a3) to tarry, delay, remain, continue, abide, endure,
persist, be steadfast; 1a4) to make a stand, hold one's ground; 1a5) to
stand upright, remain standing, stand up, rise, be erect, be upright;
1a6) to arise, appear, come on the scene, stand forth, appear, rise up
or against; 1a7) to stand with, take one's stand, be appointed, grow
flat, grow insipid; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to station, set; 1b2) to cause to
stand firm, maintain; 1b3) to cause to stand up, cause to set up, erect;
1b4) to present (one) before (king); 1b5) to appoint, ordain, establish;
1c) (Hophal) to be presented, be caused to stand, be stood before; #5,
#70, #40, #6, #4 = `ammuwd (H5982): 1) pillar, column; 1a) pillar; 1b)
column, upright; 1c) column (of smoke); #5, #90, #30 = natsal (H5337):
1) to snatch away, deliver, rescue, save, strip, plunder; 1a) (Niphal);
1a1) to tear oneself away, deliver oneself; 1a2) to be torn out or away,
be delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to strip off, spoil; 1b2) to deliver; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to take away, snatch away; 1c2) to rescue, recover; 1c3)
to deliver (from enemies or troubles or death); 1c4) to deliver from sin
and guilt; 1d) (Hophal) to be plucked out; 1e) (Hithpael) to strip
oneself; #5, #50, #70 = Hena` (H2012): 1) a city in Mesopotamia which
the Assyrian kings reduced shortly before the time of Sennacherib; site
unknown; #6, #80, #30, #9 = Pelet (H6404): 1) son of Jahdai and a
descendant of Caleb; 2) son of Azmaveth and one of David's mighty
warriors who joined him at Ziklag; #10, #4, #10, #70, #1, #30 =
Yediy`a'el (H3043): 1) a chief patriarch of the tribe of Benjamin; maybe
the same as 'Ashbel'; 2) the 2nd son of Meshelemiah and a Korahite
gatekeeper; 3) son of Shimri and one of David's mighty warriors; 4) one
of the chiefs of the thousands of Manasseh who joined David on his march
to Ziklag; maybe the same man as 3 above; #10, #8, #7, #100 = chazaq
(H2388): 1) to strengthen, prevail, harden, be strong, become strong, be
courageous, be firm, grow firm, be resolute, be sore; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
be strong, grow strong; 1a1a) to prevail, prevail upon; 1a1b) to be
firm, be caught fast, be secure; 1a1c) to press, be urgent; 1a1d) to
grow stout, grow rigid, grow hard (bad sense); 1a1e) to be severe, be
grievous; 1a2) to strengthen; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to make strong; 1b2) to
restore to strength, give strength; 1b3) to strengthen, sustain,
encourage; 1b4) to make strong, make bold, encourage; 1b5) to make firm;
1b6) to make rigid, make hard; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make strong,
strengthen; 1c2) to make firm; 1c3) to display strength; 1c4) to make
severe; 1c5) to support; 1c6) to repair; 1c7) to prevail, prevail upon;
1c8) to have or take or keep hold of, retain, hold up, sustain, support;
1c9) to hold, contain; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1) to strengthen oneself; 1d2)
to put forth strength, use one's strength; 1d3) to withstand; 1d4) to
hold strongly with; #6, #5, #40, #4, #70 = madda` (H4093): 1) knowledge,
thought; 1a) knowledge; 1b) mind, thought, place of knowledge; #40, #80,
#5 = peh (H6310): 1) mouth; 1a) mouth (of man); 1b) mouth (as organ of
speech); 1c) mouth (of animals); 1d) mouth, opening, orifice (of a well,
river, etc); 1e) extremity, end; #70, #4, #50, #1 = `Adna' (H5733): 1)
one of the family of Pahath-moab who returned with Ezra and married a
foreign wife; 2) a priest, descendant of Harim in the days of Joiakim,
the son of Jeshua; #6, #10, #30, #70, #3, #6 = la`ag (H3932): 1) to
mock, deride, ridicule; 1a) (Qal) to mock, deride, have in derision; 1b)
(Niphal) to stammer; 1c) (Hiphil) to mock, deride; #10, #100, #6, #9 =
qatat (H6990): 1) (Qal) to be cut off, break, snap; 1a) meaning dubious;
#10, #8, #90, #6, #5, #6 = chatsah (H2673): 1) to divide, cut in two,
cut short, live half (of one's life); 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to divide; 1a2) to
half, cut in two; 1b) (Niphal) to be divided; #30, #20, #30, #40, #5 =
kelimmah (H3639): 1) disgrace, reproach, shame, confusion, dishonour,
insult, ignominy; 1a) insult, reproach; 1b) reproach, ignominy; #20, #5,
#40, #60 = macac (H4549): 1) to dissolve, melt; 1a) (Qal) to waste away;
1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to melt, vanish, drop off, melt away; 1b2) to faint,
grow fearful (fig.); 1b3) wasted, worthless (participle); 1c) (Hiphil)
to cause to melt; #80, #30, #9, #6 = palat (H6403): 1) to escape, save,
deliver, slip away; 1a) (Qal) to escape; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to bring into
security, deliver; 1b2) to cause to escape, cast forth; 1b3) to be
delivered; 1b4) to slip away; 1c) (Hiphil) to bring into security, bring
to safety; #60, #40, #20, #5 = camak (H5564): 1) to lean, lay, rest,
support, put, uphold, lean upon; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to lean or lay upon,
rest upon, lean against; 1a2) to support, uphold, sustain; 1b) (Niphal)
to support or brace oneself; 1c) (Piel) to sustain, refresh, revive; #9,
#80, #30, #6 = taphal (H2950): 1) (Qal) to smear, plaster over, stick,
glue; #20, #80, #20, #5 = kaph (H3709): 1) palm, hand, sole, palm of the
hand, hollow or flat of the hand; 1a) palm, hollow or flat of the hand;
1b) power; 1c) sole (of the foot); 1d) hollow, objects, bending objects,
bent objects; 1d1) of thigh-joint; 1d2) pan, vessel (as hollow); 1d3)
hollow (of sling); 1d4) hand-shaped branches or fronds (of palm trees);
1d5) handles (as bent); #50, #40, #30, #5 = nemalah (H5244): 1) ant; #5,
#20, #60, #10, #30 = keciyl (H3684): 1) fool, stupid fellow, dullard,
simpleton, arrogant one; #40, #70, #9, #6 = me`at (H4592): 1)
littleness, few, a little, fewness; 1a) little, small, littleness,
fewness, too little, yet a little; 1b) like a little, within a little,
almost, just, hardly, shortly, little worth; #1, #2, #6, #60, #50, #6 =
buwc (H947): 1) to tread down, reject, trample down; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
tread down, trample (of warriors); 1a2) of rejection (fig.); 1b)
(Polel); 1b1) to tread down (in bad sense); 1b2) to desecrate; 1c)
(Hithpolel); 1c1) to tread; 1c2) to kick out; 1c2a) of infants' blind
movements; 1c2b) of Jerusalem (fig.); 1d) (Hophal) to be trodden down;
#2, #40, #70, #6, #7 = ma`owz (H4581): 1) place or means of safety,
protection, refuge, stronghold; 1a) place of safety, fastness, harbour,
stronghold; 1b) refuge (of God) (fig.); 1c) human protection (fig.);
#40, #50, #5, #30 = nahal (H5095): 1) to lead, give rest, lead with
care, guide to a watering place or station, cause to rest, bring to a
station or place of rest, guide, refresh; 1a) (Piel); 1a1) to lead to a
watering-place or station and cause to rest there; 1a2) to lead or bring
to a station or goal; 1a3) to lead, guide; 1a4) to give rest to; 1a5) to
refresh (with food); 1b) (Hithpael); 1b1) to lead on; 1b2) to journey by
stations or stages; #8, #7, #100, #10 = chazaq (H2388): 1) to
strengthen, prevail, harden, be strong, become strong, be courageous, be
firm, grow firm, be resolute, be sore; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be strong,
grow strong; 1a1a) to prevail, prevail upon; 1a1b) to be firm, be caught
fast, be secure; 1a1c) to press, be urgent; 1a1d) to grow stout, grow
rigid, grow hard (bad sense); 1a1e) to be severe, be grievous; 1a2) to
strengthen; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to make strong; 1b2) to restore to
strength, give strength; 1b3) to strengthen, sustain, encourage; 1b4) to
make strong, make bold, encourage; 1b5) to make firm; 1b6) to make
rigid, make hard; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make strong, strengthen; 1c2) to
make firm; 1c3) to display strength; 1c4) to make severe; 1c5) to
support; 1c6) to repair; 1c7) to prevail, prevail upon; 1c8) to have or
take or keep hold of, retain, hold up, sustain, support; 1c9) to hold,
contain; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1) to strengthen oneself; 1d2) to put forth
strength, use one's strength; 1d3) to withstand; 1d4) to hold strongly
with; #6, #50, #60, #6, #3 = nacag (H5253): 1) to move away, backslide,
move, go, turn back; 1a) (Qal) to backslide, prove recreant to; 1b)
(Hiphil); 1b1) to displace, move back; 1b2) to remove, carry away; 1d)
(Hophal) to be driven back, be moved back; #40, #9, #70, #6 = matta`
(H4302): 1) place or act of planting, planting, plantation; 1a) planting
place; 1b) act of planting; 1c) plantation; #20, #70, #30, #5 = `aleh
(H5929): 1) leaf, leafage; #40, #4, #50, #1, #30 = Daniye'l (H1840): 1)
the 2nd son of David, by Abigail the Carmelitess; 2) the 4th of the
greater prophets, taken as hostage in the first deportation to Babylon,
because of the gift of God of the interpretation of dreams, he became
the 2nd in command of the Babylon empire and lasted through the end of
the Babylonian empire and into the Persian empire. His prophecies are
the key to the understanding of end time events. Noted for his purity
and holiness by contemporary prophet, Ezekiel; 3) a priest of the line
of Ithamar who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah; 2a) also,
'Belteshazzar'; #30, #4, #50, #10, #1, #30 = Daniye'l (H1840): 1) the
2nd son of David, by Abigail the Carmelitess; 2) the 4th of the greater
prophets, taken as hostage in the first deportation to Babylon, because
of the gift of God of the interpretation of dreams, he became the 2nd in
command of the Babylon empire and lasted through the end of the
Babylonian empire and into the Persian empire. His prophecies are the
key to the understanding of end time events. Noted for his purity and
holiness by contemporary prophet, Ezekiel; 3) a priest of the line of
Ithamar who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah; 2a) also, 'Belteshazzar';
#40, #6, #70, #4, #5 = mow`ed (H4150): 1) appointed place, appointed
time, meeting; 1a) appointed time; 1a1) appointed time (general); 1a2)
sacred season, set feast, appointed season; 1b) appointed meeting; 1c)
appointed place; 1d) appointed sign or signal; 1e) tent of meeting; #5,
#40, #70, #10 = ego (G1473): 1) I, me, my; #4, #10, #20, #1, #10, #70,
#10 = dikaios (G1342): 1) righteous, observing divine laws; 1a) in a
wide sense, upright, righteous, virtuous, keeping the commands of God;
1a1) of those who seem to themselves to be righteous, who pride
themselves to be righteous, who pride themselves in their virtues,
whether real or imagined; 1a2) innocent, faultless, guiltless; 1a3) used
of him whose way of thinking, feeling, and acting is wholly conformed to
the will of God, and who therefore needs no rectification in the heart
or life; 1a3a) only Christ truly; 1a4) approved of or acceptable of God;
1b) in a narrower sense, rendering to each his due and that in a
judicial sense, passing just judgment on others, whether expressed in
words or shown by the manner of dealing with them; #8, #100, #9, #8 =
airo (G142): 1) to raise up, elevate, lift up; 2) to take upon one's
self and carry what has been raised up, to bear; 3) to bear away what
has been raised, carry off; 1a) to raise from the ground, take up:
stones; 1b) to raise upwards, elevate, lift up: the hand; 1c) to draw
up: a fish; 3a) to move from its place; 3b) to take off or away what is
attached to anything; 3c) to remove; 3d) to carry off, carry away with
one; 3e) to appropriate what is taken; 3f) to take away from another
what is his or what is committed to him, to take by force; 3g) to take
and apply to any use; 3h) to take from among the living, either by a
natural death, or by violence; 3i) cause to cease; #30, #5, #30, #1,
#30, #8, #20, #1 = laleo (G2980): 1) to utter a voice or emit a sound;
2) to speak; 3) to talk; 4) to utter, tell; 5) to use words in order to
declare one's mind and disclose one's thoughts; 2a) to use the tongue or
the faculty of speech; 2b) to utter articulate sounds; 5a) to speak; #7,
#8, #30, #70, #10 = zeloo (G2206): 1) to burn with zeal; 1a) to be
heated or to boil with envy, hatred, anger; 1a1) in a good sense, to be
zealous in the pursuit of good; 1b) to desire earnestly, pursue; 1b1) to
desire one earnestly, to strive after, busy one's self about him; 1b2)
to exert one's self for one (that he may not be torn from me); 1b3) to
be the object of the zeal of others, to be zealously sought after; 1c)
to envy; #1, #100, #1, #2, #10, #1, #10 = Arabia (G688): 1) a well known
peninsula of Asia lying towards Africa, and bounded by Egypt, Palestine,
Syria, Mesopotamia, Babylonia, the Gulf of Arabia, the Persian Gulf, the
Red Sea and the Indian Ocean; #5, #60, #10, #50 = hexis (G1838): 1) a
habit whether of body or mind; 2) a power acquired by custom, practice,
use; #4, #10, #1, #40, #5, #50, #5, #10 = diameno (G1265): 1) to stay
permanently, remain permanently, continue; #4, #10, #80, #30, #1 =
diplous (G1362): 1) twofold, double;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #206 has 77 Categories: #4, #2, #200 = dabar (H1696):
1) to speak, declare, converse, command, promise, warn, threaten, sing;
1a) (Qal) to speak; 1b) (Niphal) to speak with one another, talk; 1c)
(Piel); 1c1) to speak; 1c2) to promise; 1d) (Pual) to be spoken; 1e)
(Hithpael) to speak; 1f) (Hiphil) to lead away, put to flight; #200, #1,
#5 = ra'ah (H7200): 1) to see, look at, inspect, perceive, consider; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to see; 1a2) to see, perceive; 1a3) to see, have vision;
1a4) to look at, see, regard, look after, see after, learn about,
observe, watch, look upon, look out, find out; 1a5) to see, observe,
consider, look at, give attention to, discern, distinguish; 1a6) to look
at, gaze at; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to appear, present oneself; 1b2) to be
seen; 1b3) to be visible; 1c) (Pual) to be seen; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to
cause to see, show; 1d2) to cause to look intently at, behold, cause to
gaze at; 1e) (Hophal); 1e1) to be caused to see, be shown; 1e2) to be
exhibited to; 1f) (Hithpael) to look at each other, face; #2, #200, #4 =
Bered (H1260): 1) a son or descendant of Ephraim; 2) a place in the
south of Palestine, near Kadesh, near the well Lahairoi; #40, #70, #40,
#50, #6 = `im (H5973): 1) with; 1a) with; 1b) against; 1c) toward; 1d)
as long as; 1e) beside, except; 1f) in spite of; #6, #10, #90, #100 =
yatsaq (H3332): 1) to pour, flow, cast, pour out; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
pour, pour out; 1a2) to cast; 1a3) to flow; 1b) (Hiphil) to pour, pour
out; 1c) (Hophal); 1c1) to be poured; 1c2) cast, molten (participle);
1c3) being firmly established (participle); #200, #2, #4 = rabiyd
(H7242): 1) chain (ornament for neck - necklace); #6, #40, #100, #30,
#30 = qalal (H7043): 1) to be slight, be swift, be trifling, be of
little account, be light; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be slight, be abated (of
water); 1a2) to be swift; 1a3) to be trifling, be of little account; 1b)
(Niphal); 1b1) to be swift, show oneself swift; 1b2) to appear trifling,
be too trifling, be insignificant; 1b3) to be lightly esteemed; 1c)
(Piel); 1c1) to make despicable; 1c2) to curse; 1d) (Pual) to be cursed;
1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to make light, lighten; 1e2) to treat with contempt,
bring contempt or dishonour; 1f) (Pilpel); 1f1) to shake; 1f2) to whet;
1g) (Hithpalpel) to shake oneself, be moved to and fro; #10, #6, #90,
#100 = yatsaq (H3332): 1) to pour, flow, cast, pour out; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
to pour, pour out; 1a2) to cast; 1a3) to flow; 1b) (Hiphil) to pour,
pour out; 1c) (Hophal); 1c1) to be poured; 1c2) cast, molten
(participle); 1c3) being firmly established (participle); #10, #50, #10,
#80, #50, #6 = nuwph (H5130): 1) to move to and fro, wave, besprinkle;
1a) (Qal) to besprinkle, sprinkle; 1b) (Polel) to wave, brandish (in
threat); 1c) (Hiphil) to swing, wield, wave; 1c1) to wield; 1c2) to wave
or shake (the hand); 1c2a) to wave (hand); 1c2b) to shake or brandish
against; 1c2c) to swing to and fro; 1c3) to wave (an offering), offer;
1c4) to shed abroad; 1d) (Hophal) to be waved; #6, #80, #100, #4, #10,
#6 = paqad (H6485): 1) to attend to, muster, number, reckon, visit,
punish, appoint, look after, care for; 2) musterings, expenses; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to pay attention to, observe; 1a2) to attend to; 1a3) to
seek, look about for; 1a4) to seek in vain, need, miss, lack; 1a5) to
visit; 1a6) to visit upon, punish; 1a7) to pass in review, muster,
number; 1a8) to appoint, assign, lay upon as a charge, deposit; 1b)
(Niphal); 1b1) to be sought, be needed, be missed, be lacking; 1b2) to
be visited; 1b3) to be visited upon; 1b4) to be appointed; 1b5) to be
watched over; 1c) (Piel) to muster, call up; 1d) (Pual) to be passed in
review, be caused to miss, be called, be called to account; 1e)
(Hiphil); 1e1) to set over, make overseer, appoint an overseer; 1e2) to
commit, entrust, commit for care, deposit; 1f) (Hophal); 1f1) to be
visited; 1f2) to be deposited; 1f3) to be made overseer, be entrusted;
1g) (Hithpael) numbered; 1h) (Hothpael) numbered n m pl abstr; #6, #80,
#100, #6, #4, #10 = paqad (H6485): 1) to attend to, muster, number,
reckon, visit, punish, appoint, look after, care for; 2) musterings,
expenses; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to pay attention to, observe; 1a2) to attend
to; 1a3) to seek, look about for; 1a4) to seek in vain, need, miss,
lack; 1a5) to visit; 1a6) to visit upon, punish; 1a7) to pass in review,
muster, number; 1a8) to appoint, assign, lay upon as a charge, deposit;
1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be sought, be needed, be missed, be lacking; 1b2)
to be visited; 1b3) to be visited upon; 1b4) to be appointed; 1b5) to be
watched over; 1c) (Piel) to muster, call up; 1d) (Pual) to be passed in
review, be caused to miss, be called, be called to account; 1e)
(Hiphil); 1e1) to set over, make overseer, appoint an overseer; 1e2) to
commit, entrust, commit for care, deposit; 1f) (Hophal); 1f1) to be
visited; 1f2) to be deposited; 1f3) to be made overseer, be entrusted;
1g) (Hithpael) numbered; 1h) (Hothpael) numbered n m pl abstr; #6, #30,
#40, #60, #70 = macca` (H4550): 1) a pulling up (of stakes), breaking
camp, setting out, journey; 1a) pulling up, breaking camp; 1b) setting
out; 1c) station, stage, journey; #6, #40, #100, #50, #10 = miqneh
(H4735): 1) cattle, livestock; 1a) cattle, livestock; 1a1) in general of
a purchasable domestic animal; 1b) cows, sheep, goats (in herds and
flocks); #40, #70, #30, #10, #50, #6 = `al (H5921): 1) upon, on the
ground of, according to, on account of, on behalf of, concerning,
beside, in addition to, together with, beyond, above, over, by, on to,
towards, to, against; 2) because that, because, notwithstanding,
although; 1a) upon, on the ground of, on the basis of, on account of,
because of, therefore, on behalf of, for the sake of, for, with, in
spite of, notwithstanding, concerning, in the matter of, as regards; 1b)
above, beyond, over (of excess); 1c) above, over (of elevation or
pre-eminence); 1d) upon, to, over to, unto, in addition to, together
with, with (of addition); 1e) over (of suspension or extension); 1f) by,
adjoining, next, at, over, around (of contiguity or proximity); 1g) down
upon, upon, on, from, up upon, up to,, towards, over towards, to,
against (with verbs of motion); 1h) to (as a dative) conj; #1, #200, #5
= 'arar (H779): 1) to curse; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to curse; 1a2) cursed be he
(participle used pr in curses); 1b) (Niphal) to be cursed, cursed; 1c)
(Piel) to curse, lay under a curse, put a curse on; 1d) (Hophal) to be
made a curse, be cursed; #1, #200, #3, #2 = 'Argob (H709): 1) a district
or area in Bashan m; 2) one of king Pekah's officers; #100, #6, #90, #10
= qowts (H6975): 1) thorn, thornbush; 1a) thornbush; 1b) thorn; #6, #30,
#50, #70, #40, #10 = No`omiy (H5281): 1) wife of Elimelech, mother of
Mahlon and Chilion, and mother-in-law of Ruth and Orpah; #10, #60, #80,
#50, #6 = yacaph (H3254): 1) to add, increase, do again; 1a) (Qal) to
add, increase, do again; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to join, join oneself to;
1b2) to be joined, be added to; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to add,
increase; 1c2) to do more, do again; #6, #10, #80, #100, #4, #6 = paqad
(H6485): 1) to attend to, muster, number, reckon, visit, punish,
appoint, look after, care for; 2) musterings, expenses; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
to pay attention to, observe; 1a2) to attend to; 1a3) to seek, look
about for; 1a4) to seek in vain, need, miss, lack; 1a5) to visit; 1a6)
to visit upon, punish; 1a7) to pass in review, muster, number; 1a8) to
appoint, assign, lay upon as a charge, deposit; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be
sought, be needed, be missed, be lacking; 1b2) to be visited; 1b3) to be
visited upon; 1b4) to be appointed; 1b5) to be watched over; 1c) (Piel)
to muster, call up; 1d) (Pual) to be passed in review, be caused to
miss, be called, be called to account; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to set over,
make overseer, appoint an overseer; 1e2) to commit, entrust, commit for
care, deposit; 1f) (Hophal); 1f1) to be visited; 1f2) to be deposited;
1f3) to be made overseer, be entrusted; 1g) (Hithpael) numbered; 1h)
(Hothpael) numbered n m pl abstr; #6, #90, #4, #6, #100 = Tsadowq
(H6659): 1) the high priest, son of Ahitub of the house of Eleazar the
son of Aaron, and 11th in descent from Aaron; joined David after Saul's
death and supported him against Absalom and Adonijah; anointed Solomon
as king; 2) a priest, son of Meraioth, father of Meshullam of the house
of Ahitub; apparently a nephew of 1; 3) father of Jerusha, the wife of
king Uzziah and mother of king Jotham of Judah; 4) son of Baana and
repairer of the wall of Jerusalem in the time of Nehemiah; 5) son of
Immer and repairer of the wall of Jerusalem in the time of Nehemiah; 6)
a leader of the people in the time of Nehemiah; 7) a scribe appointed by
Nehemiah as one of the treasurers over the storehouse; 8) a valiant
warrior of the tribe of Benjamin who joined David at Hebron. Same as 1?;
#6, #10, #60, #100, #30 = caqal (H5619): 1) to stone (to death), put to
death by stoning; 1a) (Qal) to pelt with stones, stone to death; 1b)
(Niphal) to be stoned to death; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to stone, pelt with
stones; 1c2) to free from stones (of vineyard, highway); 1d) (Pual) to
be stoned to death; #6, #100, #30, #70 = qala` (H7049): 1) to sling,
hurl forth; 2) (Qal) to carve; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to sling; 1a2) slinger
(participle); 1b) (Piel) to sling; #6, #30, #20, #60, #80, #10 = keceph
(H3701): 1) silver, money; 1a) silver; 1a1) as metal; 1a2) as ornament;
1a3) as colour; 1b) money, shekels, talents; #40, #50, #70, #30, #10, #6
= man`uwl (H4514): 1) bolt; #70, #90, #40, #6 = `etsem (H6106): 1) bone,
essence, substance; 1a) bone; 1a1) body, limbs, members, external body;
1b) bone (of animal); 1c) substance, self; #100, #10, #40, #50, #6 =
qiym (H7009): 1) adversary; #10, #90, #6, #100 = tsuwq (H6694): 1) (Qal)
to pour out, melt; #40, #30, #80, #50, #6 = 'alaph (H502): 1) to learn;
1a) (Qal) to learn; 1b) (Piel) to teach; #10, #100, #10, #80, #6 =
naqaph (H5362): 1) to strike, strike off; 2) to go around, compass,
round; 1a) (Piel) to strike off skin; 2a) (Qal) to go around; 2b)
(Hiphil); 2b1) to go around, surround, encompass, enclose; 2b2) to make
the round, complete the circuit; 2b3) to make round, round off; #10,
#70, #30, #90, #6 = `alats (H5970): 1) to rejoice, exult; 1a) (Qal) to
exult; #100, #40, #10, #50, #6 = quwm (H6965): 1) to rise, arise, stand,
rise up, stand up; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to arise; 1a2) to arise (hostile
sense); 1a3) to arise, become powerful; 1a4) to arise, come on the
scene; 1a5) to stand; 1a5a) to maintain oneself; 1a5b) to be
established, be confirmed; 1a5c) to stand, endure; 1a5d) to be fixed;
1a5e) to be valid; 1a5f) to be proven; 1a5g) to be fulfilled; 1a5h) to
persist; 1a5i) to be set, be fixed; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to fulfil; 1b2) to
confirm, ratify, establish, impose; 1c) (Polel) to raise up; 1d)
(Hithpael) to raise oneself, rise up; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to cause to
arise, raise; 1e2) to raise, set up, erect, build; 1e3) to raise up,
bring on the scene; 1e4) to raise up, rouse, stir up, investigate; 1e5)
to raise up, constitute; 1e6) to cause to stand, set, station,
establish; 1e7) to make binding; 1e8) to carry out, give effect to; 1f)
(Hophal) to be raised up; #100, #90, #6, #10 = qetsev (H7099): 1) end,
border, boundary; #80, #70, #40, #10, #6 = pa`am (H6471): 1) stroke,
beat, foot, step, anvil, occurrence; 1a) foot, hoof-beat, footfall,
footstep; 1b) anvil; 1c) occurrence, time, stroke, beat; 1c1) one time,
once, twice, thrice, as time on time, at this repetition, this once, now
at length,, at one another; #5, #1, #200 = 'owr
(H215): 1) to be or become light, shine; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to become light
(day); 1a2) to shine (of the sun); 1a3) to become bright; 1b) (Niphal);
1b1) to be illuminated; 1b2) to become lighted up; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to
give light, shine (of sun, moon, and stars); 1c2) to illumine, light up,
cause to shine, shine; 1c3) to kindle, light (candle, wood); 1c4)
lighten (of the eyes, his law, etc); 1c5) to make shine (of the face);
#2, #4, #200 = dowr (H1755): 1) period, generation, habitation,
dwelling; 1a) period, age, generation (period of time); 1b) generation
(those living during a period); 1c) generation (characterised by
quality, condition, class of men); 1d) dwelling-place, habitation; #80,
#100, #6, #4, #10, #6 = piqquwd (H6490): 1) precept, statute; #30, #40,
#70, #10, #50, #6 = ma`yan (H4599): 1) spring; #20, #80, #70, #30, #6 =
po`al (H6467): 1) work, deed, doing; 1a) deed, thing done; 1b) work,
thing made; 1c) wages of work; 1d) acquisition (of treasure); #30, #80,
#60, #30, #6 = pecel (H6459): 1) idol, image; #2, #40, #70, #90, #4 =
ma`atsad (H4621): 1) axe; #100, #6, #30, #70 = qala` (H7049): 1) to
sling, hurl forth; 2) (Qal) to carve; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to sling; 1a2)
slinger (participle); 1b) (Piel) to sling; #100, #50, #50, #6 = qanan
(H7077): 1) to make a nest; 1a) (Piel) to make a nest; 1b) (Pual) to be
nested; #10, #100, #40, #50, #6 = quwm (H6965): 1) to rise, arise,
stand, rise up, stand up; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to arise; 1a2) to arise
(hostile sense); 1a3) to arise, become powerful; 1a4) to arise, come on
the scene; 1a5) to stand; 1a5a) to maintain oneself; 1a5b) to be
established, be confirmed; 1a5c) to stand, endure; 1a5d) to be fixed;
1a5e) to be valid; 1a5f) to be proven; 1a5g) to be fulfilled; 1a5h) to
persist; 1a5i) to be set, be fixed; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to fulfil; 1b2) to
confirm, ratify, establish, impose; 1c) (Polel) to raise up; 1d)
(Hithpael) to raise oneself, rise up; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to cause to
arise, raise; 1e2) to raise, set up, erect, build; 1e3) to raise up,
bring on the scene; 1e4) to raise up, rouse, stir up, investigate; 1e5)
to raise up, constitute; 1e6) to cause to stand, set, station,
establish; 1e7) to make binding; 1e8) to carry out, give effect to; 1f)
(Hophal) to be raised up; #20, #40, #70, #30, #30, #10, #6 = ma`alal
(H4611): 1) deed, practice; 1a) practice (usually bad); 1b) deeds; 1c)
acts; #5, #1, #100, #4, #40, #50, #6 = qadam (H6923): 1) to meet, come
or be in front, confront, go before; 1a) (Piel); 1a1) to meet, confront,
come to meet, receive; 1a2) to go before, go in front, be in front; 1a3)
to lead, be beforehand, anticipate, forestall; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to
come in front; 1b2) to confront, anticipate; #1, #50, #1, #3, #20, #1,
#10, #70, #50 = anagkaios (G316): 1) necessary; 1a) what one can not do
without, indispensable; 1b) connected by bonds of nature or friendship;
1c) what ought according to the law of duty be done, what is required by
the circumstances; #80, #5, #100, #3, #8, #10 = Perge (G4011): 1) a town
in Pamphylia, on the river Cestius, at a distance of 7 miles (10 km)
from its mouth, and famous in antiquity for the worship of Artemis
(Diana); #5, #40, #5, #10, #50, #1, #40, #5, #50 = meno (G3306): 1) to
remain, abide; 2) to wait for, await one; 1a) in reference to place;
1a1) to sojourn, tarry; 1a2) not to depart; 1a2a) to continue to be
present; 1a2b) to be held, kept, continually; 1b) in reference to time;
1b1) to continue to be, not to perish, to last, endure; 1b1a) of
persons, to survive, live; 1c) in reference to state or condition; 1c1)
to remain as one, not to become another or different; #30, #1, #50, #9,
#1, #50, #5, #10, #50 = lanthano (G2990): 1) to be hidden, to be hidden
from one, secretly, unawares, without knowing; #4, #10, #1, #20, #100,
#10, #50, #1, #10 = diakrino (G1252): 1) to separate, make a
distinction, discriminate, to prefer; 2) to learn by discrimination, to
try, decide; 3) to withdraw from one, desert; 4) to separate one's self
in a hostile spirit, to oppose, strive with dispute, contend; 5) to be
at variance with one's self, hesitate, doubt; 2a) to determine, give
judgment, decide a dispute; #1, #50, #70, #10, #60, #5, #10 = anoixis
(G457): 1) an opening;
More solitary,
@memeBrain [Telos: #1385, Super: #61 - Virtuous Humility at Using
'Beneath'; I-Ching: H64 - Ferrying Incomplete, Before Completion, Not
Yet Fording, Not yet completed; Tetra: 78 - On the Verge, Ego: #8 -
Worth of Water, Easy By Nature; I-Ching: H48 - The Well, Welling; Tetra:
40 - Law/Model]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #186 has 99 Categories: #20, #90, #30, #40, #6 =
tselem (H6754): 1) image; 1a) images (of tumours, mice, heathen gods);
1b) image, likeness (of resemblance); 1c) mere, empty, image, semblance
(fig.); #50, #60, #70, #6 = naca` (H5265): 1) to pull out, pull up, set
out, journey, remove, set forward, depart; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to pull out
or up; 1a2) to set out, depart; 1a3) to journey, march; 1a4) to set
forth (of wind); 1b) (Niphal) to be pulled up, be removed, be plucked
up; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to set out, lead out, cause to spring
up; 1c2) to remove, quarry; #5, #50, #40, #90, #1 = matsa' (H4672): 1)
to find, attain to; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to find; 1a1a) to find, secure,
acquire, get (thing sought); 1a1b) to find (what is lost); 1a1c) to
meet, encounter; 1a1d) to find (a condition); 1a1e) to learn, devise;
1a2) to find out; 1a2a) to find out; 1a2b) to detect; 1a2c) to guess;
1a3) to come upon, light upon; 1a3a) to happen upon, meet, fall in with;
1a3b) to hit; 1a3c) to befall; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be found; 1b1a) to
be encountered, be lighted upon, be discovered; 1b1b) to appear, be
recognised; 1b1c) to be discovered, be detected; 1b1d) to be gained, be
secured; 1b2) to be, be found; 1b2a) to be found in; 1b2b) to be in the
possession of; 1b2c) to be found in (a place), happen to be; 1b2d) to be
left (after war); 1b2e) to be present; 1b2f) to prove to be; 1b2g) to be
found sufficient, be enough; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to find,
attain; 1c2) to cause to light upon, come upon, come; 1c3) to cause to
encounter; 1c4) to present (offering); #6, #10, #70, #40, #60 = `amac
(H6006): 1) to load, carry, carry a load; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to load; 1a2)
to carry a load; 1b) (Hiphil) to lay a load on; #40, #80, #50, #10, #6 =
paniym (H6440): 1) face; 1a) face, faces; 1b) presence, person; 1c) face
(of seraphim or cherubim); 1d) face (of animals); 1e) face, surface (of
ground); 1f) as adv of loc/temp; 1f1) before and behind, toward, in
front of, forward, formerly, from beforetime, before; 1g) with; 1g1) in
front of, before, to the front of, in the presence of, in the face of,
at the face or front of, from the presence of, from before, from before
the face of; #10, #90, #6, #70, #10 = yatsuwa` (H3326): 1) couch, bed;
#40, #100, #40, #6 = maqowm (H4725): 1) standing place, place; 1a)
standing place, station, post, office; 1b) place, place of human abode;
1c) city, land, region; 1d) place, locality, spot; 1e) space, room,
distance; 1f) region, quarter, direction; 1g) give place to, instead of;
#10, #70, #50, #50, #6 = `anah (H6030): 1) to answer, respond, testify,
speak, shout; 2) (Qal) to sing, utter tunefully; 3) (Qal) to dwell; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to answer, respond to; 1a2) to testify, respond as a
witness; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to make answer; 1b2) to be answered, receive
answer; #2, #80, #100, #4 = paqad (H6485): 1) to attend to, muster,
number, reckon, visit, punish, appoint, look after, care for; 2)
musterings, expenses; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to pay attention to, observe; 1a2)
to attend to; 1a3) to seek, look about for; 1a4) to seek in vain, need,
miss, lack; 1a5) to visit; 1a6) to visit upon, punish; 1a7) to pass in
review, muster, number; 1a8) to appoint, assign, lay upon as a charge,
deposit; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be sought, be needed, be missed, be
lacking; 1b2) to be visited; 1b3) to be visited upon; 1b4) to be
appointed; 1b5) to be watched over; 1c) (Piel) to muster, call up; 1d)
(Pual) to be passed in review, be caused to miss, be called, be called
to account; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to set over, make overseer, appoint an
overseer; 1e2) to commit, entrust, commit for care, deposit; 1f)
(Hophal); 1f1) to be visited; 1f2) to be deposited; 1f3) to be made
overseer, be entrusted; 1g) (Hithpael) numbered; 1h) (Hothpael) numbered
n m pl abstr; #6, #10, #80, #60, #30 = pacal (H6458): 1) to cut, hew,
hew into shape; 1a) (Qal) to hew, hew out, quarry; #6, #40, #20, #50,
#60, #10 = miknac (H4370): 1) underwear, drawers, trousers; 1a) a
priestly undergarment of linen; #6, #50, #60, #70 = naca` (H5265): 1) to
pull out, pull up, set out, journey, remove, set forward, depart; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to pull out or up; 1a2) to set out, depart; 1a3) to journey,
march; 1a4) to set forth (of wind); 1b) (Niphal) to be pulled up, be
removed, be plucked up; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to set out, lead
out, cause to spring up; 1c2) to remove, quarry; #90, #80, #6, #10 =
tsippuwy (H6826): 1) plating (of metal), metal plating; #100, #30, #50,
#6 = qowl (H6963): 1) voice, sound, noise; 2) lightness, frivolity; 1a)
voice; 1b) sound (of instrument); #70, #50, #10, #50, #6 = `oniy
(H6040): 1) affliction, poverty, misery; 1a) affliction; 1b) poverty;
#80, #70, #30, #6 = po`al (H6467): 1) work, deed, doing; 1a) deed, thing
done; 1b) work, thing made; 1c) wages of work; 1d) acquisition (of
treasure); #6, #80, #70, #30 = po`al (H6467): 1) work, deed, doing; 1a)
deed, thing done; 1b) work, thing made; 1c) wages of work; 1d)
acquisition (of treasure); #1, #80, #100, #5 = 'Apheq (H663): 1) a
Canaanite city near Jezreel; 2) a city in territory of Asher; 3) a city
northeast of Beirut in Transjordan; #40, #70, #10, #50, #10, #6 = `ayin
(H5869): 1) eye; 2) spring, fountain; 1a) eye; 1a1) of physical eye;
1a2) as showing mental qualities; 1a3) of mental and spiritual faculties
(fig.); #6, #50, #4, #70, #50, #6 = yada` (H3045): 1) to know; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to know; 1a1a) to know, learn to know; 1a1b) to perceive;
1a1c) to perceive and see, find out and discern; 1a1d) to discriminate,
distinguish; 1a1e) to know by experience; 1a1f) to recognise, admit,
acknowledge, confess; 1a1g) to consider; 1a2) to know, be acquainted
with; 1a3) to know (a person carnally); 1a4) to know how, be skilful in;
1a5) to have knowledge, be wise; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be made known, be
or become known, be revealed; 1b2) to make oneself known; 1b3) to be
perceived; 1b4) to be instructed; 1c) (Piel) to cause to know; 1d)
(Poal) to cause to know; 1e) (Pual); 1e1) to be known; 1e2) known, one
known, acquaintance (participle); 1f) (Hiphil) to make known, declare;
1g) (Hophal) to be made known; 1h) (Hithpael) to make oneself known,
reveal oneself; #1, #30, #100, #50, #5 = 'Elqanah (H511): 1) Samuel's
father; 2) a ruler in Jerusalem in the time of king Ahaz; 3) one of
David's mighty warriors; 4) son of Korah; 5) several Levites; #20, #50,
#80, #6, #30 = naphal (H5307): 1) to fall, lie, be cast down, fail; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to fall; 1a2) to fall (of violent death); 1a3) to fall
prostrate, prostrate oneself before; 1a4) to fall upon, attack, desert,
fall away to , go away to, fall into the hand of; 1a5) to fall short,
fail, fall out, turn out, result; 1a6) to settle, waste away, be
offered, be inferior to; 1a7) to lie, lie prostrate; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1)
to cause to fall, fell, throw down, knock out, lay prostrate; 1b2) to
overthrow; 1b3) to make the lot fall, assign by lot, apportion by lot;
1b4) to let drop, cause to fail (fig.); 1b5) to cause to fall; 1c)
(Hithpael); 1c1) to throw or prostrate oneself, throw oneself upon; 1c2)
to lie prostrate, prostrate oneself; 1d) (Pilel) to fall; #70, #10, #50,
#50, #6 = `ayin (H5869): 1) eye; 2) spring, fountain; 1a) eye; 1a1) of
physical eye; 1a2) as showing mental qualities; 1a3) of mental and
spiritual faculties (fig.); #6, #50, #100, #30 = qalal (H7043): 1) to be
slight, be swift, be trifling, be of little account, be light; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to be slight, be abated (of water); 1a2) to be swift; 1a3)
to be trifling, be of little account; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be swift,
show oneself swift; 1b2) to appear trifling, be too trifling, be
insignificant; 1b3) to be lightly esteemed; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to make
despicable; 1c2) to curse; 1d) (Pual) to be cursed; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1)
to make light, lighten; 1e2) to treat with contempt, bring contempt or
dishonour; 1f) (Pilpel); 1f1) to shake; 1f2) to whet; 1g) (Hithpalpel)
to shake oneself, be moved to and fro; #6, #5, #90, #80, #5 = tsaphah
(H6822): 1) to look out or about, spy, keep watch, observe, watch; 1a)
(Qal) to keep watch, spy; 1b) (Piel) to watch, watch closely; #6, #70,
#50, #50, #10 = `Ananiy (H6054): 1) the 7th son of Elioenai, descendant
of David; #90, #6, #80, #10 = Tsuwph (H6689): 1) a Kohathite Levite,
ancestor of Elkanah and Samuel; 2) a district northwest of Jerusalem
where Saul encountered Samuel; #30, #10, #8, #7, #100, #1, #30 =
Yechezqe'l (H3168): 1) son of Buzi and a priest and prophet; author of
the book by his name; taken captive with Jehoiachin and exiled in
Babylon where he prophesied for the next 22 years; 2) a priest in charge
of the 20th course in the time of David; #6, #40, #50, #20, #60, #10 =
nekac (H5232): 1) riches, property; #30, #40, #30, #20, #10, #50, #6 =
melek (H4428): 1) king; #6, #10, #70, #90, #10 = ya`ats (H3289): 1) to
advise, consult, give counsel, counsel, purpose, devise, plan; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to advise, counsel, give counsel, consult; 1a2) counsellor
(participle); 1b) (Niphal) to consult together, exchange counsel,
deliberate, counsel together; 1c) (Hithpael) to conspire; #6, #40, #40,
#70, #30 = ma`al (H4605): 1) higher part, upper part adv; 1a) above; 1b)
on the top of, above, on higher ground than with locative; 1c) upwards,
higher, above; #6, #40, #80, #50, #10 = paniym (H6440): 1) face; 1a)
face, faces; 1b) presence, person; 1c) face (of seraphim or cherubim);
1d) face (of animals); 1e) face, surface (of ground); 1f) as adv of
loc/temp; 1f1) before and behind, toward, in front of, forward,
formerly, from beforetime, before; 1g) with; 1g1) in front of, before,
to the front of, in the presence of, in the face of, at the face or
front of, from the presence of, from before, from before the face of;
#10, #70, #30, #70, #6 = `ala` (H5966): 1) to suck up (meaning
uncertain); 1a) (Piel) to drink; #80, #50, #10, #40, #6 = paniym
(H6440): 1) face; 1a) face, faces; 1b) presence, person; 1c) face (of
seraphim or cherubim); 1d) face (of animals); 1e) face, surface (of
ground); 1f) as adv of loc/temp; 1f1) before and behind, toward, in
front of, forward, formerly, from beforetime, before; 1g) with; 1g1) in
front of, before, to the front of, in the presence of, in the face of,
at the face or front of, from the presence of, from before, from before
the face of; #50, #60, #10, #20, #40, #6 = neciyk (H5257): 1) poured
out, libation, molten image, one anointed; 2) prince, anointed one; 1a)
libation, drink-offering; 1b) molten image; #5, #80, #6, #90, #5 =
patsah (H6475): 1) to part, open, separate, set free; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
open (mouth), utter; 1a2) to snatch away, set free; #30, #20, #70, #6,
#60 = ka`ac (H3707): 1) to be angry, be vexed, be indignant, be wroth,
be grieved, provoke to anger and wrath; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be vexed, be
indignant; 1a2) to be angry; 1b) (Piel) to provoke to anger; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to vex; 1c2) to vex, provoke to anger; #60, #40, #20, #6,
#50, #10 = camak (H5564): 1) to lean, lay, rest, support, put, uphold,
lean upon; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to lean or lay upon, rest upon, lean against;
1a2) to support, uphold, sustain; 1b) (Niphal) to support or brace
oneself; 1c) (Piel) to sustain, refresh, revive; #40, #50, #10, #80, #6
= nuwph (H5130): 1) to move to and fro, wave, besprinkle; 1a) (Qal) to
besprinkle, sprinkle; 1b) (Polel) to wave, brandish (in threat); 1c)
(Hiphil) to swing, wield, wave; 1c1) to wield; 1c2) to wave or shake
(the hand); 1c2a) to wave (hand); 1c2b) to shake or brandish against;
1c2c) to swing to and fro; 1c3) to wave (an offering), offer; 1c4) to
shed abroad; 1d) (Hophal) to be waved; #5, #10, #70, #6, #90, #5 =
`atsah (H6095): 1) (Qal) to shut; #80, #100, #6 = puwq (H6328): 1) to
reel, totter, stumble; 1a) (Qal) to reel; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to totter,
wobble; 1b2) to cause tottering; #6, #80, #60, #30, #10 = pecel (H6459):
1) idol, image; #70, #30, #80, #6 = `alaph (H5968): 1) to cover; 1a)
(Pual) covered, encrusted (participle); 1b) (Hithpael) to enwrap
oneself, disguise oneself, faint; #20, #10, #6, #50, #100 = yowneq
(H3126): 1) sucker, suckling, sapling, young plant; #90, #40, #50, #6 =
tsuwm (H6684): 1) (Qal) to abstain from food, fast; #40, #70, #30, #30,
#10, #6 = ma`alal (H4611): 1) deed, practice; 1a) practice (usually
bad); 1b) deeds; 1c) acts; #40, #80, #10, #50, #6 = peh (H6310): 1)
mouth; 1a) mouth (of man); 1b) mouth (as organ of speech); 1c) mouth (of
animals); 1d) mouth, opening, orifice (of a well, river, etc); 1e)
extremity, end; #6, #90, #80, #10 = tsaphah (H6822): 1) to look out or
about, spy, keep watch, observe, watch; 1a) (Qal) to keep watch, spy;
1b) (Piel) to watch, watch closely; #50, #40, #90, #1, #5 = matsa'
(H4672): 1) to find, attain to; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to find; 1a1a) to find,
secure, acquire, get (thing sought); 1a1b) to find (what is lost); 1a1c)
to meet, encounter; 1a1d) to find (a condition); 1a1e) to learn, devise;
1a2) to find out; 1a2a) to find out; 1a2b) to detect; 1a2c) to guess;
1a3) to come upon, light upon; 1a3a) to happen upon, meet, fall in with;
1a3b) to hit; 1a3c) to befall; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be found; 1b1a) to
be encountered, be lighted upon, be discovered; 1b1b) to appear, be
recognised; 1b1c) to be discovered, be detected; 1b1d) to be gained, be
secured; 1b2) to be, be found; 1b2a) to be found in; 1b2b) to be in the
possession of; 1b2c) to be found in (a place), happen to be; 1b2d) to be
left (after war); 1b2e) to be present; 1b2f) to prove to be; 1b2g) to be
found sufficient, be enough; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to find,
attain; 1c2) to cause to light upon, come upon, come; 1c3) to cause to
encounter; 1c4) to present (offering); #10, #50, #90, #30, #6 = natsal
(H5337): 1) to snatch away, deliver, rescue, save, strip, plunder; 1a)
(Niphal); 1a1) to tear oneself away, deliver oneself; 1a2) to be torn
out or away, be delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to strip off, spoil; 1b2) to
deliver; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to take away, snatch away; 1c2) to rescue,
recover; 1c3) to deliver (from enemies or troubles or death); 1c4) to
deliver from sin and guilt; 1d) (Hophal) to be plucked out; 1e)
(Hithpael) to strip oneself; #10, #80, #90, #6 = puwts (H6327): 1) to
scatter, be dispersed, be scattered; 2) (Qal) to flow, overflow; 3) to
break; 1a) (Qal) to be dispersed, be scattered; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be
scattered; 1b2) to be spread abroad; 1c) (Hiphil) to scatter; 1d)
Hithpael) scatter; 3a) (Polel) to shatter; 3b) (Pilpel) to dash to
pieces; #6, #80, #100 = piyq (H6375): 1) tottering, staggering, stagger,
stumble; #80, #6, #90, #10 = puwts (H6327): 1) to scatter, be dispersed,
be scattered; 2) (Qal) to flow, overflow; 3) to break; 1a) (Qal) to be
dispersed, be scattered; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be scattered; 1b2) to be
spread abroad; 1c) (Hiphil) to scatter; 1d) Hithpael) scatter; 3a)
(Polel) to shatter; 3b) (Pilpel) to dash to pieces; #3, #5, #3, #70,
#50, #5, #50 = ginomai (G1096): 1) to become, i.e. to come into
existence, begin to be, receive being; 2) to become, i.e. to come to
pass, happen; 3) to arise, appear in history, come upon the stage; 4) to
be made, finished; 5) to become, be made; 2a) of events; 3a) of men
appearing in public; 4a) of miracles, to be performed, wrought; #4, #1,
#10, #40, #70, #50, #10, #1 = daimonion (G1140): 1) the divine power,
deity, divinity; 2) a spirit, a being inferior to God, superior to men;
3) evil spirits or the messengers and ministers of the devil; #8, #3,
#5, #40, #70, #50, #10 = hegemon (G2232): 1) a leader of any kind, a
guide, ruler, prefect, president, chief, general, commander, sovereign;
1a) a Vlegatus CaesarisV, an officer administering a province in the
name and with the authority of the Roman emperor; 1a1) the governor of a
province; 1b) a procurator, an officer who was attached to a proconsul
or a proprietor and had charge of the imperial revenues; 1b1) in causes
relating to these revenues he administered justice. In the smaller
provinces also, which were so to speak appendages of the greater, he
discharged the functions of governor of the province; and such was the
relation of the procurator of Judaea to the governor of Syria.; 1c) of a
principal town as the capital of the region; #3, #70, #30, #3, #70, #9,
#1 = Golgotha (G1115): 1) the name of a place outside Jerusalem where
Jesus was crucified; so called, apparently because its form resembled a
skull; #20, #1, #100, #4, #10, #1, #50 = kardia (G2588): 1) the heart;
1a) that organ in the animal body which is the centre of the circulation
of the blood, and hence was regarded as the seat of physical life; 1b)
denotes the centre of all physical and spiritual life; 2a) the vigour
and sense of physical life; 2b) the centre and seat of spiritual life;
2b1) the soul or mind, as it is the fountain and seat of the thoughts,
passions, desires, appetites, affections, purposes, endeavours; 2b2) of
the understanding, the faculty and seat of the intelligence; 2b3) of the
will and character; 2b4) of the soul so far as it is affected and
stirred in a bad way or good, or of the soul as the seat of the
sensibilities, affections, emotions, desires, appetites, passions; 1c)
of the middle or central or inmost part of anything, even though
inanimate; #20, #1, #20, #5, #10, #50, #70, #10 = kakeinos (G2548): 1)
and he, he also; #1, #50, #8, #3, #1, #3, #70, #50 = anago (G321): 1) to
lead up, to lead or bring into a higher place; 2) of navigators: launch
out, set sail, put to sea; #5, #20, #30, #1, #10, #70, #50 = klaio
(G2799): 1) to mourn, weep, lament; 2) to weep for, mourn for, bewail,
one For Synonyms see entry 5804; 1a) weeping as the sign of pain and
grief for the thing signified (i.e. for the pain and grief); 1b) of
those who mourn for the dead; #5, #20, #100, #10, #50, #1 = krino
(G2919): 1) to separate, put asunder, to pick out, select, choose; 2) to
approve, esteem, to prefer; 3) to be of opinion, deem, think, to be of
opinion; 4) to determine, resolve, decree; 5) to judge; 6) to rule,
govern; 7) to contend together, of warriors and combatants; 5a) to
pronounce an opinion concerning right and wrong; 5a1) to be judged, i.e.
summoned to trial that one's case may be examined and judgment passed
upon it; 5b) to pronounce judgment, to subject to censure; 5b1) of those
who act the part of judges or arbiters in matters of common life, or
pass judgment on the deeds and words of others; 6a) to preside over with
the power of giving judicial decisions, because it was the prerogative
of kings and rulers to pass judgment; 7a) to dispute; 7b) in a forensic
sense; 7b1) to go to law, have suit at law; #5, #20, #30, #70, #3, #8,
#50 = ekloge (G1589): 1) the act of picking out, choosing; 2) a thing or
person chosen; 1a) of the act of God's free will by which before the
foundation of the world he decreed his blessings to certain persons; 1b)
the decree made from choice by which he determined to bless certain
persons through Christ by grace alone; 2a) of persons: God's elect;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #214 has 57 Categories: #6, #200, #2, #6 = rabah
(H7235): 1) be or become great, be or become many, be or become much, be
or become numerous; 2) (Qal) to shoot; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to become many,
become numerous, multiply (of people, animals, things); 1a2) to be or
grow great; 1b) (Piel) to make large, enlarge, increase, become many;
1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make much, make many, have many; 1c1a) to
multiply, increase; 1c1b) to make much to do, do much in respect of,
transgress greatly; 1c1c) to increase greatly or exceedingly; 1c2) to
make great, enlarge, do much; #5, #200, #3, #6 = harag (H2026): 1) to
kill, slay, murder, destroy, murderer, slayer, out of hand; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to kill, slay; 1a2) to destroy, ruin; 1b) (Niphal) to be killed;
1c) (Pual) to be killed, be slain; #10, #200, #4 = Yered (H3382): 1) son
of Mahalaleel and father of Enoch in the 4th generation from Seth; 2) a
descendant of Judah and father of Gedor; #200, #6, #8 = ruwach (H7307):
1) wind, breath, mind, spirit; 1a) breath; 1b) wind; 1b1) of heaven;
1b2) quarter (of wind), side; 1b3) breath of air; 1b4) air, gas; 1b5)
vain, empty thing; 1c) spirit (as that which breathes quickly in
animation or agitation); 1c1) spirit, animation, vivacity, vigour; 1c2)
courage; 1c3) temper, anger; 1c4) impatience, patience; 1c5) spirit,
disposition (as troubled, bitter, discontented); 1c6) disposition (of
various kinds), unaccountable or uncontrollable impulse; 1c7) prophetic
spirit; 1d) spirit (of the living, breathing being in man and animals);
1d1) as gift, preserved by God, God's spirit, departing at death,
disembodied being; 1e) spirit (as seat of emotion); 1e1) desire; 1e2)
sorrow, trouble; 1f) spirit; 1f1) as seat or organ of mental acts; 1f2)
rarely of the will; 1f3) as seat especially of moral character; 1g)
spirit of God; 1g1) as inspiring ecstatic state of prophecy; 1g2) as
impelling prophet to utter instruction or warning; 1g3) imparting
warlike energy and executive and administrative power; 1g4) as endowing
men with various gifts; 1g5) as energy of life; 1g6) ancient angel and
later Shekinah; #6, #1, #200, #2, #5 = rabah (H7235): 1) be or become
great, be or become many, be or become much, be or become numerous; 2)
(Qal) to shoot; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to become many, become numerous,
multiply (of people, animals, things); 1a2) to be or grow great; 1b)
(Piel) to make large, enlarge, increase, become many; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1)
to make much, make many, have many; 1c1a) to multiply, increase; 1c1b)
to make much to do, do much in respect of, transgress greatly; 1c1c) to
increase greatly or exceedingly; 1c2) to make great, enlarge, do much;
#6, #10, #90, #8, #100 = tsachaq (H6711): 1) to laugh, mock, play; 1a)
(Qal) to laugh; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to jest; 1b2) to sport, play, make
sport, toy with, make a toy of; #6, #10, #100, #2, #90, #6 = qabats
(H6908): 1) to gather, assemble; 1a) (Qal) to gather, collect, assemble;
1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to assemble, gather; 1b2) to be gathered; 1c) (Piel)
to gather, gather together, take away; 1d) (Pual) to be gathered
together; 1e) (Hithpael) to gather together, be gathered together; #6,
#5, #3, #200 = ger (H1616): 1) sojourner; 1a) a temporary inhabitant, a
newcomer lacking inherited rights; 1b) of foreigners in Israel, though
conceded rights; #8, #6, #200 = Chuwr (H2354): 1) a chief assistant to
Moses and Aaron; 2) grandfather of Bezaleel, the chief artificer of the
tabernacle; possibly the same as 1 above; 3) the 4th of the 5 kings of
Midian who were slain with Balaam after Peor; 4) father of Rephaiah in
the time of Nehemiah; 5) father of Ben-Hur who was commissariat officer
for Solomon in Mount Ephraim; #2, #4, #2, #200, #6 = dabar (H1696): 1)
to speak, declare, converse, command, promise, warn, threaten, sing; 1a)
(Qal) to speak; 1b) (Niphal) to speak with one another, talk; 1c)
(Piel); 1c1) to speak; 1c2) to promise; 1d) (Pual) to be spoken; 1e)
(Hithpael) to speak; 1f) (Hiphil) to lead away, put to flight; #6, #3,
#200, #5 = gerah (H1625): 1) cud; #6, #2, #6, #200 = bowr (H953): 1)
pit, well, cistern; #10, #4, #200 = nadar (H5087): 1) to vow, make a
vow; 1a) (Qal) to vow a vow; #6, #2, #4, #2, #200 = dabar (H1697): 1)
speech, word, speaking, thing; 1a) speech; 1b) saying, utterance; 1c)
word, words; 1d) business, occupation, acts, matter, case, something,
manner (by extension); #2, #8, #4, #200 = cheder (H2315): 1) chamber,
room, parlour, innermost or inward part, within; #6, #5, #1, #200, #2 =
'arab (H693): 1) to lie in wait, ambush, lurk; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to lie in
wait; 1a2) ambush (participle as subst); 1b) (Piel) ambushers,
liers-in-wait (pl. participle); 1c) (Hiphil) to lay an ambush; #5, #1,
#200, #8 = 'arach (H732): 1) to wander, journey, go, keep company with;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to journey, go; 1a2) (part.); 1a2a) wandering, wayfarer,
journeying; 1a3) (subst.); 1a3a) wanderer, wayfarer, traveller; #6, #80,
#10, #50, #8, #60 = Piynechac (H6372): 1) son of Eleazar and grandson of
Aaron; his zealousness for the Lord averted a plague on Israel and
gained him the promise of the Lord of an everlasting priesthood in his
family; 2) a priest and the son of the priest Eli; 3) the father of a
helper of Ezra; #1, #7, #200, #6 = 'azar (H247): 1) gird, encompass,
equip, clothe; 1a) (Qal) to gird, gird on (metaphorical of strength);
1b) (Niphal) be girded; 1c) (Piel) hold close, clasp; 1d) (Hiphpael)
gird oneself (for war); #6, #1, #2, #200, #5 = barah (H1262): 1) to eat,
consume; 1a) (Qal) to eat; 1b) (Piel) for eating, devouring; 1c)
(Hiphil) to cause to eat; #100, #4, #100, #4, #6 = qodqod (H6936): 1)
head, crown of head, top of head, hairy crown, scalp ; #10, #100, #4,
#40, #50, #10 = qadam (H6923): 1) to meet, come or be in front,
confront, go before; 1a) (Piel); 1a1) to meet, confront, come to meet,
receive; 1a2) to go before, go in front, be in front; 1a3) to lead, be
beforehand, anticipate, forestall; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to come in front;
1b2) to confront, anticipate; #30, #80, #100, #4 = paqad (H6485): 1) to
attend to, muster, number, reckon, visit, punish, appoint, look after,
care for; 2) musterings, expenses; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to pay attention to,
observe; 1a2) to attend to; 1a3) to seek, look about for; 1a4) to seek
in vain, need, miss, lack; 1a5) to visit; 1a6) to visit upon, punish;
1a7) to pass in review, muster, number; 1a8) to appoint, assign, lay
upon as a charge, deposit; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be sought, be needed,
be missed, be lacking; 1b2) to be visited; 1b3) to be visited upon; 1b4)
to be appointed; 1b5) to be watched over; 1c) (Piel) to muster, call up;
1d) (Pual) to be passed in review, be caused to miss, be called, be
called to account; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to set over, make overseer,
appoint an overseer; 1e2) to commit, entrust, commit for care, deposit;
1f) (Hophal); 1f1) to be visited; 1f2) to be deposited; 1f3) to be made
overseer, be entrusted; 1g) (Hithpael) numbered; 1h) (Hothpael) numbered
n m pl abstr; #6, #1, #200, #7 = 'erez (H730): 1) cedar; 1a) cedar tree;
1b) cedar timber, cedar wood (in building); 1c) cedar wood (in
purifications); #1, #7, #6, #200 = 'ezowr (H232): 1) waist-cloth, the
innermost piece of clothing; 2) waistband; 1a) of God's power over kings
(fig.); 1b) of faithfulness (metaph); #5, #1, #8, #200 = 'acher (H312):
1) another, other, following; 1a) following, further; 1b) other,
different; #2, #6, #200, #6 = bowr (H953): 1) pit, well, cistern; #200,
#4, #10 = Radday (H7288): 1) the 5th son of Jesse and brother of David;
#8, #6, #100, #100 = Chuqqog (H2712): 1) a town on the boundary of
Naphtali; #6, #5, #200, #3 = hereg (H2027): 1) a killing, slaughter;
#40, #90, #70, #4, #10 = mits`ad (H4703): 1) step; #2, #7, #200, #5 =
zuwr (H2114): 1) to be strange, be a stranger; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to become
estranged; 1a2) strange, another, stranger, foreigner, an enemy
(participle); 1a3) loathsome (of breath) (participle); 1a4) strange
woman, prostitute, harlot (meton); 1b) (Niphal) to be estranged; 1c)
(Hophal) to be a stranger, be one alienated; #2, #200, #10, #2 = riyb
(H7379): 1) strife, controversy, dispute; 1a) strife, quarrel; 1b)
dispute, controversy, case at law; #5, #4, #200, #5 = hadar (H1926): 1)
ornament, splendour, honour; 1a) ornament; 1b) splendour, majesty; 1c)
honour, glory; #8, #200, #6 = charar (H2787): 1) to burn, be hot, be
scorched, be charred; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be hot, be scorched; 1a2) to
burn, be burned; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be scorched, be burned; 1b2) to
burn; 1b3) to be dry, be angry; 1c) (Pilpel) to cause to burn; #10, #90,
#4, #10, #100 = tsadaq (H6663): 1) to be just, be righteous; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to have a just cause, be in the right; 1a2) to be justified; 1a3)
to be just (of God); 1a4) to be just, be righteous (in conduct and
character); 1b) (Niphal) to be put or made right, be justified; 1c)
(Piel) justify, make to appear righteous, make someone righteous; 1d)
(Hiphil); 1d1) to do or bring justice (in administering law); 1d2) to
declare righteous, justify; 1d3) to justify, vindicate the cause of,
save; 1d4) to make righteous, turn to righteousness; 1e) (Hithpael) to
justify oneself; #1, #200, #8, #5 = 'aruchah (H737): 1) meal, allowance,
ration; 1a) food; 1b) diet; #6, #100, #4, #100, #4 = qodqod (H6936): 1)
head, crown of head, top of head, hairy crown, scalp ; #5, #6, #200, #3
= harag (H2026): 1) to kill, slay, murder, destroy, murderer, slayer,
out of hand; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to kill, slay; 1a2) to destroy, ruin; 1b)
(Niphal) to be killed; 1c) (Pual) to be killed, be slain; #9, #5, #200 =
taher (H2891): 1) to be clean, be pure; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be clean
(physically - of disease); 1a2) to be clean ceremonially; 1a3) to
purify, be clean morally, made clean; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to cleanse,
purify; 1b1a) physically; 1b1b) ceremonially; 1b1c) morally; 1b2) to
pronounce clean; 1b3) to perform the ceremony of cleansing; 1c) (Pual)
to be cleansed, be pronounced clean; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1) to purify
oneself; 1d1a) ceremonially; 1d1b) morally; 1d2) to present oneself for
purification; #3, #10, #200, #1 = giyr (H1528): 1) chalk, plaster; #6,
#2, #2, #200, #4 = barad (H1259): 1) hail; 1a) of God's judgment (fig.);
#4, #70, #20, #70, #50 = dokos (G1385): 1) a beam; #80, #70, #9, #5, #50
= pothen (G4159): 1) of place: from where, from what condition; 2) of
origin or source: from what author or giver; 3) of cause: how is that?,
how can that be?; #4, #10, #200 = dis (G1364): 1) twice; #8, #30, #80,
#10, #20, #5, #50, #1, #10 = elpizo (G1679): 1) to hope; 2) hopefully to
trust in; 1a) in a religious sense, to wait for salvation with joy and
full confidence; #20, #1, #10, #70, #40, #5, #50, #8, #10 = kaio
(G2545): 1) to set on fire, light, burning; 2) to burn, consume with fire;
Can withstand more than any human being,
@memeBrain [Telos: #2803, Super: #61 - Virtuous Humility at Using
'Beneath'; I-Ching: H64 - Ferrying Incomplete, Before Completion, Not
Yet Fording, Not yet completed; Tetra: 78 - On the Verge, Ego: #49 -
Sage's Constancy, Trust in Virtue; I-Ching: H3 - Birth Throes, Initial
Difficulties, Sprouting, Gathering support, Hoarding; Tetra: 4 - Barrier]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #247 has 10 Categories: #40, #1, #6, #200 = 'Uwr
(H218): 1) city in southern Babylonia, city of the Chaldeans, centre of
moon worship, home of Abraham's father, Terah, and departure point for
the Abraham's migration to Mesopotamia and Canaan; #1, #8, #200, #8, #30
= 'Acharchel (H316): 1) a descendant of Judah through Caleb; #6, #7,
#200, #2, #2, #30 = Zerubbabel (H2216): 1) the grandson of king
Jehoiachin and leader of the first group of returning exiles from
Babylon; #30, #8, #200, #4, #5 = charadah (H2731): 1) fear, anxiety,
quaking, trembling, (extreme) anxiety, anxious care; 1a) trembling,
quaking; 1b) anxious care; #10, #200, #6, #1, #30 = Yeruw'el (H3385): 1)
a place in the wilderness of southern Judah; #6, #40, #90, #6, #100, #5
= metsuwqah (H4691): 1) straitness, distress, straits, stress; #6, #40,
#200, #1 = mare' (Aramaic) (H4756): 1) lord; 1a) of king; 1b) of God;
#10, #100, #80, #1, #6, #50 = qapha' (H7087): 1) to thicken, condense,
congeal, settle, become dense; 2) congelation; 1a) (Qal) to be
condensed; 1a1) thickening (participle); 1b) (Hiphil) to cause to curdle
n m; #5, #30, #1, #10, #1, #200 = elaia (G1636): 1) an olive tree; 2) an
olive, the fruit of an olive tree; #9, #8, #100, #10, #70, #50 = therion
(G2342): 1) an animal; 2) a wild animal, wild beast, beast; 3) metaph. a
brutal, bestial man, savage, ferocious For Synonyms see entry 5846;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #263 has 13 Categories: #30, #1, #7, #20, #200, #5 =
'azkarah (H234): 1) memorial-offering, the portion of the meal (food)
offering which is burned; #6, #7, #40, #200, #10 = Zimriy (H2174): 1)
the son of Salu, a Simeonite chieftain, slain by Phinehas with the
Midianitish princess Cozbi; 2) 5th king of the northern kingdom,
murderer of the king, Elah, who reigned for 7 days before he killed
himself by setting the palace on fire and was replaced by the general of
the army, Omri; 3) one of the five sons of Zerah and grandson of Judah;
4) son of Jehoadah and descendant of Saul; 5) an obscure name mentioned
in connection with 'the mingled people' in Jeremiah; may be same as
'Zimran'; #5, #8, #200, #10, #40 = Choriy (H2752): 1) the inhabitants of
Mount Seir; 2) the inhabitants of Edom (in later times); #6, #40, #200,
#10, #2, #5 = Meriybah (H4809): 1) a fountain at Rephidim, in the desert
of Sin; so called because the Israelites murmured against God; 2) the
name of the water supply at Kadesh on the southern border of the
promised land; the people also murmured here against God; #30, #90, #10,
#100, #30, #3 = Tsiqlag (H6860): 1) a town in the south of Judah, later
allotted to Simeon; noted for its having been the city of David given to
him by king Achish of Gath and his residence when he was joined by many
of his mighty warriors and when he received word of the death of Saul;
#40, #100, #2, #90, #1, #30 = Qabtse'el (H6909): 1) the most remote city
of Judah; located in southern Judah on the border of Edom; #200, #7, #6,
#50 = Rezown (H7331): 1) son of Eliadah, a Syrian, who lead a band of
freebooters and established a petty kingdom at Damascus in the time of
David and Solomon; #5, #200, #8, #10, #40 = recheh (H7347): 1)
handmills; 1a) a pair of millstones for grinding; #1, #30, #8, #9, #5,
#10, #200 = alethes (G227): 1) true; 2) loving the truth, speaking the
truth, truthful; #5, #3, #3, #5, #3, #100, #1, #40, #40, #5, #50, #8 =
eggrapho (G1449): 1) to engrave, inscribe, write in or on; 1a) to
record, enrol; #9, #8, #30, #5, #10, #1, #200 = thelus (G2338): 1) of
the female sex; 2) a woman, a female; #80, #1, #40, #80, #30, #8, #9,
#5, #10 = pamplethei (G3826): 1) with the whole multitude; 2) all
together, one and all; #200, #20, #5, #30, #8 = skelos (G4628): 1) the
leg, from the hip to the toes inclusive;
Please rescue before I fall into despair,
@memeBrain [Telos: #1556, Super: #47 - Ignorant Guides, Viewing the
Distant; I-Ching: H43 - Resolution, Displacement, Parting,
Break-through; Tetra: 30 - Bold Resolution, Ego: #17 - Politics;
I-Ching: H54 - Marriageable Maid/Maiden, Converting the Maiden; Tetra:
65 - Inner]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #294 has 12 Categories: #6, #1, #7, #200, #70, #10 =
'ezrowa` (H248): 1) arm; #6, #30, #5, #3, #200, #10, #40 = ger (H1616):
1) sojourner; 1a) a temporary inhabitant, a newcomer lacking inherited
rights; 1b) of foreigners in Israel, though conceded rights; #6, #8,
#80, #200 = Chepher (H2660): 1) youngest son of Gilead and head of the
family of Hepherites; 2) son of Asher, the father of Tekoa; 3) the
Mecherathite, one of David's mighty warriors; 4) a place in ancient
Canaan, west of the Jordan, conquered by Joshua site unknown; 4a) a
place in Judah, probably the same as 4 above; #6, #30, #8, #200, #10,
#40 = chor (H2715): 1) a noble, freeborn one; #30, #50, #8, #6, #200 =
Nachowr (H5152): 1) son of Serug, father of Terah, and grandfather of
Abraham; 2) son of Terah and brother of Abraham; #30, #60, #200, #4 =
Cered (H5624): 1) the 1st son of Zebulun; #5, #80, #200, #4, #5 = pirdah
(H6506): 1) she-mule, mule; #50, #200, #4, #40 = radam (H7290): 1)
(Niphal) to be asleep, be unconscious, be in heavy sleep, fall into
heavy sleep, be fast asleep; #6, #200, #80, #8 = Rephach (H7506): 1) son
of Ephraim and a ancestor of Joshua; #5, #3, #20, #1, #30, #5, #10,
#200, #9, #1, #10 = egkaleo (G1458): 1) to come forward as accuser
against, bring charge against; 2) to be accused; #20, #70, #100, #2, #1,
#50, #1, #50 = korban (G2878): 1) a gift offered (or to be offered) to
God; 2) the sacred treasury; #100, #70, #4, #70, #50 = Rhodos (G4499):
1) a well known island of the Cyclades opposite Caria and Lycia, with a
Rhodes as the capital city;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #280 has 17 Categories: #1, #8, #200, #10, #5, #6,
#50 = 'achar (Aramaic) (H311): 1) after; #6, #4, #200, #70 = Dara`
(H1873): 1) a son of Zerah; #40, #8, #2, #200, #10, #20 = chaber
(H2270): 1) united n m; 2) associate, fellow, worshippers; 3) companion;
#10, #200, #20, #10, #40 = yarek (H3409): 1) thigh, side, loin, base;
1a) thigh; 1a1) outside of thigh (where sword was worn); 1a2) loins (as
the seat of procreative power); 1b) side (flank) (of object); 1c) base;
#40, #100, #10, #80, #10, #40 = naqaph (H5362): 1) to strike, strike
off; 2) to go around, compass, round; 1a) (Piel) to strike off skin; 2a)
(Qal) to go around; 2b) (Hiphil); 2b1) to go around, surround,
encompass, enclose; 2b2) to make the round, complete the circuit; 2b3)
to make round, round off; #6, #70, #4, #200 = `Eder (H5740): 1) a
Merarite Levite in the time of David; 2) a town in the extreme south of
Judah on the border of Edom; site unknown; #6, #70, #200, #4 = `Arad
(H6166): 1) a Benjamite, son of Beriah, who drove out the inhabitants of
Gath; 2) a royal city of the Canaanites north of the wilderness of
Judah; #70, #200, #6, #4 = `arowd (H6171): 1) wild ass; #40, #80, #10,
#100, #10, #40 = puwq (H6329): 1) to bring out, furnish, promote, go
out, issue; 1a) (Hiphil); 1a1) to produce, furnish; 1a2) to bring out,
elicit, obtain, cause to come out from; 1a3) to promote; 1a4) to cause
to go out to; #40, #80, #50, #10, #50, #10, #40 = paniyn (H6443): 1) a
precious stone; 1a) perhaps corals, rubies, jewels; #1, #50, #1, #3, #5,
#200, #9, #1, #10 = anago (G321): 1) to lead up, to lead or bring into a
higher place; 2) of navigators: launch out, set sail, put to sea; #70,
#10, #200 = autos (G846): 1) himself, herself, themselves, itself; 2)
he, she, it; 3) the same Wigram's frequency count is 4913 not 5117.; #4,
#10, #5, #2, #8, #200, #1, #50 = diabaino (G1224): 1) to pass through,
cross over; #10, #20, #70, #50, #10, #70, #50 = Ikonion (G2430): 1) a
famous city of Asia Minor, which was the capital of Lycaonia; #40, #70,
#50, #70, #50 = monon (G3440): 1) only, alone, but; #200, #1, #3, #8,
#50, #8, #10 = sagene (G4522): 1) a large fishing net, a drag net For
Synonyms see entry 5808; #200, #70, #10 = su (G4771): 1) you;
I will send SOS to the world,
@memeBrain [Telos: #2154, Super: #9 - Inconstancy of Achievement,
Practicing Placidity; I-Ching: H7 - The Army, Leading, Troops; Tetra: 32
- Legion, Ego: #48 - Forgetting Knowledge; I-Ching: H35 - Advance,
Progress, Prospering, Aquas; Tetra: 20 - Advance]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #303 has 6 Categories: #5, #1, #10, #70, #7, #200,
#10 = 'Iy`ezriy (H373): 1) one of the tribe of Jeezer; #6, #1, #200,
#40, #6, #50 = 'armown (H759): 1) citadel, palace, fortress; #5, #8,
#80, #200, #10 = Chephriy (H2662): 1) descendants of Hepher, son of
Gilead; #8, #200, #90, #5 = charats (Aramaic) (H2783): 1) loin, hip, hip
joint; #20, #1, #9, #5, #60, #8, #200 = kathexes (G2517): 1) one after
another, successively, in order; #70, #50, #70, #40, #1, #7, #5, #10,
#50 = onomazo (G3687): 1) to name; 1a) to name, to utter, to make
mention of the name; 1b) to name; 1b1) give name to, one; 1b2) be named;
1b2a) to bear the name of a person or thing; 1c) to utter the name of a
person or thing;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #328 has 12 Categories: #6, #1, #300, #6, #5, #10 =
'osh (Aramaic) (H787): 1) foundation; #20, #8, #90, #10, #200 = chatsiyr
(H2682): 1) grass, leek, green grass, herbage; 1a) grass; 1b) of the
quickly perishing (fig.); #30, #8, #200, #40, #10, #40 = cherem (H2764):
1) a thing devoted, thing dedicated, ban, devotion; 2) a net, thing
perforated; 3) have been utterly destroyed, (appointed to) utter
destruction; #2, #60, #200, #10, #50, #6 = ciyron (H5630): 1) armour;
#6, #70, #2, #200, #50 = `Ebron (H5683): 1) a city of Judah located in
the mountains 20 (32 km) miles south of Jerusalem and 20 (32 km) miles
north of Beersheba; #30, #200, #40, #8, #10, #40 = romach (H7420): 1)
spear, lance; #200, #70, #2, #6, #50 = reabown (H7459): 1) hunger, lack
of food, famine; #6, #20, #200, #100, #2 = raqab (H7538): 1) rottenness,
decay (always fig); #300, #10, #8, #10 = siyach (H7879): 1) meditation,
complaint, musing; 1a) plaint, complaint; 1b) following are dubious;
1b1) musing; 1b2) anxiety, trouble; 1b3) talk; #2, #300, #20, #6 = Sekuw
(H7906): 1) a place near Ramah with a great well; #3, #5, #50, #70, #200
= genos (G1085): 1) race; 1a) offspring; 1b) family; 1c) stock, race,
nation; 1c1) ie. nationality or descent from a particular people; 1d)
the aggregate of many individuals of the same nature, kind, sort; #5,
#100, #100, #8, #60, #5, #50 = rhegnumi (G4486): 1) to rend, burst or
break asunder, break up, break through; 1a) to tear in pieces; 1b) to
break forth; 1b1) into joy, of infants or dumb persons beginning to
speak; 1c) to distort, convulse; 1c1) of a demon causing convulsions in
a man possessed; 1c2) to dash down, hurl to the ground (a common
occurrence in cases of demon possession and epilepsy) For Synonyms see
entry 5850;
I will send SOS to the world,
@memeBrain [Telos: #2154, Super: #9 - Inconstancy of Achievement,
Practicing Placidity; I-Ching: H7 - The Army, Leading, Troops; Tetra: 32
- Legion, Ego: #48 - Forgetting Knowledge; I-Ching: H35 - Advance,
Progress, Prospering, Aquas; Tetra: 20 - Advance]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #312 has 15 Categories: #40, #1, #200, #70, #1 =
'ara` (Aramaic) (H772): 1) earth, world, ground; #10, #2, #100, #200 =
baqar (H1239): 1) to seek, enquire, consider; 1a) (Piel); 1a1) to seek,
look for; 1a2) to consider, reflect; #300, #5, #6, #1 = huw' (H1931): 1)
he, she, it; 2) that (with article); 1a) himself (with emphasis); 1b)
resuming subj with emphasis; 1c) (with minimum emphasis following
predicate); 1d) (anticipating subj); 1e) (emphasising predicate); 1f)
that, it (neuter) demons pron; #10, #200, #2, #70, #30 = Yerubba`al
(H3378): 1) name given to Gideon by his father when he destroyed the
altar of Baal; #6, #40, #200, #1, #10, #5, #50 = mar'eh (H4758): 1)
sight, appearance, vision; 1a) sight, phenomenon, spectacle, appearance,
vision; 1b) what is seen; 1c) a vision (supernatural); 1d) sight, vision
(power of seeing); #5, #2, #50, #5, #200, #10, #40 = nahar (H5104): 1)
stream, river; 1a) stream, river; 1b) (underground) streams; #60, #2,
#200, #10, #40 = Cibrayim (H5453): 1) town between the borders of
Damascus and that of Hamath; #60, #200, #2, #10, #40 = carab (H5621): 1)
brier, rebel; 1a) meaning dubious; #2, #90, #70, #50, #50, #10, #40 =
Tsa`ananniym (H6815): 1) a place in Naphtali near Kedesh; #2, #100,
#200, #10 = qeriy (H7147): 1) opposition, contrariness, encounter,
contrary or hostile encounter; #40, #200, #2, #70 = raba` (H7251): 1) to
square, be squared; 1a) (Qal) square (participle); 1b) (Pual) square
(participle); #10, #200, #100, #2 = raqab (H7537): 1) (Qal) to rot; #1,
#20, #1, #20, #70, #200 = akakos (G172): 1) without guile or fraud,
harmless, free from guilt; 2) fearing no evil from others, distrusting
no one; #5, #20, #30, #5, #30, #8, #200, #9, #5 = eklanthanomai (G1585):
1) to cause to forget; 2) to forget; #9, #5, #30, #8, #200, #10, #50 =
thelesis (G2308): 1) a willing will;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #376 has 23 Categories: #6, #5, #1, #300, #4, #6, #4,
#10, #40 = 'Ashdowdiy (H796): 1) an inhabitant of Ashdod; #30, #1, #300,
#40, #5 = 'ashmah (H819): 1) guiltiness, guilt, offense, sin,
wrong-doing; 1a) doing wrong, committing a trespass or offense; 1b)
becoming guilty, guilt; 1c) bringing a guilt-offering; #10, #4, #6,
#300, #50, #6 = duwsh (H1758): 1) to tread out, thresh; 1a) (Qal) to
tread on, trample on, thresh; 1b) (Niphal) to be trampled down; 1c)
(Hophal) to be threshed; #8, #300, #8, #10, #50 = chashach (Aramaic)
(H2818): 1) (P'al) to need, have need n; 2) (P'al) the thing needed;
#20, #6, #300, #50 = Kuwshan (H3572): 1) a place in Arabia or
Mesopotamia; site unknown; #40, #30, #6, #300 = luwsh (H3888): 1) (Qal)
to knead (dough); #40, #6, #60, #200, #10, #20, #40 = mowcer (H4147): 1)
band, bond; #6, #30, #40, #200, #40, #60 = mirmac (H4823): 1) trampling
place, trampling; 1a) trampling place; 1b) trampling; #5, #300, #10, #1,
#50, #10 = nasha' (H5377): 1) to beguile, deceive; 1a) (Niphal) to be
beguiled; 1b) (Hiphil) to beguile, deceive; 1c) (Qal) utterly
(infinitif); #6, #70, #100, #200 = `Eqer (H6134): 1) a descendant of
Judah; #6, #90, #10, #70, #200 = Tsiy`or (H6730): 1) a town in the
mountains of Judah belonging to the same group as Hebron; #90, #50, #6,
#200, #10, #20 = tsinnuwr (H6794): 1) pipe, spout, conduit, water
conduit; #6, #30, #90, #200, #10, #40 = Tsoriy (H6876): 1) an inhabitant
of Tyre; #6, #200, #70, #50, #50 = ra`anan (Aramaic) (H7487): 1)
flourishing; #200, #90, #6, #80 = ratsaph (H7528): 1) to fit together,
fit out, pattern; 1a) (Qal) to be fitted out, design; #6, #200, #90, #80
= Retseph (H7530): 1) a place conquered by Assyria; #300, #6, #70 =
Shuwa` (H7770): 1) father of Judah's wife; #6, #300, #30, #40 = Shillem
(H8006): 1) son of Naphtali; #6, #30, #300, #40 = Shem (H8035): 1) the
eldest son of Noah and progenitor of the Semitic tribes; #1, #5, #100,
#70, #200 = aer (G109): 1) the air, particularly the lower and denser
air as distinguished from the higher and rarer air; 2) the atmospheric
region; #1, #50, #5, #40, #70, #10, #200 = anemos (G417): 1) wind, a
violent agitation and stream of air; 2) a very strong tempestuous wind;
3) the four principal or cardinal winds, hence the four corners of
heaven; #20, #1, #9, #1, #10, #100, #5, #10, #200, #9, #1, #10 =
kathaireo (G2507): 1) to take down; 2) to pull down, demolish; 1a)
without the notion of violence: to detach from the cross, one crucified;
1b) with the use of force: to throw down, cast down; 2a) the subtle
reasonings (of opponents) likened to a fortress, ie. to refute, to
destroy; #300, #5, #20, #50, #1 = teknon (G5043): 1) offspring,
children; 1a) a male child, a son; 1b) metaph.; 1b1) the name
transferred to that intimate and reciprocal relationship formed between
men by the bonds of love, friendship, trust, just as between parents and
children; 1b2) in affectionate address, such as patrons, helpers,
teachers and the like employ: my child; 1b3) in the NT, pupils or
disciples are called children of their teachers, because the latter by
their instruction nourish the minds of their pupils and mould their
characters; 1b4) children of God: in the OT of the people of Israel as
especially dear to God, in the NT, in Paul's writings, all who are led
by the Spirit of God and thus closely related to God; 1b5) children of
the devil: those who in thought and action are prompted by the devil,
and so reflect his character; 1c) metaph.; 1c1) of anything who depends
upon it, is possessed by a desire or affection for it, is addicted to
it; 1c2) one who is liable to any fate; 1c2a) thus children of a city:
it citizens and inhabitants; 1c3) the votaries of wisdom, those souls
who have, as it were, been nurtured and moulded by wisdom; 1c4) cursed
children, exposed to a curse and doomed to God's wrath or penalty For
Synonyms see entry 5868;
Someone wishes for me,
@memeBrain [Telos: #1243, Super: #12 - Numbing Effect of the
Conventional, Abstaining from Desire; I-Ching: H6 - Contention,
Conflict, Arguing, Lawsuit; Tetra: 25 - Contention, Ego: #28 - Opposites
and Primitivism, Returning to Simplicity; I-Ching: H24 - Return, The
turning point; Tetra: 2 - Full Circle]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #324 has 11 Categories: #20, #300, #4 = Kesed
(H3777): 1) the 4th son of Nahor, the nephew of Abraham; #40, #50, #8,
#10, #200, #10, #6 = nechiyr (H5156): 1) nostril; #60, #200, #6, #8,
#10, #40 = carach (H5628): 1) to go free, be unrestrained, be overrun,
exceed, overhang, grow luxuriously; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to go free, be
unrestrained, sprawl; 1a1a) overrunning, spreading (participle); 1a2) to
overhang; 1b) (Niphal) to be let loose or dismissed or gone; #6, #70,
#7, #200, #10, #1, #30 = `Azriy'el (H5837): 1) a head of a house of the
half-tribe of Manasseh beyond the Jordan; 2) a Naphtalite, ancestor of
Jerimoth, the head of the tribe at the time of the census of David; 3)
father of Seraiah, an officer of king Jehoiakim of Judah; #30, #5, #200,
#3, #10, #70, #6 = raga` (H7280): 1) to act in an instant, stir up,
disturb; 2) to rest or repose, be at rest or repose, settle, quiet, give
rest; 3) to harden; 1a) (Qal) to stir up, disturb; 1b) (Hiphil) to make
a twinkling; 2a) (Niphal); 2a1) to cause to rest (of sword, of the sea);
2a2) to wink (with prep); 2b) (Hiphil); 2b1) to give rest to; 2b2) to
rest, repose; #6, #10, #300, #4, #4 = sadad (H7702): 1) (Piel) to
harrow; #6, #1, #300, #8, #9 = sachat (H7818): 1) (Qal) to squeeze,
press out; #1, #3, #50, #70, #200 = hagnos (G53): 1) exciting reverence,
venerable, sacred; 2) pure; 2a) pure from carnality, chaste, modest; 2b)
pure from every fault, immaculate; 2c) clean; #1, #40, #70, #10, #2, #1,
#200 = amoibe (G287): 1) requital, recompence; #3, #5, #9, #200, #8,
#40, #1, #50, #8 = Gethsemane (G1068): 1) the name of a place at the
foot of the Mount of Olives, beyond the torrent Kidron; #4, #5, #100,
#5, #10, #200 = dero (G1194): 1) to flay, skin; 2) to beat, thrash, smite;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #404 has 11 Categories: #4, #300, #50, #10, #40 =
dashen (H1879): 1) fat subst; 2) vigorous, stalwart ones; #6, #40, #8,
#300, #10, #40 = Chuwshiym (H2366): 1) one of the two wives of
Shaharaim; 2) the sons of Aher, a Benjamite; 3) descendants of Dan; #6,
#10, #6, #300, #10, #2, #10, #50, #10 = yashab (H3427): 1) to dwell,
remain, sit, abide; 10) to be inhabited; 100) to make to dwell; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to sit, sit down; 1a2) to be set; 1a3) to remain, stay; 1a4)
to dwell, have one's abode; 1b) (Niphal) to be inhabited; 1c) (Piel) to
set, place; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to cause to sit; 1d2) to cause to abide,
set; 1d3) to cause to dwell; 1d4) to cause (cities) to be inhabited;
1d5) to marry (give an dwelling to); 1e) (Hophal); #40, #300, #8, #50,
#6 = mashach (H4886): 1) to smear, anoint, spread a liquid; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to smear; 1a2) to anoint (as consecration); 1a3) to anoint,
consecrate; 1b) (Niphal) to be anointed; #6, #40, #50, #8, #300 =
nachash (H5172): 1) to practice divination, divine, observe signs, learn
by experience, diligently observe, practice fortunetelling, take as an
omen; 1a) (Piel); 1a1) to practice divination; 1a2) to observe the signs
or omens; #6, #2, #50, #90, #6, #200, #10, #40 = natsar (H5341): 1) to
guard, watch, watch over, keep; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to watch, guard, keep;
1a2) to preserve, guard from dangers; 1a3) to keep, observe, guard with
fidelity; 1a4) to guard, keep secret; 1a5) to be kept close, be
blockaded; 1a6) watchman (participle); #300, #10, #80, #6, #8 = puwach
(H6315): 1) to breathe, blow; 1a) (Qal) to breathe; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1)
to cause to exhale or breathe; 1b2) to puff, snort; 1b3) to excite,
inflame; 1b4) to puff, pant for it; 1b5) to breathe out, utter; 1b6) to
blow, blast; #100, #4, #300 = Qadesh (H6946): 1) a city in the extreme
south of Judah; 1a) same as 'Kedesh' and 'Kadesh-barnea'; #40, #5, #300,
#9, #10, #40 = Shittiym (H7851): 1) place of Israel's encampment between
the conquest of the transjordanic region and crossing the Jordan into
Canaan; 2) a place west of Jerusalem; #6, #300, #40, #8, #10, #40 =
sameach (H8056): 1) joyful, merry, glad; 1a) joyful, showing joy; 1b)
you who rejoice (subst); #20, #1, #300, #1, #30, #1, #30, #10, #1, #10 =
katalalia (G2636): 1) defamation, evil speaking;
Message in the bottle,
@memeBrain [Telos: #1027, Super: #33 - Achievable Goals, Virtue of
Discrimination; I-Ching: H9 - Lesser Domestication, Minor Restraint,
Small Accumulating, The taming power of the small, Small harvest; Tetra:
35 - Gathering, Ego: #55 - Abstruse Mysterious Signs; I-Ching: H22 -
Elegance, Grace, Adorning, Luxuriance; Tetra: 54 - Unity]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #357 has 13 Categories: #6, #1, #40, #200, #80, #30 =
'Amraphel (H569): 1) the king of Shinar (Babylon) (perhaps Hammurabi c
2100 BC); #1, #50, #6, #300 = 'Enowsh (H583): 1) son of Seth; #1, #300,
#20, #6, #30 = 'Eshkol (H812): 1) an area of Hebron, the valley of
Eshcol; 2) an Amorite, the brother of Mamre, dwelling in Hebron; #40,
#3, #4, #10, #300 = gadiysh (H1430): 1) heap, stack, pile; 2) tomb; #7,
#200, #100, #10, #40 = zaraq (H2236): 1) to scatter, sprinkle, toss,
throw, scatter abundantly, strew; 1a) (Qal) to scatter, sprinkle, toss;
1b) (Pual) to be sprinkled; #6, #10, #300, #40, #1 = Yishma' (H3457): 1)
a Judaite descended from Hur; #6, #5, #200, #40, #6, #50, #10, #40 =
rimmown (H7416): 1) pomegranate; 1a) as tree; 1b) as fruit; 1c) as
pomegranate shaped ornaments in temple; #30, #300, #2, #20, #5 = sebakah
(H7639): 1) network, lattice-work, net, netting; 1a) lattice; 1b)
net-ornament (on pillars); 1c) network, toils (for catching animals);
#6, #300, #50, #1 = shana (H8132): 1) to change, alter; 1a) (Qal) to
change; 1b) (Piel) to change, alter; 1c) (Pual) to be changed; #2, #1,
#100, #50, #1, #2, #1, #200 = Barnabas (G921): 1) the surname of Joses
or Joseph, a Levite, a native of Cyprus He was a distinguished Christian
teacher and companion and colleague of Paul.; #2, #1, #100, #200, #1,
#2, #1, #50 = Barsabas (G923): 1) the surname of a certain Joseph (Acts
1:; 2) the surname of a certain Judas (Acts 15:; 22) ; 23) ; #9, #5,
#70, #200, #5, #2, #5, #10, #1, #50 = theosebeia (G2317): 1) reverence
towards God's goodness; #20, #70, #30, #1, #20, #5, #10, #1, #200 =
kolakeia (G2850): 1) flattery, flattering discourse;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #459 has 14 Categories: #1, #2, #5, #400, #50, #1 =
'ab (Aramaic) (H2): 1) father; #400, #1, #50, #8 = 'anach (H584): 1)
(Niphal) sigh, groan (in pain or grief), gasp; 1a) moan (of cattle); #6,
#8, #30, #10, #400, #5 = chelyah (H2484): 1) jewels, jewelry; #6, #8,
#400, #40, #5 = chatham (Aramaic) (H2857): 1) (P'al) seal.; #5, #30, #6,
#8, #10, #400 = Luwchiyth (H3872): 1) a town of Moab, south of the Arnon
River; #10, #400, #40, #8, #1 = mecha' (Aramaic) (H4223): 1) to strike,
smite, kill; 1a) (P'al) to strike; 1b) (Pael) to hinder; 1c) (Ithp'al)
to allow to be stricken; #6, #40, #400, #3, #10 = metheg (H4964): 1)
bridle; 1a) bridle (for animals); 1b) control, authority (fig.); #2,
#50, #1, #6, #400 = na'ah (H4999): 1) pasture, abode, abode of shepherd,
habitation, meadow; 1a) pasture, meadow; 1b) abode; #50, #2, #6, #1,
#400 = nebuw'ah (H5016): 1) prophecy; 1a) prophecy; 1a1) specific and
genuine; 1a2) false; 1b) prophetic writing; #80, #60, #50, #9, #200,
#10, #50 = picanteriyn (Aramaic) (H6460): 1) a stringed instrument
(triangular); 1a) perhaps a lyre or a harp; #5, #400, #40, #10, #4 =
tamiyd (H8548): 1) continuity, perpetuity, to stretch; 1a) continually,
continuously (as adverb); 1b) continuity (subst); #2, #1, #200, #10,
#30, #5, #10, #1, #200 = basileia (G932): 1) royal power, kingship,
dominion, rule; 2) a kingdom, the territory subject to the rule of a
king; 3) used in the N.T. to refer to the reign of the Messiah; 1a) not
to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority
to rule over a kingdom; 1b) of the royal power of Jesus as the
triumphant Messiah; 1c) of the royal power and dignity conferred on
Christians in the Messiah's kingdom; #70, #10, #20, #8, #40, #1, #300,
#10 = oikema (G3612): 1) a dwelling place, habitation; 2)
euphemistically a prison; #100, #8, #40, #1, #300, #10 = rhema (G4487):
1) that which is or has been uttered by the living voice, thing spoken,
word; 2) subject matter of speech, thing spoken of; 1a) any sound
produced by the voice and having definite meaning; 1b) speech,
discourse; 1b1) what one has said; 1c) a series of words joined together
into a sentence (a declaration of one's mind made in words); 1c1) an
utterance; 1c2) a saying of any sort as a message, a narrative; 1c2a)
concerning some occurrence; 2a) so far forth as it is a matter of
narration; 2b) so far as it is a matter of command; 2c) a matter of
dispute, case at law;
One year has passed since I wrote my memo,
@memeBrain [Telos: #3216, Super: #73 - Employing Deeming, Daring to Act;
I-Ching: H46 - Climbing, Moving/Pushing Upward, Ascending; Tetra: 7 -
Ascent, Ego: #57 - Laissez Faire Politics, Simplicity In Habits;
I-Ching: H37 - The Family (the clan), Dwelling People, Family members;
Tetra: 39 - Residence]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #430 has 28 Categories: #1, #30, #10, #300, #80, #9 =
'Eliyshaphat (H478): 1) a captain for the high priest Jehoiada; #3, #1,
#6, #400, #20 = ga`avah (H1346): 1) pride, majesty, a rising up; 1a) a
rising up, swelling (of the sea); 1b) majesty (of Israel); 1c) pride,
haughtiness; #20, #4, #200, #6, #200 = derowr (H1866): 1) a swallow,
bird; #10, #4, #400, #10, #6 = yad (H3027): 1) hand; 1a) hand (of man);
1b) strength, power (fig.); 1c) side (of land), part, portion (metaph.)
(fig.); 1d) (various special, technical senses); 1d1) sign, monument;
1d2) part, fractional part, share; 1d3) time, repetition; 1d4)
axle-trees, axle; 1d5) stays, support (for laver); 1d6) tenons (in
tabernacle); 1d7) a phallus, a hand (meaning unsure); 1d8) wrists; #40,
#20, #70, #300 = ka`ac (H3708): 1) anger, vexation, provocation, grief;
1a) vexation; 1a1) of men; 1a2) of God; 1b) vexation, grief,
frustration; #30, #40, #50, #300, #10 = Menashshiy (H4520): 1)
descendants of Manasseh, son of Joseph and grandson of Jacob; 1a)
specifically used only of that half that lived east of the Jordan; #30,
#40, #90, #70, #200 = mits`ar (H4705): 1) a small thing; 1a) small
thing; 1b) little while (of time); #40, #60, #80, #200, #10, #40 =
caphar (H5608): 1) to count, recount, relate; 2) enumerator,
muster-officer, secretary, scribe; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to count (things);
1a2) to number, take account of, reckon; 1b) (Niphal) to be counted, be
numbered; 1c) (Piel) to recount, rehearse, declare; 1c1) to recount
(something), rehearse; 1c2) to talk; 1c3) to count exactly or
accurately; 1d) (Pual) to be recounted, be rehearsed, be related n m;
2a) enumerator, muster-officer, secretary; 2b) learned man, scribe; #6,
#70, #4, #300, #10, #40 = `adash (H5742): 1) lentil; #30, #70, #80,
#200, #50 = `Ephrown (H6085): 1) a Hittite, son of Zohar and the one
from whom Abraham bought the field and cave of Machpelah; 2) a city on
the borders of Benjamin; 3) a mountain on the northern border of Judah;
#80, #200, #10, #90, #10, #40 = periyts (H6530): 1) violent one,
breaker; 1a) robber, murderer; #30, #100, #90, #10, #200 = qatsiyr
(H7105): 1) harvest, harvesting; 2) boughs, branches; 1a) process of
harvesting; 1b) crop, what is harvested or reaped; 1c) time of harvest;
#40, #100, #90, #200 = qotser (H7115): 1) shortness, impatience,
anguish; #30, #100, #300 = qash (H7179): 1) stubble, chaff; #30, #200,
#90, #50, #20, #40 = ratsown (H7522): 1) pleasure, delight, favour,
goodwill, acceptance, will; 1a) goodwill, favour; 1b) acceptance; 1c)
will, desire, pleasure, self-will; #10, #300, #20, #50, #50 = shekan
(Aramaic) (H7932): 1) to dwell, reside; 1a) (P'al) to dwell; 1b) (Pael)
to cause to dwell; #6, #300, #40, #10, #4, #70 = Shemiyda` (H8061): 1) a
son of Gilead, grandson of Manasseh, and progenitor of a family in
Manasseh; #300, #40, #90 = shemets (H8102): 1) whisper, little; #300,
#60, #70 = sheca` (H8157): 1) cleft, cloven, split; #1, #3, #100, #10,
#5, #30, #1, #10, #70, #200 = agrielaios (G65): 1) of or belonging to
the oleaster or wild olive; 2) the oleaster, wild olive tree; #1, #50,
#300, #30, #8, #40, #1 = antlema (G502): 1) what is drawn; 2) the act of
drawing water; 3) a thing to draw with, e.g. bucket and rope let down
into a well; #1, #100, #10, #9, #40, #70, #200 = arithmos (G706): 1) a
fixed and definite number; 2) an indefinite number, a multitude; #4, #5,
#70, #50, #300, #1 = dei (G1163): 1) it is necessary, there is need of,
it behooves, is right and proper; 10) concerning what Christ was
destined finally to undergo, his sufferings, death, resurrection,
ascension For Synonyms see entry 5829; 1a) necessity lying in the nature
of the case; 1b) necessity brought on by circumstances or by the conduct
of others toward us.; 1c) necessity in reference to what is required to
attain some end; 1d) a necessity of law and command, of duty, equity;
1e) necessity established by the counsel and decree of God, especially
by that purpose of his which relates to the salvation of men by the
intervention of Christ and which is disclosed in the Old Testament
prophecies; #5, #60, #1, #3, #3, #5, #10, #30, #8, #300, #5 = exaggello
(G1804): 1) to tell out or forth; 2) to declare abroad, divulge,
publish; 3) to make known by praising or proclaiming, to celebrate; #5,
#80, #5, #80, #5, #200, #5, #50 = epipipto (G1968): 1) to fall upon, to
rush or press upon; 2) metaph.; 1a) to lie upon one; 1b) to fall into
one's embrace; 1c) to fall back upon; 2a) to fall upon one ie. to seize,
take possession of him; 2a1) of the Holy Spirit, in his inspiration and
impulse; 2a2) of reproaches cast upon one; #50, #70, #40, #70, #200 =
nomos (G3551): 1) anything established, anything received by usage, a
custom, a law, a command; 1a) of any law whatsoever; 1a1) a law or rule
producing a state approved of God; 1a1a) by the observance of which is
approved of God; 1a2) a precept or injunction; 1a3) the rule of action
prescribed by reason; 1b) of the Mosaic law, and referring, acc. to the
context. either to the volume of the law or to its contents; 1c) the
Christian religion: the law demanding faith, the moral instruction given
by Christ, esp. the precept concerning love; 1d) the name of the more
important part (the Pentateuch), is put for the entire collection of the
sacred books of the OT; #70, #100, #50, #10, #200 = ornis (G3733): 1) a
bird; 2) a cock, a hen; #5, #100, #100, #10, #40, #40, #5, #50, #70, #10
= rhipto (G4496): 1) to cast, throw; 2) throw down; 3) to cast forward
or before; 4) to set down (with the suggestion of haste and want of
care); 5) to throw to the ground, prostrate;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #516 has 29 Categories: #5, #1, #300, #200, #10 =
'Asheriy (H843): 1) those descended from Asher; #6, #2, #8, #50, #400,
#10, #40 = bachan (H974): 1) to examine, try, prove; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
examine, scrutinise; 1a2) to test, prove, try (of gold, persons, the
heart, man of God); 1b) (Niphal) to be tried, proved; 1c) (Pual) to make
a trial; #300, #10, #4, #2, #200 = dabar (H1696): 1) to speak, declare,
converse, command, promise, warn, threaten, sing; 1a) (Qal) to speak;
1b) (Niphal) to speak with one another, talk; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to speak;
1c2) to promise; 1d) (Pual) to be spoken; 1e) (Hithpael) to speak; 1f)
(Hiphil) to lead away, put to flight; #6, #4, #100, #6, #400 = daq
(H1851): 1) thin, small, fine, gaunt; 1a) thin; 1b) small, fine; #6,
#10, #70, #30, #400 = ya`alah (H3280): 1) female mountain goat; #6, #10,
#400, #50, #50 = Yithnan (H3497): 1) one of the towns in the extreme
south of Judah; site unknown; #20, #30, #6, #30, #400, #10, #20 =
keluwlah (H3623): 1) betrothals, espousals; #10, #400, #40, #30, #30, #6
= muwl (H4135): 1) to circumcise, let oneself be circumcised, cut, be
cut off; 1a) (Qal) to circumcise; 1b) (Niphal) to be circumcised,
circumcise oneself; 1c) (Hiphil) to cause to be circumcised; 1c1) of
destruction (fig.); 1d) (Hithpolel) to be cut off; 1e) (Polel) cut down;
#40, #6, #60, #4, #6, #400 = mowcadah (H4146): 1) foundation; #30, #40,
#6, #400, #40 = maveth (H4194): 1) death, dying, Death (personified),
realm of the dead; 1a) death; 1b) death by violence (as a penalty); 1c)
state of death, place of death; #30, #40, #30, #6, #400, #10 =
Mallowthiy (H4413): 1) one of the 14 sons of Heman, the singer in the
time of David; #6, #40, #300, #100, #70 = mishqa` (H4950): 1) what is
settled or clarified, clear; #50, #400, #60, #6 = nathac (H5420): 1) to
tear down, break down; 1a) (Qal) to break down; #30, #70, #2, #10, #4,
#400 = `abiydah (Aramaic) (H5673): 1) work, service, ritual, worship;
1a) work, administration; 1b) ritual, service; #2, #70, #4, #400, #40 =
`edah (H5712): 1) congregation, gathering; #70, #30, #10, #6, #400 =
`illiy (H5942): 1) upper; #6, #40, #70, #100, #300 = `aqash (H6140): 1)
to be perverse, twist, pervert, make crooked, prove perverse, declare
perverse; 1a) (Niphal) to be crooked; 1b) (Piel) to twist, distort,
pervert, make crooked; 1c) (Hiphil) to declare crooked; 1d) (Qal)
perverse; #6, #300, #200, #10 = Saray (H8297): 1) original name of Sarah
the wife of Abram or Abraham; #40, #400, #40, #6, #30 = temowl (H8543):
1) before, before that time, beforetime, heretofore, of late, of old,
these days, time(s) past, yesterday, day before yesterday, recently,
formerly; 1a) yesterday; 1a1) recently, formerly (usual usage) (fig);
1b) as formerly, so more recently; 1c) from yesterday, already; #4, #10,
#1, #20, #70, #200, #10, #1, #200 = diakosioi (G1250): 1) two hundred;
#4, #10, #1, #200, #80, #70, #100, #1, #50 = diaspora (G1290): 1) a
scattering, dispersion; 1a) of Israelites dispersed among foreign
nations; 1b) of the Christians scattered abroad among the Gentiles; #5,
#200, #300, #1, #10 = eimi (G1510): 1) to be, to exist, to happen, to be
present; #5, #10, #200, #5, #50, #5, #3, #20, #8, #10, #200 = eisphero
(G1533): 1) to bring into, in or to; 2) to lead into; #5, #30, #1, #10,
#70, #400 = elaion (G1637): 1) olive oil; 1a) for fuel for lamps; 1b)
for healing the sick; 1c) for anointing the head and body at feasts; 1d)
mentioned among articles of commerce; #20, #5, #20, #70, #200, #40, #8,
#40, #5, #50, #8, #50 = kosmeo (G2885): 1) to put in order, arrange,
make ready, prepare; 2) to ornament, adore; 3) metaph. to embellish with
honour, gain honour; #40, #5, #50, #70, #50, #300, #1 = meno (G3306): 1)
to remain, abide; 2) to wait for, await one; 1a) in reference to place;
1a1) to sojourn, tarry; 1a2) not to depart; 1a2a) to continue to be
present; 1a2b) to be held, kept, continually; 1b) in reference to time;
1b1) to continue to be, not to perish, to last, endure; 1b1a) of
persons, to survive, live; 1c) in reference to state or condition; 1c1)
to remain as one, not to become another or different; #80, #1, #100, #1,
#4, #70, #200, #10, #50 = paradosis (G3862): 1) giving up, giving over;
2) a giving over which is done by word of mouth or in writing, ie.
tradition by instruction, narrative, precept, etc.; 1a) the act of
giving up; 1b) the surrender of cities; 2a) objectively, that which is
delivered, the substance of a teaching; 2b) of the body of precepts,
esp. ritual, which in the opinion of the later Jews were orally
delivered by Moses and orally transmitted in unbroken succession to
subsequent generations, which precepts, both illustrating and expanding
the written law, as they did were to be obeyed with equal reverence;
#80, #1, #400, #30, #5 = Paulos (G3972): 1) Paul was the most famous of
the apostles and wrote a good part of the NT, the 14 Pauline epistles;
2) Paulus was a deputy or pro-consul of Cyprus and is said to be a
prudent man, in the management of affairs, as a governor; #80, #70,
#100, #50, #5, #10, #1, #200 = porneia (G4202): 1) illicit sexual
intercourse; 2) metaph. the worship of idols; 1a) adultery, fornication,
homosexuality, lesbianism, intercourse with animals etc.; 1b) sexual
intercourse with close relatives; Lev. 18; 1c) sexual intercourse with a
divorced man or woman; Mk. 10:11,12; 2a) of the defilement of idolatry,
as incurred by eating the sacrifices offered to idols;
@memeBrain [Telos: #502, Super: #61 - Virtuous Humility at Using
'Beneath'; I-Ching: H64 - Ferrying Incomplete, Before Completion, Not
Yet Fording, Not yet completed; Tetra: 78 - On the Verge, Ego: #16 -
Being a Guide, Returning to the Root; I-Ching: H28 - Major Superiority,
Excess, Great Exceeding, Preponderance of the great, Critical mass;
Tetra: 75 - Failure]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #491 has 25 Categories: #6, #1, #80, #4, #400 =
'aphad (H640): 1) (Qal) bind, gird; 1a) to gird on (ephod); 1b) (TWOT)
ephod; #1, #80, #4, #400, #6 = 'ephuddah (H642): 1) ephod; 1a) priestly
garment, shoulder-cape or mantle, outer garment; 1a1) worn by an
ordinary priest and made of white stuff; 1a2) worn by the high priest -
more costly, woven of gold, blue, purple, scarlet, and linen threads
provided with shoulder-pieces and a breast piece of like material,
ornamented with gems and gold; 1b) a metallic covering for idols, a
plating over; #6, #400, #5, #40, #40 = hamam (H2000): 1) to move
noisily, confuse, make a noise, discomfit, break, consume, crush,
destroy, trouble, vex; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to move noisily; 1a2) to confuse,
discomfit, vex; #9, #2, #70, #400, #10 = taba` (H2883): 1) to sink, sink
into, sink down, pierce, settle down, drown, be settled, be planted; 1a)
(Qal) to sink, sink down; 1b) (Pual) to be sunk; 1c) (Hophal) to cause
to sink; #6, #400, #20, #5, #10, #50 = kahah (H3543): 1) to grow weak,
grow dim, grow faint, falter, be weak, be dim, be darkened, be
restrained, be faint, fail; 1a) (Qal) to grow dim, grow faint; 1b)
(Piel) to faint, grow weak, grow faint; #400, #20, #6, #10, #50, #5 =
kavah (H3554): 1) to burn, scorch, brand; 1a) (Niphal) to be burned, be
scorched; #40, #5, #6, #40, #400 = mehuwmah (H4103): 1) tumult,
confusion, disquietude, discomfiture, destruction, trouble, vexed,
vexation; 1a) tumult, confusion, disturbance, turmoil, disquietude,
panic; 1b) discomfiture; #40, #30, #1, #400, #20 = mele'ah (H4395): 1)
fullness, full produce; #6, #1, #400, #40, #30, #9, #5 = malat (H4422):
1) to slip away, escape, deliver, save, be delivered; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1)
to slip away; 1a2) to escape; 1a3) to be delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to
lay, let slip out (of eggs); 1b2) to let escape; 1b3) to deliver, save
(life); 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to give birth to; 1c2) to deliver; 1d)
(Hithpael); 1d1) to slip forth, slip out, escape; 1d2) to escape; #40,
#30, #20, #400, #1 = malka' (Aramaic) (H4433): 1) queen; #20, #50, #9,
#6, #400, #6 = natah (H5186): 1) to stretch out, extend, spread out,
pitch, turn, pervert, incline, bend, bow; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to stretch
out, extend, stretch, offer; 1a2) to spread out, pitch (tent); 1a3) to
bend, turn, incline; 1a3a) to turn aside, incline, decline, bend down;
1a3b) to bend, bow; 1a3c) to hold out, extend (fig.); 1b) (Niphal) to be
stretched out; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to stretch out; 1c2) to spread out;
1c3) to turn, incline, influence, bend down, hold out, extend, thrust
aside, thrust away; #5, #60, #20, #6, #400 = cukkah (H5521): 1) thicket,
covert, booth; 1a) thicket; 1b) booth (rude or temporary shelter); #2,
#400, #8, #30, #1, #10, #40 = tachaluw' (H8463): 1) diseases; #1, #40,
#1, #100, #300, #8, #40, #1 = hamartema (G265): 1) sin, evil deed; #1,
#80, #5, #80, #5, #200, #70, #50 = apopipto (G634): 1) to fall off, slip
down from; #1, #200, #9, #5, #50, #5, #10, #1, #10, #200 = astheneia
(G769): 1) want of strength, weakness, infirmity; 1a) of the body; 1a1)
its native weakness and frailty; 1a2) feebleness of health or sickness;
1b) of the soul; 1b1) want of strength and capacity requisite; 1b1a) to
understand a thing; 1b1b) to do things great and glorious; 1b1c) to
restrain corrupt desires; 1b1d) to bear trials and troubles; #4, #1,
#50, #5, #10, #200, #1, #200, #9, #1, #10 = daneizo (G1155): 1) to lend
money; 2) to have money lent to one's self; 3) to take a loan, borrow
For Synonyms see entry 5827; #4, #10, #4, #1, #200, #20, #1, #30, #10,
#1, #10, #200 = didaskalia (G1319): 1) teaching, instruction; 2)
teaching; 2a) that which is taught, doctrine; 2b) teachings, precepts;
#5, #80, #10, #80, #30, #8, #60, #8, #10, #200 = epiplesso (G1969): 1)
to strike upon, beat upon; 2) to chastise with words, to chide, upbraid,
rebuke; #5, #100, #80, #5, #300, #1 = herpeton (G2062): 1) a creeping
animal, reptile; 2) an animal of any sort; 1a) used chiefly of snakes;
2a) four-legged animals and birds; 2b) marine animals; #30, #10, #300,
#100, #1, #50 = litra (G3046): 1) a pound, a weight of 12 ounces (340
gm); #60, #400, #30, #1 = xulon (G3586): 1) wood; 2) a tree; 1a) that
which is made of wood; 1a1) as a beam from which any one is suspended, a
gibbet, a cross; 1a2) a log or timber with holes in which the feet,
hands, neck of prisoners were inserted and fastened with thongs; 1a3) a
fetter, or shackle for the feet; 1a4) a cudgel, stick, staff; #80, #1,
#300, #100, #10 = pater (G3962): 1) generator or male ancestor; 2)
metaph.; 3) God is called the Father; 1a) either the nearest ancestor:
father of the corporeal nature, natural fathers, both parents; 1b) a
more remote ancestor, the founder of a race or tribe, progenitor of a
people, forefather: so Abraham is called, Jacob and David; 1b1) fathers
ie. ancestors, forefathers, founders of a race; 1c) one advanced in
years, a senior; 2a) the originator and transmitter of anything; 2a1)
the authors of a family or society of persons animated by the same
spirit as himself; 2a2) one who has infused his own spirit into others,
who actuates and governs their minds; 2b) one who stands in a father's
place and looks after another in a paternal way; 2c) a title of honour;
2c1) teachers, as those to whom pupils trace back the knowledge and
training they have received; 2c2) the members of the Sanhedrin, whose
prerogative it was by virtue of the wisdom and experience in which they
excelled, to take charge of the interests of others; 3a) of the stars,
the heavenly luminaries, because he is their creator, upholder, ruler;
3b) of all rational and intelligent beings, whether angels or men,
because he is their creator, preserver, guardian and protector; 3b1) of
spiritual beings and of all men; 3c) of Christians, as those who through
Christ have been exalted to a specially close and intimate relationship
with God, and who no longer dread him as a stern judge of sinners, but
revere him as their reconciled and loving Father; 3d) the Father of
Jesus Christ, as one whom God has united to himself in the closest bond
of love and intimacy, made acquainted with his purposes, appointed to
explain and carry out among men the plan of salvation, and made to share
also in his own divine nature; 3d1) by Jesus Christ himself; 3d2) by the
apostles; #80, #30, #1, #50, #8, #9, #8, #300, #5 = planao (G4105): 1)
to cause to stray, to lead astray, lead aside from the right way; 2)
metaph.; 1a) to go astray, wander, roam about; 2a) to lead away from the
truth, to lead into error, to deceive; 2b) to be led into error; 2c) to
be led aside from the path of virtue, to go astray, sin; 2d) to sever or
fall away from the truth; 2d1) of heretics; 2e) to be led away into
error and sin; #300, #70, #30, #40, #1, #50 = tolmao (G5111): 1) not to
dread or shun through fear; 2) to bear, endure; 3) to bring one's self
to; 4) to be bold; 5) bear one's self boldly, deal boldly;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #532 has 58 Categories: #30, #2, #300, #200 = basar
(H1320): 1) flesh; 1a) of the body; 1a1) of humans; 1a2) of animals; 1b)
the body itself; 1c) male organ of generation (euphemism); 1d) kindred,
blood-relations; 1e) flesh as frail or erring (man against God); 1f) all
living things; 1g) animals; 1h) mankind; #6, #200, #20, #300, #6 =
rekuwsh (H7399): 1) property, goods, possessions; 1a) property, goods;
1a1) general term for all movable goods; 1a2) of livestock; 1a3) of
stores, utensils, etc; #30, #300, #2, #200 = shabar (H7665): 1) to
break, break in pieces; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) break, break in or down, rend
violently, wreck, crush, quench; 1a2) to break, rupture (fig); 1b)
(Niphal); 1b1) to be broken, be maimed, be crippled, be wrecked; 1b2) to
be broken, be crushed (fig); 1c) (Piel) to shatter, break; 1d) (Hiphil)
to cause to break out, bring to the birth; 1e) (Hophal) to be broken, be
shattered; #40, #90, #2, #400 = matstsebeth (H4678): 1) pillar, mastaba,
stump; 1a) pillar; 1a1) as monument, personal memorial; 1a2) with an
altar; 1b) (Hoph) stock, stump (of tree); #1, #30, #40, #50, #6, #400,
#5 = 'almanuwth (H491): 1) widowhood; #6, #400, #40, #30, #1, #50, #5 =
male' (H4390): 1) to fill, be full; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be full; 1a1a)
fullness, abundance (participle); 1a1b) to be full, be accomplished, be
ended; 1a2) to consecrate, fill the hand; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be
filled, be armed, be satisfied; 1b2) to be accomplished, be ended; 1c)
(Piel); 1c1) to fill; 1c2) to satisfy; 1c3) to fulfil, accomplish,
complete; 1c4) to confirm; 1d) (Pual) to be filled; 1e) (Hithpael) to
mass themselves against; #6, #10, #10, #200, #300, #6 = yarash (H3423):
1) to seize, dispossess, take possession off, inherit, disinherit,
occupy, impoverish, be an heir; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to take possession of;
1a2) to inherit; 1a3) to impoverish, come to poverty, be poor; 1b)
(Niphal) to be dispossessed, be impoverished, come to poverty; 1c)
(Piel) to devour; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to cause to possess or inherit;
1d2) to cause others to possess or inherit; 1d3) to impoverish; 1d4) to
dispossess; 1d5) to destroy, bring to ruin, disinherit; #6, #400, #70,
#50, #6 = `anah (H6030): 1) to answer, respond, testify, speak, shout;
2) (Qal) to sing, utter tunefully; 3) (Qal) to dwell; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
answer, respond to; 1a2) to testify, respond as a witness; 1b) (Niphal);
1b1) to make answer; 1b2) to be answered, receive answer; #1, #30, #400,
#100, #1 = 'Elteqe (H514): 1) Levitical city in the tribe of Dan,
between Ekron and Timna; #6, #5, #70, #30, #10, #400, #5, #6 = `alah
(H5927): 1) to go up, ascend, climb; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to go up, ascend;
1a2) to meet, visit, follow, depart, withdraw, retreat; 1a3) to go up,
come up (of animals); 1a4) to spring up, grow, shoot forth (of
vegetation); 1a5) to go up, go up over, rise (of natural phenomenon);
1a6) to come up (before God); 1a7) to go up, go up over, extend (of
boundary); 1a8) to excel, be superior to; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be taken
up, be brought up, be taken away; 1b2) to take oneself away; 1b3) to be
exalted; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to bring up, cause to ascend or climb, cause
to go up; 1c2) to bring up, bring against, take away; 1c3) to bring up,
draw up, train; 1c4) to cause to ascend; 1c5) to rouse, stir up
(mentally); 1c6) to offer, bring up (of gifts); 1c7) to exalt; 1c8) to
cause to ascend, offer; 1d) (Hophal); 1d1) to be carried away, be led
up; 1d2) to be taken up into, be inserted in; 1d3) to be offered; 1e)
(Hithpael) to lift oneself; #5, #4, #2, #10, #100, #400, #5, #6 = dabaq
(H1692): 1) to cling, stick, stay close, cleave, keep close, stick to,
stick with, follow closely, join to, overtake, catch; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
cling, cleave to; 1a2) to stay with; 1b) (Pual) to be joined together;
1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to cleave to; 1c2) to pursue closely; 1c3)
to overtake; 1d) (Hophal) to be made to cleave; #6, #40, #60, #20, #6,
#400 = maccekah (H4541): 1) a pouring, libation, molten metal, cast
image, drink offering; 2) web, covering, veil, woven stuff; 1a) libation
(with covenant sacrifice); 1b) molten metal, molten image, molten gods;
#2, #40, #60, #30, #400 = mecillah (H4546): 1) highway, raised way,
public road; #6, #70, #30, #10, #400, #10, #6 = `aliyah (H5944): 1)
roof-room, roof chamber; #30, #40, #30, #20, #6, #400, #6 = malkuwth
(H4438): 1) royalty, royal power, reign, kingdom, sovereign power; 1a)
royal power, dominion; 1b) reign; 1c) kingdom, realm; #6, #200, #20, #6,
#300 = rekuwsh (H7399): 1) property, goods, possessions; 1a) property,
goods; 1a1) general term for all movable goods; 1a2) of livestock; 1a3)
of stores, utensils, etc; #200, #20, #6, #300, #6 = rekuwsh (H7399): 1)
property, goods, possessions; 1a) property, goods; 1a1) general term for
all movable goods; 1a2) of livestock; 1a3) of stores, utensils, etc; #6,
#40, #6, #80, #400 = mowpheth (H4159): 1) wonder, sign, miracle,
portent; 1a) wonder (as a special display of God's power); 1b) sign,
token (of future event); #40, #20, #6, #50, #400, #10, #6 = mekownah
(H4350): 1) fixed resting place, base, pedestal; #2, #90, #30, #10, #400
= Batsluwth (H1213): 1) a head of a family of exiles returning with
Zerubbabel; #70, #2, #4, #400, #50, #6 = `abodah (H5656): 1) labour,
service; 1a) labour, work; 1b) labour (of servant or slave); 1c) labour,
service (of captives or subjects); 1d) service (of God); #70, #6, #50,
#6, #400 = `avon (H5771): 1) perversity, depravity, iniquity, guilt or
punishment of iniquity; 1a) iniquity; 1b) guilt of iniquity, guilt (as
great), guilt (of condition); 1c) consequence of or punishment for
iniquity; #70, #30, #10, #6, #400, #10, #6 = `aliyah (H5944): 1)
roof-room, roof chamber; #70, #50, #6, #400, #6 = `anah (H6031): 1)
(Qal) to be occupied, be busied with; 2) to afflict, oppress, humble, be
afflicted, be bowed down; 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to be put down, become low;
2a2) to be depressed, be downcast; 2a3) to be afflicted; 2a4) to stoop;
2b) (Niphal); 2b1) to humble oneself, bow down; 2b2) to be afflicted, be
humbled; 2c) (Piel); 2c1) to humble, mishandle, afflict; 2c2) to humble,
be humiliated; 2c3) to afflict; 2d4) to humble, weaken oneself; 2d)
(Pual); 2d1) to be afflicted; 2d2) to be humbled; 2e) (Hiphil) to
afflict; 2f) (Hithpael); 2f1) to humble oneself; 2f2) to be afflicted;
#6, #10, #300, #10, #200, #6 = shiyr (H7891): 1) to sing; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to sing; 1a2) singer, songstresses (participle); 1b) (Polel); 1b1)
to sing; 1b2) singer, songstress (participle); 1c) (Hophal) to be sung;
#6, #300, #20, #200, #6 = shakar (H7937): 1) to be or become drunk or
drunken, be intoxicated; 1a) (Qal) to become drunken; 1b) (Piel) to make
drunken, cause to be drunk; 1c) (Hiphil) to cause to be drunk; 1d)
(Hithpael) to make oneself drunk; #6, #100, #6, #10, #400, #10 = qavah
(H6960): 1) to wait, look for, hope, expect; 2) to collect, bind
together; 1a) (Qal) waiting (participle); 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to wait or
look eagerly for; 1b2) to lie in wait for; 1b3) to wait for, linger for;
2a) (Niphal) to be collected; #2, #50, #80, #400 = naphah (H5299): 1) a
lofty place, height; 2) sieve, winnowing implement; #6, #2, #40, #30,
#8, #40, #6, #400 = milchamah (H4421): 1) battle, war; #6, #70, #6, #50,
#400 = `avon (H5771): 1) perversity, depravity, iniquity, guilt or
punishment of iniquity; 1a) iniquity; 1b) guilt of iniquity, guilt (as
great), guilt (of condition); 1c) consequence of or punishment for
iniquity; #6, #2, #8, #100, #400, #10, #6 = chuqqah (H2708): 1) statute,
ordinance, limit, enactment, something prescribed; 1a) statute; #50, #2,
#70, #400, #10 = ba`ath (H1204): 1) to terrify, startle, fall upon,
dismay, be overtaken by sudden terror; 1a) (Niphal) to be terrified; 1b)
(Piel); 1b1) to fall upon, overwhelm; 1b2) to terrify; #5, #2, #70,
#400, #30, #8, #9, #8 = boulomai (G1014): 1) to will deliberately, have
a purpose, be minded; 2) of willing as an affection, to desire; #70,
#50, #70, #40, #1, #300, #1 = onoma (G3686): 1) name: univ. of proper
names; 2) the name is used for everything which the name covers,
everything the thought or feeling of which is aroused in the mind by
mentioning, hearing, remembering, the name, i.e. for one's rank,
authority, interests, pleasure, command, excellences, deeds etc.; 3)
persons reckoned up by name; 4) the cause or reason named: on this
account, because he suffers as a Christian, for this reason; #20, #100,
#1, #400, #3, #8 = krauge (G2906): 1) a crying, outcry, clamour; #4, #1,
#100, #8, #200, #5, #200, #9, #5 = dero (G1194): 1) to flay, skin; 2) to
beat, thrash, smite; #20, #1, #300, #1, #20, #5, #10, #40, #5, #50, #70,
#10 = katakeimai (G2621): 1) to have lain down, i.e. to lie prostrate;
1a) of the sick; 1b) of those at meals, to recline; #20, #5, #20, #70,
#80, #10, #1, #20, #1, #300, #5 = kopiao (G2872): 1) to grow weary,
tired, exhausted (with toil or burdens or grief); 2) to labour with
wearisome effort, to toil; 2a) of bodily labour; #5, #200, #9, #8, #300,
#10 = esthes (G2066): 1) clothing, raiment, apparel; #2, #10, #9, #400,
#50, #10, #1, #50 = Bithunia (G978): 1) a Roman province in Asia Minor,
bounded by the Euxine Sea, the Propontis, Mysia, Phrygia, Galatia,
Paphlagonia; #40, #1, #20, #1, #100, #10, #200, #40, #70, #50 =
makarismos (G3108): 1) declaration of blessedness; 2) to utter a
declaration of blessedness upon one; 3) to pronounce one blessed; #70,
#4, #400, #50, #8 = odune (G3601): 1) consuming grief, pain, sorrow;
#20, #1, #30, #400, #40, #40, #1 = kaluma (G2571): 1) a veil, covering;
#8, #3, #70, #400, #40, #1, #10 = hegeomai (G2233): 1) to lead; 2) to
consider, deem, account, think For Synonyms see entry 5837; 1a) to go
before; 1b) to be a leader; 1b1) to rule, command; 1b2) to have
authority over; 1b3) a prince, of regal power, governor, viceroy, chief,
leading as respects influence, controlling in counsel, overseers or
leaders of the churches; 1b4) used of any kind of leader, chief,
commander; 1b5) the leader in speech, chief, spokesman; #20, #1, #40,
#50, #70, #50, #300, #1 = kamno (G2577): 1) to grow weary, be weary; 2)
to be sick; #200, #1, #30, #80, #10, #3, #3, #5, #200 = salpigx (G4536):
1) a trumpet;
I should have known this right from the beginning,
@memeBrain [Telos: #2834, Super: #24 - Important Distinctions, Trouble
from Indulgence; I-Ching: H5 - Waiting, Delay, Attending, Waiting,
Moistened, Arriving; Tetra: 18 - Waiting, Ego: #80 - Primitivist
Independence, Remaining in Isolation; I-Ching: H16 - Contentment,
Enthusiasm, Providing-For, Excess; Tetra: 23 - Ease]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #515 has 32 Categories: #6, #5, #4, #100, #400 =
deqaq (Aramaic) (H1855): 1) to break into pieces, fall into pieces, be
shattered; 1a) (P'al) to be shattered; 1b) (Aphel) to break into pieces;
#300, #8, #2, #200, #5 = chabar (H2266): 1) to unite, join, bind
together, be joined, be coupled, be in league, heap up, have fellowship
with, be compact, be a charmer; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to unite, be joined;
1a2) to tie magic charms, charm; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to unite with, make an
ally of; 1b2) to unite, join, ally; 1c) (Pual); 1c1) to be allied with,
be united; 1c2) to be joined together; 1d) (Hiphil) to join together,
pile up (words); 1e) (Hithpael) to join oneself to, make an alliance,
league together; #2, #8, #200, #300, #5 = choresh (H2793): 1) wood,
wooded height, forest, wooded area; #9, #40, #50, #400, #10, #6 = taman
(H2934): 1) to hide, conceal, bury; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to hide; 1a2)
hiding, concealing, secretly laying (participle); 1a3) darkness
(participle); 1b) (Niphal) to hide oneself; 1c) (Hiphil) to hide; #5,
#200, #10, #300 = Yehovah (H3068): 1) the proper name of the one true
God; 1a) unpronounced except with the vowel pointings of 0136; #5, #10,
#40, #50, #10, #400 = yemaniy (H3233): 1) right, right hand; #10, #100,
#4, #400, #1 = yeqad (Aramaic) (H3345): 1) (P'al) to burn; #10, #100,
#5, #400 = yiqqahah (H3349): 1) obedience, cleansing, purging; #10,
#200, #300, #5 = yereshah (H3424): 1) possession, property; #2, #40, #3,
#4, #30, #6, #400, #10, #20 = migdal (H4026): 1) tower; 1a) tower; 1b)
elevated stage, pulpit; 1c) raised bed; #40, #20, #50, #400, #5 =
mekunah (H4369): 1) resting place, base; #30, #5, #50, #400, #10, #20 =
nathak (H5413): 1) to pour out or forth, drop (or rain), be poured, be
poured out, be melted, be molten; 1a) (Qal) to pour forth; 1b) (Niphal)
to be poured, be poured out; 1c) (Hiphil) to pour out, melt; 1d)
(Hophal) to be melted; #6, #5, #60, #30, #8, #6, #400 = celiychah
(H5547): 1) forgiveness; #2, #70, #3, #30, #400, #10 = `eglah (H5697):
1) heifer; #40, #70, #400, #5 = `attah (H6258): 1) now; 1a) now; 1b) in
phrases; #6, #100, #9, #400 = Qattath (H7005): 1) a town in Zebulun;
#40, #5, #100, #200, #100, #70 = qarqa` (H7172): 1) floor, bottom; #6,
#300, #200, #9 = seret (H8296): 1) incision, cut; #5, #400, #10, #40,
#50, #10 = Teymaniy (H8489): 1) an inhabitant of Teman located east of
Idumea; 2) a descendant of Teman, the grandson of Esau and a duke of
Edom; #5, #400, #10, #90, #10 = Tiytsiy (H8491): 1) an inhabitant of
Tiz; #5, #40, #400, #20, #50 = takan (H8505): 1) to regulate, measure,
estimate, ponder, balance, make even, level, weigh, be equal, be weighed
out, test, prove; 1a) (Qal) estimate (participle); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to
be estimated; 1b2) to be made even or right, be adjusted to the
standard; 1c) (Piel) to weigh out, mete out; 1d) (Pual); 1d1) to be
weighed out, be measured out; 1d2) measured out (participle); #400, #50,
#10, #50, #5 = tinyan (Aramaic) (H8578): 1) second; #4, #10, #8, #3, #5,
#10, #100, #5, #300, #70 = diegeiro (G1326): 1) to wake up, awaken,
arouse (from sleep); 1a) of the sea, which begins to be agitated, to
rise; 1b) metaph.; 1b1) to arouse the mind; 1b2) stir up, render active;
#4, #10, #20, #1, #10, #70, #400 = dikaios (G1342): 1) righteous,
observing divine laws; 1a) in a wide sense, upright, righteous,
virtuous, keeping the commands of God; 1a1) of those who seem to
themselves to be righteous, who pride themselves to be righteous, who
pride themselves in their virtues, whether real or imagined; 1a2)
innocent, faultless, guiltless; 1a3) used of him whose way of thinking,
feeling, and acting is wholly conformed to the will of God, and who
therefore needs no rectification in the heart or life; 1a3a) only Christ
truly; 1a4) approved of or acceptable of God; 1b) in a narrower sense,
rendering to each his due and that in a judicial sense, passing just
judgment on others, whether expressed in words or shown by the manner of
dealing with them; #5, #40, #70, #400 = ego (G1473): 1) I, me, my; #10,
#200, #300, #5 = eido (G1492): 1) to see; 2) to know; 12) For Synonyms
see entry 5825; 1a) to perceive with the eyes; 1b) to perceive by any of
the senses; 1c) to perceive, notice, discern, discover; 1d) to see; 1d1)
ie. to turn the eyes, the mind, the attention to anything; 1d2) to pay
attention, observe; 1d3) to see about something; 1d31) ie. to ascertain
what must be done about it; 1d4) to inspect, examine; 1d5) to look at,
behold; 1e) to experience any state or condition; 1f) to see ie. have an
interview with, to visit; 2a) to know of anything; 2b) to know, ie. get
knowledge of, understand, perceive; 2b1) of any fact; 2b2) the force and
meaning of something which has definite meaning; 2b3) to know how, to be
skilled in; 2c) to have regard for one, cherish, pay attention to (1Th.
5:; #5, #80, #8, #3, #3, #5, #10, #30, #1, #300, #70 = epaggello
(G1861): 1) to announce that one is about to do or furnish something; 2)
to profess; 1a) to promise (of one's own accord) to engage voluntarily;
2a) an art, to profess one's skill in something; #7, #8, #30, #70, #400
= zelos (G2205): 1) excitement of mind, ardour, fervour of spirit; 1a)
zeal, ardour in embracing, pursuing, defending anything; 1a1) zeal in
behalf of, for a person or thing; 1a2) the fierceness of indignation,
punitive zeal; 1b) an envious and contentious rivalry, jealousy; #30,
#5, #50, #300, #10, #70, #50 = lention (G3012): 1) a linen cloth, towel;
1a) of the towel or apron with which servants put on when about to work;
#40, #5, #200, #70, #200 = mesos (G3319): 1) middle; 2) the midst; 3) in
the midst of, amongst; #80, #10, #200, #10, #4, #10, #1, #200 = Pisidia
(G4099): 1) a region in Asia Minor bounded by Pamphylia, and the
Pamphylian Sea, Phrygia, and Lycaonia; #80, #30, #5, #10, #70, #50, #70,
#200 = pleion (G4119): 1) greater in quantity; 2) greater in quality,
superior, more excellent; 1a) the more part, very many;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #612 has 52 Categories: #6, #400, #200, #1, #5 =
ra'ah (H7200): 1) to see, look at, inspect, perceive, consider; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to see; 1a2) to see, perceive; 1a3) to see, have vision;
1a4) to look at, see, regard, look after, see after, learn about,
observe, watch, look upon, look out, find out; 1a5) to see, observe,
consider, look at, give attention to, discern, distinguish; 1a6) to look
at, gaze at; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to appear, present oneself; 1b2) to be
seen; 1b3) to be visible; 1c) (Pual) to be seen; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to
cause to see, show; 1d2) to cause to look intently at, behold, cause to
gaze at; 1e) (Hophal); 1e1) to be caused to see, be shown; 1e2) to be
exhibited to; 1f) (Hithpael) to look at each other, face; #2, #200, #10,
#400 = beriyth (H1285): 1) covenant, alliance, pledge; 2) (phrases); 1a)
between men; 1a1) treaty, alliance, league (man to man); 1a2)
constitution, ordinance (monarch to subjects); 1a3) agreement, pledge
(man to man); 1a4) alliance (of friendship); 1a5) alliance (of
marriage); 1b) between God and man; 1b1) alliance (of friendship); 1b2)
covenant (divine ordinance with signs or pledges); 2a) covenant making;
2b) covenant keeping; 2c) covenant violation; #6, #400, #4, #2, #200 =
dabar (H1696): 1) to speak, declare, converse, command, promise, warn,
threaten, sing; 1a) (Qal) to speak; 1b) (Niphal) to speak with one
another, talk; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to speak; 1c2) to promise; 1d) (Pual) to
be spoken; 1e) (Hithpael) to speak; 1f) (Hiphil) to lead away, put to
flight; #6, #10, #300, #200, #90, #6 = sharats (H8317): 1) (Qal) to
teem, swarm, multiply; 1a) to swarm, teem; 1b2) to swarm; #6, #4, #2,
#200, #400 = dabar (H1696): 1) to speak, declare, converse, command,
promise, warn, threaten, sing; 1a) (Qal) to speak; 1b) (Niphal) to speak
with one another, talk; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to speak; 1c2) to promise; 1d)
(Pual) to be spoken; 1e) (Hithpael) to speak; 1f) (Hiphil) to lead away,
put to flight; #100, #90, #6, #400, #10, #6 = qatsah (H7098): 1) end,
extremity; 1a) end; 1b) from the whole of, from among (of what is
included between extremities); #2, #8, #2, #200, #400 = chobereth
(H2279): 1) junction, a thing joined; 2) curtain pieces of the
tabernacle; #2, #200, #4, #400, #6 = yarad (H3381): 1) to go down,
descend, decline, march down, sink down; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to go or come
down; 1a2) to sink; 1a3) to be prostrated; 1a4) to come down (of
revelation); 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to bring down; 1b2) to send down; 1b3)
to take down; 1b4) to lay prostrate; 1b5) to let down; 1c) (Hophal);
1c1) to be brought down; 1c2) to be taken down; #5, #200, #1, #400, #6 =
ra'ah (H7200): 1) to see, look at, inspect, perceive, consider; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to see; 1a2) to see, perceive; 1a3) to see, have vision;
1a4) to look at, see, regard, look after, see after, learn about,
observe, watch, look upon, look out, find out; 1a5) to see, observe,
consider, look at, give attention to, discern, distinguish; 1a6) to look
at, gaze at; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to appear, present oneself; 1b2) to be
seen; 1b3) to be visible; 1c) (Pual) to be seen; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to
cause to see, show; 1d2) to cause to look intently at, behold, cause to
gaze at; 1e) (Hophal); 1e1) to be caused to see, be shown; 1e2) to be
exhibited to; 1f) (Hithpael) to look at each other, face; #5, #200, #1,
#6, #400 = ra'ah (H7200): 1) to see, look at, inspect, perceive,
consider; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to see; 1a2) to see, perceive; 1a3) to see,
have vision; 1a4) to look at, see, regard, look after, see after, learn
about, observe, watch, look upon, look out, find out; 1a5) to see,
observe, consider, look at, give attention to, discern, distinguish;
1a6) to look at, gaze at; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to appear, present oneself;
1b2) to be seen; 1b3) to be visible; 1c) (Pual) to be seen; 1d)
(Hiphil); 1d1) to cause to see, show; 1d2) to cause to look intently at,
behold, cause to gaze at; 1e) (Hophal); 1e1) to be caused to see, be
shown; 1e2) to be exhibited to; 1f) (Hithpael) to look at each other,
face; #5, #2, #5, #200, #400 = bohereth (H934): 1) white patch of skin,
brightness, bright spot (on skin); 2) (CLBL) bright spot, scar, blister,
boil; 2a) resulting from fire; 2b) resulting from inflammation of the
skin; 2c) possible sign of leprosy; #6, #2, #200, #4, #400 = yarad
(H3381): 1) to go down, descend, decline, march down, sink down; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to go or come down; 1a2) to sink; 1a3) to be prostrated;
1a4) to come down (of revelation); 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to bring down;
1b2) to send down; 1b3) to take down; 1b4) to lay prostrate; 1b5) to let
down; 1c) (Hophal); 1c1) to be brought down; 1c2) to be taken down;
#200, #10, #2, #400 = riyb (H7379): 1) strife, controversy, dispute; 1a)
strife, quarrel; 1b) dispute, controversy, case at law; #2, #10, #400,
#200 = yether (H3499): 1) remainder, excess, rest, remnant, excellence;
1a) remainder, remnant; 1b) remainder, rest, other part; 1c) excess; 1d)
abundantly (adv); 1e) abundance, affluence; 1f) superiority, excellency;
#6, #10, #300, #40, #200, #50, #6 = shamar (H8104): 1) to keep, guard,
observe, give heed; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to keep, have charge of; 1a2) to
keep, guard, keep watch and ward, protect, save life; 1a2a) watch,
watchman (participle); 1a3) to watch for, wait for; 1a4) to watch,
observe; 1a5) to keep, retain, treasure up (in memory); 1a6) to keep
(within bounds), restrain; 1a7) to observe, celebrate, keep (sabbath or
covenant or commands), perform (vow); 1a8) to keep, preserve, protect;
1a9) to keep, reserve; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be on one's guard, take
heed, take care, beware; 1b2) to keep oneself, refrain, abstain; 1b3) to
be kept, be guarded; 1c) (Piel) to keep, pay heed; 1d) (Hithpael) to
keep oneself from; #6, #200, #6, #400 = Ruwth (H7327): 1)
daughter-in-law of Naomi, wife of Boaz, and grandmother of David; #5,
#200, #2, #400, #5 = rabah (H7235): 1) be or become great, be or become
many, be or become much, be or become numerous; 2) (Qal) to shoot; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to become many, become numerous, multiply (of people,
animals, things); 1a2) to be or grow great; 1b) (Piel) to make large,
enlarge, increase, become many; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make much, make
many, have many; 1c1a) to multiply, increase; 1c1b) to make much to do,
do much in respect of, transgress greatly; 1c1c) to increase greatly or
exceedingly; 1c2) to make great, enlarge, do much; #400, #4, #2, #200,
#6 = dabar (H1696): 1) to speak, declare, converse, command, promise,
warn, threaten, sing; 1a) (Qal) to speak; 1b) (Niphal) to speak with one
another, talk; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to speak; 1c2) to promise; 1d) (Pual) to
be spoken; 1e) (Hithpael) to speak; 1f) (Hiphil) to lead away, put to
flight; #2, #200, #2, #2, #400, #6 = rebabah (H7233): 1) multitude,
myriad, ten thousand; #4, #2, #200, #6, #400 = doberah (H1702): 1)
floats, rafts; #6, #70, #90, #40, #6, #400 = `etsem (H6106): 1) bone,
essence, substance; 1a) bone; 1a1) body, limbs, members, external body;
1b) bone (of animal); 1c) substance, self; #6, #100, #300, #200, #6 =
qesher (H7195): 1) conspiracy, treason, (unlawful) alliance; #6, #10,
#400, #100, #30, #60, #6 = qalac (H7046): 1) to mock, scoff; 1a) (Piel)
to scoff at; 1b) (Hithpael) to mock, deride, make fun of; #8, #200, #4,
#400 = charad (H2729): 1) to tremble, quake, move about, be afraid, be
startled, be terrified; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to tremble, quake (of a
mountain); 1a2) to tremble (of people); 1a3) to be anxiously careful;
1a4) to go or come trembling (with prep); 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to cause to
tremble; 1b2) to drive in terror, rout (an army); #6, #200, #1, #400, #5
= ra'ah (H7200): 1) to see, look at, inspect, perceive, consider; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to see; 1a2) to see, perceive; 1a3) to see, have vision;
1a4) to look at, see, regard, look after, see after, learn about,
observe, watch, look upon, look out, find out; 1a5) to see, observe,
consider, look at, give attention to, discern, distinguish; 1a6) to look
at, gaze at; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to appear, present oneself; 1b2) to be
seen; 1b3) to be visible; 1c) (Pual) to be seen; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to
cause to see, show; 1d2) to cause to look intently at, behold, cause to
gaze at; 1e) (Hophal); 1e1) to be caused to see, be shown; 1e2) to be
exhibited to; 1f) (Hithpael) to look at each other, face; #2, #1, #3,
#200, #6, #400 = 'iggereth (H107): 1) letter, missive; #200, #2, #10,
#400 = rabah (H7235): 1) be or become great, be or become many, be or
become much, be or become numerous; 2) (Qal) to shoot; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
to become many, become numerous, multiply (of people, animals, things);
1a2) to be or grow great; 1b) (Piel) to make large, enlarge, increase,
become many; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make much, make many, have many;
1c1a) to multiply, increase; 1c1b) to make much to do, do much in
respect of, transgress greatly; 1c1c) to increase greatly or
exceedingly; 1c2) to make great, enlarge, do much; #2, #10, #200, #100,
#200, #100 = 'ebrah (H84): 1) pinion, wing; 1a) of bird (ostrich, eagle,
dove); 1b) of God (metaph); #20, #70, #6, #50, #400, #10, #50, #6 =
`avon (H5771): 1) perversity, depravity, iniquity, guilt or punishment
of iniquity; 1a) iniquity; 1b) guilt of iniquity, guilt (as great),
guilt (of condition); 1c) consequence of or punishment for iniquity;
#100, #6, #90, #6, #400, #10 = qevutstsah (H6977): 1) lock, locks of
hair; #400, #200, #7, #5 = tirzah (H8645): 1) a type of tree; 1a)
perhaps the cypress, holm-tree; 1b) meaning very dubious; #2, #70, #90,
#40, #400, #10 = `etsem (H6106): 1) bone, essence, substance; 1a) bone;
1a1) body, limbs, members, external body; 1b) bone (of animal); 1c)
substance, self; #2, #200, #400, #10 = beriyth (H1285): 1) covenant,
alliance, pledge; 2) (phrases); 1a) between men; 1a1) treaty, alliance,
league (man to man); 1a2) constitution, ordinance (monarch to subjects);
1a3) agreement, pledge (man to man); 1a4) alliance (of friendship); 1a5)
alliance (of marriage); 1b) between God and man; 1b1) alliance (of
friendship); 1b2) covenant (divine ordinance with signs or pledges); 2a)
covenant making; 2b) covenant keeping; 2c) covenant violation; #2, #400,
#200, #10 = bether (H1335): 1) part, piece; 1a) of the parts of an
animal cut in half for a sacrifice; #200, #2, #400, #10 = rab (H7227):
1) much, many, great; 2) captain, chief; 1a) much; 1b) many; 1c)
abounding in; 1d) more numerous than; 1e) abundant, enough; 1f) great;
1g) strong; 1h) greater than adv; 1i) much, exceedingly n m; #400, #7,
#200, #5 = zarah (H2219): 1) to scatter, fan, cast away, winnow,
disperse, compass, spread, be scattered, be dispersed; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
to scatter; 1a2) to fan, winnow; 1b) (Niphal) to be scattered, be
dispersed; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to scatter, disperse (intensive of Qal);
1c2) to winnow, sift; 1d) (Pual) to be scattered, be spread out; #2,
#300, #300, #10 = shishshiy (H8345): 1) sixth; 1a) sixth (ordinal
number); 1b) sixth (as fraction); #5, #3, #4, #200, #400 = gederah
(H1448): 1) wall, hedge; 2) sheepfold (construct with 'sheep'); #2, #3,
#7, #200, #400 = gezerah (H1510): 1) decree; #40, #2, #100, #70, #400 =
biq`ah (H1237): 1) valley; 2) plain, level valley; #2, #200, #2, #2, #6,
#400 = rebabah (H7233): 1) multitude, myriad, ten thousand; #1, #80,
#10, #200, #300, #10, #1, #10 = apistia (G570): 1) unfaithfulness,
faithless; 2) want of faith, unbelief; 3) weakness of faith; #3, #100,
#1, #500, #8 = graphe (G1124): 1) a writing, thing written; 2) the
Scripture, used to denote either the book itself, or its contents; 3) a
certain portion or section of the Holy Scripture; #1, #400, #3, #8, #200
= auge (G827): 1) brightness, radiance, daylight For Synonyms see entry
5817; #1, #80, #70, #20, #1, #300, #1, #30, #30, #1, #60, #8, #10 =
apokatallasso (G604): 1) to reconcile completely; 2) to reconcile back
again, bring back a former state of harmony;
The only hope can keep me together,
@memeBrain [Telos: #1970, Super: #71 - Know-How as a Disease, Disease of
Knowledge; I-Ching: H38 - Contrariety, Opposition, Polarising,
Perversion; Tetra: 6 - Contrariety, Ego: #26 - Ambiguous Reversals,
Virtue of Gravity; I-Ching: H3 - Birth Throes, Initial Difficulties,
Sprouting, Difficulty at the beginning, Gathering support, Hoarding;
Tetra: 3 - Mired]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #586 has 71 Categories: #6, #10, #70, #400, #100 =
`athaq (H6275): 1) to move, proceed, advance, move on, become old, be
removed; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to move; 1a2) to advance (in years), grow old
and weak; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to move forward, proceed, move on; 1b2) to
remove; 1b3) to transcribe; #5, #50, #40, #90, #1, #400 = matsa'
(H4672): 1) to find, attain to; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to find; 1a1a) to find,
secure, acquire, get (thing sought); 1a1b) to find (what is lost); 1a1c)
to meet, encounter; 1a1d) to find (a condition); 1a1e) to learn, devise;
1a2) to find out; 1a2a) to find out; 1a2b) to detect; 1a2c) to guess;
1a3) to come upon, light upon; 1a3a) to happen upon, meet, fall in with;
1a3b) to hit; 1a3c) to befall; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be found; 1b1a) to
be encountered, be lighted upon, be discovered; 1b1b) to appear, be
recognised; 1b1c) to be discovered, be detected; 1b1d) to be gained, be
secured; 1b2) to be, be found; 1b2a) to be found in; 1b2b) to be in the
possession of; 1b2c) to be found in (a place), happen to be; 1b2d) to be
left (after war); 1b2e) to be present; 1b2f) to prove to be; 1b2g) to be
found sufficient, be enough; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to find,
attain; 1c2) to cause to light upon, come upon, come; 1c3) to cause to
encounter; 1c4) to present (offering); #30, #200, #1, #300, #50, #5 =
ri'shown (H7223): 1) first, primary, former; 2) first, before, formerly,
at first; 1a) former (of time); 1a1) ancestors; 1a2) former things; 1b)
foremost (of location); 1c) first (in time); 1d) first, chief (in
degree) adv; #90, #50, #40, #6, #400 = tsanam (H6798): 1) (Qal) to dry
up, harden, wither; #6, #5, #300, #70, #200, #5 = se`orah (H8184): 1)
barley; 1a) barley (of the plant); 1b) barley (of the meal or grain);
#6, #30, #300, #40, #200, #10 = shamar (H8104): 1) to keep, guard,
observe, give heed; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to keep, have charge of; 1a2) to
keep, guard, keep watch and ward, protect, save life; 1a2a) watch,
watchman (participle); 1a3) to watch for, wait for; 1a4) to watch,
observe; 1a5) to keep, retain, treasure up (in memory); 1a6) to keep
(within bounds), restrain; 1a7) to observe, celebrate, keep (sabbath or
covenant or commands), perform (vow); 1a8) to keep, preserve, protect;
1a9) to keep, reserve; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be on one's guard, take
heed, take care, beware; 1b2) to keep oneself, refrain, abstain; 1b3) to
be kept, be guarded; 1c) (Piel) to keep, pay heed; 1d) (Hithpael) to
keep oneself from; #6, #90, #80, #10, #400 = tsaphah (H6823): 1) to lay
out, lay over, overlay, cover; 1a) (Piel) to overlay, plate, stud; 1b)
(Pual) to be laid over; #80, #200, #300, #6 = peresh (H6569): 1) faecal
matter, dung, offal; #6, #30, #50, #400, #100 = netheq (H5424): 1) scab,
skin eruption, scall (of leprosy); #400, #100, #80, #6 = naqaph (H5362):
1) to strike, strike off; 2) to go around, compass, round; 1a) (Piel) to
strike off skin; 2a) (Qal) to go around; 2b) (Hiphil); 2b1) to go
around, surround, encompass, enclose; 2b2) to make the round, complete
the circuit; 2b3) to make round, round off; #300, #6, #80, #200 =
showphar (H7782): 1) horn, ram's horn; #10, #400, #100, #70, #6 = taqa`
(H8628): 1) to blow, clap, strike, sound, thrust, give a blow, blast;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to thrust, drive (of weapon); 1a2) to give a blast, give
a blow; 1a3) to strike or clap hands; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be blown,
blast (of horn); 1b2) to strike or pledge oneself; #6, #300, #70, #10,
#200 = sa`iyr (H8163): 1) hairy n m; 2) he-goat, buck; 32) ; 2a) as
sacrificial animal; 2b) satyr, may refer to a demon possessed goat like
the swine of Gadara (Mt. 8:30-; #300, #200, #80, #6 = saraph (H8313): 1)
to burn; 1a) (Qal) to burn; 1b) (Niphal) to be burned; 1c) (Piel)
burner, burning (participle); 1d) (Pual) to be burnt up, be burned; #40,
#70, #200, #6, #70, #200 = `Arow`er (H6177): 1) a city on the north bank
of the river Arnon, the southern point of the territory of Sihon the
king of the Amorites and later of Reuben; modern 'Arair'; 2) a city in
Ammon near the Jabbok belonging to Gad; 3) a town in southern Judah; #6,
#10, #400, #100, #70 = taqa` (H8628): 1) to blow, clap, strike, sound,
thrust, give a blow, blast; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to thrust, drive (of
weapon); 1a2) to give a blast, give a blow; 1a3) to strike or clap
hands; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be blown, blast (of horn); 1b2) to strike
or pledge oneself; #30, #100, #50, #6, #400 = qanah (H7069): 1) to get,
acquire, create, buy, possess; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to get, acquire, obtain;
1a1a) of God originating, creating, redeeming His people; 1a1a1)
possessor; 1a1b) of Eve acquiring; 1a1c) of acquiring knowledge, wisdom;
1a2) to buy; 1b) (Niphal) to be bought; 1c) (Hiphil) to cause to
possess; #300, #70, #200, #10, #6 = sha`ar (H8179): 1) gate; 1a) gate
(of entrance); 1b) gate (of space inside gate, ie marketplace, public
meeting place); 1b1) city, town; 1c) gate (of palace, royal castle,
temple, court of tabernacle); 1d) Heaven, Sheol (fig); #6, #80, #200,
#300 = paras (H6566): 1) to spread, spread out, stretch, break in
pieces; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to spread out, display; 1a2) to spread over; 1b)
(Niphal) to be scattered, be spread out; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to scatter;
#2, #40, #8, #30, #100, #6, #400 = machaloqeth (H4256): 1) division,
course, class, share, allotment; 1a) division, part; 1b) division,
class, course; 1b1) of priests, Levites (technical term of
organisation); #6, #40, #400, #80, #30, #30 = palal (H6419): 1) to
intervene, interpose, pray; 1a) (Piel) to mediate, judge; 1b)
(Hithpael); 1b1) to intercede; 1b2) to pray; #50, #90, #40, #400, #6 =
tsamath (H6789): 1) to put an end to, cut off, destroy, exterminate,
extirpate; 1a) (Qal) to put an end to, terminate; 1b) (Niphal) to be
ended, be annihilated, be exterminated; 1c) (Piel) to put an end to; 1d)
(Pilel) to be exterminated, be annihilated; 1e) (Hiphil) to exterminate,
annihilate; #6, #300, #70, #200, #10 = sha`ar (H8179): 1) gate; 1a) gate
(of entrance); 1b) gate (of space inside gate, ie marketplace, public
meeting place); 1b1) city, town; 1c) gate (of palace, royal castle,
temple, court of tabernacle); 1d) Heaven, Sheol (fig); #10, #200, #70,
#300, #6 = ra`ash (H7493): 1) to quake, shake; 1a) (Qal) to quake,
shake; 1b) (Niphal) to be made to quake; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to
quake; 1c2) to cause to spring or leap (of horse); #70, #50, #10, #400,
#50, #6 = `anah (H6031): 1) (Qal) to be occupied, be busied with; 2) to
afflict, oppress, humble, be afflicted, be bowed down; 2a) (Qal); 2a1)
to be put down, become low; 2a2) to be depressed, be downcast; 2a3) to
be afflicted; 2a4) to stoop; 2b) (Niphal); 2b1) to humble oneself, bow
down; 2b2) to be afflicted, be humbled; 2c) (Piel); 2c1) to humble,
mishandle, afflict; 2c2) to humble, be humiliated; 2c3) to afflict; 2d4)
to humble, weaken oneself; 2d) (Pual); 2d1) to be afflicted; 2d2) to be
humbled; 2e) (Hiphil) to afflict; 2f) (Hithpael); 2f1) to humble
oneself; 2f2) to be afflicted; #40, #100, #40, #6, #400 = maqowm
(H4725): 1) standing place, place; 1a) standing place, station, post,
office; 1b) place, place of human abode; 1c) city, land, region; 1d)
place, locality, spot; 1e) space, room, distance; 1f) region, quarter,
direction; 1g) give place to, instead of; #6, #400, #70, #50, #50, #10 =
`anah (H6030): 1) to answer, respond, testify, speak, shout; 2) (Qal) to
sing, utter tunefully; 3) (Qal) to dwell; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to answer,
respond to; 1a2) to testify, respond as a witness; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to
make answer; 1b2) to be answered, receive answer; #80, #10, #80, #10,
#6, #400 = piyphiyah (H6374): 1) tooth, edge, mouth; #6, #70, #300, #10,
#200 = `ashiyr (H6223): 1) rich, wealthy n; 2) the rich, the wealthy,
rich man; #80, #6, #200, #300 = paras (H6566): 1) to spread, spread out,
stretch, break in pieces; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to spread out, display; 1a2)
to spread over; 1b) (Niphal) to be scattered, be spread out; 1c) (Piel);
1c1) to scatter; #5, #400, #100, #6, #70, #5 = taqa` (H8628): 1) to
blow, clap, strike, sound, thrust, give a blow, blast; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
to thrust, drive (of weapon); 1a2) to give a blast, give a blow; 1a3) to
strike or clap hands; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be blown, blast (of horn);
1b2) to strike or pledge oneself; #30, #40, #10, #300, #6, #200 =
miyshowr (H4334): 1) level place, uprightness; 1a) level country,
table-land, plain; 1b) level place; 1c) uprightness; #6, #400, #80, #100
= puwq (H6329): 1) to bring out, furnish, promote, go out, issue; 1a)
(Hiphil); 1a1) to produce, furnish; 1a2) to bring out, elicit, obtain,
cause to come out from; 1a3) to promote; 1a4) to cause to go out to;
#60, #30, #60, #30, #6, #400 = calcillah (H5552): 1) basket; 1a) perhaps
or probably shoot, branch, tendril; #5, #8, #7, #10, #100, #400, #50, #6
= chazaq (H2388): 1) to strengthen, prevail, harden, be strong, become
strong, be courageous, be firm, grow firm, be resolute, be sore; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to be strong, grow strong; 1a1a) to prevail, prevail upon;
1a1b) to be firm, be caught fast, be secure; 1a1c) to press, be urgent;
1a1d) to grow stout, grow rigid, grow hard (bad sense); 1a1e) to be
severe, be grievous; 1a2) to strengthen; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to make
strong; 1b2) to restore to strength, give strength; 1b3) to strengthen,
sustain, encourage; 1b4) to make strong, make bold, encourage; 1b5) to
make firm; 1b6) to make rigid, make hard; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make
strong, strengthen; 1c2) to make firm; 1c3) to display strength; 1c4) to
make severe; 1c5) to support; 1c6) to repair; 1c7) to prevail, prevail
upon; 1c8) to have or take or keep hold of, retain, hold up, sustain,
support; 1c9) to hold, contain; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1) to strengthen
oneself; 1d2) to put forth strength, use one's strength; 1d3) to
withstand; 1d4) to hold strongly with; #80, #70, #30, #400, #6 =
pe`ullah (H6468): 1) work, recompense, reward; 1a) work; 1b) wages; #10,
#300, #70, #200, #6 = sa`ar (H8175): 1) to storm, shiver, dread, bristle
(with horror), be very afraid; 2) to storm away, sweep away, whirl away;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to bristle (with horror); 1a2) to dread; 2a) (Qal); 2a1)
to sweep away; 2a2) to storm away (of God's action against the wicked)
(fig); 2b) (Niphal) to be stormy, be tempestuous (exceedingly); 2c)
(Piel) to whirl away, be stormed away; 2d) (Hithpael) to storm against,
come as a storm; #400, #90, #10, #30, #50, #6 = natsal (H5337): 1) to
snatch away, deliver, rescue, save, strip, plunder; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1)
to tear oneself away, deliver oneself; 1a2) to be torn out or away, be
delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to strip off, spoil; 1b2) to deliver; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to take away, snatch away; 1c2) to rescue, recover; 1c3)
to deliver (from enemies or troubles or death); 1c4) to deliver from sin
and guilt; 1d) (Hophal) to be plucked out; 1e) (Hithpael) to strip
oneself; #30, #5, #100, #40, #6, #400, #5 = quwm (H6966): 1) to arise,
stand; 1a) (P'al); 1a1) to arise from; 1a2) to come on the scene (fig);
1a3) to arise (out of inaction); 1a4) to stand; 1a5) to endure; 1b)
(Pael) to set up, establish; 1c) (Aphel); 1c1) to set up; 1c2) to lift
up; 1c3) to establish; 1c4) to appoint; 1d) (Hophal) to be made to
stand; #6, #70, #400, #10, #100 = `attiyq (H6268): 1) ancient, advanced,
aged, old, taken away; #6, #80, #300, #200 = peshar (H6591): 1)
interpretation (of dream); #400, #50, #1, #80, #50, #5 = na'aph (H5003):
1) to commit adultery; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to commit adultery; 1a1a) usually
of man; 1a1a1) always with wife of another; 1a1b) adultery (of women)
(participle); 1a2) idolatrous worship (fig.); 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to commit
adultery; 1b1a) of man; 1b1b) adultery (of women) (participle); 1b2)
idolatrous worship (fig.); #5, #100, #3, #1, #7, #70, #400 = ergazomai
(G2038): 1) to work, labour, do work; 2) to trade, to make gains by
trading, Vdo businessV; 3) to do, work out; 4) to work for, earn by
working, to acquire; 3a) exercise, perform, commit; 3b) to cause to
exist, produce; #80, #70, #10, #8, #200, #8, #10, #200 = poieo (G4160):
1) to make; 2) to do; 1a) with the names of things made, to produce,
construct, form, fashion, etc.; 1b) to be the authors of, the cause; 1c)
to make ready, to prepare; 1d) to produce, bear, shoot forth; 1e) to
acquire, to provide a thing for one's self; 1f) to make a thing out of
something; 1g) to (make i.e.) render one anything; 1g1) to (make i.e.)
constitute or appoint one anything, to appoint or ordain one that; 1g2)
to (make i.e.) declare one anything; 1h) to put one forth, to lead him
out; 1i) to make one do something; 1i1) cause one to; 1j) to be the
authors of a thing (to cause, bring about); 2a) to act rightly, do well;
2a1) to carry out, to execute; 2b) to do a thing unto one; 2b1) to do to
one; 2c) with designation of time: to pass, spend; 2d) to celebrate,
keep; 2d1) to make ready, and so at the same time to institute, the
celebration of the passover; 2e) to perform: to a promise For Synonyms
see entry 5871; #80, #300, #5, #100, #50, #1, #50 = pterna (G4418): 1)
the heel (of the foot); 2) to lift up the heel against one; 2a) to
injure one by trickery (figure borrowed either from kicking, or from a
wrestler tripping up his antagonist); #70, #100, #1, #200, #5, #10, #200
= horasis (G3706): 1) the act of seeing; 2) appearance, visible form; 3)
a vision; 1a) the sense of sight, the eyes; 3a) an appearance divinely
granted in an ecstasy or dream; #5, #30, #1, #30, #70, #400, #50 = laleo
(G2980): 1) to utter a voice or emit a sound; 2) to speak; 3) to talk;
4) to utter, tell; 5) to use words in order to declare one's mind and
disclose one's thoughts; 2a) to use the tongue or the faculty of speech;
2b) to utter articulate sounds; 5a) to speak; #5, #60, #5, #30, #5, #60,
#1, #50, #300, #70 = eklegomai (G1586): 1) to pick out, choose, to pick
or choose out for one's self; 5) so that the ground of the choice lies
in Christ and his merits only; 1a) choosing one out of many, i.e. Jesus
choosing his disciples; 1b) choosing one for an office; 1c) of God
choosing whom he judged fit to receive his favours and separated from
the rest of mankind to be peculiarly his own and to be attended
continually by his gracious oversight; 1c1) i.e. the Israelites; 1d) of
God the Father choosing Christians, as those whom he set apart from the
irreligious multitude as dear unto himself, and whom he has rendered,
through faith in Christ, citizens in the Messianic kingdom: (James 2:;
#50, #5, #1, #50, #10, #70, #400 = neanias (G3494): 1) a young man; #1,
#50, #1, #7, #8, #300, #8, #200, #1, #10 = anazeteo (G327): 1) to seek
out, search through, make diligent search; #1, #100, #5, #10, #70, #400
= Areios (G697): 1) a rocky height in the city of Athens, opposite the
western end of the Acropolis toward the west. This hill belonged to
(Ares) Mars and was called Mar's Hill; so called, because, as the story
went, Mars, having slain Halirrhothius, son of Neptune, for the
attempted violation of his daughter Alicippe, was tried for the murder
here before twelve gods as judges. This place was the location where the
judges convened who, by appointment of Solon, had jurisdiction of
capital offences, (as wilful murder, arson, poisoning, malicious
wounding, and breach of established religious usages). The court itself
was called Areopagus from the place where it sat, also VAreum judiciumV
an VcuriaV. To that hill the apostle Paul was not led to defend himself
before judges, but that he might set forth his opinions on divine
subjects to a greater multitude of people, flocking together there and
eager to hear something new.; #5, #400, #50, #70, #10, #1, #50 = eunoia
(G2133): 1) good will, kindness; #40, #1, #300, #1, #10, #70, #30, #70,
#3, #10, #1, #50 = mataiologia (G3150): 1) vain talking, empty talk; #3,
#70, #8, #300, #5, #200 = goes (G1114): 1) a wailer, a howler; 2) a
juggler, enchanter (because incantations used to be uttered in a kind of
howl); 3) a deceiver, imposter; #1, #80, #70, #20, #400, #5, #10 =
apokueo (G616): 1) to bring forth; 2) produce; 1a) from the womb; 1b)
give birth to;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #638 has 23 Categories: #6, #2, #200, #20, #400, #10
= barak (H1288): 1) to bless, kneel; 2) (TWOT) to praise, salute, curse;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to kneel; 1a2) to bless; 1b) (Niphal) to be blessed,
bless oneself; 1c) (Piel) to bless; 1d) (Pual) to be blessed, be adored;
1e) (Hiphil) to cause to kneel; 1f) (Hithpael) to bless oneself; #6, #2,
#300, #30, #300 = shalowsh (H7969): 1) three, triad; 1a) 3, 300, third;
#2, #40, #90, #100, #400, #6 = muwtsaqah (H4166): 1) pipe; 2) a casting;
#30, #2, #200, #6, #400 = barah (H1262): 1) to eat, consume; 1a) (Qal)
to eat; 1b) (Piel) for eating, devouring; 1c) (Hiphil) to cause to eat;
#2, #90, #80, #10, #400, #50, #6 = tsaphah (H6822): 1) to look out or
about, spy, keep watch, observe, watch; 1a) (Qal) to keep watch, spy;
1b) (Piel) to watch, watch closely; #6, #20, #2, #200, #10, #400 =
boriyth (H1287): 1) lye, potash, soap, alkali (used in washing); #20,
#100, #10, #300, #8, #200 = krites (G2923): 1) one who passes or
arrogates to himself, judgment on anything; 1a) an arbiter; 1b) of a
Roman procurator administering justice; 1c) of God passing judgment on
men; 1d) of the leaders or rulers of the Israelites For Synonyms see
entry 5838; #200, #5, #2, #70, #50, #300, #1, #10 = sebomai (G4576): 1)
to revere, to worship; #80, #5, #10, #100, #1, #7, #70, #40, #5, #50,
#70, #200 = peirazo (G3985): 1) to try whether a thing can be done; 2)
to try, make trial of, test: for the purpose of ascertaining his
quantity, or what he thinks, or how he will behave himself; 1a) to
attempt, endeavour; 2a) in a good sense; 2b) in a bad sense, to test one
maliciously, craftily to put to the proof his feelings or judgments; 2c)
to try or test one's faith, virtue, character, by enticement to sin;
2c1) to solicit to sin, to tempt; 1c1a) of the temptations of the devil;
2d) after the OT usage; 2d1) of God: to inflict evils upon one in order
to prove his character and the steadfastness of his faith; 2d2) men are
said to tempt God by exhibitions of distrust, as though they wished to
try whether he is not justly distrusted; 2d3) by impious or wicked
conduct to test God's justice and patience, and to challenge him, as it
were to give proof of his perfections.; #5, #80, #50, #10, #3, #70, #50,
#300, #70 = pnigo (G4155): 1) to choke, strangle; 2) to wring one's
neck, throttle; 1a) of thorns crowding out the seed in the field and
hindering its growth; #4, #10, #1, #30, #70, #3, #10, #200, #40, #70,
#200 = dialogismos (G1261): 1) the thinking of a man deliberating with
himself; 2) a deliberating, questioning about what is true; 1a) a
thought, inward reasoning; 1b) purpose, design; 2a) hesitation,
doubting; 2b) disputing, arguing; #200, #400, #20, #8, #10 = suke
(G4808): 1) a fig tree; #5, #400, #200, #5, #2, #5, #10, #1, #10 =
eusebeia (G2150): 1) reverence, respect; 2) piety towards God,
godliness; #400, #80, #5, #2, #1, #30, #70, #50 = hupoballo (G5260): 1)
to throw or put under; 2) to suggest to the mind; 3) to instruct
privately, instigate, to bribe or induce (someone) unlawfully or
secretly to perform some misdeed or commit a crime; 4) to induce (a
person esp. a witness) to give false testimony; #1, #80, #5, #200, #300,
#1, #30, #20, #1 = apostello (G649): 1) to order (one) to go to a place
appointed; 2) to send away, dismiss; 2a) to allow one to depart, that he
may be in a state of liberty; 2b) to order one to depart, send off; 2c)
to drive away For Synonyms see entry 5813; #20, #30, #8, #300, #70, #10,
#200 = kletos (G2822): 1) called, invited (to a banquet); 1a) invited
(by God in the proclamation of the Gospel) to obtain eternal salvation
in the kingdom through Christ; 1b) called to (the discharge of) some
office; 1b1) divinely selected and appointed; #80, #30, #5, #70, #50,
#1, #200, #1, #200, #1 = pleonazo (G4121): 1) to superabound; 2) to make
to increase: one in a thing; 1a) of things; 1a1) to exist in abundance;
1a2) to increase; 1a3) be augmented; #20, #1, #300, #5, #2, #1, #100,
#8, #200, #1 = katabareo (G2599): 1) to press down by an imposing
weight; 2) to weigh down; 3) metaph. to burden;
Love can repair your life,
@memeBrain [Telos: #2014, Super: #48 - Forgetting Knowledge; I-Ching:
H35 - Advance, Progress, Prospering, Aquas; Tetra: 20 - Advance, Ego:
#70 - Difficulty in Knowing How, Obtuse; I-Ching: H53 - Gradual Advance,
Development (gradual progress), Infiltrating, Advancement; Tetra: 14 -
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #634 has 24 Categories: #30, #4, #200, #400 = dowr
(H1755): 1) period, generation, habitation, dwelling; 1a) period, age,
generation (period of time); 1b) generation (those living during a
period); 1c) generation (characterised by quality, condition, class of
men); 1d) dwelling-place, habitation; #30, #200, #4, #400 = yarad
(H3381): 1) to go down, descend, decline, march down, sink down; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to go or come down; 1a2) to sink; 1a3) to be prostrated;
1a4) to come down (of revelation); 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to bring down;
1b2) to send down; 1b3) to take down; 1b4) to lay prostrate; 1b5) to let
down; 1c) (Hophal); 1c1) to be brought down; 1c2) to be taken down;
#400, #4, #200, #20, #10 = darak (H1869): 1) to tread, bend, lead,
march; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to tread, march, march forth; 1a2) to tread on,
tread upon; 1a3) to tread (a press); 1a4) to tread (bend) a bow; 1a5)
archer, bow-benders (participle); 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to tread, tread
down; 1b2) to tread (bend with the foot) a bow; 1b3) to cause to go,
lead, march, tread; #30, #40, #2, #200, #1, #300, #6, #50, #5 = ri'shown
(H7223): 1) first, primary, former; 2) first, before, formerly, at
first; 1a) former (of time); 1a1) ancestors; 1a2) former things; 1b)
foremost (of location); 1c) first (in time); 1d) first, chief (in
degree) adv; #20, #9, #5, #200, #400 = tohorah (H2893): 1) purifying,
cleansing, purification, purity, cleanness; 1a) purifying, menstruation;
1b) cleansing, purification; #4, #200, #20, #400, #10 = darak (H1869):
1) to tread, bend, lead, march; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to tread, march, march
forth; 1a2) to tread on, tread upon; 1a3) to tread (a press); 1a4) to
tread (bend) a bow; 1a5) archer, bow-benders (participle); 1b) (Hiphil);
1b1) to tread, tread down; 1b2) to tread (bend with the foot) a bow;
1b3) to cause to go, lead, march, tread; #2, #8, #200, #2, #6, #400,
#10, #6 = chereb (H2719): 1) sword, knife; 1a) sword; 1b) knife; 1c)
tools for cutting stone; #6, #1, #200, #20, #2, #400, #5 = 'arkubah
(H755): 1) knee; #2, #1, #80, #300, #10, #200, #40, #1 = baptisma
(G908): 1) immersion, submersion; 1a) of calamities and afflictions with
which one is quite overwhelmed; 1b) of John's baptism, that purification
rite by which men on confessing their sins were bound to spiritual
reformation, obtained the pardon of their past sins and became qualified
for the benefits of the Messiah's kingdom soon to be set up. This was
valid Christian baptism, as this was the only baptism the apostles
received and it is not recorded anywhere that they were ever rebaptised
after Pentecost.; 1c) of Christian baptism; a rite of immersion in water
as commanded by Christ, by which one after confessing his sins and
professing his faith in Christ, having been born again by the Holy
Spirit unto a new life, identifies publicly with the fellowship of
Christ and the church; #9, #5, #100, #10, #200, #40, #70, #200 =
therismos (G2326): 1) harvest, the act of reaping; 1a) fig. of the
gathering of men into the kingdom of God; 1b) referring to time of
reaping, the final judgment, when the righteous are gathered into the
kingdom of God and the wicked are cast into hell for ever; #8, #10,
#100, #5, #300, #10, #200, #1 = hairetizo (G140): 1) to choose; 2) to
belong to a sect; #1, #100, #9, #8, #200, #5, #300, #1, #10 = airo
(G142): 1) to raise up, elevate, lift up; 2) to take upon one's self and
carry what has been raised up, to bear; 3) to bear away what has been
raised, carry off; 1a) to raise from the ground, take up: stones; 1b) to
raise upwards, elevate, lift up: the hand; 1c) to draw up: a fish; 3a)
to move from its place; 3b) to take off or away what is attached to
anything; 3c) to remove; 3d) to carry off, carry away with one; 3e) to
appropriate what is taken; 3f) to take away from another what is his or
what is committed to him, to take by force; 3g) to take and apply to any
use; 3h) to take from among the living, either by a natural death, or by
violence; 3i) cause to cease; #5, #30, #5, #400, #9, #5, #100, #70, #10
= eleutheros (G1658): 1) freeborn; 2) free, exempt, unrestrained, not
bound by an obligation; 3) in an ethical sense: free from the yoke of
the Mosaic Law; 1a) in a civil sense, one who is not a slave; 1b) of one
who ceases to be a slave, freed, manumitted; #1, #50, #1, #300, #1, #60,
#1, #200, #9, #1, #10 = anatassomai (G392): 1) to put together in order,
arrange, compose; #20, #1, #30, #70, #400, #40, #5, #50, #8, #10 = kaleo
(G2564): 1) to call; 2) to call i.e. to name, by name; 1a) to call
aloud, utter in a loud voice; 1b) to invite; 2a) to give a name to; 2a1)
to receive the name of, receive as a name; 2a2) to give some name to
one, call his name; 2b) to be called i.e. to bear a name or title (among
men); 2c) to salute one by name For Synonyms see entry 5823; #9, #5,
#50, #300, #70, #200 = tithemi (G5087): 1) to set, put, place; 2) to
make; 3) to set, fix establish; 1a) to place or lay; 1b) to put down,
lay down; 1b1) to bend down; 1b2) to lay off or aside, to wear or carry
no longer; 1b3) to lay by, lay aside money; 1c) to set on (serve)
something to eat or drink; 1d) to set forth, something to be explained
by discourse; 2a) to make (or set) for one's self or for one's use; 3a)
to set forth; 3b) to establish, ordain; #9, #400, #5, #200, #9, #1, #10
= thuo (G2380): 1) to sacrifice, immolate; 2) to slay, kill; 3)
slaughter; 2a) of the paschal lamb; #300, #8, #100, #8, #200, #8, #10 =
tereo (G5083): 1) to attend to carefully, take care of; 1a) to guard;
1b) metaph. to keep, one in the state in which he is; 1c) to observe;
1d) to reserve: to undergo something For Synonyms see entry 5874; #30,
#1, #30, #70, #400, #40, #5, #50, #8 = laleo (G2980): 1) to utter a
voice or emit a sound; 2) to speak; 3) to talk; 4) to utter, tell; 5) to
use words in order to declare one's mind and disclose one's thoughts;
2a) to use the tongue or the faculty of speech; 2b) to utter articulate
sounds; 5a) to speak; #9, #400, #100, #5, #70, #50 = thureos (G2375): 1)
a shield, a large oblong, four cornered shield; #40, #1, #200, #300,
#10, #3, #70, #10 = mastigoo (G3146): 1) to scourge;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #708 has 50 Categories: #400, #300, #6, #2 = shuwb
(H7725): 1) to return, turn back; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to turn back, return;
1a1a) to turn back; 1a1b) to return, come or go back; 1a1c) to return
unto, go back, come back; 1a1d) of dying; 1a1e) of human relations
(fig); 1a1f) of spiritual relations (fig); 1a1f1) to turn back (from
God), apostatise; 1a1f2) to turn away (of God); 1a1f3) to turn back (to
God), repent; 1a1f4) turn back (from evil); 1a1g) of inanimate things;
1a1h) in repetition; 1b) (Polel); 1b1) to bring back; 1b2) to restore,
refresh, repair (fig); 1b3) to lead away (enticingly); 1b4) to show
turning, apostatise; 1c) (Pual) restored (participle); 1d) (Hiphil) to
cause to return, bring back; 1d1) to bring back, allow to return, put
back, draw back, give back, restore, relinquish, give in payment; 1d2)
to bring back, refresh, restore; 1d3) to bring back, report to, answer;
1d4) to bring back, make requital, pay (as recompense); 1d5) to turn
back or backward, repel, defeat, repulse, hinder, reject, refuse; 1d6)
to turn away (face), turn toward; 1d7) to turn against; 1d8) to bring
back to mind; 1d9) to show a turning away; 1d10) to reverse, revoke; 1e)
(Hophal) to be returned, be restored, be brought back; 1f) (Pulal)
brought back; #6, #400, #300, #2 = shuwb (H7725): 1) to return, turn
back; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to turn back, return; 1a1a) to turn back; 1a1b) to
return, come or go back; 1a1c) to return unto, go back, come back; 1a1d)
of dying; 1a1e) of human relations (fig); 1a1f) of spiritual relations
(fig); 1a1f1) to turn back (from God), apostatise; 1a1f2) to turn away
(of God); 1a1f3) to turn back (to God), repent; 1a1f4) turn back (from
evil); 1a1g) of inanimate things; 1a1h) in repetition; 1b) (Polel); 1b1)
to bring back; 1b2) to restore, refresh, repair (fig); 1b3) to lead away
(enticingly); 1b4) to show turning, apostatise; 1c) (Pual) restored
(participle); 1d) (Hiphil) to cause to return, bring back; 1d1) to bring
back, allow to return, put back, draw back, give back, restore,
relinquish, give in payment; 1d2) to bring back, refresh, restore; 1d3)
to bring back, report to, answer; 1d4) to bring back, make requital, pay
(as recompense); 1d5) to turn back or backward, repel, defeat, repulse,
hinder, reject, refuse; 1d6) to turn away (face), turn toward; 1d7) to
turn against; 1d8) to bring back to mind; 1d9) to show a turning away;
1d10) to reverse, revoke; 1e) (Hophal) to be returned, be restored, be
brought back; 1f) (Pulal) brought back; #300, #8, #400 = shachath
(H7843): 1) to destroy, corrupt, go to ruin, decay; 1a) (Niphal) to be
marred, be spoiled, be corrupted, be corrupt, be injured, be ruined, be
rotted; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to spoil, ruin; 1b2) to pervert, corrupt, deal
corruptly (morally); 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to spoil, ruin, destroy; 1c2) to
pervert, corrupt (morally); 1c3) destroyer (participle); 1d) (Hophal)
spoiled, ruined (participle); #400, #8, #300 = Tachash (H8477): 1) son
of Nahor by his concubine Reumah and nephew of Abraham; #5, #300, #1,
#2, #400 = sha'ab (H7579): 1) to draw (water); 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to draw
(water); 1a2) water-drawing women (participle); #400, #300, #2, #6 =
yashab (H3427): 1) to dwell, remain, sit, abide; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to sit,
sit down; 1a2) to be set; 1a3) to remain, stay; 1a4) to dwell, have
one's abode; 1b) (Niphal) to be inhabited; 1c) (Piel) to set, place; 1d)
(Hiphil); 1d1) to cause to sit; 1d2) to cause to abide, set; 1d3) to
cause to dwell; 1d4) to cause (cities) to be inhabited; 1d5) to marry
(give an dwelling to); 1e) (Hophal); 1e1) to be inhabited; 1e2) to make
to dwell; #6, #400, #100, #2, #200 = qabar (H6912): 1) to bury; 1a)
(Qal) to bury; 1b) (Niphal) to be buried; 1c) (Piel) to bury, bury (in
masses); 1d) (Pual) to be buried; #20, #80, #200, #8, #400 = parach
(H6524): 1) to bud, sprout, shoot, bloom; 2) (Qal) to break out (of
leprosy); 3) (Qal) to fly; 1a) (Qal) to bud, sprout, send out shoots,
blossom; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to cause to bud or sprout; 1b2) to show buds
or sprouts; #400, #6, #300, #2 = towshab (H8453): 1) sojourner,
stranger; #300, #2, #400, #6 = shebeth (H7674): 1) cessation, a sitting
still; 1a) meaning dubious; #400, #200, #8, #100 = rachaq (H7368): 1) to
be or become far, be or become distant, be removed, go far away; 2)
(Niphal) loose v inf (as adv); 3) at a distance; 1a) (Qal) to be far, be
distant; 1b) (Piel) to send far away, extend; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make
or exhibit distance, be gone far; 1c2) to remove, put far away; #5, #40,
#60, #3, #200, #400 = micgereth (H4526): 1) border, fastness, rim; 1a)
border, rim; 1b) fastness; #6, #2, #200, #100, #400 = bareqeth (H1304):
1) a gem, precious stone, emerald (Josephus); #400, #100, #200, #2, #6 =
qarab (H7126): 1) to come near, approach, enter into, draw near; 1a)
(Qal) to approach, draw near; 1b) (Niphal) to be brought near; 1c)
(Piel) to cause to approach, bring near, cause to draw near; 1d)
(Hiphil) to bring near, bring, present; #2, #40, #60, #200, #6, #400 =
Mowcerah (H4149): 1) a place near Mount Hor where Aaron died; #6, #100,
#200, #2, #400 = qarab (H7126): 1) to come near, approach, enter into,
draw near; 1a) (Qal) to approach, draw near; 1b) (Niphal) to be brought
near; 1c) (Piel) to cause to approach, bring near, cause to draw near;
1d) (Hiphil) to bring near, bring, present; #6, #300, #2, #400 = shuwb
(H7725): 1) to return, turn back; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to turn back, return;
1a1a) to turn back; 1a1b) to return, come or go back; 1a1c) to return
unto, go back, come back; 1a1d) of dying; 1a1e) of human relations
(fig); 1a1f) of spiritual relations (fig); 1a1f1) to turn back (from
God), apostatise; 1a1f2) to turn away (of God); 1a1f3) to turn back (to
God), repent; 1a1f4) turn back (from evil); 1a1g) of inanimate things;
1a1h) in repetition; 1b) (Polel); 1b1) to bring back; 1b2) to restore,
refresh, repair (fig); 1b3) to lead away (enticingly); 1b4) to show
turning, apostatise; 1c) (Pual) restored (participle); 1d) (Hiphil) to
cause to return, bring back; 1d1) to bring back, allow to return, put
back, draw back, give back, restore, relinquish, give in payment; 1d2)
to bring back, refresh, restore; 1d3) to bring back, report to, answer;
1d4) to bring back, make requital, pay (as recompense); 1d5) to turn
back or backward, repel, defeat, repulse, hinder, reject, refuse; 1d6)
to turn away (face), turn toward; 1d7) to turn against; 1d8) to bring
back to mind; 1d9) to show a turning away; 1d10) to reverse, revoke; 1e)
(Hophal) to be returned, be restored, be brought back; 1f) (Pulal)
brought back; #100, #2, #200, #400, #6 = qebuwrah (H6900): 1) grave,
burial, burial site; 1a) grave; 1b) burial; #2, #4, #2, #300, #400 =
Dabbesheth (H1708): 1) a town on the border of Zebulun; #2, #200, #100,
#400, #6 = raqqah (H7541): 1) temple, the temple (of the head); #6,
#400, #100, #200, #2 = qarab (H7126): 1) to come near, approach, enter
into, draw near; 1a) (Qal) to approach, draw near; 1b) (Niphal) to be
brought near; 1c) (Piel) to cause to approach, bring near, cause to draw
near; 1d) (Hiphil) to bring near, bring, present; #2, #200, #90, #6,
#400, #10 = ratsah (H7521): 1) to be pleased with, be favourable to,
accept favourably; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be pleased with, be favourable to;
1a2) to accept; 1a3) to be pleased, be determined; 1a4) to make
acceptable, satisfy; 1a5) to please; 1b) (Niphal) to be accepted, be
pleased with; 1c) (Piel) to seek favour of; 1d) (Hiphil) to please, pay
off; 1e) (Hithpael) to make oneself acceptable or pleasing; #100, #2,
#200, #6, #400 = qeber (H6913): 1) grave, sepulchre, tomb; #400, #2,
#300, #6 = buwsh (H954): 1) to put to shame, be ashamed, be
disconcerted, be disappointed; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to feel shame; 1a2) to be
ashamed, disconcerted, disappointed (by reason of); 1b) (Piel) to delay
(in shame); 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to put to shame; 1c2) to act shamefully;
1c3) to be ashamed; 1d) (Hithpolel) to be ashamed before one another;
#300, #2, #6, #400 = shebuwth (H7622): 1) captivity, captives; #6, #2,
#300, #400 = bosheth (H1322): 1) shame; 1a) shame; 1b) shameful thing;
#100, #200, #2, #6, #400 = qerab (H7128): 1) battle, war; #400, #300,
#3, #5 = shagah (H7686): 1) to go astray, stray, err; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
err, stray; 1a2) to swerve, meander, reel, roll, be intoxicated, err (in
drunkenness); 1a3) to go astray (morally); 1a4) to commit sin of
ignorance or inadvertence, err (ignorantly); 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to lead
astray; 1b2) to lead astray, mislead (mentally); 1b3) to lead astray
(morally); #400, #300, #4, #4 = shadad (H7703): 1) to deal violently
with, despoil, devastate, ruin, destroy, spoil; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
violently destroy, devastate, despoil, assail; 1a2) devastator,
despoiler (participle) (subst); 1b) (Niphal) to be utterly ruined; 1c)
(Piel); 1c1) to assault; 1c2) to devastate; 1d) (Pual) to be devastated;
1e) (Poel) to violently destroy; 1f) (Hophal) to be devastated; #200,
#8, #90, #400, #10 = rachats (H7364): 1) to wash, wash off, wash away,
bathe; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to wash, wash off, wash away; 1a2) to wash, bathe
(oneself); 1b) (Pual) to be washed; 1c) (Hithpael) to wash oneself; #30,
#40, #200, #20, #2, #400, #10, #6 = merkabah (H4818): 1) chariot; #400,
#80, #200, #10, #8, #10 = parach (H6524): 1) to bud, sprout, shoot,
bloom; 2) (Qal) to break out (of leprosy); 3) (Qal) to fly; 1a) (Qal) to
bud, sprout, send out shoots, blossom; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to cause to
bud or sprout; 1b2) to show buds or sprouts; #200, #8, #100, #400 =
rachaq (H7368): 1) to be or become far, be or become distant, be
removed, go far away; 2) (Niphal) loose v inf (as adv); 3) at a
distance; 1a) (Qal) to be far, be distant; 1b) (Piel) to send far away,
extend; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make or exhibit distance, be gone far;
1c2) to remove, put far away; #400, #300, #8 = shachach (H7817): 1) to
bow, crouch, bow down, be bowed down; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be bowed down,
be prostrated, be humbled; 1a2) to bow (in homage); 1a3) to bow (of
mourner); 1a4) to crouch (of wild beast in lair); 1b) (Niphal) to be
prostrated, be humbled, be reduced, be weakened, proceed humbly, be
bowed down; 1c) (Hiphil) to prostrate, lay low, bow down; 1d)
(Hithpolel) to be cast down, be despairing; #2, #40, #100, #90, #70, #6,
#400 = maqtsu`ah (H4741): 1) scraping tool (used in fashioning idols);
#400, #8, #80, #10, #200, #10 = chapher (H2659): 1) to be ashamed, be
confounded, be abashed, feel abashed; 1a) (Qal) to be ashamed, be
abashed; 1b) (Hiphil) to display shame, demonstrate shame, cause
embarrassment; #100, #2, #6, #200, #400 = qebuwrah (H6900): 1) grave,
burial, burial site; 1a) grave; 1b) burial; #2, #1, #90, #200, #400,
#10, #5 = 'owtsar (H214): 1) treasure, storehouse; 1a) treasure (gold,
silver, etc); 1b) store, supplies of food or drink; 1c) treasure-house,
treasury; 1c1) treasure-house; 1c2) storehouse, magazine; 1c3) treasury;
1c4) magazine of weapons (fig. of God's armoury); 1c5) storehouses (of
God for rain, snow, hail, wind, sea); #400, #2, #6, #300 = buwsh (H954):
1) to put to shame, be ashamed, be disconcerted, be disappointed; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to feel shame; 1a2) to be ashamed, disconcerted,
disappointed (by reason of); 1b) (Piel) to delay (in shame); 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to put to shame; 1c2) to act shamefully; 1c3) to be
ashamed; 1d) (Hithpolel) to be ashamed before one another; #2, #40, #20,
#40, #200, #400, #6 = mikmereth (H4365): 1) net, fishing net; #5, #400,
#4, #70, #20, #8, #200, #1 = eudokeo (G2106): 1) it seems good to one,
is one's good pleasure; 2) to be well pleased with, take pleasure in, to
be favourably inclined towards one; 1a) think it good, choose,
determine, decide; 1b) to do willingly; 1c) to be ready to, to prefer,
choose rather; #5, #80, #10, #70, #100, #20, #8, #200, #5, #10, #200 =
epiorkeo (G1964): 1) to swear falsely, forswear one's self; #4, #10, #1,
#3, #5, #50, #70, #40, #5, #50, #70, #400 = diaginomai (G1230): 1) to be
through, continue; 2) to be between, intervene, used of time, to have
intervened, elapsed, passed meanwhile; #4, #70, #9, #5, #50, #300, #70,
#200 = didomi (G1325): 1) to give; 2) to give something to someone; 3)
to give; 4) to grant or permit one; 2a) of one's own accord to give one
something, to his advantage; 2a1) to bestow a gift; 2b) to grant, give
to one asking, let have; 2c) to supply, furnish, necessary things; 2d)
to give over, deliver; 2d1) to reach out, extend, present; 2d2) of a
writing; 2d3) to give over to one's care, intrust, commit; 2d3a)
something to be administered; 2d3b) to give or commit to some one
something to be religiously observed; 2e) to give what is due or
obligatory, to pay: wages or reward; 2f) to furnish, endue; 3a) to
cause, profuse, give forth from one's self; 3a1) to give, hand out lots;
3b) to appoint to an office; 3c) to give one to someone as his own; 3c1)
as an object of his saving care; 3c2) to give one to someone, to follow
him as a leader and master; 3c3) to give one to someone to care for his
interests; 3c4) to give one to someone to whom he already belonged, to
return; 4a) to commission For Synonyms see entry 5836; #40, #70, #40,
#500, #8, #50 = momphe (G3437): 1) blame; 2) to have a complaint against
any one; #4, #10, #4, #70, #50, #300, #70, #200 = didomi (G1325): 1) to
give; 2) to give something to someone; 3) to give; 4) to grant or permit
one; 2a) of one's own accord to give one something, to his advantage;
2a1) to bestow a gift; 2b) to grant, give to one asking, let have; 2c)
to supply, furnish, necessary things; 2d) to give over, deliver; 2d1) to
reach out, extend, present; 2d2) of a writing; 2d3) to give over to
one's care, intrust, commit; 2d3a) something to be administered; 2d3b)
to give or commit to some one something to be religiously observed; 2e)
to give what is due or obligatory, to pay: wages or reward; 2f) to
furnish, endue; 3a) to cause, profuse, give forth from one's self; 3a1)
to give, hand out lots; 3b) to appoint to an office; 3c) to give one to
someone as his own; 3c1) as an object of his saving care; 3c2) to give
one to someone, to follow him as a leader and master; 3c3) to give one
to someone to care for his interests; 3c4) to give one to someone to
whom he already belonged, to return; 4a) to commission For Synonyms see
entry 5836; #20, #8, #100, #400, #60, #70, #50 = kerusso (G2784): 1) to
be a herald, to officiate as a herald; 2) to publish, proclaim openly:
something which has been done; 3) used of the public proclamation of the
gospel and matters pertaining to it, made by John the Baptist, by Jesus,
by the apostles and other Christian teachers; 1a) to proclaim after the
manner of a herald; 1b) always with the suggestion of formality, gravity
and an authority which must be listened to and obeyed;
But love can break your heart,
@memeBrain [Telos: #2623, Super: #28 - Opposites and Primitivism,
Returning to Simplicity; I-Ching: H24 - Return, The turning point;
Tetra: 2 - Full Circle, Ego: #31 - Military Stratagem, Quelling War;
I-Ching: H32 - Perseverance, Endurance, Duration, Constancy; Tetra: 51 -
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #662 has 22 Categories: #6, #50, #200, #1, #400, #5 =
ra'ah (H7200): 1) to see, look at, inspect, perceive, consider; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to see; 1a2) to see, perceive; 1a3) to see, have vision;
1a4) to look at, see, regard, look after, see after, learn about,
observe, watch, look upon, look out, find out; 1a5) to see, observe,
consider, look at, give attention to, discern, distinguish; 1a6) to look
at, gaze at; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to appear, present oneself; 1b2) to be
seen; 1b3) to be visible; 1c) (Pual) to be seen; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to
cause to see, show; 1d2) to cause to look intently at, behold, cause to
gaze at; 1e) (Hophal); 1e1) to be caused to see, be shown; 1e2) to be
exhibited to; 1f) (Hithpael) to look at each other, face; #40, #200,
#20, #2, #400 = merkabah (H4818): 1) chariot; #40, #200, #2, #20, #400 =
rabak (H7246): 1) to mix, stir; 1a) (Hophal) to be mixed; #5, #50, #6,
#200, #1, #400 = yare' (H3372): 1) to fear, revere, be afraid; 2) (TWOT)
to shoot, pour; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to fear, be afraid; 1a2) to stand in awe
of, be awed; 1a3) to fear, reverence, honour, respect; 1b) (Niphal);
1b1) to be fearful, be dreadful, be feared; 1b2) to cause astonishment
and awe, be held in awe; 1b3) to inspire reverence or godly fear or awe;
1c) (Piel) to make afraid, terrify; #2, #60, #400, #200 = cether
(H5643): 1) covering, shelter, hiding place, secrecy; 2) shelter,
protection; 1a) covering, cover; 1b) hiding place, shelter, secret
place; 1c) secrecy; 1c1) secrecy (of tongue being slanderous) n f; #40,
#2, #200, #20, #400 = barak (H1288): 1) to bless, kneel; 2) (TWOT) to
praise, salute, curse; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to kneel; 1a2) to bless; 1b)
(Niphal) to be blessed, bless oneself; 1c) (Piel) to bless; 1d) (Pual)
to be blessed, be adored; 1e) (Hiphil) to cause to kneel; 1f) (Hithpael)
to bless oneself; #6, #400, #200, #1, #50, #5 = ra'ah (H7200): 1) to
see, look at, inspect, perceive, consider; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to see; 1a2)
to see, perceive; 1a3) to see, have vision; 1a4) to look at, see,
regard, look after, see after, learn about, observe, watch, look upon,
look out, find out; 1a5) to see, observe, consider, look at, give
attention to, discern, distinguish; 1a6) to look at, gaze at; 1b)
(Niphal); 1b1) to appear, present oneself; 1b2) to be seen; 1b3) to be
visible; 1c) (Pual) to be seen; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to cause to see,
show; 1d2) to cause to look intently at, behold, cause to gaze at; 1e)
(Hophal); 1e1) to be caused to see, be shown; 1e2) to be exhibited to;
1f) (Hithpael) to look at each other, face; #400, #200, #2, #50, #10 =
rabah (H7235): 1) be or become great, be or become many, be or become
much, be or become numerous; 2) (Qal) to shoot; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
become many, become numerous, multiply (of people, animals, things);
1a2) to be or grow great; 1b) (Piel) to make large, enlarge, increase,
become many; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make much, make many, have many;
1c1a) to multiply, increase; 1c1b) to make much to do, do much in
respect of, transgress greatly; 1c1c) to increase greatly or
exceedingly; 1c2) to make great, enlarge, do much; #6, #10, #200, #40,
#6, #400 = Yeriymowth (H3406): 1) a Benjamite, son of Bela and head of a
house of Benjamite; 2) a Benjamite, son of Becher and head of a house of
Benjamite; 3) a Benjamite, son of Beriah and grandson of Elpaal; 4) a
Merarite Levite, son of Mushi; 5) one of the men that joined David in
the wilderness; 6) a Levite, son of Heman and head of the 15th course of
musicians; 7) a Levite in the reign of Hezekiah; 8) a son of Azriel,
ruler of the tribe of Naphtali in the reign of David; 9) a son of king
David and the father of the wife of Rehoboam; 10) a son of Elam, a man
with a foreign wife in the time of Ezra; 11) a son of Zattu, a man with
a foreign wife in the time of Ezra; #50, #6, #400, #200, #6 = yathar
(H3498): 1) to be left over, remain, remain over, leave; 1a) (Qal)
remainder (participle); 1b) (Niphal) to be left over, remain over, be
left behind; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to leave over, leave; 1c2) to save over,
preserve alive; 1c3) to excel, show pre-eminence; 1c4) to show excess,
have more than enough, have an excess; #6, #400, #50, #6, #200 = tannuwr
(H8574): 1) furnace, oven, fire-pot, (portable) stove; 1a) for cooking;
1b) of God's wrath, His furnace (fig); 1c) of hunger, desire for evil;
1d) fire-pot; #6, #5, #400, #200, #6, #40, #5 = teruwmah (H8641): 1)
contribution, offering; 1a) a heave offering; 1b) any offering; 1c) an
offering to God; 1d) an offering (of grain, money, etc); 1e)
contribution; #9, #1, #400, #40, #1, #200, #1, #10 = thaumazo (G2296):
1) to wonder, wonder at, marvel; 2) to be wondered at, to be had in
admiration; #9, #1, #400, #40, #1, #200, #10, #1 = thaumasios (G2297):
1) wonderful, marvellous; 2) wonderful deeds, wonders; #3, #100, #1,
#500, #8, #50 = graphe (G1124): 1) a writing, thing written; 2) the
Scripture, used to denote either the book itself, or its contents; 3) a
certain portion or section of the Holy Scripture; #80, #5, #50, #9, #8,
#200, #5, #300, #5 = pentheo (G3996): 1) to mourn; 2) to mourn for,
lament one; #1, #80, #70, #30, #30, #400, #40, #1, #10 = apollumi
(G622): 1) to destroy; 2) to destroy; 1a) to put out of the way
entirely, abolish, put an end to ruin; 1b) render useless; 1c) to kill;
1d) to declare that one must be put to death; 1e) metaph. to devote or
give over to eternal misery in hell; 1f) to perish, to be lost, ruined,
destroyed; 2a) to lose; #20, #1, #300, #5, #100, #3, #1, #7, #5, #200,
#9, #1, #10 = katergazomai (G2716): 1) to perform, accomplish, achieve;
2) to work out i.e. to do that from which something results; 3) to
fashion i.e. render one fit for a thing; 2a) of things: bring about,
result in; #5, #20, #500, #70, #2, #5, #10, #50 = ekphobeo (G1629): 1)
to frighten away, to terrify; 2) to throw into violent flight; #5, #30,
#1, #400, #50, #70, #40, #5, #50, #1, #10 = elauno (G1643): 1) to drive;
1a) of the wind driving ships or clouds; 1b) of sailors propelling a
vessel by oars, to row; 1c) to be carried in a ship, to sail; 1d) of
demons driving to some place the men whom they possess;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #739 has Unknown Categories:
I will send SOS to the world,
@memeBrain [Telos: #2154, Super: #9 - Inconstancy of Achievement,
Practicing Placidity; I-Ching: H7 - The Army, Leading, Troops; Tetra: 32
- Legion, Ego: #48 - Forgetting Knowledge; I-Ching: H35 - Advance,
Progress, Prospering, Aquas; Tetra: 20 - Advance]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #671 has 35 Categories: #1, #60, #400, #10, #200 =
cathar (H5641): 1) to hide, conceal; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to hide oneself;
1a2) to be hidden, be concealed; 1b) (Piel) to hide carefully; 1c)
(Pual) to be hidden carefully, be concealed; 1d) (Hiphil) to conceal,
hide; 1e) (Hithpael) to hide oneself carefully; #5, #6, #200, #4, #400,
#50, #6 = yarad (H3381): 1) to go down, descend, decline, march down,
sink down; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to go or come down; 1a2) to sink; 1a3) to be
prostrated; 1a4) to come down (of revelation); 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to
bring down; 1b2) to send down; 1b3) to take down; 1b4) to lay prostrate;
1b5) to let down; 1c) (Hophal); 1c1) to be brought down; 1c2) to be
taken down; #6, #5, #200, #60, #400 = harac (H2040): 1) to tear down,
break down, overthrow, beat down, break, break through, destroy, pluck
down, pull down, throw down, ruined, destroyer, utterly; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
to throw down, tear down; 1a2) to break through; 1a3) to break down,
break away; 1b) (Niphal) to be torn down, be thrown down; 1c) (Piel);
1c1) to overthrow, tear down; 1c2) destroyer (participle); #6, #50,
#200, #400, #10, #5 = niyr (H5216): 1) lamp; #5, #90, #70, #100, #400,
#6 = tsa`aqah (H6818): 1) cry, outcry; 1a) outcry (against); 1b) cry of
distress (especially as heard by God); #5, #200, #10, #40, #6, #400, #10
= ruwm (H7311): 1) to rise, rise up, be high, be lofty, be exalted; 2)
(Qal) to be rotten, be wormy; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be high, be set on
high; 1a2) to be raised, be uplifted, be exalted; 1a3) to be lifted,
rise; 1b) (Polel); 1b1) to raise or rear (children), cause to grow up;
1b2) to lift up, raise, exalt; 1b3) to exalt, extol; 1c) (Polal) to be
lifted up; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to raise, lift, lift up, take up, set up,
erect, exalt, set on high; 1d2) to lift up (and take away), remove; 1d3)
to lift off and present, contribute, offer, contribute; 1e) (Hophal) to
be taken off, be abolished; 1f) (Hithpolel) to exalt oneself, magnify
oneself; #5, #6, #200, #400, #50, #10 = yarah (H3384): 1) to throw,
shoot, cast, pour; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to throw, cast; 1a2) to cast, lay,
set; 1a3) to shoot arrows; 1a4) to throw water, rain; 1b) (Niphal) to be
shot; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to throw, cast; 1c2) to shoot; 1c3) to point
out, show; 1c4) to direct, teach, instruct; 1c5) to throw water, rain;
#6, #30, #5, #20, #200, #10, #400 = karath (H3772): 1) to cut, cut off,
cut down, cut off a body part, cut out, eliminate, kill, cut a covenant;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to cut off; 1a1a) to cut off a body part, behead; 1a2)
to cut down; 1a3) to hew; 1a4) to cut or make a covenant; 1b) (Niphal);
1b1) to be cut off; 1b2) to be cut down; 1b3) to be chewed; 1b4) to be
cut off, fail; 1c) (Pual); 1c1) to be cut off; 1c2) to be cut down; 1d)
(Hiphil); 1d1) to cut off; 1d2) to cut off, destroy; 1d3) to cut down,
destroy; 1d4) to take away; 1d5) to permit to perish; 1e) (Hophal) cut
off; #5, #400, #100, #30, #100, #30, #6 = qalal (H7043): 1) to be
slight, be swift, be trifling, be of little account, be light; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to be slight, be abated (of water); 1a2) to be swift; 1a3)
to be trifling, be of little account; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be swift,
show oneself swift; 1b2) to appear trifling, be too trifling, be
insignificant; 1b3) to be lightly esteemed; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to make
despicable; 1c2) to curse; 1d) (Pual) to be cursed; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1)
to make light, lighten; 1e2) to treat with contempt, bring contempt or
dishonour; 1f) (Pilpel); 1f1) to shake; 1f2) to whet; 1g) (Hithpalpel)
to shake oneself, be moved to and fro; #30, #5, #20, #200, #10, #400, #6
= karath (H3772): 1) to cut, cut off, cut down, cut off a body part, cut
out, eliminate, kill, cut a covenant; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to cut off; 1a1a)
to cut off a body part, behead; 1a2) to cut down; 1a3) to hew; 1a4) to
cut or make a covenant; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be cut off; 1b2) to be cut
down; 1b3) to be chewed; 1b4) to be cut off, fail; 1c) (Pual); 1c1) to
be cut off; 1c2) to be cut down; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to cut off; 1d2) to
cut off, destroy; 1d3) to cut down, destroy; 1d4) to take away; 1d5) to
permit to perish; 1e) (Hophal) cut off; #5, #60, #200, #6, #400 = ciyr
(H5518): 1) pot; 2) thorn, hook, brier; 1a) pot (household utensil); 1b)
pot (of temple); 2a) thorns; 2b) hooks; #2, #1, #80, #300, #10, #200,
#9, #8, #50, #1, #10 = baptizo (G907): 1) to dip repeatedly, to immerse,
to submerge (of vessels sunk); 2) to cleanse by dipping or submerging,
to wash, to make clean with water, to wash one's self, bathe; 3) to
overwhelm; #20, #1, #100, #80, #70, #400 = karpos (G2590): 1) fruit; 2)
that which originates or comes from something, an effect, result; 1a)
the fruit of the trees, vines, of the fields; 1b) the fruit of one's
loins, i.e. his progeny, his posterity; 2a) work, act, deed; 2b)
advantage, profit, utility; 2c) praises, which are presented to God as a
thank offering; 2d) to gather fruit (i.e. a reaped harvest) into life
eternal (as into a granary), is used in fig. discourse of those who by
their labours have fitted souls to obtain eternal life; #70, #400, #200,
#1 = eimi (G1510): 1) to be, to exist, to happen, to be present; #9,
#400, #40, #10, #1, #200, #1, #10 = thumiao (G2370): 1) to burn incense;
#1, #100, #300, #70, #200 = artos (G740): 1) food composed of flour
mixed with water and baked; 2) food of any kind; 1a) the Israelites made
it in the form of an oblong or round cake, as thick as one's thumb, and
as large as a plate or platter hence it was not to be cut but broken;
1b) loaves were consecrated to the Lord; 1c) of the bread used at the
love-feasts and at the Lord's Table; #80, #1, #50, #300, #5, #30, #5,
#200 = panteles (G3838): 1) all complete, perfect; 2) completely,
perfectly, utterly; #5, #400, #3, #5, #50, #8, #200 = eugenes (G2104):
1) well born, of noble race; 2) noble minded; #40, #1, #200, #300, #10,
#60, #10, #50 = mastix (G3148): 1) a whip, scourge; 2) metaph. a
scourge, plague; 2a) a calamity, misfortune, esp. sent by God to
discipline or punish; #80, #100, #70, #5, #300, #5, #10, #50, #1, #50 =
proteino (G4385): 1) to stretch forth, stretch out; 1a) when they had
stretched one out on the thongs i.e. to receive the blows of the thongs
(by tying him up to a beam or a pillar); #80, #100, #400, #40, #50, #1 =
prumna (G4403): 1) the stern or hinder part of the ship; #70, #30, #400,
#40, #80, #1, #50 = Olumpas (G3652): 1) a Christian at Rome; #80, #1,
#100, #1, #4, #70, #200, #5, #10, #200 = paradosis (G3862): 1) giving
up, giving over; 2) a giving over which is done by word of mouth or in
writing, i.e. tradition by instruction, narrative, precept, etc.; 1a)
the act of giving up; 1b) the surrender of cities; 2a) objectively, that
which is delivered, the substance of a teaching; 2b) of the body of
precepts, esp. ritual, which in the opinion of the later Jews were
orally delivered by Moses and orally transmitted in unbroken succession
to subsequent generations, which precepts, both illustrating and
expanding the written law, as they did were to be obeyed with equal
reverence; #20, #400, #100, #10, #1, #20, #70, #50 = kuriakos (G2960):
1) belonging to the Lord; 2) related to the Lord; #1, #80, #10, #200,
#300, #70, #10 = apistos (G571): 1) unfaithful, faithless, (not to be
trusted, perfidious); 2) incredible; 3) unbelieving, incredulous; 2a) of
things; 3a) without trust (in God); #20, #400, #50, #1, #200 = kuon
(G2965): 1) a dog; 2) metaph. a man of impure mind, an impudent man; #5,
#80, #10, #30, #1, #50, #9, #1, #50, #70, #40, #5, #50, #70, #200 =
epilanthanomai (G1950): 1) to forget; 2) forgotten, given over to
oblivion, i.e. uncared for; #40, #5, #40, #10, #1, #200, #40, #5, #50,
#70, #10, #200 = miaino (G3392): 1) to dye with another colour, to
stain; 2) to defile, pollute, sully, contaminate, soil; 2a) to defile
with sins For Synonyms see entry 5864; #40, #5, #300, #100, #8, #200,
#8, #10 = metreo (G3354): 1) to measure, to measure out or off; 2) to
measure out, mete out to, i.e. to give by measure; 1a) any space or
distance with a measurer's reed or rule; 1b) metaph. to judge according
to any rule or standard, to estimate;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #787 has Unknown Categories:
I will send SOS to the world,
@memeBrain [Telos: #2154, Super: #9 - Inconstancy of Achievement,
Practicing Placidity; I-Ching: H7 - The Army, Leading, Troops; Tetra: 32
- Legion, Ego: #48 - Forgetting Knowledge; I-Ching: H35 - Advance,
Progress, Prospering, Aquas; Tetra: 20 - Advance]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #680 has 51 Categories: #80, #200, #400 = Perath
(H6578): 1) the largest and longest river of western Asia; rises from
two chief sources in the Armenian mountains and flows into the Persian
Gulf; #80, #400, #200 = pathar (H6622): 1) (Qal) to interpret (dreams);
#5, #200, #70, #400, #5 = ra`a` (H7489): 1) to be bad, be evil; 2) to
break, shatter; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be displeasing; 1a2) to be sad; 1a3)
to be injurious, be evil; 1a4) to be wicked, be evil (ethically); 1b)
(Hiphil); 1b1) to do an injury or hurt; 1b2) to do evil or wickedly;
1b3) mischief (participle); 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to break; 2a2) broken
(participle); 2a3) to be broken; 2b) (Hithpolel) to be broken, be broken
in pieces, be broken asunder; #90, #50, #90, #50, #400 = tsintseneth
(H6803): 1) jar, pot, receptacle; #30, #50, #400, #200 = nathar (H5425):
1) to start up, tremble, shake, spring up; 2) to loose, let loose, undo,
be free, be loose; 1a) (Qal) to start up; 1b) (Piel) to leap; 1c)
(Hiphil) to cause to start up; 2a) (Hiphil); 2a1) to unfasten, loosen;
2a2) to set free, unbind; #2, #70, #200, #2, #6, #400 = `arabah (H6160):
1) desert plain, steppe, desert, wilderness; #40, #40, #300, #300 =
mashash (H4959): 1) to feel, grope; 1a) (Qal) to feel, grope; 1b) (Piel)
to feel over or through, grope; 1b1) to feel through; 1b2) to grope; 1c)
(Hiphil) to feel; #10, #60, #400, #10, #200 = cathar (H5641): 1) to
hide, conceal; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to hide oneself; 1a2) to be hidden, be
concealed; 1b) (Piel) to hide carefully; 1c) (Pual) to be hidden
carefully, be concealed; 1d) (Hiphil) to conceal, hide; 1e) (Hithpael)
to hide oneself carefully; #2, #70, #2, #200, #6, #400 = `abarah
(H5679): 1) ford; #50, #20, #200, #10, #400 = karath (H3772): 1) to cut,
cut off, cut down, cut off a body part, cut out, eliminate, kill, cut a
covenant; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to cut off; 1a1a) to cut off a body part,
behead; 1a2) to cut down; 1a3) to hew; 1a4) to cut or make a covenant;
1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be cut off; 1b2) to be cut down; 1b3) to be
chewed; 1b4) to be cut off, fail; 1c) (Pual); 1c1) to be cut off; 1c2)
to be cut down; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to cut off; 1d2) to cut off, destroy;
1d3) to cut down, destroy; 1d4) to take away; 1d5) to permit to perish;
1e) (Hophal) cut off; #40, #200, #40, #400 = Meremowth (H4822): 1) a
priest, son of Uriah of the family of Koz active in rebuilding the wall
of Jerusalem and in the 7th course of temple service in the time of Ezra
and Nehemiah; 2) a priest in the time of Zerubbabel; 3) a returning
exile of the family of Bani who had a foreign wife in the time of Ezra;
#300, #70, #300, #3, #7 = Sha`ashgaz (H8190): 1) the eunuch in the
palace of Xerxes who was in charge of the women in the 2nd house; #400,
#90, #80, #50, #50, #10 = tsaphan (H6845): 1) to hide, treasure,
treasure or store up; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to hide, treasure, treasure up;
1a2) to lie hidden, lurk; 1b) (Niphal) to be hidden, be stored up; 1c)
(Hiphil) to hide, hide from discovery; #400, #80, #200 = parar (H6565):
1) to break, frustrate; 2) to split, divide; 1a) (Hiphil); 1a1) to
break, violate; 1a2) to frustrate, make ineffectual; 1b) (Hophal); 1b1)
to be frustrated; 1b2) to be broken; 1b3) to break; 1c) (Pilpel) to
break to bits, shatter; 2a) (Qal) to split, crack through; 2b) (Poel) to
break apart; 2c) (Hithpoel) to be split, be cracked through; #10, #70,
#400, #200 = `athar (H6279): 1) to pray, entreat, supplicate; 1a) (Qal)
to pray, entreat; 1b) (Niphal) to be supplicated, be entreated; 1c)
(Hiphil) to make supplication, plead; #200, #70, #400, #10 = ra`
(H7451): 1) bad, evil; 2) evil, distress, misery, injury, calamity; 3)
evil, misery, distress, injury; 1a) bad, disagreeable, malignant; 1b)
bad, unpleasant, evil (giving pain, unhappiness, misery); 1c) evil,
displeasing; 1d) bad (of its kind - land, water, etc); 1e) bad (of
value); 1f) worse than, worst (comparison); 1g) sad, unhappy; 1h) evil
(hurtful); 1i) bad, unkind (vicious in disposition); 1j) bad, evil,
wicked (ethically); 1j1) in general, of persons, of thoughts; 1j2)
deeds, actions n m; 2a) evil, distress, adversity; 2b) evil, injury,
wrong; 2c) evil (ethical) n f; 3a) evil, misery, distress; 3b) evil,
injury, wrong; 3c) evil (ethical); #6, #8, #30, #100, #30, #100, #6,
#400 = chalaqlaqqah (H2519): 1) flattery, slipperiness, fine promises,
smoothness; 1a) slipperiness; 1b) fine promises; #6, #400, #200, #70, #4
= ra`ad (H7460): 1) to tremble, quake; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to tremble; 1a2)
(earth)quake; 1b) (Hiphil) trembling (participle); #10, #400, #50, #20,
#200 = nakar (H5234): 1) to recognise, acknowledge, know, respect,
discern, regard; 2) to act or treat as foreign or strange, disguise,
misconstrue; 1a) (Niphal) to be recognised; 1b) (Piel) to regard; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to regard, observe, pay attention to, pay regard to,
notice; 1c2) to recognise (as formerly known), perceive; 1c3) to be
willing to recognise or acknowledge, acknowledge with honour; 1c4) to be
acquainted with; 1c5) to distinguish, understand; 1d) (Hithpael) to make
oneself known; 2a) (Niphal) to disguise oneself; 2b) (Piel); 2b1) to
treat as foreign (profane); 2b2) to misconstrue; 2c) (Hithpael); 2c1) to
act as alien; 2c2) to disguise oneself; #100, #90, #80, #400, #10 =
qatsaph (H7107): 1) to be displeased, be angry, fret oneself, be wroth;
1a) (Qal) to be wroth; 1b) (Hiphil) to provoke to wrath or anger; 1c)
(Hithpael) to put oneself in a rage, anger oneself; #40, #10, #200, #20,
#400, #10 = yerekah (H3411): 1) flank, side, extreme parts, recesses;
1a) side; 1b) sides, recesses (dual); #2, #70, #2, #200, #400, #6 =
`ebrah (H5678): 1) outpouring, overflow, excess, fury, wrath, arrogance;
1a) overflow, excess, outburst; 1b) arrogance; 1c) overflowing rage or
fury; #40, #400, #40, #200 = Tamar (H8559): 1) widow of Er, the son of
Judah; fiancee of Shelah, another son of Judah; wife of Judah and mother
of Pharez and Zerah; 2) daughter of David by Maacah, sister of Absalom,
and rape victim of Amnon her half brother, another son of David; 3)
daughter of Absalom; 4) a place on the southern border of Gad; #10, #60,
#200, #400, #10 = yacar (H3256): 1) to chasten, discipline, instruct,
admonish; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to chasten, admonish; 1a2) to instruct; 1a3)
to discipline; 1b) (Niphal) to let oneself be chastened or corrected or
admonished; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to discipline, correct; 1c2) to chasten,
chastise; 1d) (Hiphil) to chasten; 1e) (Nithpael) to teach; #70, #400,
#200, #10 = `athar (H6282): 1) suppliant, worshipper; 2) odour, incense
(odoriferous smoke); #400, #10, #70, #200 = huios (G5207): 1) a son; 2)
son of man; 3) son of God; 36) and of angels and of Jesus Christ; 38) ;
1a) rarely used for the young of animals; 1b) generally used of the
offspring of men; 1c) in a restricted sense, the male offspring (one
born by a father and of a mother); 1d) in a wider sense, a descendant,
one of the posterity of any one,; 1d1) the children of Israel; 1d2) sons
of Abraham; 1e) used to describe one who depends on another or is his
follower; 1e1) a pupil; 2a) term describing man, carrying the
connotation of weakness and mortality; 2b) son of man, symbolically
denotes the fifth kingdom in Daniel 7:13 and by this term its humanity
is indicated in contrast with the barbarity and ferocity of the four
preceding kingdoms (the Babylonian, the Median and the Persian, the
Macedonian, and the Roman) typified by the four beasts. In the book of
Enoch (2nd Century) it is used of Christ.; 2c) used by Christ himself,
doubtless in order that he might intimate his Messiahship and also that
he might designate himself as the head of the human race, the man, the
one who both furnished the pattern of the perfect man and acted on
behalf of all mankind. Christ seems to have preferred this to the other
Messianic titles, because by its lowliness it was least suited to foster
the expectation of an earthly Messiah in royal splendour.; 3a) used to
describe Adam (Lk. 3:; 3b) used to describe those who are born again
(Lk. 20:; 3c) of those whom God esteems as sons, whom he loves, protects
and benefits above others; 3c1) in the OT used of the Jews; 3c2) in the
NT of Christians; 3c3) those whose character God, as a loving father,;
#80, #70, #10, #70, #400, #50 = poieo (G4160): 1) to make; 2) to do; 1a)
with the names of things made, to produce, construct, form, fashion,
etc.; 1b) to be the authors of, the cause; 1c) to make ready, to
prepare; 1d) to produce, bear, shoot forth; 1e) to acquire, to provide a
thing for one's self; 1f) to make a thing out of something; 1g) to (make
i.e.) render one anything; 1g1) to (make i.e.) constitute or appoint one
anything, to appoint or ordain one that; 1g2) to (make i.e.) declare one
anything; 1h) to put one forth, to lead him out; 1i) to make one do
something; 1i1) cause one to; 1j) to be the authors of a thing (to
cause, bring about); 2a) to act rightly, do well; 2a1) to carry out, to
execute; 2b) to do a thing unto one; 2b1) to do to one; 2c) with
designation of time: to pass, spend; 2d) to celebrate, keep; 2d1) to
make ready, and so at the same time to institute, the celebration of the
passover; 2e) to perform: to a promise For Synonyms see entry 5871; #5,
#300, #5, #100, #70, #200 = heteros (G2087): 1) the other, another,
other; 1a) to number; 1a1) to number as opposed to some former person or
thing; 1a2) the other of two; 1b) to quality; 1b1) another: i.e. one not
of the same nature, form, class, kind, different For Synonyms see entry
5806; #7, #400, #3, #70, #200 = zugos (G2218): 1) a yoke; 2) a balance,
pair of scales; 1a) a yoke that is put on draught cattle; 1b) metaph.,
used of any burden or bondage; 1b1) as that of slavery; 1b2) of
troublesome laws imposed on one, esp. of the Mosaic law, hence the name
is so transferred to the commands of Christ as to contrast them with the
commands of the Pharisees which were a veritable 'yoke'; yet even
Christ's commands must be submitted to, though easier to be kept; #5,
#10, #200, #5, #30, #9, #70, #50, #300, #1 = eiserchomai (G1525): 1) to
go out or come in: to enter; 2) metaph.; 1a) of men or animals, as into
a house or a city; 1b) of Satan taking possession of the body of a
person; 1c) of things: as food, that enters into the eater's mouth; 2a)
of entrance into any condition, state of things, society, employment;
2a1) to arise, come into existence, begin to be; 2a2) of men, to come
before the public; 2a3) to come into life; 2b) of thoughts that come
into the mind; #30, #5, #30, #400, #40, #5, #50, #70, #50 = luo (G3089):
1) to loose any person (or thing) tied or fastened; 2) to loose one
bound, i.e. to unbind, release from bonds, set free; 3) to loosen, undo,
dissolve, anything bound, tied, or compacted together; 1a) bandages of
the feet, the shoes,; 1b) of a husband and wife joined together by the
bond of matrimony; 1c) of a single man, whether he has already had a
wife or has not yet married; 2a) of one bound up (swathed in bandages);
2b) bound with chains (a prisoner), discharge from prison, let go; 3a)
an assembly, i.e. to dismiss, break up; 3b) laws, as having a binding
force, are likened to bonds; 3c) to annul, subvert; 3d) to do away with,
to deprive of authority, whether by precept or act; 3e) to declare
unlawful; 3f) to loose what is compacted or built together, to break up,
demolish, destroy; 3g) to dissolve something coherent into parts, to
destroy; 3h) metaph., to overthrow, to do away with; #5, #80, #10, #300,
#10, #9, #5, #1, #200, #10, #50 = epitithemi (G2007): 1) in the active
voice; 2) in the middle voice; 1a) to put or lay upon; 1b) to add to;
2a) to have put on, bid to be laid on; 2b) to lay or throw one's self
upon; 2c) to attack one, to make an assault on one; #80, #70, #30, #30,
#70, #400 = polus (G4183): 1) many, much, large; #8, #300, #70, #10,
#40, #1, #200, #1, #50 = hetoimazo (G2090): 1) to make ready, prepare;
2) metaph.; 1a) to make the necessary preparations, get everything
ready; 2a) drawn from the oriental custom of sending on before kings on
their journeys persons to level the roads and make them passable; 2b) to
prepare the minds of men to give the Messiah a fit reception and secure
his blessings; #4, #400, #50, #8, #200, #8, #10 = dunamai (G1410): 1) to
be able, have power whether by virtue of one's own ability and
resources, or of a state of mind, or through favourable circumstances,
or by permission of law or custom; 2) to be able to do something; 3) to
be capable, strong and powerful; #4, #10, #8, #100, #40, #8, #50, #5,
#400, #5, #50 = diermeneuo (G1329): 1) to unfold the meaning of what is
said, explain, expound; 2) to translate into one's native language; #20,
#70, #30, #400, #40, #2, #8, #9, #100, #1 = kolumbethra (G2861): 1) a
place for diving, a swimming hole, a reservoir or pool for bathing; #20,
#100, #10, #200, #80, #70, #200 = Krispos (G2921): 1) the ruler of the
Jewish synagogue in Corinth, baptised by Paul; #40, #5, #9, #10, #200,
#300, #1, #50, #5, #10, #50 = methistemi (G3179): 1) to transpose,
transfer, remove from one place to another; 1a) of change of situation
or place; 1b) to remove from the office of a steward; 1c) to depart from
life, to die; #500, #9, #70, #100, #1 = phthora (G5356): 1) corruption,
destruction, perishing; 2) in the NT, in an ethical sense, corruption
i.e. moral decay; 1a) that which is subject to corruption, what is
perishable; 1b) in the Christian sense, eternal misery in hell; #1,
#400, #60, #8, #200, #1, #10 = auxano (G837): 1) to cause to grow,
augment; 2) to increase, become greater; 3) to grow, increase; 3a) of
plants; 3b) of infants; 3c) of a multitude of people; 3d) of inward
Christian growth; #40, #5, #300, #100, #10, #70, #80, #1, #9, #5, #10,
#50 = metriopatheo (G3356): 1) to be affected moderately or in due
measure; 2) to preserve moderation in the passions, esp. anger or grief;
2a) of one who is not unduly disturbed by the errors, faults, sins of
others, but bears them gently;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #835 has Unknown Categories:
I hope someone gets me,
@memeBrain [Telos: #829, Super: #11 - Value and Function of
Non-Existence; I-Ching: H8 - Closeness, Seeking Unity, Grouping, Holding
together, Alliance; Tetra: 33 - Closeness, Ego: #19 - Argument for
Ethical Anarchism, Returning to Simplicity; I-Ching: H57 - Compliance,
Gentle Penetration/Wind, Ground, Calculations; Tetra: 58 - Gathering In]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #691 has 37 Categories: #5, #80, #200, #6, #400 =
parah (H6510): 1) cow, heifer; #5, #70, #400, #10, #200, #6 = `athar
(H6279): 1) to pray, entreat, supplicate; 1a) (Qal) to pray, entreat;
1b) (Niphal) to be supplicated, be entreated; 1c) (Hiphil) to make
supplication, plead; #80, #400, #6, #200, #5 = Pethowr (H6604): 1) a
town of Mesopotamia and the home of Balaam; located on a river; site
unknown; #10, #400, #80, #1, #200 = pa'ar (H6286): 1) to glorify,
beautify, adorn; 2) (Piel) to go over the boughs; 1a) (Piel) to glorify,
beautify; 1b) (Hithpael); 1b1) to glorify oneself; 1b2) to get glory to
oneself, be glorified; #1, #80, #200, #400, #10 = 'Ephrathiy (H673): 1)
an inhabitant or descendant of Ephraim; 2) an inhabitant of Bethlehem;
#5, #200, #80, #6, #400 = riyphah (H7383): 1) a grain or fruit (for
grinding); 1a) meaning dubious; #5, #50, #20, #200, #10, #6, #400 =
nokriy (H5237): 1) foreign, alien; 1a) foreign; 1b) foreigner (subst);
1c) foreign woman, harlot; 1d) unknown, unfamiliar (fig.); #200, #80,
#1, #400, #10 = rapha' (H7495): 1) to heal, make healthful; 1a) (Qal) to
heal; 1a1) of God; 1a2) healer, physician (of men); 1a3) of hurts of
nations involving restored favour (fig); 1a4) of individual distresses
(fig); 1b) (Niphal) to be healed; 1b1) literal (of persons); 1b2) of
water, pottery; 1b3) of national hurts (fig); 1b4) of personal distress
(fig); 1c) (Piel) to heal; 1c1) literal; 1c2) of national defects or
hurts (fig); 1d) (Hithpael) in order to get healed (infinitive); #5,
#60, #10, #200, #6, #400, #10 = cuwr (H5493): 1) to turn aside, depart;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to turn aside, turn in unto; 1a2) to depart, depart from
way, avoid; 1a3) to be removed; 1a4) to come to an end; 1b) (Polel) to
turn aside; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to turn aside, cause to depart,
remove, take away, put away, depose; 1c2) to put aside, leave undone,
retract, reject, abolish; 1d) (Hophal) to be taken away, be removed; #5,
#200, #70, #6, #400, #10 = ra`a` (H7489): 1) to be bad, be evil; 2) to
break, shatter; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be displeasing; 1a2) to be sad; 1a3)
to be injurious, be evil; 1a4) to be wicked, be evil (ethically); 1b)
(Hiphil); 1b1) to do an injury or hurt; 1b2) to do evil or wickedly;
1b3) mischief (participle); 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to break; 2a2) broken
(participle); 2a3) to be broken; 2b) (Hithpolel) to be broken, be broken
in pieces, be broken asunder; #30, #1, #60, #400, #200 = 'Ecter (H635):
1) the queen of Persia, heroine of the book of Esther - daughter of
Abihail, cousin and adopted daughter of Mordecai, of the tribe of
Benjamin, made queen by king Ahasuerus to replace divorced queen,
Vashti.; #200, #70, #6, #400, #10, #5 = re`ah (H7464): 1) female
companion, companion, attendant (of maidens); #40, #40, #5, #200, #6,
#400 = mahar (H4116): 1) (Qal) to hasten; 1a) hasty, precipitate,
impetuous; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to hasten, make haste; 1b2) hasten (used as
adverb with another verb); 1b3) to hasten, prepare quickly, do quickly,
bring quickly; #200, #40, #40, #400, #5, #6 = ruwm (H7311): 1) to rise,
rise up, be high, be lofty, be exalted; 2) (Qal) to be rotten, be wormy;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be high, be set on high; 1a2) to be raised, be
uplifted, be exalted; 1a3) to be lifted, rise; 1b) (Polel); 1b1) to
raise or rear (children), cause to grow up; 1b2) to lift up, raise,
exalt; 1b3) to exalt, extol; 1c) (Polal) to be lifted up; 1d) (Hiphil);
1d1) to raise, lift, lift up, take up, set up, erect, exalt, set on
high; 1d2) to lift up (and take away), remove; 1d3) to lift off and
present, contribute, offer, contribute; 1e) (Hophal) to be taken off, be
abolished; 1f) (Hithpolel) to exalt oneself, magnify oneself; #5, #100,
#5, #400, #60, #70, #40, #1, #10 = ereugomai (G2044): 1) to spit or spew
out; 2) to be emptied, discharge itself, used of streams; 3) to pour
forth words, to speak out, utter; 2a) to empty, discharge, cast forth,
used of rivers and waters; #5, #400, #30, #70, #3, #8, #40, #5, #50,
#70, #10 = eulogeo (G2127): 1) to praise, celebrate with praises; 2) to
invoke blessings; 3) to consecrate a thing with solemn prayers; 4) of
God; 3a) to ask God's blessing on a thing; 3b) pray God to bless it to
one's use; 3c) pronounce a consecratory blessing on; 4a) to cause to
prosper, to make happy, to bestow blessings on; 4b) favoured of God,
blessed; #80, #10, #30, #1, #300, #70, #200 = Pilatos (G4091): 1) the
sixth Roman procurator of Judah and Samaria who ordered Christ to be
crucified; #5, #80, #10, #100, #100, #1, #80, #300, #5, #10 = epirrhapto
(G1976): 1) to sew upon, sew to; #1, #30, #1, #30, #1, #7, #70, #50,
#300, #1, #200 = alalazo (G214): 1) to repeat frequently the cry ValalaV
as soldiers used to do on entering into battle; 2) to utter a joyful
sound; 3) to wail, lament; 4) to ring loudly, to clang For Synonyms see
entry 5804; #20, #100, #1, #300, #70, #200 = kratos (G2904): 1) force,
strength; 2) power, might: mighty with great power; 3) dominion For
Synonyms see entry 5820; 2a) a mighty deed, a work of power; #80, #1,
#300, #5, #100, #5, #200 = pater (G3962): 1) generator or male ancestor;
2) metaph.; 3) God is called the Father; 1a) either the nearest
ancestor: father of the corporeal nature, natural fathers, both parents;
1b) a more remote ancestor, the founder of a race or tribe, progenitor
of a people, forefather: so Abraham is called, Jacob and David; 1b1)
fathers i.e. ancestors, forefathers, founders of a race; 1c) one
advanced in years, a senior; 2a) the originator and transmitter of
anything; 2a1) the authors of a family or society of persons animated by
the same spirit as himself; 2a2) one who has infused his own spirit into
others, who actuates and governs their minds; 2b) one who stands in a
father's place and looks after another in a paternal way; 2c) a title of
honour; 2c1) teachers, as those to whom pupils trace back the knowledge
and training they have received; 2c2) the members of the Sanhedrin,
whose prerogative it was by virtue of the wisdom and experience in which
they excelled, to take charge of the interests of others; 3a) of the
stars, the heavenly luminaries, because he is their creator, upholder,
ruler; 3b) of all rational and intelligent beings, whether angels or
men, because he is their creator, preserver, guardian and protector;
3b1) of spiritual beings and of all men; 3c) of Christians, as those who
through Christ have been exalted to a specially close and intimate
relationship with God, and who no longer dread him as a stern judge of
sinners, but revere him as their reconciled and loving Father; 3d) the
Father of Jesus Christ, as one whom God has united to himself in the
closest bond of love and intimacy, made acquainted with his purposes,
appointed to explain and carry out among men the plan of salvation, and
made to share also in his own divine nature; 3d1) by Jesus Christ
himself; 3d2) by the apostles ; #1, #100, #70, #300, #100, #70, #50 =
arotron (G723): 1) a plough; #80, #100, #70, #40, #5, #30, #5, #300, #1,
#10, #50 = promeletao (G4304): 1) to meditate beforehand; #80, #1, #100,
#5, #200, #300, #5 = pareimi (G3918): 1) to be by, be at hand, to have
arrived, to be present; 2) to be ready, in store, at command; #1, #30,
#400, #200, #10, #50 = halusis (G254): 1) a chain, bond by which the
body or any part of it (hands, feet) is bound; #40, #1, #20, #100, #70,
#9, #400, #40, #10, #1 = makrothumia (G3115): 1) patience, endurance,
constancy, steadfastness, perseverance; 2) patience, forbearance,
longsuffering, slowness in avenging wrongs For Synonyms see entry 5861;
#400, #80, #70, #50, #70, #10, #1, #10 = huponoia (G5283): 1) a surmising;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #854 has Unknown Categories:
Message in the bottle.
@memeBrain [Telos: #1027, Super: #33 - Achievable Goals, Virtue of
Discrimination; I-Ching: H9 - Lesser Domestication, Minor Restraint,
Small Accumulating, The taming power of the small, Small harvest; Tetra:
35 - Gathering, Ego: #55 - Abstruse Mysterious Signs; I-Ching: H22 -
Elegance, Grace, Adorning, Luxuriance; Tetra: 54 - Unity]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #724 has 25 Categories: #400, #200, #8, #10, #100, #6
= rachaq (H7368): 1) to be or become far, be or become distant, be
removed, go far away; 2) (Niphal) loose v inf (as adv); 3) at a
distance; 1a) (Qal) to be far, be distant; 1b) (Piel) to send far away,
extend; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make or exhibit distance, be gone far;
1c2) to remove, put far away; #6, #10, #300, #2, #400, #6 = shabath
(H7673): 1) to cease, desist, rest; 2) (Qal) to keep or observe the
sabbath; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to cease; 1a2) to rest, desist (from labour);
1b) (Niphal) to cease; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to cease, put an end
to; 1c2) to exterminate, destroy; 1c3) to cause to desist from; 1c4) to
remove; 1c5) to cause to fail; #6, #40, #60, #3, #200, #400, #10, #5 =
micgereth (H4526): 1) border, fastness, rim; 1a) border, rim; 1b)
fastness; #6, #10, #300, #8, #400 = shachath (H7843): 1) to destroy,
corrupt, go to ruin, decay; 1a) (Niphal) to be marred, be spoiled, be
corrupted, be corrupt, be injured, be ruined, be rotted; 1b) (Piel);
1b1) to spoil, ruin; 1b2) to pervert, corrupt, deal corruptly (morally);
1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to spoil, ruin, destroy; 1c2) to pervert, corrupt
(morally); 1c3) destroyer (participle); 1d) (Hophal) spoiled, ruined
(participle); #6, #400, #300, #10, #2, #6 = yashab (H3427): 1) to dwell,
remain, sit, abide; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to sit, sit down; 1a2) to be set;
1a3) to remain, stay; 1a4) to dwell, have one's abode; 1b) (Niphal) to
be inhabited; 1c) (Piel) to set, place; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to cause to
sit; 1d2) to cause to abide, set; 1d3) to cause to dwell; 1d4) to cause
(cities) to be inhabited; 1d5) to marry (give an dwelling to); 1e)
(Hophal); 1e1) to be inhabited; 1e2) to make to dwell; #400, #300, #10,
#3, #5, #6 = nasag (H5381): 1) to reach, overtake, take hold upon; 1a)
(Hiphil); 1a1) to overtake; 1a2) to reach, attain to, cause to reach;
1a3) to be able to secure, reach, have enough; #300, #8, #6, #400, #10 =
shachach (H7817): 1) to bow, crouch, bow down, be bowed down; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to be bowed down, be prostrated, be humbled; 1a2) to bow (in
homage); 1a3) to bow (of mourner); 1a4) to crouch (of wild beast in
lair); 1b) (Niphal) to be prostrated, be humbled, be reduced, be
weakened, proceed humbly, be bowed down; 1c) (Hiphil) to prostrate, lay
low, bow down; 1d) (Hithpolel) to be cast down, be despairing; #30, #8,
#200, #80, #6, #400 = cherpah (H2781): 1) reproach, scorn; 1a) taunt,
scorn (upon enemy); 1b) reproach (resting upon condition of shame,
disgrace); 1c) a reproach (an object); #300, #10, #8, #6, #400 =
shiychah (H7882): 1) pit; #6, #8, #4, #300, #6, #400 = chadash (H2319):
1) new, new thing, fresh; #50, #70, #4, #200, #400 = `adar (H5737): 1)
to help; 2) to hoe; 3) to be lacking, fail; 1a) (Qal) to help; 2a)
(Niphal) to be hoed; 3a) (Niphal); 3b1) to leave lacking; 3b) (Piel) to
leave lacking; #6, #400, #300, #10, #8 = shuwach (H7743): 1) to sink
down, be bowed down, be humble; 1a) (Qal) to sink down; 1b) (Hiphil) of
depression of the mind; #30, #80, #200, #8, #6, #400 = parach (H6524):
1) to bud, sprout, shoot, bloom; 2) (Qal) to break out (of leprosy); 3)
(Qal) to fly; 1a) (Qal) to bud, sprout, send out shoots, blossom; 1b)
(Hiphil); 1b1) to cause to bud or sprout; 1b2) to show buds or sprouts;
#6, #2, #40, #70, #200, #6, #400 = me`arah (H4631): 1) cave, den, hole;
#1, #500, #8, #200, #5, #10 = aphiemi (G863): 1) to send away; 2) to
permit, allow, not to hinder, to give up a thing to a person; 3) to
leave, go way from one; 1a) to bid going away or depart; 1a1) of a
husband divorcing his wife; 1b) to send forth, yield up, to expire; 1c)
to let go, let alone, let be; 1c1) to disregard; 1c2) to leave, not to
discuss now, (a topic); 1c21) of teachers, writers and speakers; 1c3) to
omit, neglect; 1d) to let go, give up a debt, forgive, to remit; 1e) to
give up, keep no longer; 3a) in order to go to another place; 3b) to
depart from any one; 3c) to depart from one and leave him to himself so
that all mutual claims are abandoned; 3d) to desert wrongfully; 3e) to
go away leaving something behind; 3f) to leave one by not taking him as
a companion; 3g) to leave on dying, leave behind one; 3h) to leave so
that what is left may remain, leave remaining; 3i) abandon, leave
destitute; #5, #1, #400, #300, #8, #10 = heautou (G1438): 1) himself,
herself, itself, themselves; #1, #100, #3, #400, #100, #70, #50 =
arguros (G696): 1) silver; 1a) 1 Cor. 3:12 refers to the silver with
which the columns of noble buildings were covered and the rafters
adorned; 1b) things made of silver; 1b1) vessels; 1b2) images of gods;
#2, #1, #200, #1, #50, #70, #400 = basanos (G931): 1) a touchstone,
which is a black siliceous stone used to test the purity of gold or
silver by the colour of the streak produced on it by rubbing it with
either metal; 2) the rack or instrument of torture by which one is
forced to divulge the truth; 3) torture, torment, acute pains; 3a) of
the pains of a disease; 3b) of those in hell after death; #80, #1, #100,
#5, #4, #10, #4, #70, #400, #50 = paradidomi (G3860): 1) to give into
the hands (of another); 2) to give over into (one's) power or use; 3) to
commit, to commend; 4) to deliver verbally; 5) to permit allow; 2a) to
deliver to one something to keep, use, take care of, manage; 2b) to
deliver up one to custody, to be judged, condemned, punished, scourged,
tormented, put to death; 2c) to deliver up treacherously; 2c1) by
betrayal to cause one to be taken; 2c2) to deliver one to be taught,
moulded; 4a) commands, rites; 4b) to deliver by narrating, to report;
5a) when the fruit will allow that is when its ripeness permits; 5b)
gives itself up, presents itself; #5, #80, #10, #4, #70, #50, #300, #5,
#200 = epididomi (G1929): 1) to hand, give by hand; 2) to give over; 2a)
give up to the power or will of one; #5, #30, #400, #80, #8, #200, #1 =
lupeo (G3076): 1) to make sorrowful; 2) to affect with sadness, cause
grief, to throw into sorrow; 3) to grieve, offend; 4) to make one
uneasy, cause him a scruple; #1, #3, #50, #70, #400, #200 = hagnos
(G53): 1) exciting reverence, venerable, sacred; 2) pure; 2a) pure from
carnality, chaste, modest; 2b) pure from every fault, immaculate; 2c)
clean; #1, #9, #5, #300, #8, #200, #1, #200 = atheteo (G114): 1) to do
away with, to set aside, disregard; 2) to thwart the efficacy of
anything, nullify, make void, frustrate; 3) to reject, to refuse, to slight;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #909 has Unknown Categories:
I went out this morning.
@memeBrain [Telos: #1947, Super: #26 - Ambiguous Reversals, Virtue of
Gravity; I-Ching: H3 - Birth Throes, Initial Difficulties, Sprouting,
Difficulty at the beginning, Gathering support, Hoarding; Tetra: 3 -
Mired, Ego: #3 - Political Prescriptions, Quietude; I-Ching: H46 -
Climbing, Moving/Pushing Upward, Ascending; Tetra: 8 - Opposition]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #750 has Unknown Categories:
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #912 has Unknown Categories:
Do not believe it ...
@memeBrain [Telos: #1039, Super: #15 - Mastering Guiding Discourse,
Revealers of Virtue; I-Ching: H61 - Inner Trust, Inner Truth, Center
Returning; Tetra: 1 - Centre, Ego: #67 - Three Treasures; I-Ching: H10 -
Treading (conduct), Tread Carefully, Continuing; Tetra: 48 - Ritual]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #765 has Unknown Categories:
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #979 has Unknown Categories:
#5 + #6 {OPINION} = #11: Say NO to anonymous fascist propaganda every time.
The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities No. 43 of Act 2006
defines a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING” and the question is, if it is
permissible to extend this definition to be a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN
That my mathematical theoretical noumenon defines the meta-descriptor
prototypes which are prerequisite to the BEING of HOMO[IOS] SAPIEN[T] as
After all the ENNEAD of THOTH and not the Roman Catholic Eucharist,
expresses an Anthropic Cosmological Principle which appears within its
geometric conception as being equivalent to the Pythagorean
I'm looking for some confirmation that my posts are propagating... if
you see this message, please acknowledge with a reply. The only thing
I can see is that they are not being picked up by Google Groups, and
while I don't care about GG, it is an indication that something is
ちょうどひどいyou see this message, please acknowledge with a reply. The only thing
I can see is that they are not being picked up by Google Groups, and
while I don't care about GG, it is an indication that something is
Time: 02:25 hrs
Date: 2017.4.27
Torah: #30 #1 #6 %81 = #37
Dao: Value and Function of Non-Existence
Tetra: #33 - Closeness
I-Ching: H8 - Closeness, Seeking Unity, Grouping, Holding together, Alliance
Latin: Oriens {Praised & Exalted God} Alt: Harachel {The Crushing of God} {
4. Rombomare
Shem {Exhalted Name, Name, renown}
***@zen: 2, row: 1, col: 2, nous: 11 [Date: 2017.4.27, Super: #220
/ #13 - Status, Loathing Shame; I-Ching: H5 - Waiting, Delay, Attending,
Moistened, Arriving; Tetra: 17 - Holding Back, Ego: #274 / #11 - Value
and Function of Non-Existence; I-Ching: H8 - Closeness, Seeking Unity,
Grouping, Holding together, Alliance; Tetra: 33 - Closeness]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #220 has 23 Categories: #6, #1, #7, #6, #200 = 'ezowr
(H232): 1) waist-cloth, the innermost piece of clothing; 2) waistband;
1a) of God's power over kings (fig.); 1b) of faithfulness (metaph); #5,
#1, #200, #4, #10 = 'Ardiy (H716): 1) the descendants of Ard; #3, #4,
#2, #200, #10, #1 = gedabar (Aramaic) (H1411): 1) treasurer; #6, #5, #4,
#200, #5 = hadar (Aramaic) (H1923): 1) honour, majesty; #6, #8, #6, #200
= Chuwr (H2354): 1) a chief assistant to Moses and Aaron; 2) grandfather
of Bezaleel, the chief artificer of the tabernacle; possibly the same as
1 above; 3) the 4th of the 5 kings of Midian who were slain with Balaam
after Peor; 4) father of Rephaiah in the time of Nehemiah; 5) father of
Ben-Hur who was commissariat officer for Solomon in Mount Ephraim; #2,
#8, #200, #10 = choriy (H2750): 1) heat (of anger), burning (of anger);
#20, #200 = kor (H3734): 1) kor, a measure (usually dry); 1a) a dry or
liquid measure equal to 10 ephahs or baths; 1a1) a dry measure
containing 6.25 bushels (220 l); 1a2) a liquid measure of 58 gallons
(263 l); #6, #30, #40, #60, #80, #4 = micepd (H4553): 1) wailing; #6,
#40, #40, #70, #40, #4, #20 = ma`amad (H4612): 1) attendance, office,
function, service; 1a) station, office, post; 1b) office, function; 1c)
service; #40, #80, #10, #90 = mephiyts (H4650): 1) scatterer, disperser,
scattering club; #50, #80, #30, #10, #50 = nephal (Aramaic) (H5308): 1)
to fall; 1a) (P'al); 1a1) to fall; 1a2) to fall down; #30, #70, #30,
#40, #10, #40 = `owlam (H5769): 1) long duration, antiquity, futurity,
for ever, ever, everlasting, evermore, perpetual, old, ancient, world;
1a) ancient time, long time (of past); 1b) (of future); 1b1) for ever,
always; 1b2) continuous existence, perpetual; 1b3) everlasting,
indefinite or unending future, eternity; #40, #70, #10, #100 = `uwq
(H5781): 1) (Hiphil) to totter, cause to totter, crush; 1a) meaning
dubious; #5, #70, #9, #6, #80, #10, #40 = `ataph (H5848): 1) to turn
aside; 2) to envelop oneself; 3) to be feeble, be faint, grow weak; 1a)
(Qal) to turn aside, turn (in order to cover); 2a) (Qal) to envelop
oneself, cover; 3a) (Qal) to be feeble, be faint; 3b) (Niphal) to faint;
3c) (Hiphil) to show feebleness; 3d) (Hithpael) to faint, faint away;
#5, #70, #40, #100, #5 = `amoq (H6013): 1) deep, mysterious, depths; 1a)
deep; 1b) unsearchable; #30, #90, #30, #70 = tsela` (H6761): 1) limping,
stumbling; #2, #90, #30, #90, #8 = Tseltsach (H6766): 1) a place on the
boundary of Benjamin, close to Rachel's tomb, 5 miles (8 km) southwest
of Jerusalem; #90, #30, #100 = Tseleq (H6768): 1) an Ammonite and a
warrior for David; #10, #90, #70, #50 = tsa`an (H6813): 1) (Qal) to
wander, travel; #90, #80, #10, #40 = Tsophiym (H6839): 1) a spot on or
near the top of Pisgah, the site of Balaam's oracles; #100, #10, #90,
#20 = qayits (H7019): 1) summer, summer-fruit; 1a) summer; 1b)
summer-fruit; #30, #100, #30, #60 = qalac (H7046): 1) to mock, scoff;
1a) (Piel) to scoff at; 1b) (Hithpael) to mock, deride, make fun of;
#200, #8, #2, #10 = rachab (H7338): 1) breadth, broad or wide expanse;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #274 has 9 Categories: #5, #1, #8, #10, #200, #40,
#10 = 'Achiyramiy (H298): 1) one of the clan of Ahiram; #3, #6, #200,
#10, #5, #50 = guwr (H1482): 1) cub, whelp, young; #5, #5, #3, #200,
#10, #1, #10, #40 = Hagriy (H1905): 1) a people dwelling to the east of
Palestine, with whom the tribes of Reuben made war in the time of Saul
adj patr; 2) of one of David's servants Haggeri = 'wanderer'; 3) father
of Mibhar and one of David's mighty warriors; #6, #30, #10, #6, #10,
#200, #10, #2 = Yowyariyb (H3114): 1) the head of the 1st of the 24
courses of priests in David's time; 2) a teacher in the time of Ezra; 3)
a Judaite in the time of Nehemiah; #40, #10, #200, #10, #8, #6 =
Yeriychow (H3405): 1) a city 5 miles (8 km) west of the Jordan and 7
miles (11.5 km) north of the Dead Sea and the first city conquered by
the Israelites upon entering the promised land of Canaan; #6, #60, #200,
#8 = cerach (H5629): 1) excess, overhanging; #200, #10, #8, #50, #6 =
reyach (H7381): 1) scent, fragrance, aroma, odour; 1a) scent, odour; 1b)
odour of soothing (technical term for sacrifice to God); #3, #5, #50,
#5, #1, #10, #200 = genea (G1074): 1) fathered, birth, nativity; 2) that
which has been begotten, men of the same stock, a family; 3) the whole
multitude of men living at the same time; 4) an age (ie. the time
ordinarily occupied be each successive generation), a space of 30 - 33
years; 2a) the several ranks of natural descent, the successive members
of a genealogy; 2b) metaph. a race of men very like each other in
endowments, pursuits, character; 2b1) esp. in a bad sense, a perverse
race; #4, #70, #20, #10, #40, #10, #70, #50 = dokimion (G1383): 1) the
proving; 2) that by which something is tried or proved, a test;
Just terrible,
@memeBrain [Telos: #1041, Super: #71 - Know-How as a Disease, Disease of
Knowledge; I-Ching: H38 - Contrariety, Opposition, Polarising,
Perversion; Tetra: 6 - Contrariety, Ego: #69 - Profound Use, Function of
the Mysterious; I-Ching: H34 - Great Strength, Great Invigorating, The
power of the great, Great maturity; Tetra: 22 - Resistance]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #71 has 26 Categories: #6, #1, #4, #10, #50 = 'edayin
(Aramaic) (H116): 1) then, afterwards, thereupon, from that time; #1,
#4, #6, #50, #10 = 'Adonay (H136): 1) my lord, lord; 2) Lord - title,
spoken in place of Yahweh in Jewish display of reverence; 1a) of men;
1b) of God; #6, #2, #1, #6, #50, #6 = 'own (H202): 1) vigour, generative
power; 2) wealth; 3) physical strength (of men and behemoth); #5, #1,
#20, #10, #30, #5 = 'akiylah (H396): 1) food, a meal, an eating, meat;
#1, #20, #50 = 'aken (H403): 1) surely, truly, indeed; 1a) truly, indeed
(strong assertive force); 1b) but indeed, but in fact (emphasizing a
contrast); #1, #30, #30, #10 = 'alelay (H480): 1) woe! alas!; #1, #30,
#40 = 'illem (H483): 1) mute, silent, dumb, unable to speak; #1, #50,
#20 = 'anak (H594): 1) plummet, plumb, lead-weight; #6, #2, #3, #30, #30
= galal (H1558): 1) on account of, for the sake of; #3, #50, #7, #10, #1
= genaz (Aramaic) (H1596): 1) treasure; #6, #4, #10, #50, #1 = diyn
(Aramaic) (H1780): 1) judgment; #2, #4, #10, #50, #5 = Diynah (H1783):
1) daughter of Jacob by Leah, full sister of Simeon and Levi; #6, #5,
#10, #50 = hiyn (H1969): 1) hin; 1a) a unit of measure, about 5 quarts
(6 l); 1b) a vessel holding a hin of liquid; #6, #50, #10, #5 = Vanyah
(H2057): 1) one of the sons of Bani, in the time of Ezra, who took a
foreign wife; #6, #10, #3, #2, #10, #40 = yageb (H3010): 1) field,
ploughed field; #10, #5, #6, #20, #30 = Yehuwkal (H3081): 1) a son of
Shelemiah and a servant of king Zedekiah whom he sent to Jeremiah to
entreat his prayers and advice; #5, #10, #6, #50 = yaven (H3121): 1)
mire, mirer; #6, #10, #20, #30, #5 = yekel (Aramaic) (H3202): 1) to be
able; 1a) (P'al); 1a1) to be able; 1a2) to prevail; #30, #40, #1 = ma'
(Aramaic) (H3964): 1) what, whatever; 1a) what?; 1b) whatever, what,
whatsoever; 1c) how?, why?, wherefore? (with prefixes); #2, #40, #4,
#20, #5 = medokah (H4085): 1) mortar; #6, #40, #6, #2, #1, #10, #6 =
mowba' (H4126): 1) entrance, entering, in-coming; #6, #40, #7, #10, #8 =
maziyach (H4206): 1) girdle; #20, #40, #8, #2, #1 = machabe' (H4224): 1)
hiding place; 2) (TWOT) bosom; #40, #10, #20, #1 = Miyka' (H4316): 1)
son of Mephibosheth; 2) a Levite who signed the covenant with Nehemiah;
3) father of Mattaniah, a Gershonite Levite and descendant of Asaph; #5,
#30, #30, #1, #4, #1 = Hellas (G1671): 1) a country in southern Europe;
#20, #1, #50 = kan (G2579): 1) and if; 2) also or even if; 2a) of only,
at least; 2b) even if;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #69 has 19 Categories: #6, #1, #2, #4, #6, #50 =
'abaddown (H11): 1) place of destruction, destruction, ruin, Abaddon;
#1, #2, #6, #60 = 'ebuwc (H18): 1) crib, manger, feeding trough; #6, #1,
#6, #50, #6 = 'Ownow (H207): 1) city in Benjamin; 2) a valley (of
craftsman); #1, #8, #10, #50 = 'Achyan (H291): 1) son of Shemida of
Manasseh; #6, #2, #6, #50, #5 = Buwnah (H946): 1) a son of Jerahmeel, a
Judahite; #6, #3, #30, #30 = Galal (H1559): 1) a Levite, one of the sons
of Asaph; 2) a third Levite, son of Jeduthun; #6, #4, #1, #2, #6, #50 =
de'abown (H1671): 1) fainting, pining, languishing, faintness; #6, #4,
#4, #50, #5 = Dedan (H1719): 1) the son of Raamah and grandson of Cush.
A son of Jokshan and grandson of Keturah; 2) a place in south Arabia;
#6, #4, #10, #3, #6, #40 = diyg (H1770): 1) (Qal) to fish, catch fish,
fish for, catch; #20, #4, #40, #5 = dummah (H1822): 1) one silenced, one
quieted by destruction, one destroyed; #5, #4, #50, #10 = Daniy (H1839):
1) descendants of Dan, son of Jacob; 2) inhabitants of the territory of
Dan; #6, #10, #8, #30, #9, #6 = chalat (H2480): 1) (Hiphil) to take up,
catch, pick up (a word); #6, #8, #50, #5 = Channah (H2584): 1) the
mother of Samuel, one of the wives of Elkanah; #6, #10, #7, #30, #10,
#1, #5 = Yizliy'ah (H3152): 1) a Benjamite of the sons of Elpaal; #6,
#10, #8, #4, #10, #1, #30 = Yachdiy'el (H3164): 1) a chief of Manasseh
on the east of the Jordan; #10, #8, #10, #1, #30, #10 = Yechiy'eliy
(H3172): 1) a Gershonite Levite of the family of Laadan; #40, #8, #1,
#20 = macha' (H4222): 1) to strike, clap (the hands); 1a) (Qal) to clap
(of joy); 1b) (Piel) to clap (of exultation); #50, #6, #8, #5 = Nowchah
(H5119): 1) the 4th son of Benjamin; #6, #60, #2, #1 = cobe' (H5435): 1)
drink, liquor, wine;
Island lost in the sea,
@memeBrain [Telos: #962, Super: #13 - Status, Loathing Shame; I-Ching:
H5 - Waiting, Delay, Attending, Moistened, Arriving; Tetra: 17 - Holding
Back, Ego: #71 - Know-How as a Disease, Disease of Knowledge; I-Ching:
H38 - Contrariety, Opposition, Polarising, Perversion; Tetra: 6 -
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #84 has 92 Categories: #10, #4, #70 = yada` (H3045):
1) to know; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to know; 1a1a) to know, learn to know; 1a1b)
to perceive; 1a1c) to perceive and see, find out and discern; 1a1d) to
discriminate, distinguish; 1a1e) to know by experience; 1a1f) to
recognise, admit, acknowledge, confess; 1a1g) to consider; 1a2) to know,
be acquainted with; 1a3) to know (a person carnally); 1a4) to know how,
be skilful in; 1a5) to have knowledge, be wise; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be
made known, be or become known, be revealed; 1b2) to make oneself known;
1b3) to be perceived; 1b4) to be instructed; 1c) (Piel) to cause to
know; 1d) (Poal) to cause to know; 1e) (Pual); 1e1) to be known; 1e2)
known, one known, acquaintance (participle); 1f) (Hiphil) to make known,
declare; 1g) (Hophal) to be made known; 1h) (Hithpael) to make oneself
known, reveal oneself; #1, #2, #10, #40, #1, #30 = 'Abiyma'el (H39): 1)
son of Joktan, descendant of Shem; #5, #40, #30, #9 = malat (H4422): 1)
to slip away, escape, deliver, save, be delivered; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to
slip away; 1a2) to escape; 1a3) to be delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to
lay, let slip out (of eggs); 1b2) to let escape; 1b3) to deliver, save
(life); 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to give birth to; 1c2) to deliver; 1d)
(Hithpael); 1d1) to slip forth, slip out, escape; 1d2) to escape; #8,
#30, #40, #6 = chalam (H2492): 1) to dream; 2) to be healthy, be strong;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to dream (ordinary); 1a2) to dream (prophetic); 1a3) to
dream (of false prophets); 1b) (Hiphil) to dream; 2a) (Qal) to be
healthy; 2b) (Hiphil) to restore to health; #30, #8, #40, #6 = lechem
(H3899): 1) bread, food, grain; 1a) bread; 1a1) bread; 1a2) bread-corn;
1b) food (in general); #30, #40, #9, #5 = matteh (H4294): 1) staff,
branch, tribe; 1a) staff, rod, shaft; 1b) branch (of vine); 1c) tribe;
1c1) company led by chief with staff (originally); #50, #20, #8, #6 =
nekach (H5226): 1) be in front of adv; 2) in front of, opposite to, in
the sight of, before, to the front, right on; 3) towards the front of,
in front of, on behalf of, as far as in front of; #5, #70, #4, #5 =
`edah (H5712): 1) congregation, gathering; #10, #8, #30, #30, #6 =
chalal (H2490): 1) to profane, defile, pollute, desecrate, begin; 2) to
wound (fatally), bore through, pierce, bore; 3) (Piel) to play the flute
or pipe; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to profane oneself, defile oneself, pollute
oneself; 1a1a) ritually; 1a1b) sexually; 1a2) to be polluted, be
defiled; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to profane, make common, defile, pollute; 1b2)
to violate the honour of, dishonour; 1b3) to violate (a covenant); 1b4)
to treat as common; 1c) (Pual) to profane (name of God); 1d) (Hiphil);
1d1) to let be profaned; 1d2) to begin; 1e) (Hophal) to be begun; 2a)
(Qal) to pierce; 2b) (Pual) to be slain; 2c) (Poel) to wound, pierce;
2d) (Poal) to be wounded; #20, #50, #6, #8 = nuwach (H5117): 1) to rest;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to rest, settle down and remain; 1a2) to repose, have
rest, be quiet; 1b) (Hiph); 1b1) to cause to rest, give rest to, make
quiet; 1b2) to cause to rest, cause to alight, set down; 1b3) to lay or
set down, deposit, let lie, place; 1b4) to let remain, leave; 1b5) to
leave, depart from; 1b6) to abandon; 1b7) to permit; 1c) (Hoph); 1c1) to
obtain rest, be granted rest; 1c2) to be left, be placed; 1c3) open
space (subst); #70, #4, #10 = `ad (H5704): 1) as far as, even to, until,
up to, while, as far as; 2) until, while, to the point that, so that
even; 1a) of space; 1a1) as far as, up to, even to; 1b) in combination;
1b1) far as, both...and (with 'min' - from); 1c) of time; 1c1)
even to, until, unto, till, during, end; 1d) of degree; 1d1) even to, to
the degree of, even like conj; #10, #30, #40, #4 = lamad (H3925): 1) to
learn. teach, exercise in; 1a) (Qal) to learn; 1b) (Piel) to teach; 1c)
(Pual) to be taught, be trained; #8, #50, #20, #6 = chanak (H2596): 1)
to train, dedicate, inaugurate; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to train, train up; 1a2)
to dedicate; #6, #40, #30, #8 = melach (H4417): 1) salt; #8, #60, #10,
#6 = chacah (H2620): 1) (Qal) to seek refuge, flee for protection; 1a)
to put trust in (God), confide or hope in (God) (fig.); #6, #10, #60,
#2, #6 = cabab (H5437): 1) to turn, turn about or around or aside or
back or towards, go about or around, surround, encircle, change
direction; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to turn, turn about, be brought round,
change; 1a2) to march or walk around, go partly around, circle about,
skirt, make a round, make a circuit, go about to, surround, encompass;
1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to turn oneself, close round, turn round; 1b2) to be
turned over to; 1c) (Piel) to turn about, change, transform; 1d) (Poel);
1d1) to encompass, surround; 1d2) to come about, assemble round; 1d3) to
march, go about; 1d4) to enclose, envelop; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to turn,
cause to turn, turn back, reverse, bring over, turn into, bring round;
1e2) to cause to go around, surround, encompass; 1f) (Hophal); 1f1) to
be turned; 1f2) to be surrounded; #2, #70, #7, #5 = `Azzah (H5804): 1)
another name for 'Gaza', a city of the Philistines located in the
extreme southwest of Palestine close to the Mediterranean; #6, #8, #30,
#10, #30 = chaliyl (H2485): 1) pipe, flute; #2, #70, #2, #4, #6 = `ebed
(H5650): 1) slave, servant; 1a) slave, servant, man-servant; 1b)
subjects; 1c) servants, worshippers (of God); 1d) servant (in special
sense as prophets, Levites etc); 1e) servant (of Israel); 1f) servant
(as form of address between equals); #4, #70, #10 = yada` (H3045): 1) to
know; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to know; 1a1a) to know, learn to know; 1a1b) to
perceive; 1a1c) to perceive and see, find out and discern; 1a1d) to
discriminate, distinguish; 1a1e) to know by experience; 1a1f) to
recognise, admit, acknowledge, confess; 1a1g) to consider; 1a2) to know,
be acquainted with; 1a3) to know (a person carnally); 1a4) to know how,
be skilful in; 1a5) to have knowledge, be wise; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be
made known, be or become known, be revealed; 1b2) to make oneself known;
1b3) to be perceived; 1b4) to be instructed; 1c) (Piel) to cause to
know; 1d) (Poal) to cause to know; 1e) (Pual); 1e1) to be known; 1e2)
known, one known, acquaintance (participle); 1f) (Hiphil) to make known,
declare; 1g) (Hophal) to be made known; 1h) (Hithpael) to make oneself
known, reveal oneself; #70, #9, #5 = `atah (H5844): 1) to cover, enwrap,
wrap oneself, envelop oneself; 2) to grasp; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to wrap,
envelop oneself; 1a2) to cover (the beard in mourning); 1a3) mourner,
one who covers (participle); 1b) (Hiphil) to cover, enwrap, envelop; 2a)
(Qal) to grasp; #6, #70, #7, #1 = `Uzza' (H5798): 1) a man slain by
Jehovah for touching the sacred ark; 2) a Benjamite of the sons of Ehud;
3) ancestor of a family of temple slaves who returned from exile with
Zerubbabel; 4) a Merarite Levite; 5) the garden where kings Manasseh and
Amon of Judah were buried; #8, #30, #1, #40, #5 = Cheylam (H2431): 1) a
place east of the Jordan, west of the Euphrates, in Gilead, at which the
Syrians under Hadarezer were defeated by David; #40, #8, #6, #30 =
Machowl (H4235): 1) father of Heman; #10, #8, #10, #50, #6 = chayah
(H2421): 1) to live, have life, remain alive, sustain life, live
prosperously, live for ever, be quickened, be alive, be restored to life
or health; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to live; 1a1a) to have life; 1a1b) to
continue in life, remain alive; 1a1c) to sustain life, to live on or
upon; 1a1d) to live (prosperously); 1a2) to revive, be quickened; 1a2a)
from sickness; 1a2b) from discouragement; 1a2c) from faintness; 1a2d)
from death; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to preserve alive, let live; 1b2) to give
life; 1b3) to quicken, revive, refresh; 1b3a) to restore to life; 1b3b)
to cause to grow; 1b3c) to restore; 1b3d) to revive; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1)
to preserve alive, let live; 1c2) to quicken, revive; 1c2a) to restore
(to health); 1c2b) to revive; 1c2c) to restore to life; #70, #7, #2, #5
= `azab (H5800): 1) to leave, loose, forsake; 2) to restore, repair; 1a)
(Qal) to leave; 1a1) to depart from, leave behind, leave, let alone;
1a2) to leave, abandon, forsake, neglect, apostatise; 1a3) to let loose,
set free, let go, free; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be left to; 1b2) to be
forsaken; 1c) (Pual) to be deserted; 2a) (Qal) to repair; #70, #7, #7 =
`Azaz (H5811): 1) a Reubenite, father of Bela; #6, #8, #20, #40, #10 =
chakam (H2450): 1) wise, wise (man); 1a) skilful (in technical work);
1b) wise (in administration); 1c) shrewd, crafty, cunning, wily, subtle;
1d) learned, shrewd (class of men); 1e) prudent; 1f) wise (ethically and
religiously); #2, #70, #2, #10 = `ab (H5645): 1) darkness, cloud,
thicket; 1a) dark cloud; 1b) cloud mass; 1c) thicket (as refuge); #70,
#6, #4, #4 = `Owded (H5752): 1) father of Azariah the prophet in the
reign of king Asa of Judah; 2) a prophet of Jehovah in Samaria at the
time of Pekah's invasion of Judah; #30, #40, #4, #10 = day (H1767): 1)
sufficiency, enough; 1a) enough; 1b) for, according to the abundance of,
out of the abundance of, as often as; #70, #7, #3, #4 = `Azgad (H5803):
1) ancestor of a family of laymen who returned from exile with
Zerubbabel; 2) a man who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah; #6, #10, #2,
#10, #50, #6 = biyn (H995): 1) to discern, understand, consider; 2)
(TWOT) prudent, regard; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to perceive, discern; 1a2) to
understand, know (with the mind); 1a3) to observe, mark, give heed
to,distinguish, consider; 1a4) to have discernment, insight,
understanding; 1b) (Niphal) to be discerning, intelligent, discreet,
have understanding; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to understand; 1c2) to cause to
understand, give understanding, teach; 1d) (Hithpolel) to show oneself
discerning or attentive, consider diligently; 1e) (Polel) to teach,
instruct; #8, #20, #40, #10, #6 = chakam (H2450): 1) wise, wise (man);
1a) skilful (in technical work); 1b) wise (in administration); 1c)
shrewd, crafty, cunning, wily, subtle; 1d) learned, shrewd (class of
men); 1e) prudent; 1f) wise (ethically and religiously); #1, #10, #3,
#70 = yaga` (H3021): 1) to toil, labour, grow weary, be weary; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to toil, labour; 1a2) to grow weary, be weary; 1b) (Piel) to
weary, make weary, cause to go toilsomely; 1c) (Hiphil) to make to toil,
make weary, cause to be weary; #40, #6, #20, #10, #8 = yakach (H3198):
1) to prove, decide, judge, rebuke, reprove, correct, be right; 1a)
(Hiphil); 1a1) to decide, judge; 1a2) to adjudge, appoint; 1a3) to show
to be right, prove; 1a4) to convince, convict; 1a5) to reprove, chide;
1a6) to correct, rebuke; 1b) (Hophal) to be chastened; 1c) (Niphal) to
reason, reason together; 1d) (Hithp) to argue; #50, #6, #20, #8 = yakach
(H3198): 1) to prove, decide, judge, rebuke, reprove, correct, be right;
1a) (Hiphil); 1a1) to decide, judge; 1a2) to adjudge, appoint; 1a3) to
show to be right, prove; 1a4) to convince, convict; 1a5) to reprove,
chide; 1a6) to correct, rebuke; 1b) (Hophal) to be chastened; 1c)
(Niphal) to reason, reason together; 1d) (Hithp) to argue; #6, #5, #8,
#20, #40, #5 = chokmah (H2451): 1) wisdom; 1a) skill (in war); 1b)
wisdom (in administration); 1c) shrewdness, wisdom; 1d) wisdom, prudence
(in religious affairs); 1e) wisdom (ethical and religious); #40, #30,
#6, #8 = malluwach (H4408): 1) mallow; 1a) a plant that grows in salt
marshes; #10, #8, #20, #40, #6 = chakam (H2449): 1) to be wise; 1a)
(Qal) to be or become wise, act wisely; 1b) (Piel) to make wise, teach
wisdom, instruct; 1c) (Pual) to be made wise; 1d) (Hiphil) to make wise;
1e) (Hithpael) to show oneself wise, deceive, show one's wisdom; #50,
#20, #7, #2, #5 = kazab (H3576): 1) to lie, tell a lie, be a liar, be
found a liar, be in vain, fail; 1a) (Qal) liar (participle); 1b)
(Niphal) to be proven to be lying; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to lie, tell a lie,
tell a lie with, deceive; 1c2) to disappoint, fail; 1d) (Hiphil) to make
a liar, prove to be a liar; #8, #6, #60, #10 = chacah (H2620): 1) (Qal)
to seek refuge, flee for protection; 1a) to put trust in (God), confide
or hope in (God) (fig.); #10, #8, #6, #30, #30 = chuwl (H2342): 1) to
twist, whirl, dance, writhe, fear, tremble, travail, be in anguish, be
pained; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to dance; 1a2) to twist, writhe; 1a3) to whirl,
whirl about; 1b) (Polel); 1b1) to dance; 1b2) to writhe (in travail
with), bear, bring forth; 1b3) to wait anxiously; 1c) (Pulal); 1c1) to
be made to writhe, be made to bear; 1c2) to be brought forth; 1d)
(Hophal) to be born; 1e) (Hithpolel); 1e1) whirling (participle); 1e2)
writhing, suffering torture (participle); 1e3) to wait longingly; 1f)
(Hithpalpel) to be distressed; #2, #50, #2, #30 = nebel (H5035): 1) a
skin-bag, jar, pitcher; 2) harp, lute, guitar, musical instrument; 1a)
skin-bottle, skin; 1b) jar, pitcher (earthen); #6, #8, #60, #4, #6 =
checed (H2617): 1) goodness, kindness, faithfulness; 2) a reproach,
shame; #40, #30, #9, #5 = malat (H4422): 1) to slip away, escape,
deliver, save, be delivered; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to slip away; 1a2) to
escape; 1a3) to be delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to lay, let slip out (of
eggs); 1b2) to let escape; 1b3) to deliver, save (life); 1c) (Hiphil);
1c1) to give birth to; 1c2) to deliver; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1) to slip
forth, slip out, escape; 1d2) to escape; #1, #2, #10, #6, #50, #10, #5 =
'ebyown (H34): 1) in want, needy, chiefly poor, needy person; 2) subject
to oppression and abuse; 3) needing help, deliverance from trouble,
especially as delivered by God; 4) general reference to lowest class;
#10, #1, #7, #10, #50, #6 = 'azan (H238): 1) to hear, listen; 1a)
(Hiphil); 1a1) to hear, listen, give ear; 1a2) to be obedient, harken;
1a3) to hear or listen to prayers (of God); #10, #60, #8, #6 = nacach
(H5255): 1) to pull or tear away; 1a) (Qal) to tear away, tear down; 1b)
(Niphal) to be torn away; #6, #20, #3, #50, #5 = gannah (H1593): 1)
garden, orchard; #10, #8, #60, #6 = chacah (H2620): 1) (Qal) to seek
refuge, flee for protection; 1a) to put trust in (God), confide or hope
in (God) (fig.); #8, #10, #10, #50, #6 = chay (H2416): 1) living, alive;
2) relatives; 3) life (abstract emphatic); 4) living thing, animal; 5)
community; 1a) green (of vegetation); 1b) flowing, fresh (of water); 1c)
lively, active (of man); 1d) reviving (of the springtime) n m; 3a) life;
3b) sustenance, maintenance n f; 4a) animal; 4b) life; 4c) appetite; 4d)
revival, renewal; #40, #4, #30, #10 = deliy (H1805): 1) bucket; #10, #8,
#6, #60 = chuwc (H2347): 1) (Qal) to pity, have compassion, spare, look
upon with compassion; #3, #30, #6, #30, #10, #5 = gilluwl (H1544): 1)
idols; #6, #50, #2, #10, #1, #10, #5 = nabiy' (H5030): 1) spokesman,
speaker, prophet; 1a) prophet; 1b) false prophet; 1c) heathen prophet;
#40, #1, #6, #7, #30 = 'azal (H235): 1) to go, to go away, to go about;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to go away; 1a2) to go about; 1a3) to be used up, be
exhausted, be gone, evaporated; 1b) (Pual) to go to and fro; #30, #8,
#10, #30, #6 = cheyl (H2426): 1) rampart, fortress, wall; 1a) rampart;
1b) fortress; #8, #30, #30, #10, #6 = chalal (H2491): 1) slain, fatally
wounded, pierced; 2) (CLBL) profaned; 1a) pierced, fatally wounded; 1b)
slain adj; 2a) defiled, profaned (by divorce); #10, #50, #10, #8, #6 =
yanach (H3240): 1) to rest; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to rest, settle down and
remain; 1a2) to repose, have rest, be quiet; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to cause
to rest, give rest to, make quiet; 1b2) to cause to rest, cause to
alight, set down; 1b3) to lay or set down, deposit, let lie, place; 1b4)
to let remain, leave; 1b5) to leave, depart from; 1b6) to abandon; 1b7)
to permit; 1c) (Hophal); 1c1) to obtain rest, be granted rest; 1c2) to
be left, be placed; 1c3) open space (subst); #6, #2, #70, #6 = be`a'
(H1156): 1) to ask, seek, request, desire, pray, make petition; 1a)
(P'al); 1a1) to ask, request; 1a2) to seek (for favour); #5, #3, #40,
#6, #30 = gemuwl (H1576): 1) dealing, recompense, benefit; 1a) dealing
(of one's hand); 1b) recompense; 1c) benefit; #6, #5, #50, #10, #8, #5 =
yanach (H3240): 1) to rest; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to rest, settle down and
remain; 1a2) to repose, have rest, be quiet; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to cause
to rest, give rest to, make quiet; 1b2) to cause to rest, cause to
alight, set down; 1b3) to lay or set down, deposit, let lie, place; 1b4)
to let remain, leave; 1b5) to leave, depart from; 1b6) to abandon; 1b7)
to permit; 1c) (Hophal); 1c1) to obtain rest, be granted rest; 1c2) to
be left, be placed; 1c3) open space (subst); #6, #1, #3, #4, #70 = gada`
(H1438): 1) to cut, hew, chop, cut down, hew down, hew off, cut off, cut
in two, shave off; 1a) (Qal) to hew, chop in two; 1b) (Niphal) to be
chopped off, be hewn off; 1c) (Piel) to cut off or down in two, hew off
or down in two; 1d) (Pual) to chop down, hew down; #4, #10, #70 = dio
(G1352): 1) wherefore, on account off; #5, #60, #1, #3, #5, #10 = exago
(G1806): 1) to lead out; #1, #4, #10, #20, #8, #40, #1 = adikema (G92):
1) a misdeed, evil doing, iniquity;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #140 has 126 Categories: #80, #50, #10 = paniym
(H6440): 1) face; 1a) face, faces; 1b) presence, person; 1c) face (of
seraphim or cherubim); 1d) face (of animals); 1e) face, surface (of
ground); 1f) as adv of loc/temp; 1f1) before and behind, toward, in
front of, forward, formerly, from beforetime, before; 1g) with; 1g1) in
front of, before, to the front of, in the presence of, in the face of,
at the face or front of, from the presence of, from before, from before
the face of; #40, #70, #30 = `al (H5921): 1) upon, on the ground of,
according to, on account of, on behalf of, concerning, beside, in
addition to, together with, beyond, above, over, by, on to, towards, to,
against; 2) because that, because, notwithstanding, although; 1a) upon,
on the ground of, on the basis of, on account of, because of, therefore,
on behalf of, for the sake of, for, with, in spite of, notwithstanding,
concerning, in the matter of, as regards; 1b) above, beyond, over (of
excess); 1c) above, over (of elevation or pre-eminence); 1d) upon, to,
over to, unto, in addition to, together with, with (of addition); 1e)
over (of suspension or extension); 1f) by, adjoining, next, at, over,
around (of contiguity or proximity); 1g) down upon, upon, on, from, up
upon, up to,, towards, over towards, to, against (with verbs of motion);
1h) to (as a dative) conj; #70, #10, #50, #10 = `ayin (H5869): 1) eye;
2) spring, fountain; 1a) eye; 1a1) of physical eye; 1a2) as showing
mental qualities; 1a3) of mental and spiritual faculties (fig.); #40,
#40, #50, #10 = min (H4480): 1) from, out of, on account of, off, on the
side of, since, above, than, so that not, more than; 2) that; 1a) from
(expressing separation), off, on the side of; 1b) out of; 1b1) (with
verbs of proceeding, removing, expelling); 1b2) (of material from which
something is made); 1b3) (of source or origin); 1c) out of, some of,
from (partitively); 1d) from, since, after (of time); 1e) than, more
than (in comparison); 1f) from...even to, both...and, either...or; 1g)
than, more than, too much for (in comparisons); 1h) from, on account of,
through, because (with infinitive) conj; #5, #70, #10, #50, #5 = `ayin
(H5869): 1) eye; 2) spring, fountain; 1a) eye; 1a1) of physical eye;
1a2) as showing mental qualities; 1a3) of mental and spiritual faculties
(fig.); #10, #4, #70, #50, #6 = yada` (H3045): 1) to know; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to know; 1a1a) to know, learn to know; 1a1b) to perceive; 1a1c) to
perceive and see, find out and discern; 1a1d) to discriminate,
distinguish; 1a1e) to know by experience; 1a1f) to recognise, admit,
acknowledge, confess; 1a1g) to consider; 1a2) to know, be acquainted
with; 1a3) to know (a person carnally); 1a4) to know how, be skilful in;
1a5) to have knowledge, be wise; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be made known, be
or become known, be revealed; 1b2) to make oneself known; 1b3) to be
perceived; 1b4) to be instructed; 1c) (Piel) to cause to know; 1d)
(Poal) to cause to know; 1e) (Pual); 1e1) to be known; 1e2) known, one
known, acquaintance (participle); 1f) (Hiphil) to make known, declare;
1g) (Hophal) to be made known; 1h) (Hithpael) to make oneself known,
reveal oneself; #70, #50, #10, #10 = `oniy (H6040): 1) affliction,
poverty, misery; 1a) affliction; 1b) poverty; #40, #40, #10, #40, #10 =
mayim (H4325): 1) water, waters; 1a) water; 1b) water of the feet,
urine; 1c) of danger, violence, transitory things, refreshment (fig.);
#5, #100, #5, #30 = qahal (H6951): 1) assembly, company, congregation,
convocation; 1a) assembly; 1a1) for evil counsel, war or invasion,
religious purposes; 1b) company (of returning exiles); 1c) congregation;
1c1) as organised body; #5, #10, #70, #50, #5 = ya`anah (H3284): 1) an
unclean bird; 1a) owl, ostrich, literally translated as 'daughters of
the owl'; 1b) perhaps an extinct bird, exact meaning unknown; #6, #8,
#30, #90, #6 = chalats (H2502): 1) to remove, draw out, draw off, take
off, withdraw, equip (for war), arm for war, rescue, be rescued; 2) to
draw off or out, withdraw; 1a) (Qal) equipped (participle); 1b)
(Niphal); 1b1) to be equipped; 1b2) to go equipped; 1b3) to be armed;
1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make strong, brace up; 1c2) to invigorate; 2a)
(Qal); 2a1) to draw, draw off; 2a2) to withdraw; 2b) (Niphal); 2b1) to
be delivered; 2b2) to be saved; 2c) (Piel); 2c1) to pull out, tear out;
2c2) to rescue, deliver, set free; 2c3) to take away, plunder; #70, #40,
#30 = `amal (H5999): 1) toil, trouble, labour; 1a) trouble; 1b) trouble,
mischief; 1c) toil, labour; #30, #50, #60 = nec (H5251): 1) something
lifted up, standard, signal, signal pole, ensign, banner, sign, sail;
1a) standard (as rallying point), signal; 1b) standard (pole); 1c)
ensign, signal; #5, #40, #40, #30, #20, #5 = mamlakah (H4467): 1)
kingdom, dominion, reign, sovereignty; 1a) kingdom, realm; 1b)
sovereignty, dominion; 1c) reign; #70, #6, #4, #50, #10 = `owd (H5750):
1) a going round, continuance adv; 2) still, yet, again, besides; 2a)
still, yet (of continuance or persistence); 2b) still, yet, more (of
addition or repetition); 2c) again; 2d) still, moreover, besides; #5,
#80, #50, #5 = panah (H6437): 1) to turn; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to turn toward
or from or away; 1a2) to turn and do; 1a3) to turn, decline (of day);
1a4) to turn toward, approach (of evening); 1a5) to turn and look, look,
look back or at or after or for; 1b) (Piel) to turn away, put out of the
way, make clear, clear away; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to turn; 1c2) to make a
turn, show signs of turning, turn back; 1d) (Hophal) to be turned back;
#10, #30, #100 = laqaq (H3952): 1) to lap, lick, lap up; 1a) (Qal) to
lap, lap up; 1b) (Piel) to lap up; #6, #90, #40, #4 = tsemed (H6776): 1)
couple, pair, team, yoke; 1a) couple, pair, span (usually of animals);
1b) acre; 1b1) the amount of land a span of oxen could plow in one day;
#100, #30, #10 = qaliy (H7039): 1) parched grain, roasted grain; 1a) a
common food; #30, #70, #30, #10 = `Eliy (H5941): 1) descendant of Aaron
through Ithamar and high priest and judge of Israel when Samuel entered
service as a child; #10, #100, #30 = qalal (H7043): 1) to be slight, be
swift, be trifling, be of little account, be light; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
be slight, be abated (of water); 1a2) to be swift; 1a3) to be trifling,
be of little account; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be swift, show oneself
swift; 1b2) to appear trifling, be too trifling, be insignificant; 1b3)
to be lightly esteemed; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to make despicable; 1c2) to
curse; 1d) (Pual) to be cursed; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to make light,
lighten; 1e2) to treat with contempt, bring contempt or dishonour; 1f)
(Pilpel); 1f1) to shake; 1f2) to whet; 1g) (Hithpalpel) to shake
oneself, be moved to and fro; #40, #90, #4, #6 = tsad (H6654): 1) side;
#6, #90, #30, #8, #6 = tsalach (H6743): 1) (Qal) to rush; 2) to advance,
prosper, make progress, succeed, be profitable; 2a) (Qal) to prosper;
2b) (Hiphil); 2b1) to make prosperous, bring to successful issue, cause
to prosper; 2b2) to show or experience prosperity, prosper; #5, #40,
#60, #30, #5 = mecillah (H4546): 1) highway, raised way, public road;
#70, #4, #10, #50, #6 = `adiynow (H5722): 1) one of David's mighty
warriors; #30, #20, #30, #5, #50, #5 = kol (H3605): 1) all, the whole;
1a) all, the whole of; 1b) any, each, every, anything; 1c) totality,
everything; #6, #5, #50, #40, #30, #9 = malat (H4422): 1) to slip away,
escape, deliver, save, be delivered; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to slip away;
1a2) to escape; 1a3) to be delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to lay, let slip
out (of eggs); 1b2) to let escape; 1b3) to deliver, save (life); 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to give birth to; 1c2) to deliver; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1)
to slip forth, slip out, escape; 1d2) to escape; #20, #70, #40, #10 =
`am (H5971): 1) nation, people; 2) kinsman, kindred; 1a) people, nation;
1b) persons, members of one's people, compatriots, country-men; #2, #8,
#30, #100 = cheleq (H2506): 1) portion, share, part, territory; 2)
smoothness, seductiveness, flattery; 1a) portion, share; 1b) portion,
tract, parcel (of land); 1c) one's portion, one's possession; 1d)
(chosen) portion; 1e) portion, award (from God); #40, #8, #90, #2 =
machtseb (H4274): 1) hewing, hewn; 1a) of stones; #10, #90, #10, #30 =
natsal (H5337): 1) to snatch away, deliver, rescue, save, strip,
plunder; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to tear oneself away, deliver oneself; 1a2)
to be torn out or away, be delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to strip off,
spoil; 1b2) to deliver; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to take away, snatch away;
1c2) to rescue, recover; 1c3) to deliver (from enemies or troubles or
death); 1c4) to deliver from sin and guilt; 1d) (Hophal) to be plucked
out; 1e) (Hithpael) to strip oneself; #5, #50, #10, #70, #5 = nuwa`
(H5128): 1) to quiver, totter, shake, reel, stagger, wander, move, sift,
make move, wave, waver, tremble; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to wave, quiver,
vibrate, swing, stagger, tremble, be unstable; 1a2) to totter, go
tottering; 1a2a) vagabond (participle); 1b) (Niphal) to be tossed about
or around; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to toss about; 1c2) to shake, cause to
totter; 1c3) to shake, disturb; 1c4) to cause to wander; #6, #80, #30,
#10, #9, #5 = peleytah (H6413): 1) escape, deliverance; 1a) escape,
deliverance; 1b) escaped remnant; #6, #80, #30, #9, #10, #5 = Pelatyah
(H6410): 1) son of Hananiah and grandson of Zerubbabel; 2) a Simeonite
in the days of king Hezekiah of Judah who was one of the captains of 500
men who defeated the Amalekites who had escaped; 3) one of the heads of
the people who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah; 4) son of Benaiah and
one of the princes of the people against whom Ezekiel was ordered to
prophesy doom; #20, #90, #30 = tsel (H6738): 1) shadow, shade; 1a)
shadow (on dial); 1b) shadow, shade (as protection); 1c) shadow
(symbolic of transitoriness of life); #70, #7, #2, #50, #5, #6 = `azab
(H5800): 1) to leave, loose, forsake; 2) to restore, repair; 1a) (Qal)
to leave; 1a1) to depart from, leave behind, leave, let alone; 1a2) to
leave, abandon, forsake, neglect, apostatise; 1a3) to let loose, set
free, let go, free; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be left to; 1b2) to be
forsaken; 1c) (Pual) to be deserted; 2a) (Qal) to repair; #5, #3, #2,
#70, #50, #10 = Gib`oniy (H1393): 1) an inhabitant of Gibeon; #6, #10,
#70, #40, #10, #4 = `amad (H5975): 1) to stand, remain, endure, take
one's stand; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to stand, take one's stand, be in a
standing attitude, stand forth, take a stand, present oneself, attend
upon, be or become servant of; 1a2) to stand still, stop (moving or
doing), cease; 1a3) to tarry, delay, remain, continue, abide, endure,
persist, be steadfast; 1a4) to make a stand, hold one's ground; 1a5) to
stand upright, remain standing, stand up, rise, be erect, be upright;
1a6) to arise, appear, come on the scene, stand forth, appear, rise up
or against; 1a7) to stand with, take one's stand, be appointed, grow
flat, grow insipid; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to station, set; 1b2) to cause to
stand firm, maintain; 1b3) to cause to stand up, cause to set up, erect;
1b4) to present (one) before (king); 1b5) to appoint, ordain, establish;
1c) (Hophal) to be presented, be caused to stand, be stood before; #80,
#30, #30 = Palal (H6420): 1) son of Uzai and one who assisted in
restoring the walls of Jerusalem in the time of Nehemiah; #100, #5, #30,
#5 = qehillah (H6952): 1) assembly, congregation; #6, #30, #50, #8, #40,
#6 = nacham (H5162): 1) to be sorry, console oneself, repent, regret,
comfort, be comforted; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be sorry, be moved to pity,
have compassion; 1a2) to be sorry, rue, suffer grief, repent; 1a3) to
comfort oneself, be comforted; 1a4) to comfort oneself, ease oneself;
1b) (Piel) to comfort, console; 1c) (Pual) to be comforted, be consoled;
1d) (Hithpael); 1d1) to be sorry, have compassion; 1d2) to rue, repent
of; 1d3) to comfort oneself, be comforted; 1d4) to ease oneself; #6,
#40, #10, #4, #70, #10 = yada` (H3045): 1) to know; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
know; 1a1a) to know, learn to know; 1a1b) to perceive; 1a1c) to perceive
and see, find out and discern; 1a1d) to discriminate, distinguish; 1a1e)
to know by experience; 1a1f) to recognise, admit, acknowledge, confess;
1a1g) to consider; 1a2) to know, be acquainted with; 1a3) to know (a
person carnally); 1a4) to know how, be skilful in; 1a5) to have
knowledge, be wise; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be made known, be or become
known, be revealed; 1b2) to make oneself known; 1b3) to be perceived;
1b4) to be instructed; 1c) (Piel) to cause to know; 1d) (Poal) to cause
to know; 1e) (Pual); 1e1) to be known; 1e2) known, one known,
acquaintance (participle); 1f) (Hiphil) to make known, declare; 1g)
(Hophal) to be made known; 1h) (Hithpael) to make oneself known, reveal
oneself; #6, #1, #8, #30, #90, #5 = chalats (H2502): 1) to remove, draw
out, draw off, take off, withdraw, equip (for war), arm for war, rescue,
be rescued; 2) to draw off or out, withdraw; 1a) (Qal) equipped
(participle); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be equipped; 1b2) to go equipped;
1b3) to be armed; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make strong, brace up; 1c2) to
invigorate; 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to draw, draw off; 2a2) to withdraw; 2b)
(Niphal); 2b1) to be delivered; 2b2) to be saved; 2c) (Piel); 2c1) to
pull out, tear out; 2c2) to rescue, deliver, set free; 2c3) to take
away, plunder; #10, #80, #30, #9, #5, #6 = palat (H6403): 1) to escape,
save, deliver, slip away; 1a) (Qal) to escape; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to bring
into security, deliver; 1b2) to cause to escape, cast forth; 1b3) to be
delivered; 1b4) to slip away; 1c) (Hiphil) to bring into security, bring
to safety; #5, #90, #10, #30, #5 = natsal (H5337): 1) to snatch away,
deliver, rescue, save, strip, plunder; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to tear
oneself away, deliver oneself; 1a2) to be torn out or away, be
delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to strip off, spoil; 1b2) to deliver; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to take away, snatch away; 1c2) to rescue, recover; 1c3)
to deliver (from enemies or troubles or death); 1c4) to deliver from sin
and guilt; 1d) (Hophal) to be plucked out; 1e) (Hithpael) to strip
oneself; #6, #30, #40, #4, #50, #10 = lamad (H3925): 1) to learn. teach,
exercise in; 1a) (Qal) to learn; 1b) (Piel) to teach; 1c) (Pual) to be
taught, be trained; #10, #60, #70 = naca` (H5265): 1) to pull out, pull
up, set out, journey, remove, set forward, depart; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
pull out or up; 1a2) to set out, depart; 1a3) to journey, march; 1a4) to
set forth (of wind); 1b) (Niphal) to be pulled up, be removed, be
plucked up; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to set out, lead out, cause to
spring up; 1c2) to remove, quarry; #1, #8, #30, #90, #5, #6 = chalats
(H2502): 1) to remove, draw out, draw off, take off, withdraw, equip
(for war), arm for war, rescue, be rescued; 2) to draw off or out,
withdraw; 1a) (Qal) equipped (participle); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be
equipped; 1b2) to go equipped; 1b3) to be armed; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to
make strong, brace up; 1c2) to invigorate; 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to draw, draw
off; 2a2) to withdraw; 2b) (Niphal); 2b1) to be delivered; 2b2) to be
saved; 2c) (Piel); 2c1) to pull out, tear out; 2c2) to rescue, deliver,
set free; 2c3) to take away, plunder; #6, #10, #8, #30, #80, #6 =
chalaph (H2498): 1) to pass on or away, pass through, pass by, go
through, grow up, change, to go on from; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to pass on
quickly; 1a2) to pass away (vanish); 1a3) to come on anew, sprout again
(of grass); 1a4) to pass through; 1a5) to overstep, transgress; 1b)
(Piel) to cause to pass, change; 1c) (Hiph); 1c1) to change, substitute,
alter, change for better, renew; 1c2) to show newness (of tree); #70,
#30, #10, #20, #10 = `al (H5921): 1) upon, on the ground of, according
to, on account of, on behalf of, concerning, beside, in addition to,
together with, beyond, above, over, by, on to, towards, to, against; 2)
because that, because, notwithstanding, although; 1a) upon, on the
ground of, on the basis of, on account of, because of, therefore, on
behalf of, for the sake of, for, with, in spite of, notwithstanding,
concerning, in the matter of, as regards; 1b) above, beyond, over (of
excess); 1c) above, over (of elevation or pre-eminence); 1d) upon, to,
over to, unto, in addition to, together with, with (of addition); 1e)
over (of suspension or extension); 1f) by, adjoining, next, at, over,
around (of contiguity or proximity); 1g) down upon, upon, on, from, up
upon, up to,, towards, over towards, to, against (with verbs of motion);
1h) to (as a dative) conj; #10, #20, #50, #60 = kanac (H3664): 1) to
gather, collect, wrap; 1a) (Qal) to gather; 1b) (Piel) to gather; 1c)
(Hithpael) to gather together, wrap oneself up; #40, #90, #6, #4 =
matsowd (H4685): 1) siege-works, bulwark; 2) hunting implement, net n f;
3) net; 4) fastness, stronghold; #6, #60, #70, #4 = ca`ad (H5582): 1) to
support, sustain, stay, establish, strengthen, comfort; 1a) (Qal) to
support, sustain; 1a1) to sustain, stay (of heart); 1a2) to support,
uphold (of throne); #40, #100 = maq (H4716): 1) decay, rottenness; #20,
#10, #100, #6, #4 = yeqowd (H3350): 1) a burning; #6, #50, #30, #8, #40,
#6 = lacham (H3898): 1) to fight, do battle, make war; 2) (Qal) to eat,
use as food; 1a) (Qal) to fight, do battle; 1b) (Niphal) to engage in
battle, wage war; #5, #50, #6, #9, #70 = nata` (H5193): 1) to plant,
fasten, fix, establish; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to plant; 1a2) to plant,
establish (fig.); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be planted; 1b2) to be
established (fig.); #5, #8, #7, #10, #100, #10 = chazaq (H2388): 1) to
strengthen, prevail, harden, be strong, become strong, be courageous, be
firm, grow firm, be resolute, be sore; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be strong,
grow strong; 1a1a) to prevail, prevail upon; 1a1b) to be firm, be caught
fast, be secure; 1a1c) to press, be urgent; 1a1d) to grow stout, grow
rigid, grow hard (bad sense); 1a1e) to be severe, be grievous; 1a2) to
strengthen; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to make strong; 1b2) to restore to
strength, give strength; 1b3) to strengthen, sustain, encourage; 1b4) to
make strong, make bold, encourage; 1b5) to make firm; 1b6) to make
rigid, make hard; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make strong, strengthen; 1c2) to
make firm; 1c3) to display strength; 1c4) to make severe; 1c5) to
support; 1c6) to repair; 1c7) to prevail, prevail upon; 1c8) to have or
take or keep hold of, retain, hold up, sustain, support; 1c9) to hold,
contain; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1) to strengthen oneself; 1d2) to put forth
strength, use one's strength; 1d3) to withstand; 1d4) to hold strongly
with; #6, #50, #40, #30, #9, #5 = malat (H4422): 1) to slip away,
escape, deliver, save, be delivered; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to slip away;
1a2) to escape; 1a3) to be delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to lay, let slip
out (of eggs); 1b2) to let escape; 1b3) to deliver, save (life); 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to give birth to; 1c2) to deliver; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1)
to slip forth, slip out, escape; 1d2) to escape; #70, #30, #30, #10 =
`owlel (H5768): 1) child, boy; #80, #30, #9, #10, #5, #6 = Pelatyah
(H6410): 1) son of Hananiah and grandson of Zerubbabel; 2) a Simeonite
in the days of king Hezekiah of Judah who was one of the captains of 500
men who defeated the Amalekites who had escaped; 3) one of the heads of
the people who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah; 4) son of Benaiah and
one of the princes of the people against whom Ezekiel was ordered to
prophesy doom; #6, #5, #70, #40, #10, #4, #5 = `amad (H5975): 1) to
stand, remain, endure, take one's stand; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to stand, take
one's stand, be in a standing attitude, stand forth, take a stand,
present oneself, attend upon, be or become servant of; 1a2) to stand
still, stop (moving or doing), cease; 1a3) to tarry, delay, remain,
continue, abide, endure, persist, be steadfast; 1a4) to make a stand,
hold one's ground; 1a5) to stand upright, remain standing, stand up,
rise, be erect, be upright; 1a6) to arise, appear, come on the scene,
stand forth, appear, rise up or against; 1a7) to stand with, take one's
stand, be appointed, grow flat, grow insipid; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to
station, set; 1b2) to cause to stand firm, maintain; 1b3) to cause to
stand up, cause to set up, erect; 1b4) to present (one) before (king);
1b5) to appoint, ordain, establish; 1c) (Hophal) to be presented, be
caused to stand, be stood before; #80, #60 = pac (H6447): 1) palm of the
hand; #30, #5, #70, #30, #5 = `alal (H5954): 1) to thrust in, go in,
come in; 1a) (P'al) to go in, come in; 1b) (Aphel) to bring in; 1c)
(Hophal) to be brought in; #40, #40, #30, #30 = melal (H4449): 1) (Pael)
to speak, say; #10, #8, #7, #100, #10, #5 = Chizqiyah (H2396): 1) 12th
king of Judah, son of Ahaz and Abijah; a good king in that he served
Jehovah and did away with idolatrous practices; 2)
great-great-grandfather of Zephaniah the prophet; 3) son of Neariah, a
descendant of David; 4) head of a family of returning exiles in the time
of Nehemiah; #6, #30, #8, #90, #6 = lachats (H3905): 1) to squeeze,
press, oppress; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to squeeze, press; 1a2) to oppress; 1b)
(Niphal) to squeeze oneself; #10, #50, #10, #70 = nuwa` (H5128): 1) to
quiver, totter, shake, reel, stagger, wander, move, sift, make move,
wave, waver, tremble; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to wave, quiver, vibrate, swing,
stagger, tremble, be unstable; 1a2) to totter, go tottering; 1a2a)
vagabond (participle); 1b) (Niphal) to be tossed about or around; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to toss about; 1c2) to shake, cause to totter; 1c3) to
shake, disturb; 1c4) to cause to wander; #5, #6, #3, #70, #50, #6 =
yaga` (H3021): 1) to toil, labour, grow weary, be weary; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
to toil, labour; 1a2) to grow weary, be weary; 1b) (Piel) to weary, make
weary, cause to go toilsomely; 1c) (Hiphil) to make to toil, make weary,
cause to be weary; #40, #20, #30, #20, #30 = kuwl (H3557): 1) to seize,
contain, measure; 1a) (Qal) to measure, calculate; 1b) (Pilpel) to
sustain, maintain, contain; 1b1) to sustain, support, nourish; 1b2) to
contain, hold in, restrain; 1b3) to support, endure; 1c) (Polpal) to be
supplied; 1d) (Hilpil) to contain, hold, hold in, endure; 1d1) to
contain; 1d2) to sustain, endure; #5, #3, #5, #100, #9, #8, #10 = egeiro
(G1453): 1) to arouse, cause to rise; 1a) to arouse from sleep, to
awake; 1b) to arouse from the sleep of death, to recall the dead to
life; 1c) to cause to rise from a seat or bed etc.; 1d) to raise up,
produce, cause to appear; 1d1) to cause to appear, bring before the
public; 1d2) to raise up, stir up, against one; 1d3) to raise up i.e.
cause to be born; 1d4) of buildings, to raise up, construct, erect; #30,
#5, #10, #80, #5, #10 = leipo (G3007): 1) to leave, leave behind,
forsake, to be left behind; 2) to be wanting, to fail; 1a) to lag, be
inferior; 1b) to be destitute of, to lack; #5, #4, #70, #60, #1 = dokeo
(G1380): 1) to be of opinion, think, suppose; 2) to seem, to be
accounted, reputed; 3) it seems to me; 3a) I think, judge: thus in
question; 3b) it seems good to, pleased me, I determined For Synonyms
see entry 5837; #5, #100, #10, #9, #5, #10, #1 = eritheia (G2052): 1)
electioneering or intriguing for office; 1a) apparently, in the NT a
courting distinction, a desire to put one's self forward, a partisan and
fractious spirit which does not disdain low arts; 1b) partisanship,
Another lonely day,
@memeBrain [Telos: #1994, Super: #17 - Politics; I-Ching: H54 -
Marriageable Maid/Maiden, Converting the Maiden; Tetra: 65 - Inner, Ego:
#50 - Fantasies of Avoiding Death, Value of Life; I-Ching: H2 - Pure
Yin, Passive Principle/Earth, Field, The receptive, Acquiescence, The
flow; Tetra: 77 - Compliance]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #101 has 108 Categories: #10, #90, #1 = yatsa'
(H3318): 1) to go out, come out, exit, go forth; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to go
or come out or forth, depart; 1a2) to go forth (to a place); 1a3) to go
forward, proceed to (to or toward something); 1a4) to come or go forth
(with purpose or for result); 1a5) to come out of; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to
cause to go or come out, bring out, lead out; 1b2) to bring out of; 1b3)
to lead out; 1b4) to deliver; 1c) (Hophal) to be brought out or forth;
#50, #1, #20, #30 = 'akal (H398): 1) to eat, devour, burn up, feed; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to eat (human subject); 1a2) to eat, devour (of beasts and
birds); 1a3) to devour, consume (of fire); 1a4) to devour, slay (of
sword); 1a5) to devour, consume, destroy (inanimate subjects - ie,
pestilence, drought); 1a6) to devour (of oppression); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1)
to be eaten (by men); 1b2) to be devoured, consumed (of fire); 1b3) to
be wasted, destroyed (of flesh); 1c) (Pual); 1c1) to cause to eat, feed
with; 1c2) to cause to devour; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to feed; 1d2) to cause
to eat; 1e) (Piel); 1e1) consume; #2, #90, #4, #5 = tsad (H6654): 1)
side; #90, #6, #5 = tsavah (H6680): 1) to command, charge, give orders,
lay charge, give charge to, order; 1a) (Piel); 1a1) to lay charge upon;
1a2) to give charge to, give command to; 1a3) to give charge unto; 1a4)
to give charge over, appoint; 1a5) to give charge, command; 1a6) to
charge, command; 1a7) to charge, commission; 1a8) to command, appoint,
ordain (of divine act); 1b) (Pual) to be commanded; #6, #80, #6, #9 =
Puwt (H6316): 1) a nation and people of northern Africa; probably
Libyans; #40, #30, #1, #20, #10 = mal'ak (H4397): 1) messenger,
representative; 1a) messenger; 1b) angel; 1c) the theophanic angel; #5,
#40, #30, #1, #20, #5 = mela'kah (H4399): 1) occupation, work, business;
1a) occupation, business; 1b) property; 1c) work (something done or
made); 1d) workmanship; 1e) service, use; 1f) public business; 1f1)
political; 1f2) religious; #6, #10, #80, #5 = yapheh (H3303): 1) fair,
beautiful, handsome; #1, #20, #30, #20, #30 = kuwl (H3557): 1) to seize,
contain, measure; 1a) (Qal) to measure, calculate; 1b) (Pilpel) to
sustain, maintain, contain; 1b1) to sustain, support, nourish; 1b2) to
contain, hold in, restrain; 1b3) to support, endure; 1c) (Polpal) to be
supplied; 1d) (Hilpil) to contain, hold, hold in, endure; 1d1) to
contain; 1d2) to sustain, endure; #80, #10, #5, #6 = peh (H6310): 1)
mouth; 1a) mouth (of man); 1b) mouth (as organ of speech); 1c) mouth (of
animals); 1d) mouth, opening, orifice (of a well, river, etc); 1e)
extremity, end; #5, #1, #10, #80, #5 = 'eyphah (H374): 1) ephah; 1a) a
dry measure of quantity, equal to 3 seahs, 10 omers; the same as the
liquid measure bath; (about 9 imperial gallons (40 l), rabbinical
writings give sizes of one-half this amount); 1b) the receptacle for
measuring or holding that amount; #30, #1, #4, #50, #10, #6 = 'adown
(H113): 1) firm, strong, lord, master; 1a) lord, master; 1a1) reference
to men; 1a1a) superintendent of household,of affairs; 1a1b) master;
1a1c) king; 1a2) reference to God; 1a2a) the Lord God; 1a2b) Lord of the
whole earth; 1b) lords, kings; 1b1) reference to men; 1b1a) proprietor
of hill of Samaria; 1b1b) master; 1b1c) husband; 1b1d) prophet; 1b1e)
governor; 1b1f) prince; 1b1g) king; 1b2) reference to God; 1b2a) Lord of
lords (probably = 'thy husband, Yahweh'); 1c) my lord, my master; 1c1)
reference to men; 1c1a) master; 1c1b) husband; 1c1c) prophet; 1c1d)
prince; 1c1e) king; 1c1f) father; 1c1g) Moses; 1c1h) priest; 1c1i)
theophanic angel; 1c1j) captain; 1c1k) general recognition of
superiority; 1c2) reference to God; 1c2a) my Lord,my Lord and my God;
1c2b) Adonai (parallel with Yahweh); #30, #40, #30, #1 = male' (H4390):
1) to fill, be full; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be full; 1a1a) fullness,
abundance (participle); 1a1b) to be full, be accomplished, be ended;
1a2) to consecrate, fill the hand; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be filled, be
armed, be satisfied; 1b2) to be accomplished, be ended; 1c) (Piel); 1c1)
to fill; 1c2) to satisfy; 1c3) to fulfil, accomplish, complete; 1c4) to
confirm; 1d) (Pual) to be filled; 1e) (Hithpael) to mass themselves
against; #6, #8, #30, #2, #50, #5 = chelbenah (H2464): 1) galbanum; 1a)
a kind of resin or gum, ingredient of the holy incense; #6, #10, #1,
#80, #4 = 'aphad (H640): 1) (Qal) bind, gird; 1a) to gird on (ephod);
1b) (TWOT) ephod; #40, #10, #20, #1, #30 = Miyka'el (H4317): 1) one of,
the chief, or the first archangel who is described as the one who stands
in time of conflict for the children of Israel; 2) an Asherite, father
of Sethur, one of the 12 spies of Israel; 3) one of the Gadites who
settled in the land of Bashan; 4) another Gadite, ancestor of Abihail;
5) a Gershonite Levite, ancestor of Asaph; 6) one of the 5 sons of
Izrahiah of the tribe of Issachar; 7) a Benjamite of the sons of Beriah;
8) one of the captains from Manasseh who joined David at Ziklag; 9)
father or ancestor of Omri, chief of the tribe of Issachar in the reign
of David; 10) one of the sons of Jehoshaphat who were murdered by their
elder brother, Jehoram; 11) father or ancestor of Zebadiah, of the sons
of Shephatiah; #5, #90, #6 = natsah (H5327): 1) (Qal) to fly; 2) to
struggle; 3) to strip off, make desolate, fall in ruins; 2a) (Niphal) to
struggle; 2b) (Hiphil) to struggle; 3a) (Qal) to fall in ruins; 3b)
(Niphal) desolated, ruined heaps (participle); #6, #40, #30, #20, #5 =
Milkah (H4435): 1) daughter of Haran and wife of Nahor, her uncle and
Abraham's brother, to whom she bore 8 children; 2) a daughter of
Zelophehad and granddaughter of Manasseh; #5, #40, #5, #6, #40, #5 =
mehuwmah (H4103): 1) tumult, confusion, disquietude, discomfiture,
destruction, trouble, vexed, vexation; 1a) tumult, confusion,
disturbance, turmoil, disquietude, panic; 1b) discomfiture; #6, #10,
#70, #7, #2, #6 = `azab (H5800): 1) to leave, loose, forsake; 2) to
restore, repair; 1a) (Qal) to leave; 1a1) to depart from, leave behind,
leave, let alone; 1a2) to leave, abandon, forsake, neglect, apostatise;
1a3) to let loose, set free, let go, free; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be left
to; 1b2) to be forsaken; 1c) (Pual) to be deserted; 2a) (Qal) to repair;
#40, #30, #6, #20, #5 = malak (H4427): 1) to be or become king or queen,
reign; 2) to counsel, advise; 1a) (Qal) to be or become king or queen,
reign; 1b) (Hiphil) to make one king or queen, cause to reign; 1c)
(Hophal) to be made king or queen; 2a) (Niphal) to consider; #6, #40,
#50, #3, #2 = negeb (H5045): 1) south-country, Nekeb, south; 1a)
south-country; 1a1) region of southern Judah, boundaries not specific;
1b) south; #5, #20, #30, #40, #6 = kalam (H3637): 1) to insult, shame,
humiliate, blush, be ashamed, be put to shame, be reproached, be put to
confusion, be humiliated; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be humiliated, be
ashamed; 1a2) to be put to shame, be dishonoured, be confounded; 1b)
(Hiphil); 1b1) to put to shame, insult, humiliate, cause shame to; 1b2)
to exhibit shame; 1c) (Hophal); 1c1) to be insulted, be humiliated; 1c2)
to be put to shame, be dishonoured, be confounded; #6, #80, #10, #5 =
peh (H6310): 1) mouth; 1a) mouth (of man); 1b) mouth (as organ of
speech); 1c) mouth (of animals); 1d) mouth, opening, orifice (of a well,
river, etc); 1e) extremity, end; #6, #10, #70, #4, #5, #6 = `uwd
(H5749): 1) to return, repeat, go about, do again; 2) to bear witness;
1a) (Piel) to surround, go round and round; 1b) (Pilel) to restore,
relieve; 1c) (Hithpalel) to be restored; 2a) (Qal) to bear witness, say
again and again; 2b) (Hiphil); 2b1) to testify, bear witness; 2b2) to
cause to testify, take or call as witness, invoke; 2b3) to protest,
affirm solemnly, warn, exhort or enjoin solemnly, admonish, charge; 2c)
(Hophal) to protest, give warning; #6, #10, #40, #30, #9, #6 = malat
(H4422): 1) to slip away, escape, deliver, save, be delivered; 1a)
(Niphal); 1a1) to slip away; 1a2) to escape; 1a3) to be delivered; 1b)
(Piel); 1b1) to lay, let slip out (of eggs); 1b2) to let escape; 1b3) to
deliver, save (life); 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to give birth to; 1c2) to
deliver; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1) to slip forth, slip out, escape; 1d2) to
escape; #70, #30, #1 = `Ulla' (H5925): 1) an Asherite, head of a family
in his tribe; #6, #30, #5, #30, #30 = halal (H1984): 1) to shine; 2) to
praise, boast, be boastful; 1a) (Qal) to shine (fig. of God's favour);
1b) (Hiphil) to flash forth light; 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to be boastful; 2a2)
boastful ones, boasters (participle); 2b) (Piel); 2b1) to praise; 2b2)
to boast, make a boast; 2c) (Pual); 2c1) to be praised, be made
praiseworthy, be commended, be worthy of praise; 2d) (Hithpael) to
boast, glory, make one's boast; 2e) (Poel) to make a fool of, make into
a fool; 2f) (Hithpoel) to act madly, act like a madman; #5, #6, #4, #10,
#70, #6 = yada` (H3045): 1) to know; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to know; 1a1a) to
know, learn to know; 1a1b) to perceive; 1a1c) to perceive and see, find
out and discern; 1a1d) to discriminate, distinguish; 1a1e) to know by
experience; 1a1f) to recognise, admit, acknowledge, confess; 1a1g) to
consider; 1a2) to know, be acquainted with; 1a3) to know (a person
carnally); 1a4) to know how, be skilful in; 1a5) to have knowledge, be
wise; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be made known, be or become known, be
revealed; 1b2) to make oneself known; 1b3) to be perceived; 1b4) to be
instructed; 1c) (Piel) to cause to know; 1d) (Poal) to cause to know;
1e) (Pual); 1e1) to be known; 1e2) known, one known, acquaintance
(participle); 1f) (Hiphil) to make known, declare; 1g) (Hophal) to be
made known; 1h) (Hithpael) to make oneself known, reveal oneself; #30,
#5, #30, #10, #20, #6 = halak (H1980): 1) to go, walk, come; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to go, walk, come, depart, proceed, move, go away; 1a2) to die,
live, manner of life (fig.); 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to walk; 1b2) to walk
(fig.); 1c) (Hithpael); 1c1) to traverse; 1c2) to walk about; 1d)
(Niphal) to lead, bring, lead away, carry, cause to walk; #40, #1, #50,
#10 = ma'n (H3984): 1) vessel, utensil; #40, #30, #20, #10, #1 = melek
(H4430): 1) king; #6, #5, #50, #6, #30, #4 = yalad (H3205): 1) to bear,
bring forth, beget, gender, travail; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to bear, bring
forth; 1a1a) of child birth; 1a1b) of distress (simile); 1a1c) of wicked
(behaviour); 1a2) to beget; 1b) (Niphal) to be born; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to
cause or help to bring forth; 1c2) to assist or tend as a midwife; 1c3)
midwife (participle); 1d) (Pual) to be born; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to beget
(a child); 1e2) to bear (fig. - of wicked bringing forth iniquity); 1f)
(Hophal) day of birth, birthday (infinitive); 1g) (Hithpael) to declare
one's birth (pedigree); #6, #70, #7, #10, #7, #1 = `Aziyza' (H5819): 1)
a layman of the family of Zattu who took a foreign wife in the time of
Ezra; #40, #50, #5, #6 = min (H4480): 1) from, out of, on account of,
off, on the side of, since, above, than, so that not, more than; 2)
that; 1a) from (expressing separation), off, on the side of; 1b) out of;
1b1) (with verbs of proceeding, removing, expelling); 1b2) (of material
from which something is made); 1b3) (of source or origin); 1c) out of,
some of, from (partitively); 1d) from, since, after (of time); 1e) than,
more than (in comparison); 1f) from...even to, both...and, either...or;
1g) than, more than, too much for (in comparisons); 1h) from, on account
of, through, because (with infinitive) conj; #6, #20, #30, #10, #30, #5
= layil (H3915): 1) night; 1a) night (as opposed to day); 1b) of gloom,
protective shadow (fig.); #6, #10, #4, #20, #1, #50, #10 = daka'
(H1792): 1) to crush, be crushed, be contrite, be broken; 1a) (Niphal);
1a1) to be crushed; 1a2) to be contrite (fig.); 1b) (Piel) to crush; 1c)
(Pual); 1c1) to be crushed, be shattered; 1c2) to be made contrite; 1d)
(Hithpael) to allow oneself to be crushed; #6, #10, #3, #6, #70, #6 =
gava` (H1478): 1) to expire, die, perish, give up the ghost, yield up
the ghost, be dead, be ready to die; 1a) (Qal) to expire, die, be about
to die; #10, #60, #20, #5, #6 = cakak (H5526): 1) (Qal) to hedge, fence
about, shut in; 2) to block, overshadow, screen, stop the approach, shut
off, cover; 3) (Qal) to cover, lay over; 4) to weave together; 2a)
(Qal); 2a1) to screen, cover; 2a2) to cover oneself; 2a3) protector
(participle); 2b) (Hiphil); 2b1) to screen, cover; 2b2) to cover,
defecate (euphemism); 4a) (Qal) to weave together; 4b) (Pilpel) to
weave, weave together; #1, #40, #30, #30 = 'umlal (H536): 1) weak,
feeble; #6, #20, #30, #40, #5 = kelimmah (H3639): 1) disgrace, reproach,
shame, confusion, dishonour, insult, ignominy; 1a) insult, reproach; 1b)
reproach, ignominy; #6, #10, #9, #70, #6 = nata` (H5193): 1) to plant,
fasten, fix, establish; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to plant; 1a2) to plant,
establish (fig.); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be planted; 1b2) to be
established (fig.); #6, #10, #70, #9, #6 = `atah (H5844): 1) to cover,
enwrap, wrap oneself, envelop oneself; 2) to grasp; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
wrap, envelop oneself; 1a2) to cover (the beard in mourning); 1a3)
mourner, one who covers (participle); 1b) (Hiphil) to cover, enwrap,
envelop; 2a) (Qal) to grasp; #40, #6, #50, #5 = manah (H4487): 1) to
count, reckon, number, assign, tell, appoint, prepare; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
to count, number; 1a2) reckon, assign, appoint; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be
counted, be numbered; 1b2) to be reckoned, be assigned; 1c) (Piel) to
appoint, ordain; 1d) (Pual) appointed (participle); #6, #50, #3, #7,
#30, #5 = gazal (H1497): 1) to tear away, seize, plunder, tear off, pull
off, rob, take away by force; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to tear away, rob; 1a2) to
seize, plunder (with acc cognate); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be robbed; 1b2)
to be taken away; #50, #6, #40, #5 = nuwmah (H5124): 1) drowsiness,
somnolence, indolence (fig.); #90, #1, #10 = yatsa' (H3318): 1) to go
out, come out, exit, go forth; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to go or come out or
forth, depart; 1a2) to go forth (to a place); 1a3) to go forward,
proceed to (to or toward something); 1a4) to come or go forth (with
purpose or for result); 1a5) to come out of; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to cause
to go or come out, bring out, lead out; 1b2) to bring out of; 1b3) to
lead out; 1b4) to deliver; 1c) (Hophal) to be brought out or forth; #40,
#1, #60 = ma'ac (H3988): 1) to reject, despise, refuse; 2) (Niphal) to
flow, run; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to reject, refuse; 1a2) to despise; 1b)
(Niphal) to be rejected; #20, #40, #30, #6, #5 = lavah (H3867): 1) to
join, be joined; 2) to borrow, lend; 1a) (Qal) to join, be joined,
attend; 1b) (Niphal) to join oneself to, be joined unto; 2a) (Qal) to
borrow; 2b) (Hiphil) to cause to borrow, lend to; #6, #10, #30, #40, #4,
#5, #6 = lamad (H3925): 1) to learn. teach, exercise in; 1a) (Qal) to
learn; 1b) (Piel) to teach; 1c) (Pual) to be taught, be trained; #10,
#5, #10, #30, #10, #30, #6 = yalal (H3213): 1) (Hiphil) to howl, wail,
make a howling; #40, #1, #20, #10, #30 = 'akal (H398): 1) to eat,
devour, burn up, feed; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to eat (human subject); 1a2) to
eat, devour (of beasts and birds); 1a3) to devour, consume (of fire);
1a4) to devour, slay (of sword); 1a5) to devour, consume, destroy
(inanimate subjects - ie, pestilence, drought); 1a6) to devour (of
oppression); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be eaten (by men); 1b2) to be
devoured, consumed (of fire); 1b3) to be wasted, destroyed (of flesh);
1c) (Pual); 1c1) to cause to eat, feed with; 1c2) to cause to devour;
1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to feed; 1d2) to cause to eat; 1e) (Piel); 1e1)
consume; #10, #20, #50, #10, #5, #6 = Yekonyah (H3204): 1) son of king
Jehoiakim of Judah and king of Judah for 3 months and 10 days before he
surrendered to Nebuchadnezzar and was taken captive to Babylon where he
was imprisoned for the next 36 years; released at the death of
Nebuchadnezzar and lived in Babylon until his death; 1a) primary
spelling 'Jehoiachin'; #10, #20, #6, #50, #10, #5 = Yekonyah (H3204): 1)
son of king Jehoiakim of Judah and king of Judah for 3 months and 10
days before he surrendered to Nebuchadnezzar and was taken captive to
Babylon where he was imprisoned for the next 36 years; released at the
death of Nebuchadnezzar and lived in Babylon until his death; 1a)
primary spelling 'Jehoiachin'; #60, #30, #6, #5 = calal (H5549): 1) to
lift up, cast up, exalt; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to cast up a highway; 1a2) to
cast up a way; 1a3) to lift up (of song); 1b) (Pilpel) to exalt, esteem
highly, prize; 1c) (Hithpoel) to exalt oneself; #30, #40, #20, #5, #6 =
nakah (H5221): 1) to strike, smite, hit, beat, slay, kill; 1a) (Niphal)
to be stricken or smitten; 1b) (Pual) to be stricken or smitten; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to smite, strike, beat, scourge, clap, applaud, give a
thrust; 1c2) to smite, kill, slay (man or beast); 1c3) to smite, attack,
attack and destroy, conquer, subjugate, ravage; 1c4) to smite, chastise,
send judgment upon, punish, destroy; 1d) (Hophal) to be smitten; 1d1) to
receive a blow; 1d2) to be wounded; 1d3) to be beaten; 1d4) to be
(fatally) smitten, be killed, be slain; 1d5) to be attacked and
captured; 1d6) to be smitten (with disease); 1d7) to be blighted (of
plants); #6, #4, #50, #10, #1, #30 = Daniye'l (H1840): 1) the 2nd son of
David, by Abigail the Carmelitess; 2) the 4th of the greater prophets,
taken as hostage in the first deportation to Babylon, because of the
gift of God of the interpretation of dreams, he became the 2nd in
command of the Babylon empire and lasted through the end of the
Babylonian empire and into the Persian empire. His prophecies are the
key to the understanding of end time events. Noted for his purity and
holiness by contemporary prophet, Ezekiel; 3) a priest of the line of
Ithamar who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah; 2a) also 'Belteshazzar';
#6, #40, #50, #5 = min (H4481): 1) from, out of, by, by reason of, at,
more than; 1a) from, out of (of place); 1b) from, by, as a result of, by
reason of, at, according to, (of source); 1c) from (of time); 1d)
beyond, more than (in comparisons); #40, #50, #3, #8 = nagach (H5055):
1) to push, thrust, gore; 1a) (Qal) to gore; 1b) (Piel) to push or
thrust at; 1c) (Hithpael) to engage in thrusting, wage war; #6, #5, #70,
#10, #4, #6 = `uwd (H5749): 1) to return, repeat, go about, do again; 2)
to bear witness; 1a) (Piel) to surround, go round and round; 1b) (Pilel)
to restore, relieve; 1c) (Hithpalel) to be restored; 2a) (Qal) to bear
witness, say again and again; 2b) (Hiphil); 2b1) to testify, bear
witness; 2b2) to cause to testify, take or call as witness, invoke; 2b3)
to protest, affirm solemnly, warn, exhort or enjoin solemnly, admonish,
charge; 2c) (Hophal) to protest, give warning; #30, #10, #6, #50, #5 =
Yonah (H3124): 1) son of Amittai and a native of Gath-hepher; 5th of the
minor prophets who prophesied during the reign of Jeroboam II and whom
God sent also to prophecy to Nineveh; #40, #10, #1, #50 = heis (G1520):
1) one; #5, #20, #5, #10, #50, #1, #10 = ekeinos (G1565): 1) he, she it,
etc.; #4, #70, #9, #8, #10 = didomi (G1325): 1) to give; 2) to give
something to someone; 3) to give; 4) to grant or permit one; 2a) of
one's own accord to give one something, to his advantage; 2a1) to bestow
a gift; 2b) to grant, give to one asking, let have; 2c) to supply,
furnish, necessary things; 2d) to give over, deliver; 2d1) to reach out,
extend, present; 2d2) of a writing; 2d3) to give over to one's care,
intrust, commit; 2d3a) something to be administered; 2d3b) to give or
commit to some one something to be religiously observed; 2e) to give
what is due or obligatory, to pay: wages or reward; 2f) to furnish,
endue; 3a) to cause, profuse, give forth from one's self; 3a1) to give,
hand out lots; 3b) to appoint to an office; 3c) to give one to someone
as his own; 3c1) as an object of his saving care; 3c2) to give one to
someone, to follow him as a leader and master; 3c3) to give one to
someone to care for his interests; 3c4) to give one to someone to whom
he already belonged, to return; 4a) to commission For Synonyms see entry
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #190 has 32 Categories: #6, #10, #8, #60, #50, #6,
#50 = chacan (Aramaic) (H2631): 1) (Aphel) to take possession of; #2,
#8, #90, #90 = chatsats (H2687): 1) gravel; #10, #9, #70, #40, #6, #50,
#5 = te`am (Aramaic) (H2939): 1) (P'al) to feed, cause to eat; #6, #10,
#4, #70, #50, #10, #40 = yidde`oniy (H3049): 1) a knower, one who has a
familiar spirit; 1a) a familiar spirit, soothsayer, necromancer (meton);
#40, #10, #40, #10, #50, #40 = yamiyn (H3225): 1) right, right hand,
right side; 1a) right hand; 1b) right (of direction); 1c) south (the
direction of the right hand when facing East); #30, #10, #70, #30, #10,
#40 = ya`el (H3277): 1) mountain goat; #40, #70, #80 = ya`aph (H3286):
1) to be or grow weary, be fatigued, be faint; 1a) (Qal) to be or grow
weary, be fatigued, be faint; 1b) (Hophal) wearied (participle); #30,
#10, #70, #80 = ya`eph (H3287): 1) faint, weary, fatigued; #30, #10,
#100, #10, #40 = Yaqiym (H3356): 1) a Benjamite and descendant of
Shimhi; 2) a Levite priest in charge of the 12th course in the time of
David; #6, #30, #8, #90, #50, #6 = lachats (H3906): 1) oppression,
distress, pressure; #6, #40, #30, #100, #6, #8 = malqowach (H4455): 1)
booty, prey; 2) jaw; #40, #90, #6, #4, #10, #40 = matsowd (H4685): 1)
siege-works, bulwark; 2) hunting implement, net n f; 3) net; 4)
fastness, stronghold; #50, #20, #60, #10, #50 = nekac (Aramaic) (H5232):
1) riches, property; #6, #70, #4, #50, #10, #50 = `iddan (Aramaic)
(H5732): 1) time; 1a) time (of duration); 1b) year; #30, #70, #10, #80 =
`ayeph (H5889): 1) faint, exhausted, weary; #70, #40, #30, #10, #40 =
`amel (H6001): 1) labourer, sufferer, wretched one; 2) toiling; 1a)
labourer, workman; 1b) sufferer adj v; #6, #70, #40, #70, #4 = `Am`ad
(H6008): 1) a town in Asher on the border between Alammelech and
Misheal; #6, #10, #70, #100, #4 = `aqad (H6123): 1) (Qal) to bind, tie;
#40, #80, #10, #20, #40 = peh (H6310): 1) mouth; 1a) mouth (of man); 1b)
mouth (as organ of speech); 1c) mouth (of animals); 1d) mouth, opening,
orifice (of a well, river, etc); 1e) extremity, end; #40, #80, #20, #10,
#40 = pachaz (H6349): 1) recklessness, wantonness, unbridled license,
frothiness; #80, #10, #50, #50 = piynon (H6373): 1) one of the chiefs of
Edom; #80, #60, #10, #40 = pac (H6446): 1) flat (of the hand or foot),
palm, sole; 1a) of the tunic reaching to palms and soles (fig.); #80,
#100, #6, #4 = Peqowd (H6489): 1) a people in the Babylonian army and a
tribe in southeast Babylonia bordering Elam; #90, #40, #20, #40 = tsowm
(H6685): 1) fast, fasting; #90, #50, #10, #40 = tsen (H6791): 1) thorn,
barb; 1a) meaning dubious; #90, #50, #50 = Tsenan (H6799): 1) a town in
the low country of Judah; #6, #30, #100, #4, #10, #40 = qadiym (H6921):
1) east, east wind; 1a) east (of direction); 1b) east wind; #6, #40,
#100, #4, #40 = qedem (H6924): 1) east, antiquity, front, that which is
before, aforetime; 2) eastward, to or toward the East; 1a) front, from
the front or east, in front, mount of the East; 1b) ancient time,
aforetime, ancient, from of old, earliest time; 1c) anciently, of old
(adverb); 1d) beginning; 1e) east adv; #30, #100, #10, #50 = Qayin
(H7014): 1) eldest son of Adam and Eve and the first murderer having
murdered his brother Abel n pr gent Kenite = 'smiths'; 2) the tribe from
which the father-in-law of Moses was a member and which lived in the
area between southern Palestine and the mountains of Sinai; #1, #30, #1,
#30, #1, #7, #70, #50 = alalazo (G214): 1) to repeat frequently the cry
alala as soldiers used to do on entering into battle; 2) to utter a
joyful sound; 3) to wail, lament; 4) to ring loudly, to clang For
Synonyms see entry 5804; #4, #1, #50, #5, #10, #70, #50 = daneion
(G1156): 1) a loan; #5, #50, #50, #5, #70, #10 = enneos (G1769): 1)
dumb, mute, destitute of power of speech; 2) unable to speak for terror,
struck dumb, astounded;
No one here with me is here,
@memeBrain [Telos: #1312, Super: #24 - Important Distinctions, Trouble
from Indulgence; I-Ching: H5 - Waiting, Delay, Attending, Waiting,
Moistened, Arriving; Tetra: 18 - Waiting, Ego: #16 - Being a Guide,
Returning to the Root; I-Ching: H28 - Major Superiority, Excess, Great
Exceeding, Preponderance of the great, Critical mass; Tetra: 75 - Failure]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #125 has 87 Categories: #90, #30, #5 = Tsillah
(H6741): 1) the 2nd wife of Lamech and mother of Tubal-cain, an
instructor of every craftsman in bronze and iron; #40, #20, #60, #5 =
mikceh (H4372): 1) a covering; 1a) covering (of the ark); 1b) covering
(of the skins of the tabernacle); #70, #50, #5 = `Anah (H6034): 1) son
of Zibeon and father of Aholibamah, a wife of Esau; 2) a Horite chief f;
3) daughter of Zibeon; #6, #40, #70, #9 = me`at (H4592): 1) littleness,
few, a little, fewness; 1a) little, small, littleness, fewness, too
little, yet a little; 1b) like a little, within a little, almost, just,
hardly, shortly, little worth; #5, #50, #10, #60 = nuwc (H5127): 1) to
flee, escape; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to flee; 1a2) to escape; 1a3) to take
flight,m depart, disappear; 1a4) to fly (to the attack) on horseback;
1b) (Polel) to drive at; 1c) (Hithpolel) to take flight; 1d) (Hiphil);
1d1) to put to flight; 1d2) to drive hastily; 1d3) to cause to
disappear, hide; #10, #80, #30, #5 = palah (H6395): 1) to be distinct,
marked out, be separated, be distinguished; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be
distinct, be separated, be distinguished; 1a2) to be wonderful; 1b)
(Hiphil) to make separate, set apart; #30, #40, #50, #5 = manah (H4490):
1) part, portion; #70, #40, #10, #5 = `am (H5971): 1) nation, people; 2)
kinsman, kindred; 1a) people, nation; 1b) persons, members of one's
people, compatriots, country-men; #40, #60, #20, #5 = maccekah (H4541):
1) a pouring, libation, molten metal, cast image, drink offering; 2)
web, covering, veil, woven stuff; 1a) libation (with covenant
sacrifice); 1b) molten metal, molten image, molten gods; #2, #50, #3,
#70 = nega` (H5061): 1) stroke, plague, disease, mark, plague spot; 1a)
stroke, wound; 1b) stroke (metaphorical of disease); 1c) mark (of
leprosy); #9, #70, #40, #6 = ta`am (H2940): 1) taste, judgment; 1a)
taste; 1b) judgment (fig.); 1c) decision, decree; #5, #10, #40, #10,
#50, #10 = Yemiyniy (H3228): 1) the descendants of Jamin; #50, #70, #5 =
No`ah (H5270): 1) one of the 5 daughters of Zelophehad in the time of
the exodus; #5, #40, #20, #60 = mekec (H4371): 1) computation,
proportion to be paid, tribute, tax; #5, #8, #7, #100, #5 = chazaq
(H2389): 1) strong, stout, mighty; 1a) strong; 1a1) severe, sharp, hot;
1a2) firm, hard; 1b) a strong one (subst); #2, #40, #30, #8, #40, #5 =
milchamah (H4421): 1) battle, war; #6, #5, #8, #90, #10, #6 = chetsiy
(H2677): 1) half; 1a) half; 1b) middle; #30, #40, #30, #20, #5 = melek
(H4428): 1) king; #2, #8, #10, #100, #5 = cheyq (H2436): 1) bosom,
hollow, bottom, midst; #5, #80, #10, #30 = naphal (H5307): 1) to fall,
lie, be cast down, fail; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to fall; 1a2) to fall (of
violent death); 1a3) to fall prostrate, prostrate oneself before; 1a4)
to fall upon, attack, desert, fall away to , go away to, fall into the
hand of; 1a5) to fall short, fail, fall out, turn out, result; 1a6) to
settle, waste away, be offered, be inferior to; 1a7) to lie, lie
prostrate; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to cause to fall, fell, throw down, knock
out, lay prostrate; 1b2) to overthrow; 1b3) to make the lot fall, assign
by lot, apportion by lot; 1b4) to let drop, cause to fail (fig.); 1b5)
to cause to fall; 1c) (Hithpael); 1c1) to throw or prostrate oneself,
throw oneself upon; 1c2) to lie prostrate, prostrate oneself; 1d)
(Pilel) to fall; #6, #10, #90, #10, #3, #6 = yatsag (H3322): 1) to
place, set, establish; 1a) (Hiphil); 1a1) to set, place; 1a2) to
present; 1a3) to exhibit; 1b) (Hophal) to be stopped, be stayed, be
detained; #30, #5, #6, #4, #10, #70 = yada` (H3045): 1) to know; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to know; 1a1a) to know, learn to know; 1a1b) to perceive;
1a1c) to perceive and see, find out and discern; 1a1d) to discriminate,
distinguish; 1a1e) to know by experience; 1a1f) to recognise, admit,
acknowledge, confess; 1a1g) to consider; 1a2) to know, be acquainted
with; 1a3) to know (a person carnally); 1a4) to know how, be skilful in;
1a5) to have knowledge, be wise; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be made known, be
or become known, be revealed; 1b2) to make oneself known; 1b3) to be
perceived; 1b4) to be instructed; 1c) (Piel) to cause to know; 1d)
(Poal) to cause to know; 1e) (Pual); 1e1) to be known; 1e2) known, one
known, acquaintance (participle); 1f) (Hiphil) to make known, declare;
1g) (Hophal) to be made known; 1h) (Hithpael) to make oneself known,
reveal oneself; #5, #40, #6, #70, #4 = mow`ed (H4150): 1) appointed
place, appointed time, meeting; 1a) appointed time; 1a1) appointed time
(general); 1a2) sacred season, set feast, appointed season; 1b)
appointed meeting; 1c) appointed place; 1d) appointed sign or signal;
1e) tent of meeting; #60, #30, #30, #5 = colelah (H5550): 1) mound; #6,
#70, #40, #4, #5 = `amad (H5975): 1) to stand, remain, endure, take
one's stand; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to stand, take one's stand, be in a
standing attitude, stand forth, take a stand, present oneself, attend
upon, be or become servant of; 1a2) to stand still, stop (moving or
doing), cease; 1a3) to tarry, delay, remain, continue, abide, endure,
persist, be steadfast; 1a4) to make a stand, hold one's ground; 1a5) to
stand upright, remain standing, stand up, rise, be erect, be upright;
1a6) to arise, appear, come on the scene, stand forth, appear, rise up
or against; 1a7) to stand with, take one's stand, be appointed, grow
flat, grow insipid; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to station, set; 1b2) to cause to
stand firm, maintain; 1b3) to cause to stand up, cause to set up, erect;
1b4) to present (one) before (king); 1b5) to appoint, ordain, establish;
1c) (Hophal) to be presented, be caused to stand, be stood before; #5,
#70, #40, #6, #4 = `ammuwd (H5982): 1) pillar, column; 1a) pillar; 1b)
column, upright; 1c) column (of smoke); #5, #90, #30 = natsal (H5337):
1) to snatch away, deliver, rescue, save, strip, plunder; 1a) (Niphal);
1a1) to tear oneself away, deliver oneself; 1a2) to be torn out or away,
be delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to strip off, spoil; 1b2) to deliver; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to take away, snatch away; 1c2) to rescue, recover; 1c3)
to deliver (from enemies or troubles or death); 1c4) to deliver from sin
and guilt; 1d) (Hophal) to be plucked out; 1e) (Hithpael) to strip
oneself; #5, #50, #70 = Hena` (H2012): 1) a city in Mesopotamia which
the Assyrian kings reduced shortly before the time of Sennacherib; site
unknown; #6, #80, #30, #9 = Pelet (H6404): 1) son of Jahdai and a
descendant of Caleb; 2) son of Azmaveth and one of David's mighty
warriors who joined him at Ziklag; #10, #4, #10, #70, #1, #30 =
Yediy`a'el (H3043): 1) a chief patriarch of the tribe of Benjamin; maybe
the same as 'Ashbel'; 2) the 2nd son of Meshelemiah and a Korahite
gatekeeper; 3) son of Shimri and one of David's mighty warriors; 4) one
of the chiefs of the thousands of Manasseh who joined David on his march
to Ziklag; maybe the same man as 3 above; #10, #8, #7, #100 = chazaq
(H2388): 1) to strengthen, prevail, harden, be strong, become strong, be
courageous, be firm, grow firm, be resolute, be sore; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
be strong, grow strong; 1a1a) to prevail, prevail upon; 1a1b) to be
firm, be caught fast, be secure; 1a1c) to press, be urgent; 1a1d) to
grow stout, grow rigid, grow hard (bad sense); 1a1e) to be severe, be
grievous; 1a2) to strengthen; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to make strong; 1b2) to
restore to strength, give strength; 1b3) to strengthen, sustain,
encourage; 1b4) to make strong, make bold, encourage; 1b5) to make firm;
1b6) to make rigid, make hard; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make strong,
strengthen; 1c2) to make firm; 1c3) to display strength; 1c4) to make
severe; 1c5) to support; 1c6) to repair; 1c7) to prevail, prevail upon;
1c8) to have or take or keep hold of, retain, hold up, sustain, support;
1c9) to hold, contain; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1) to strengthen oneself; 1d2)
to put forth strength, use one's strength; 1d3) to withstand; 1d4) to
hold strongly with; #6, #5, #40, #4, #70 = madda` (H4093): 1) knowledge,
thought; 1a) knowledge; 1b) mind, thought, place of knowledge; #40, #80,
#5 = peh (H6310): 1) mouth; 1a) mouth (of man); 1b) mouth (as organ of
speech); 1c) mouth (of animals); 1d) mouth, opening, orifice (of a well,
river, etc); 1e) extremity, end; #70, #4, #50, #1 = `Adna' (H5733): 1)
one of the family of Pahath-moab who returned with Ezra and married a
foreign wife; 2) a priest, descendant of Harim in the days of Joiakim,
the son of Jeshua; #6, #10, #30, #70, #3, #6 = la`ag (H3932): 1) to
mock, deride, ridicule; 1a) (Qal) to mock, deride, have in derision; 1b)
(Niphal) to stammer; 1c) (Hiphil) to mock, deride; #10, #100, #6, #9 =
qatat (H6990): 1) (Qal) to be cut off, break, snap; 1a) meaning dubious;
#10, #8, #90, #6, #5, #6 = chatsah (H2673): 1) to divide, cut in two,
cut short, live half (of one's life); 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to divide; 1a2) to
half, cut in two; 1b) (Niphal) to be divided; #30, #20, #30, #40, #5 =
kelimmah (H3639): 1) disgrace, reproach, shame, confusion, dishonour,
insult, ignominy; 1a) insult, reproach; 1b) reproach, ignominy; #20, #5,
#40, #60 = macac (H4549): 1) to dissolve, melt; 1a) (Qal) to waste away;
1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to melt, vanish, drop off, melt away; 1b2) to faint,
grow fearful (fig.); 1b3) wasted, worthless (participle); 1c) (Hiphil)
to cause to melt; #80, #30, #9, #6 = palat (H6403): 1) to escape, save,
deliver, slip away; 1a) (Qal) to escape; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to bring into
security, deliver; 1b2) to cause to escape, cast forth; 1b3) to be
delivered; 1b4) to slip away; 1c) (Hiphil) to bring into security, bring
to safety; #60, #40, #20, #5 = camak (H5564): 1) to lean, lay, rest,
support, put, uphold, lean upon; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to lean or lay upon,
rest upon, lean against; 1a2) to support, uphold, sustain; 1b) (Niphal)
to support or brace oneself; 1c) (Piel) to sustain, refresh, revive; #9,
#80, #30, #6 = taphal (H2950): 1) (Qal) to smear, plaster over, stick,
glue; #20, #80, #20, #5 = kaph (H3709): 1) palm, hand, sole, palm of the
hand, hollow or flat of the hand; 1a) palm, hollow or flat of the hand;
1b) power; 1c) sole (of the foot); 1d) hollow, objects, bending objects,
bent objects; 1d1) of thigh-joint; 1d2) pan, vessel (as hollow); 1d3)
hollow (of sling); 1d4) hand-shaped branches or fronds (of palm trees);
1d5) handles (as bent); #50, #40, #30, #5 = nemalah (H5244): 1) ant; #5,
#20, #60, #10, #30 = keciyl (H3684): 1) fool, stupid fellow, dullard,
simpleton, arrogant one; #40, #70, #9, #6 = me`at (H4592): 1)
littleness, few, a little, fewness; 1a) little, small, littleness,
fewness, too little, yet a little; 1b) like a little, within a little,
almost, just, hardly, shortly, little worth; #1, #2, #6, #60, #50, #6 =
buwc (H947): 1) to tread down, reject, trample down; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
tread down, trample (of warriors); 1a2) of rejection (fig.); 1b)
(Polel); 1b1) to tread down (in bad sense); 1b2) to desecrate; 1c)
(Hithpolel); 1c1) to tread; 1c2) to kick out; 1c2a) of infants' blind
movements; 1c2b) of Jerusalem (fig.); 1d) (Hophal) to be trodden down;
#2, #40, #70, #6, #7 = ma`owz (H4581): 1) place or means of safety,
protection, refuge, stronghold; 1a) place of safety, fastness, harbour,
stronghold; 1b) refuge (of God) (fig.); 1c) human protection (fig.);
#40, #50, #5, #30 = nahal (H5095): 1) to lead, give rest, lead with
care, guide to a watering place or station, cause to rest, bring to a
station or place of rest, guide, refresh; 1a) (Piel); 1a1) to lead to a
watering-place or station and cause to rest there; 1a2) to lead or bring
to a station or goal; 1a3) to lead, guide; 1a4) to give rest to; 1a5) to
refresh (with food); 1b) (Hithpael); 1b1) to lead on; 1b2) to journey by
stations or stages; #8, #7, #100, #10 = chazaq (H2388): 1) to
strengthen, prevail, harden, be strong, become strong, be courageous, be
firm, grow firm, be resolute, be sore; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be strong,
grow strong; 1a1a) to prevail, prevail upon; 1a1b) to be firm, be caught
fast, be secure; 1a1c) to press, be urgent; 1a1d) to grow stout, grow
rigid, grow hard (bad sense); 1a1e) to be severe, be grievous; 1a2) to
strengthen; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to make strong; 1b2) to restore to
strength, give strength; 1b3) to strengthen, sustain, encourage; 1b4) to
make strong, make bold, encourage; 1b5) to make firm; 1b6) to make
rigid, make hard; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make strong, strengthen; 1c2) to
make firm; 1c3) to display strength; 1c4) to make severe; 1c5) to
support; 1c6) to repair; 1c7) to prevail, prevail upon; 1c8) to have or
take or keep hold of, retain, hold up, sustain, support; 1c9) to hold,
contain; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1) to strengthen oneself; 1d2) to put forth
strength, use one's strength; 1d3) to withstand; 1d4) to hold strongly
with; #6, #50, #60, #6, #3 = nacag (H5253): 1) to move away, backslide,
move, go, turn back; 1a) (Qal) to backslide, prove recreant to; 1b)
(Hiphil); 1b1) to displace, move back; 1b2) to remove, carry away; 1d)
(Hophal) to be driven back, be moved back; #40, #9, #70, #6 = matta`
(H4302): 1) place or act of planting, planting, plantation; 1a) planting
place; 1b) act of planting; 1c) plantation; #20, #70, #30, #5 = `aleh
(H5929): 1) leaf, leafage; #40, #4, #50, #1, #30 = Daniye'l (H1840): 1)
the 2nd son of David, by Abigail the Carmelitess; 2) the 4th of the
greater prophets, taken as hostage in the first deportation to Babylon,
because of the gift of God of the interpretation of dreams, he became
the 2nd in command of the Babylon empire and lasted through the end of
the Babylonian empire and into the Persian empire. His prophecies are
the key to the understanding of end time events. Noted for his purity
and holiness by contemporary prophet, Ezekiel; 3) a priest of the line
of Ithamar who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah; 2a) also,
'Belteshazzar'; #30, #4, #50, #10, #1, #30 = Daniye'l (H1840): 1) the
2nd son of David, by Abigail the Carmelitess; 2) the 4th of the greater
prophets, taken as hostage in the first deportation to Babylon, because
of the gift of God of the interpretation of dreams, he became the 2nd in
command of the Babylon empire and lasted through the end of the
Babylonian empire and into the Persian empire. His prophecies are the
key to the understanding of end time events. Noted for his purity and
holiness by contemporary prophet, Ezekiel; 3) a priest of the line of
Ithamar who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah; 2a) also, 'Belteshazzar';
#40, #6, #70, #4, #5 = mow`ed (H4150): 1) appointed place, appointed
time, meeting; 1a) appointed time; 1a1) appointed time (general); 1a2)
sacred season, set feast, appointed season; 1b) appointed meeting; 1c)
appointed place; 1d) appointed sign or signal; 1e) tent of meeting; #5,
#40, #70, #10 = ego (G1473): 1) I, me, my; #4, #10, #20, #1, #10, #70,
#10 = dikaios (G1342): 1) righteous, observing divine laws; 1a) in a
wide sense, upright, righteous, virtuous, keeping the commands of God;
1a1) of those who seem to themselves to be righteous, who pride
themselves to be righteous, who pride themselves in their virtues,
whether real or imagined; 1a2) innocent, faultless, guiltless; 1a3) used
of him whose way of thinking, feeling, and acting is wholly conformed to
the will of God, and who therefore needs no rectification in the heart
or life; 1a3a) only Christ truly; 1a4) approved of or acceptable of God;
1b) in a narrower sense, rendering to each his due and that in a
judicial sense, passing just judgment on others, whether expressed in
words or shown by the manner of dealing with them; #8, #100, #9, #8 =
airo (G142): 1) to raise up, elevate, lift up; 2) to take upon one's
self and carry what has been raised up, to bear; 3) to bear away what
has been raised, carry off; 1a) to raise from the ground, take up:
stones; 1b) to raise upwards, elevate, lift up: the hand; 1c) to draw
up: a fish; 3a) to move from its place; 3b) to take off or away what is
attached to anything; 3c) to remove; 3d) to carry off, carry away with
one; 3e) to appropriate what is taken; 3f) to take away from another
what is his or what is committed to him, to take by force; 3g) to take
and apply to any use; 3h) to take from among the living, either by a
natural death, or by violence; 3i) cause to cease; #30, #5, #30, #1,
#30, #8, #20, #1 = laleo (G2980): 1) to utter a voice or emit a sound;
2) to speak; 3) to talk; 4) to utter, tell; 5) to use words in order to
declare one's mind and disclose one's thoughts; 2a) to use the tongue or
the faculty of speech; 2b) to utter articulate sounds; 5a) to speak; #7,
#8, #30, #70, #10 = zeloo (G2206): 1) to burn with zeal; 1a) to be
heated or to boil with envy, hatred, anger; 1a1) in a good sense, to be
zealous in the pursuit of good; 1b) to desire earnestly, pursue; 1b1) to
desire one earnestly, to strive after, busy one's self about him; 1b2)
to exert one's self for one (that he may not be torn from me); 1b3) to
be the object of the zeal of others, to be zealously sought after; 1c)
to envy; #1, #100, #1, #2, #10, #1, #10 = Arabia (G688): 1) a well known
peninsula of Asia lying towards Africa, and bounded by Egypt, Palestine,
Syria, Mesopotamia, Babylonia, the Gulf of Arabia, the Persian Gulf, the
Red Sea and the Indian Ocean; #5, #60, #10, #50 = hexis (G1838): 1) a
habit whether of body or mind; 2) a power acquired by custom, practice,
use; #4, #10, #1, #40, #5, #50, #5, #10 = diameno (G1265): 1) to stay
permanently, remain permanently, continue; #4, #10, #80, #30, #1 =
diplous (G1362): 1) twofold, double;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #206 has 77 Categories: #4, #2, #200 = dabar (H1696):
1) to speak, declare, converse, command, promise, warn, threaten, sing;
1a) (Qal) to speak; 1b) (Niphal) to speak with one another, talk; 1c)
(Piel); 1c1) to speak; 1c2) to promise; 1d) (Pual) to be spoken; 1e)
(Hithpael) to speak; 1f) (Hiphil) to lead away, put to flight; #200, #1,
#5 = ra'ah (H7200): 1) to see, look at, inspect, perceive, consider; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to see; 1a2) to see, perceive; 1a3) to see, have vision;
1a4) to look at, see, regard, look after, see after, learn about,
observe, watch, look upon, look out, find out; 1a5) to see, observe,
consider, look at, give attention to, discern, distinguish; 1a6) to look
at, gaze at; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to appear, present oneself; 1b2) to be
seen; 1b3) to be visible; 1c) (Pual) to be seen; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to
cause to see, show; 1d2) to cause to look intently at, behold, cause to
gaze at; 1e) (Hophal); 1e1) to be caused to see, be shown; 1e2) to be
exhibited to; 1f) (Hithpael) to look at each other, face; #2, #200, #4 =
Bered (H1260): 1) a son or descendant of Ephraim; 2) a place in the
south of Palestine, near Kadesh, near the well Lahairoi; #40, #70, #40,
#50, #6 = `im (H5973): 1) with; 1a) with; 1b) against; 1c) toward; 1d)
as long as; 1e) beside, except; 1f) in spite of; #6, #10, #90, #100 =
yatsaq (H3332): 1) to pour, flow, cast, pour out; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
pour, pour out; 1a2) to cast; 1a3) to flow; 1b) (Hiphil) to pour, pour
out; 1c) (Hophal); 1c1) to be poured; 1c2) cast, molten (participle);
1c3) being firmly established (participle); #200, #2, #4 = rabiyd
(H7242): 1) chain (ornament for neck - necklace); #6, #40, #100, #30,
#30 = qalal (H7043): 1) to be slight, be swift, be trifling, be of
little account, be light; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be slight, be abated (of
water); 1a2) to be swift; 1a3) to be trifling, be of little account; 1b)
(Niphal); 1b1) to be swift, show oneself swift; 1b2) to appear trifling,
be too trifling, be insignificant; 1b3) to be lightly esteemed; 1c)
(Piel); 1c1) to make despicable; 1c2) to curse; 1d) (Pual) to be cursed;
1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to make light, lighten; 1e2) to treat with contempt,
bring contempt or dishonour; 1f) (Pilpel); 1f1) to shake; 1f2) to whet;
1g) (Hithpalpel) to shake oneself, be moved to and fro; #10, #6, #90,
#100 = yatsaq (H3332): 1) to pour, flow, cast, pour out; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
to pour, pour out; 1a2) to cast; 1a3) to flow; 1b) (Hiphil) to pour,
pour out; 1c) (Hophal); 1c1) to be poured; 1c2) cast, molten
(participle); 1c3) being firmly established (participle); #10, #50, #10,
#80, #50, #6 = nuwph (H5130): 1) to move to and fro, wave, besprinkle;
1a) (Qal) to besprinkle, sprinkle; 1b) (Polel) to wave, brandish (in
threat); 1c) (Hiphil) to swing, wield, wave; 1c1) to wield; 1c2) to wave
or shake (the hand); 1c2a) to wave (hand); 1c2b) to shake or brandish
against; 1c2c) to swing to and fro; 1c3) to wave (an offering), offer;
1c4) to shed abroad; 1d) (Hophal) to be waved; #6, #80, #100, #4, #10,
#6 = paqad (H6485): 1) to attend to, muster, number, reckon, visit,
punish, appoint, look after, care for; 2) musterings, expenses; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to pay attention to, observe; 1a2) to attend to; 1a3) to
seek, look about for; 1a4) to seek in vain, need, miss, lack; 1a5) to
visit; 1a6) to visit upon, punish; 1a7) to pass in review, muster,
number; 1a8) to appoint, assign, lay upon as a charge, deposit; 1b)
(Niphal); 1b1) to be sought, be needed, be missed, be lacking; 1b2) to
be visited; 1b3) to be visited upon; 1b4) to be appointed; 1b5) to be
watched over; 1c) (Piel) to muster, call up; 1d) (Pual) to be passed in
review, be caused to miss, be called, be called to account; 1e)
(Hiphil); 1e1) to set over, make overseer, appoint an overseer; 1e2) to
commit, entrust, commit for care, deposit; 1f) (Hophal); 1f1) to be
visited; 1f2) to be deposited; 1f3) to be made overseer, be entrusted;
1g) (Hithpael) numbered; 1h) (Hothpael) numbered n m pl abstr; #6, #80,
#100, #6, #4, #10 = paqad (H6485): 1) to attend to, muster, number,
reckon, visit, punish, appoint, look after, care for; 2) musterings,
expenses; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to pay attention to, observe; 1a2) to attend
to; 1a3) to seek, look about for; 1a4) to seek in vain, need, miss,
lack; 1a5) to visit; 1a6) to visit upon, punish; 1a7) to pass in review,
muster, number; 1a8) to appoint, assign, lay upon as a charge, deposit;
1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be sought, be needed, be missed, be lacking; 1b2)
to be visited; 1b3) to be visited upon; 1b4) to be appointed; 1b5) to be
watched over; 1c) (Piel) to muster, call up; 1d) (Pual) to be passed in
review, be caused to miss, be called, be called to account; 1e)
(Hiphil); 1e1) to set over, make overseer, appoint an overseer; 1e2) to
commit, entrust, commit for care, deposit; 1f) (Hophal); 1f1) to be
visited; 1f2) to be deposited; 1f3) to be made overseer, be entrusted;
1g) (Hithpael) numbered; 1h) (Hothpael) numbered n m pl abstr; #6, #30,
#40, #60, #70 = macca` (H4550): 1) a pulling up (of stakes), breaking
camp, setting out, journey; 1a) pulling up, breaking camp; 1b) setting
out; 1c) station, stage, journey; #6, #40, #100, #50, #10 = miqneh
(H4735): 1) cattle, livestock; 1a) cattle, livestock; 1a1) in general of
a purchasable domestic animal; 1b) cows, sheep, goats (in herds and
flocks); #40, #70, #30, #10, #50, #6 = `al (H5921): 1) upon, on the
ground of, according to, on account of, on behalf of, concerning,
beside, in addition to, together with, beyond, above, over, by, on to,
towards, to, against; 2) because that, because, notwithstanding,
although; 1a) upon, on the ground of, on the basis of, on account of,
because of, therefore, on behalf of, for the sake of, for, with, in
spite of, notwithstanding, concerning, in the matter of, as regards; 1b)
above, beyond, over (of excess); 1c) above, over (of elevation or
pre-eminence); 1d) upon, to, over to, unto, in addition to, together
with, with (of addition); 1e) over (of suspension or extension); 1f) by,
adjoining, next, at, over, around (of contiguity or proximity); 1g) down
upon, upon, on, from, up upon, up to,, towards, over towards, to,
against (with verbs of motion); 1h) to (as a dative) conj; #1, #200, #5
= 'arar (H779): 1) to curse; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to curse; 1a2) cursed be he
(participle used pr in curses); 1b) (Niphal) to be cursed, cursed; 1c)
(Piel) to curse, lay under a curse, put a curse on; 1d) (Hophal) to be
made a curse, be cursed; #1, #200, #3, #2 = 'Argob (H709): 1) a district
or area in Bashan m; 2) one of king Pekah's officers; #100, #6, #90, #10
= qowts (H6975): 1) thorn, thornbush; 1a) thornbush; 1b) thorn; #6, #30,
#50, #70, #40, #10 = No`omiy (H5281): 1) wife of Elimelech, mother of
Mahlon and Chilion, and mother-in-law of Ruth and Orpah; #10, #60, #80,
#50, #6 = yacaph (H3254): 1) to add, increase, do again; 1a) (Qal) to
add, increase, do again; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to join, join oneself to;
1b2) to be joined, be added to; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to add,
increase; 1c2) to do more, do again; #6, #10, #80, #100, #4, #6 = paqad
(H6485): 1) to attend to, muster, number, reckon, visit, punish,
appoint, look after, care for; 2) musterings, expenses; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
to pay attention to, observe; 1a2) to attend to; 1a3) to seek, look
about for; 1a4) to seek in vain, need, miss, lack; 1a5) to visit; 1a6)
to visit upon, punish; 1a7) to pass in review, muster, number; 1a8) to
appoint, assign, lay upon as a charge, deposit; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be
sought, be needed, be missed, be lacking; 1b2) to be visited; 1b3) to be
visited upon; 1b4) to be appointed; 1b5) to be watched over; 1c) (Piel)
to muster, call up; 1d) (Pual) to be passed in review, be caused to
miss, be called, be called to account; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to set over,
make overseer, appoint an overseer; 1e2) to commit, entrust, commit for
care, deposit; 1f) (Hophal); 1f1) to be visited; 1f2) to be deposited;
1f3) to be made overseer, be entrusted; 1g) (Hithpael) numbered; 1h)
(Hothpael) numbered n m pl abstr; #6, #90, #4, #6, #100 = Tsadowq
(H6659): 1) the high priest, son of Ahitub of the house of Eleazar the
son of Aaron, and 11th in descent from Aaron; joined David after Saul's
death and supported him against Absalom and Adonijah; anointed Solomon
as king; 2) a priest, son of Meraioth, father of Meshullam of the house
of Ahitub; apparently a nephew of 1; 3) father of Jerusha, the wife of
king Uzziah and mother of king Jotham of Judah; 4) son of Baana and
repairer of the wall of Jerusalem in the time of Nehemiah; 5) son of
Immer and repairer of the wall of Jerusalem in the time of Nehemiah; 6)
a leader of the people in the time of Nehemiah; 7) a scribe appointed by
Nehemiah as one of the treasurers over the storehouse; 8) a valiant
warrior of the tribe of Benjamin who joined David at Hebron. Same as 1?;
#6, #10, #60, #100, #30 = caqal (H5619): 1) to stone (to death), put to
death by stoning; 1a) (Qal) to pelt with stones, stone to death; 1b)
(Niphal) to be stoned to death; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to stone, pelt with
stones; 1c2) to free from stones (of vineyard, highway); 1d) (Pual) to
be stoned to death; #6, #100, #30, #70 = qala` (H7049): 1) to sling,
hurl forth; 2) (Qal) to carve; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to sling; 1a2) slinger
(participle); 1b) (Piel) to sling; #6, #30, #20, #60, #80, #10 = keceph
(H3701): 1) silver, money; 1a) silver; 1a1) as metal; 1a2) as ornament;
1a3) as colour; 1b) money, shekels, talents; #40, #50, #70, #30, #10, #6
= man`uwl (H4514): 1) bolt; #70, #90, #40, #6 = `etsem (H6106): 1) bone,
essence, substance; 1a) bone; 1a1) body, limbs, members, external body;
1b) bone (of animal); 1c) substance, self; #100, #10, #40, #50, #6 =
qiym (H7009): 1) adversary; #10, #90, #6, #100 = tsuwq (H6694): 1) (Qal)
to pour out, melt; #40, #30, #80, #50, #6 = 'alaph (H502): 1) to learn;
1a) (Qal) to learn; 1b) (Piel) to teach; #10, #100, #10, #80, #6 =
naqaph (H5362): 1) to strike, strike off; 2) to go around, compass,
round; 1a) (Piel) to strike off skin; 2a) (Qal) to go around; 2b)
(Hiphil); 2b1) to go around, surround, encompass, enclose; 2b2) to make
the round, complete the circuit; 2b3) to make round, round off; #10,
#70, #30, #90, #6 = `alats (H5970): 1) to rejoice, exult; 1a) (Qal) to
exult; #100, #40, #10, #50, #6 = quwm (H6965): 1) to rise, arise, stand,
rise up, stand up; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to arise; 1a2) to arise (hostile
sense); 1a3) to arise, become powerful; 1a4) to arise, come on the
scene; 1a5) to stand; 1a5a) to maintain oneself; 1a5b) to be
established, be confirmed; 1a5c) to stand, endure; 1a5d) to be fixed;
1a5e) to be valid; 1a5f) to be proven; 1a5g) to be fulfilled; 1a5h) to
persist; 1a5i) to be set, be fixed; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to fulfil; 1b2) to
confirm, ratify, establish, impose; 1c) (Polel) to raise up; 1d)
(Hithpael) to raise oneself, rise up; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to cause to
arise, raise; 1e2) to raise, set up, erect, build; 1e3) to raise up,
bring on the scene; 1e4) to raise up, rouse, stir up, investigate; 1e5)
to raise up, constitute; 1e6) to cause to stand, set, station,
establish; 1e7) to make binding; 1e8) to carry out, give effect to; 1f)
(Hophal) to be raised up; #100, #90, #6, #10 = qetsev (H7099): 1) end,
border, boundary; #80, #70, #40, #10, #6 = pa`am (H6471): 1) stroke,
beat, foot, step, anvil, occurrence; 1a) foot, hoof-beat, footfall,
footstep; 1b) anvil; 1c) occurrence, time, stroke, beat; 1c1) one time,
once, twice, thrice, as time on time, at this repetition, this once, now
at length,, at one another; #5, #1, #200 = 'owr
(H215): 1) to be or become light, shine; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to become light
(day); 1a2) to shine (of the sun); 1a3) to become bright; 1b) (Niphal);
1b1) to be illuminated; 1b2) to become lighted up; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to
give light, shine (of sun, moon, and stars); 1c2) to illumine, light up,
cause to shine, shine; 1c3) to kindle, light (candle, wood); 1c4)
lighten (of the eyes, his law, etc); 1c5) to make shine (of the face);
#2, #4, #200 = dowr (H1755): 1) period, generation, habitation,
dwelling; 1a) period, age, generation (period of time); 1b) generation
(those living during a period); 1c) generation (characterised by
quality, condition, class of men); 1d) dwelling-place, habitation; #80,
#100, #6, #4, #10, #6 = piqquwd (H6490): 1) precept, statute; #30, #40,
#70, #10, #50, #6 = ma`yan (H4599): 1) spring; #20, #80, #70, #30, #6 =
po`al (H6467): 1) work, deed, doing; 1a) deed, thing done; 1b) work,
thing made; 1c) wages of work; 1d) acquisition (of treasure); #30, #80,
#60, #30, #6 = pecel (H6459): 1) idol, image; #2, #40, #70, #90, #4 =
ma`atsad (H4621): 1) axe; #100, #6, #30, #70 = qala` (H7049): 1) to
sling, hurl forth; 2) (Qal) to carve; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to sling; 1a2)
slinger (participle); 1b) (Piel) to sling; #100, #50, #50, #6 = qanan
(H7077): 1) to make a nest; 1a) (Piel) to make a nest; 1b) (Pual) to be
nested; #10, #100, #40, #50, #6 = quwm (H6965): 1) to rise, arise,
stand, rise up, stand up; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to arise; 1a2) to arise
(hostile sense); 1a3) to arise, become powerful; 1a4) to arise, come on
the scene; 1a5) to stand; 1a5a) to maintain oneself; 1a5b) to be
established, be confirmed; 1a5c) to stand, endure; 1a5d) to be fixed;
1a5e) to be valid; 1a5f) to be proven; 1a5g) to be fulfilled; 1a5h) to
persist; 1a5i) to be set, be fixed; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to fulfil; 1b2) to
confirm, ratify, establish, impose; 1c) (Polel) to raise up; 1d)
(Hithpael) to raise oneself, rise up; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to cause to
arise, raise; 1e2) to raise, set up, erect, build; 1e3) to raise up,
bring on the scene; 1e4) to raise up, rouse, stir up, investigate; 1e5)
to raise up, constitute; 1e6) to cause to stand, set, station,
establish; 1e7) to make binding; 1e8) to carry out, give effect to; 1f)
(Hophal) to be raised up; #20, #40, #70, #30, #30, #10, #6 = ma`alal
(H4611): 1) deed, practice; 1a) practice (usually bad); 1b) deeds; 1c)
acts; #5, #1, #100, #4, #40, #50, #6 = qadam (H6923): 1) to meet, come
or be in front, confront, go before; 1a) (Piel); 1a1) to meet, confront,
come to meet, receive; 1a2) to go before, go in front, be in front; 1a3)
to lead, be beforehand, anticipate, forestall; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to
come in front; 1b2) to confront, anticipate; #1, #50, #1, #3, #20, #1,
#10, #70, #50 = anagkaios (G316): 1) necessary; 1a) what one can not do
without, indispensable; 1b) connected by bonds of nature or friendship;
1c) what ought according to the law of duty be done, what is required by
the circumstances; #80, #5, #100, #3, #8, #10 = Perge (G4011): 1) a town
in Pamphylia, on the river Cestius, at a distance of 7 miles (10 km)
from its mouth, and famous in antiquity for the worship of Artemis
(Diana); #5, #40, #5, #10, #50, #1, #40, #5, #50 = meno (G3306): 1) to
remain, abide; 2) to wait for, await one; 1a) in reference to place;
1a1) to sojourn, tarry; 1a2) not to depart; 1a2a) to continue to be
present; 1a2b) to be held, kept, continually; 1b) in reference to time;
1b1) to continue to be, not to perish, to last, endure; 1b1a) of
persons, to survive, live; 1c) in reference to state or condition; 1c1)
to remain as one, not to become another or different; #30, #1, #50, #9,
#1, #50, #5, #10, #50 = lanthano (G2990): 1) to be hidden, to be hidden
from one, secretly, unawares, without knowing; #4, #10, #1, #20, #100,
#10, #50, #1, #10 = diakrino (G1252): 1) to separate, make a
distinction, discriminate, to prefer; 2) to learn by discrimination, to
try, decide; 3) to withdraw from one, desert; 4) to separate one's self
in a hostile spirit, to oppose, strive with dispute, contend; 5) to be
at variance with one's self, hesitate, doubt; 2a) to determine, give
judgment, decide a dispute; #1, #50, #70, #10, #60, #5, #10 = anoixis
(G457): 1) an opening;
More solitary,
@memeBrain [Telos: #1385, Super: #61 - Virtuous Humility at Using
'Beneath'; I-Ching: H64 - Ferrying Incomplete, Before Completion, Not
Yet Fording, Not yet completed; Tetra: 78 - On the Verge, Ego: #8 -
Worth of Water, Easy By Nature; I-Ching: H48 - The Well, Welling; Tetra:
40 - Law/Model]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #186 has 99 Categories: #20, #90, #30, #40, #6 =
tselem (H6754): 1) image; 1a) images (of tumours, mice, heathen gods);
1b) image, likeness (of resemblance); 1c) mere, empty, image, semblance
(fig.); #50, #60, #70, #6 = naca` (H5265): 1) to pull out, pull up, set
out, journey, remove, set forward, depart; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to pull out
or up; 1a2) to set out, depart; 1a3) to journey, march; 1a4) to set
forth (of wind); 1b) (Niphal) to be pulled up, be removed, be plucked
up; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to set out, lead out, cause to spring
up; 1c2) to remove, quarry; #5, #50, #40, #90, #1 = matsa' (H4672): 1)
to find, attain to; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to find; 1a1a) to find, secure,
acquire, get (thing sought); 1a1b) to find (what is lost); 1a1c) to
meet, encounter; 1a1d) to find (a condition); 1a1e) to learn, devise;
1a2) to find out; 1a2a) to find out; 1a2b) to detect; 1a2c) to guess;
1a3) to come upon, light upon; 1a3a) to happen upon, meet, fall in with;
1a3b) to hit; 1a3c) to befall; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be found; 1b1a) to
be encountered, be lighted upon, be discovered; 1b1b) to appear, be
recognised; 1b1c) to be discovered, be detected; 1b1d) to be gained, be
secured; 1b2) to be, be found; 1b2a) to be found in; 1b2b) to be in the
possession of; 1b2c) to be found in (a place), happen to be; 1b2d) to be
left (after war); 1b2e) to be present; 1b2f) to prove to be; 1b2g) to be
found sufficient, be enough; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to find,
attain; 1c2) to cause to light upon, come upon, come; 1c3) to cause to
encounter; 1c4) to present (offering); #6, #10, #70, #40, #60 = `amac
(H6006): 1) to load, carry, carry a load; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to load; 1a2)
to carry a load; 1b) (Hiphil) to lay a load on; #40, #80, #50, #10, #6 =
paniym (H6440): 1) face; 1a) face, faces; 1b) presence, person; 1c) face
(of seraphim or cherubim); 1d) face (of animals); 1e) face, surface (of
ground); 1f) as adv of loc/temp; 1f1) before and behind, toward, in
front of, forward, formerly, from beforetime, before; 1g) with; 1g1) in
front of, before, to the front of, in the presence of, in the face of,
at the face or front of, from the presence of, from before, from before
the face of; #10, #90, #6, #70, #10 = yatsuwa` (H3326): 1) couch, bed;
#40, #100, #40, #6 = maqowm (H4725): 1) standing place, place; 1a)
standing place, station, post, office; 1b) place, place of human abode;
1c) city, land, region; 1d) place, locality, spot; 1e) space, room,
distance; 1f) region, quarter, direction; 1g) give place to, instead of;
#10, #70, #50, #50, #6 = `anah (H6030): 1) to answer, respond, testify,
speak, shout; 2) (Qal) to sing, utter tunefully; 3) (Qal) to dwell; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to answer, respond to; 1a2) to testify, respond as a
witness; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to make answer; 1b2) to be answered, receive
answer; #2, #80, #100, #4 = paqad (H6485): 1) to attend to, muster,
number, reckon, visit, punish, appoint, look after, care for; 2)
musterings, expenses; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to pay attention to, observe; 1a2)
to attend to; 1a3) to seek, look about for; 1a4) to seek in vain, need,
miss, lack; 1a5) to visit; 1a6) to visit upon, punish; 1a7) to pass in
review, muster, number; 1a8) to appoint, assign, lay upon as a charge,
deposit; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be sought, be needed, be missed, be
lacking; 1b2) to be visited; 1b3) to be visited upon; 1b4) to be
appointed; 1b5) to be watched over; 1c) (Piel) to muster, call up; 1d)
(Pual) to be passed in review, be caused to miss, be called, be called
to account; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to set over, make overseer, appoint an
overseer; 1e2) to commit, entrust, commit for care, deposit; 1f)
(Hophal); 1f1) to be visited; 1f2) to be deposited; 1f3) to be made
overseer, be entrusted; 1g) (Hithpael) numbered; 1h) (Hothpael) numbered
n m pl abstr; #6, #10, #80, #60, #30 = pacal (H6458): 1) to cut, hew,
hew into shape; 1a) (Qal) to hew, hew out, quarry; #6, #40, #20, #50,
#60, #10 = miknac (H4370): 1) underwear, drawers, trousers; 1a) a
priestly undergarment of linen; #6, #50, #60, #70 = naca` (H5265): 1) to
pull out, pull up, set out, journey, remove, set forward, depart; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to pull out or up; 1a2) to set out, depart; 1a3) to journey,
march; 1a4) to set forth (of wind); 1b) (Niphal) to be pulled up, be
removed, be plucked up; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to set out, lead
out, cause to spring up; 1c2) to remove, quarry; #90, #80, #6, #10 =
tsippuwy (H6826): 1) plating (of metal), metal plating; #100, #30, #50,
#6 = qowl (H6963): 1) voice, sound, noise; 2) lightness, frivolity; 1a)
voice; 1b) sound (of instrument); #70, #50, #10, #50, #6 = `oniy
(H6040): 1) affliction, poverty, misery; 1a) affliction; 1b) poverty;
#80, #70, #30, #6 = po`al (H6467): 1) work, deed, doing; 1a) deed, thing
done; 1b) work, thing made; 1c) wages of work; 1d) acquisition (of
treasure); #6, #80, #70, #30 = po`al (H6467): 1) work, deed, doing; 1a)
deed, thing done; 1b) work, thing made; 1c) wages of work; 1d)
acquisition (of treasure); #1, #80, #100, #5 = 'Apheq (H663): 1) a
Canaanite city near Jezreel; 2) a city in territory of Asher; 3) a city
northeast of Beirut in Transjordan; #40, #70, #10, #50, #10, #6 = `ayin
(H5869): 1) eye; 2) spring, fountain; 1a) eye; 1a1) of physical eye;
1a2) as showing mental qualities; 1a3) of mental and spiritual faculties
(fig.); #6, #50, #4, #70, #50, #6 = yada` (H3045): 1) to know; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to know; 1a1a) to know, learn to know; 1a1b) to perceive;
1a1c) to perceive and see, find out and discern; 1a1d) to discriminate,
distinguish; 1a1e) to know by experience; 1a1f) to recognise, admit,
acknowledge, confess; 1a1g) to consider; 1a2) to know, be acquainted
with; 1a3) to know (a person carnally); 1a4) to know how, be skilful in;
1a5) to have knowledge, be wise; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be made known, be
or become known, be revealed; 1b2) to make oneself known; 1b3) to be
perceived; 1b4) to be instructed; 1c) (Piel) to cause to know; 1d)
(Poal) to cause to know; 1e) (Pual); 1e1) to be known; 1e2) known, one
known, acquaintance (participle); 1f) (Hiphil) to make known, declare;
1g) (Hophal) to be made known; 1h) (Hithpael) to make oneself known,
reveal oneself; #1, #30, #100, #50, #5 = 'Elqanah (H511): 1) Samuel's
father; 2) a ruler in Jerusalem in the time of king Ahaz; 3) one of
David's mighty warriors; 4) son of Korah; 5) several Levites; #20, #50,
#80, #6, #30 = naphal (H5307): 1) to fall, lie, be cast down, fail; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to fall; 1a2) to fall (of violent death); 1a3) to fall
prostrate, prostrate oneself before; 1a4) to fall upon, attack, desert,
fall away to , go away to, fall into the hand of; 1a5) to fall short,
fail, fall out, turn out, result; 1a6) to settle, waste away, be
offered, be inferior to; 1a7) to lie, lie prostrate; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1)
to cause to fall, fell, throw down, knock out, lay prostrate; 1b2) to
overthrow; 1b3) to make the lot fall, assign by lot, apportion by lot;
1b4) to let drop, cause to fail (fig.); 1b5) to cause to fall; 1c)
(Hithpael); 1c1) to throw or prostrate oneself, throw oneself upon; 1c2)
to lie prostrate, prostrate oneself; 1d) (Pilel) to fall; #70, #10, #50,
#50, #6 = `ayin (H5869): 1) eye; 2) spring, fountain; 1a) eye; 1a1) of
physical eye; 1a2) as showing mental qualities; 1a3) of mental and
spiritual faculties (fig.); #6, #50, #100, #30 = qalal (H7043): 1) to be
slight, be swift, be trifling, be of little account, be light; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to be slight, be abated (of water); 1a2) to be swift; 1a3)
to be trifling, be of little account; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be swift,
show oneself swift; 1b2) to appear trifling, be too trifling, be
insignificant; 1b3) to be lightly esteemed; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to make
despicable; 1c2) to curse; 1d) (Pual) to be cursed; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1)
to make light, lighten; 1e2) to treat with contempt, bring contempt or
dishonour; 1f) (Pilpel); 1f1) to shake; 1f2) to whet; 1g) (Hithpalpel)
to shake oneself, be moved to and fro; #6, #5, #90, #80, #5 = tsaphah
(H6822): 1) to look out or about, spy, keep watch, observe, watch; 1a)
(Qal) to keep watch, spy; 1b) (Piel) to watch, watch closely; #6, #70,
#50, #50, #10 = `Ananiy (H6054): 1) the 7th son of Elioenai, descendant
of David; #90, #6, #80, #10 = Tsuwph (H6689): 1) a Kohathite Levite,
ancestor of Elkanah and Samuel; 2) a district northwest of Jerusalem
where Saul encountered Samuel; #30, #10, #8, #7, #100, #1, #30 =
Yechezqe'l (H3168): 1) son of Buzi and a priest and prophet; author of
the book by his name; taken captive with Jehoiachin and exiled in
Babylon where he prophesied for the next 22 years; 2) a priest in charge
of the 20th course in the time of David; #6, #40, #50, #20, #60, #10 =
nekac (H5232): 1) riches, property; #30, #40, #30, #20, #10, #50, #6 =
melek (H4428): 1) king; #6, #10, #70, #90, #10 = ya`ats (H3289): 1) to
advise, consult, give counsel, counsel, purpose, devise, plan; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to advise, counsel, give counsel, consult; 1a2) counsellor
(participle); 1b) (Niphal) to consult together, exchange counsel,
deliberate, counsel together; 1c) (Hithpael) to conspire; #6, #40, #40,
#70, #30 = ma`al (H4605): 1) higher part, upper part adv; 1a) above; 1b)
on the top of, above, on higher ground than with locative; 1c) upwards,
higher, above; #6, #40, #80, #50, #10 = paniym (H6440): 1) face; 1a)
face, faces; 1b) presence, person; 1c) face (of seraphim or cherubim);
1d) face (of animals); 1e) face, surface (of ground); 1f) as adv of
loc/temp; 1f1) before and behind, toward, in front of, forward,
formerly, from beforetime, before; 1g) with; 1g1) in front of, before,
to the front of, in the presence of, in the face of, at the face or
front of, from the presence of, from before, from before the face of;
#10, #70, #30, #70, #6 = `ala` (H5966): 1) to suck up (meaning
uncertain); 1a) (Piel) to drink; #80, #50, #10, #40, #6 = paniym
(H6440): 1) face; 1a) face, faces; 1b) presence, person; 1c) face (of
seraphim or cherubim); 1d) face (of animals); 1e) face, surface (of
ground); 1f) as adv of loc/temp; 1f1) before and behind, toward, in
front of, forward, formerly, from beforetime, before; 1g) with; 1g1) in
front of, before, to the front of, in the presence of, in the face of,
at the face or front of, from the presence of, from before, from before
the face of; #50, #60, #10, #20, #40, #6 = neciyk (H5257): 1) poured
out, libation, molten image, one anointed; 2) prince, anointed one; 1a)
libation, drink-offering; 1b) molten image; #5, #80, #6, #90, #5 =
patsah (H6475): 1) to part, open, separate, set free; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
open (mouth), utter; 1a2) to snatch away, set free; #30, #20, #70, #6,
#60 = ka`ac (H3707): 1) to be angry, be vexed, be indignant, be wroth,
be grieved, provoke to anger and wrath; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be vexed, be
indignant; 1a2) to be angry; 1b) (Piel) to provoke to anger; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to vex; 1c2) to vex, provoke to anger; #60, #40, #20, #6,
#50, #10 = camak (H5564): 1) to lean, lay, rest, support, put, uphold,
lean upon; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to lean or lay upon, rest upon, lean against;
1a2) to support, uphold, sustain; 1b) (Niphal) to support or brace
oneself; 1c) (Piel) to sustain, refresh, revive; #40, #50, #10, #80, #6
= nuwph (H5130): 1) to move to and fro, wave, besprinkle; 1a) (Qal) to
besprinkle, sprinkle; 1b) (Polel) to wave, brandish (in threat); 1c)
(Hiphil) to swing, wield, wave; 1c1) to wield; 1c2) to wave or shake
(the hand); 1c2a) to wave (hand); 1c2b) to shake or brandish against;
1c2c) to swing to and fro; 1c3) to wave (an offering), offer; 1c4) to
shed abroad; 1d) (Hophal) to be waved; #5, #10, #70, #6, #90, #5 =
`atsah (H6095): 1) (Qal) to shut; #80, #100, #6 = puwq (H6328): 1) to
reel, totter, stumble; 1a) (Qal) to reel; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to totter,
wobble; 1b2) to cause tottering; #6, #80, #60, #30, #10 = pecel (H6459):
1) idol, image; #70, #30, #80, #6 = `alaph (H5968): 1) to cover; 1a)
(Pual) covered, encrusted (participle); 1b) (Hithpael) to enwrap
oneself, disguise oneself, faint; #20, #10, #6, #50, #100 = yowneq
(H3126): 1) sucker, suckling, sapling, young plant; #90, #40, #50, #6 =
tsuwm (H6684): 1) (Qal) to abstain from food, fast; #40, #70, #30, #30,
#10, #6 = ma`alal (H4611): 1) deed, practice; 1a) practice (usually
bad); 1b) deeds; 1c) acts; #40, #80, #10, #50, #6 = peh (H6310): 1)
mouth; 1a) mouth (of man); 1b) mouth (as organ of speech); 1c) mouth (of
animals); 1d) mouth, opening, orifice (of a well, river, etc); 1e)
extremity, end; #6, #90, #80, #10 = tsaphah (H6822): 1) to look out or
about, spy, keep watch, observe, watch; 1a) (Qal) to keep watch, spy;
1b) (Piel) to watch, watch closely; #50, #40, #90, #1, #5 = matsa'
(H4672): 1) to find, attain to; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to find; 1a1a) to find,
secure, acquire, get (thing sought); 1a1b) to find (what is lost); 1a1c)
to meet, encounter; 1a1d) to find (a condition); 1a1e) to learn, devise;
1a2) to find out; 1a2a) to find out; 1a2b) to detect; 1a2c) to guess;
1a3) to come upon, light upon; 1a3a) to happen upon, meet, fall in with;
1a3b) to hit; 1a3c) to befall; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be found; 1b1a) to
be encountered, be lighted upon, be discovered; 1b1b) to appear, be
recognised; 1b1c) to be discovered, be detected; 1b1d) to be gained, be
secured; 1b2) to be, be found; 1b2a) to be found in; 1b2b) to be in the
possession of; 1b2c) to be found in (a place), happen to be; 1b2d) to be
left (after war); 1b2e) to be present; 1b2f) to prove to be; 1b2g) to be
found sufficient, be enough; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to find,
attain; 1c2) to cause to light upon, come upon, come; 1c3) to cause to
encounter; 1c4) to present (offering); #10, #50, #90, #30, #6 = natsal
(H5337): 1) to snatch away, deliver, rescue, save, strip, plunder; 1a)
(Niphal); 1a1) to tear oneself away, deliver oneself; 1a2) to be torn
out or away, be delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to strip off, spoil; 1b2) to
deliver; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to take away, snatch away; 1c2) to rescue,
recover; 1c3) to deliver (from enemies or troubles or death); 1c4) to
deliver from sin and guilt; 1d) (Hophal) to be plucked out; 1e)
(Hithpael) to strip oneself; #10, #80, #90, #6 = puwts (H6327): 1) to
scatter, be dispersed, be scattered; 2) (Qal) to flow, overflow; 3) to
break; 1a) (Qal) to be dispersed, be scattered; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be
scattered; 1b2) to be spread abroad; 1c) (Hiphil) to scatter; 1d)
Hithpael) scatter; 3a) (Polel) to shatter; 3b) (Pilpel) to dash to
pieces; #6, #80, #100 = piyq (H6375): 1) tottering, staggering, stagger,
stumble; #80, #6, #90, #10 = puwts (H6327): 1) to scatter, be dispersed,
be scattered; 2) (Qal) to flow, overflow; 3) to break; 1a) (Qal) to be
dispersed, be scattered; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be scattered; 1b2) to be
spread abroad; 1c) (Hiphil) to scatter; 1d) Hithpael) scatter; 3a)
(Polel) to shatter; 3b) (Pilpel) to dash to pieces; #3, #5, #3, #70,
#50, #5, #50 = ginomai (G1096): 1) to become, i.e. to come into
existence, begin to be, receive being; 2) to become, i.e. to come to
pass, happen; 3) to arise, appear in history, come upon the stage; 4) to
be made, finished; 5) to become, be made; 2a) of events; 3a) of men
appearing in public; 4a) of miracles, to be performed, wrought; #4, #1,
#10, #40, #70, #50, #10, #1 = daimonion (G1140): 1) the divine power,
deity, divinity; 2) a spirit, a being inferior to God, superior to men;
3) evil spirits or the messengers and ministers of the devil; #8, #3,
#5, #40, #70, #50, #10 = hegemon (G2232): 1) a leader of any kind, a
guide, ruler, prefect, president, chief, general, commander, sovereign;
1a) a Vlegatus CaesarisV, an officer administering a province in the
name and with the authority of the Roman emperor; 1a1) the governor of a
province; 1b) a procurator, an officer who was attached to a proconsul
or a proprietor and had charge of the imperial revenues; 1b1) in causes
relating to these revenues he administered justice. In the smaller
provinces also, which were so to speak appendages of the greater, he
discharged the functions of governor of the province; and such was the
relation of the procurator of Judaea to the governor of Syria.; 1c) of a
principal town as the capital of the region; #3, #70, #30, #3, #70, #9,
#1 = Golgotha (G1115): 1) the name of a place outside Jerusalem where
Jesus was crucified; so called, apparently because its form resembled a
skull; #20, #1, #100, #4, #10, #1, #50 = kardia (G2588): 1) the heart;
1a) that organ in the animal body which is the centre of the circulation
of the blood, and hence was regarded as the seat of physical life; 1b)
denotes the centre of all physical and spiritual life; 2a) the vigour
and sense of physical life; 2b) the centre and seat of spiritual life;
2b1) the soul or mind, as it is the fountain and seat of the thoughts,
passions, desires, appetites, affections, purposes, endeavours; 2b2) of
the understanding, the faculty and seat of the intelligence; 2b3) of the
will and character; 2b4) of the soul so far as it is affected and
stirred in a bad way or good, or of the soul as the seat of the
sensibilities, affections, emotions, desires, appetites, passions; 1c)
of the middle or central or inmost part of anything, even though
inanimate; #20, #1, #20, #5, #10, #50, #70, #10 = kakeinos (G2548): 1)
and he, he also; #1, #50, #8, #3, #1, #3, #70, #50 = anago (G321): 1) to
lead up, to lead or bring into a higher place; 2) of navigators: launch
out, set sail, put to sea; #5, #20, #30, #1, #10, #70, #50 = klaio
(G2799): 1) to mourn, weep, lament; 2) to weep for, mourn for, bewail,
one For Synonyms see entry 5804; 1a) weeping as the sign of pain and
grief for the thing signified (i.e. for the pain and grief); 1b) of
those who mourn for the dead; #5, #20, #100, #10, #50, #1 = krino
(G2919): 1) to separate, put asunder, to pick out, select, choose; 2) to
approve, esteem, to prefer; 3) to be of opinion, deem, think, to be of
opinion; 4) to determine, resolve, decree; 5) to judge; 6) to rule,
govern; 7) to contend together, of warriors and combatants; 5a) to
pronounce an opinion concerning right and wrong; 5a1) to be judged, i.e.
summoned to trial that one's case may be examined and judgment passed
upon it; 5b) to pronounce judgment, to subject to censure; 5b1) of those
who act the part of judges or arbiters in matters of common life, or
pass judgment on the deeds and words of others; 6a) to preside over with
the power of giving judicial decisions, because it was the prerogative
of kings and rulers to pass judgment; 7a) to dispute; 7b) in a forensic
sense; 7b1) to go to law, have suit at law; #5, #20, #30, #70, #3, #8,
#50 = ekloge (G1589): 1) the act of picking out, choosing; 2) a thing or
person chosen; 1a) of the act of God's free will by which before the
foundation of the world he decreed his blessings to certain persons; 1b)
the decree made from choice by which he determined to bless certain
persons through Christ by grace alone; 2a) of persons: God's elect;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #214 has 57 Categories: #6, #200, #2, #6 = rabah
(H7235): 1) be or become great, be or become many, be or become much, be
or become numerous; 2) (Qal) to shoot; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to become many,
become numerous, multiply (of people, animals, things); 1a2) to be or
grow great; 1b) (Piel) to make large, enlarge, increase, become many;
1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make much, make many, have many; 1c1a) to
multiply, increase; 1c1b) to make much to do, do much in respect of,
transgress greatly; 1c1c) to increase greatly or exceedingly; 1c2) to
make great, enlarge, do much; #5, #200, #3, #6 = harag (H2026): 1) to
kill, slay, murder, destroy, murderer, slayer, out of hand; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to kill, slay; 1a2) to destroy, ruin; 1b) (Niphal) to be killed;
1c) (Pual) to be killed, be slain; #10, #200, #4 = Yered (H3382): 1) son
of Mahalaleel and father of Enoch in the 4th generation from Seth; 2) a
descendant of Judah and father of Gedor; #200, #6, #8 = ruwach (H7307):
1) wind, breath, mind, spirit; 1a) breath; 1b) wind; 1b1) of heaven;
1b2) quarter (of wind), side; 1b3) breath of air; 1b4) air, gas; 1b5)
vain, empty thing; 1c) spirit (as that which breathes quickly in
animation or agitation); 1c1) spirit, animation, vivacity, vigour; 1c2)
courage; 1c3) temper, anger; 1c4) impatience, patience; 1c5) spirit,
disposition (as troubled, bitter, discontented); 1c6) disposition (of
various kinds), unaccountable or uncontrollable impulse; 1c7) prophetic
spirit; 1d) spirit (of the living, breathing being in man and animals);
1d1) as gift, preserved by God, God's spirit, departing at death,
disembodied being; 1e) spirit (as seat of emotion); 1e1) desire; 1e2)
sorrow, trouble; 1f) spirit; 1f1) as seat or organ of mental acts; 1f2)
rarely of the will; 1f3) as seat especially of moral character; 1g)
spirit of God; 1g1) as inspiring ecstatic state of prophecy; 1g2) as
impelling prophet to utter instruction or warning; 1g3) imparting
warlike energy and executive and administrative power; 1g4) as endowing
men with various gifts; 1g5) as energy of life; 1g6) ancient angel and
later Shekinah; #6, #1, #200, #2, #5 = rabah (H7235): 1) be or become
great, be or become many, be or become much, be or become numerous; 2)
(Qal) to shoot; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to become many, become numerous,
multiply (of people, animals, things); 1a2) to be or grow great; 1b)
(Piel) to make large, enlarge, increase, become many; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1)
to make much, make many, have many; 1c1a) to multiply, increase; 1c1b)
to make much to do, do much in respect of, transgress greatly; 1c1c) to
increase greatly or exceedingly; 1c2) to make great, enlarge, do much;
#6, #10, #90, #8, #100 = tsachaq (H6711): 1) to laugh, mock, play; 1a)
(Qal) to laugh; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to jest; 1b2) to sport, play, make
sport, toy with, make a toy of; #6, #10, #100, #2, #90, #6 = qabats
(H6908): 1) to gather, assemble; 1a) (Qal) to gather, collect, assemble;
1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to assemble, gather; 1b2) to be gathered; 1c) (Piel)
to gather, gather together, take away; 1d) (Pual) to be gathered
together; 1e) (Hithpael) to gather together, be gathered together; #6,
#5, #3, #200 = ger (H1616): 1) sojourner; 1a) a temporary inhabitant, a
newcomer lacking inherited rights; 1b) of foreigners in Israel, though
conceded rights; #8, #6, #200 = Chuwr (H2354): 1) a chief assistant to
Moses and Aaron; 2) grandfather of Bezaleel, the chief artificer of the
tabernacle; possibly the same as 1 above; 3) the 4th of the 5 kings of
Midian who were slain with Balaam after Peor; 4) father of Rephaiah in
the time of Nehemiah; 5) father of Ben-Hur who was commissariat officer
for Solomon in Mount Ephraim; #2, #4, #2, #200, #6 = dabar (H1696): 1)
to speak, declare, converse, command, promise, warn, threaten, sing; 1a)
(Qal) to speak; 1b) (Niphal) to speak with one another, talk; 1c)
(Piel); 1c1) to speak; 1c2) to promise; 1d) (Pual) to be spoken; 1e)
(Hithpael) to speak; 1f) (Hiphil) to lead away, put to flight; #6, #3,
#200, #5 = gerah (H1625): 1) cud; #6, #2, #6, #200 = bowr (H953): 1)
pit, well, cistern; #10, #4, #200 = nadar (H5087): 1) to vow, make a
vow; 1a) (Qal) to vow a vow; #6, #2, #4, #2, #200 = dabar (H1697): 1)
speech, word, speaking, thing; 1a) speech; 1b) saying, utterance; 1c)
word, words; 1d) business, occupation, acts, matter, case, something,
manner (by extension); #2, #8, #4, #200 = cheder (H2315): 1) chamber,
room, parlour, innermost or inward part, within; #6, #5, #1, #200, #2 =
'arab (H693): 1) to lie in wait, ambush, lurk; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to lie in
wait; 1a2) ambush (participle as subst); 1b) (Piel) ambushers,
liers-in-wait (pl. participle); 1c) (Hiphil) to lay an ambush; #5, #1,
#200, #8 = 'arach (H732): 1) to wander, journey, go, keep company with;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to journey, go; 1a2) (part.); 1a2a) wandering, wayfarer,
journeying; 1a3) (subst.); 1a3a) wanderer, wayfarer, traveller; #6, #80,
#10, #50, #8, #60 = Piynechac (H6372): 1) son of Eleazar and grandson of
Aaron; his zealousness for the Lord averted a plague on Israel and
gained him the promise of the Lord of an everlasting priesthood in his
family; 2) a priest and the son of the priest Eli; 3) the father of a
helper of Ezra; #1, #7, #200, #6 = 'azar (H247): 1) gird, encompass,
equip, clothe; 1a) (Qal) to gird, gird on (metaphorical of strength);
1b) (Niphal) be girded; 1c) (Piel) hold close, clasp; 1d) (Hiphpael)
gird oneself (for war); #6, #1, #2, #200, #5 = barah (H1262): 1) to eat,
consume; 1a) (Qal) to eat; 1b) (Piel) for eating, devouring; 1c)
(Hiphil) to cause to eat; #100, #4, #100, #4, #6 = qodqod (H6936): 1)
head, crown of head, top of head, hairy crown, scalp ; #10, #100, #4,
#40, #50, #10 = qadam (H6923): 1) to meet, come or be in front,
confront, go before; 1a) (Piel); 1a1) to meet, confront, come to meet,
receive; 1a2) to go before, go in front, be in front; 1a3) to lead, be
beforehand, anticipate, forestall; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to come in front;
1b2) to confront, anticipate; #30, #80, #100, #4 = paqad (H6485): 1) to
attend to, muster, number, reckon, visit, punish, appoint, look after,
care for; 2) musterings, expenses; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to pay attention to,
observe; 1a2) to attend to; 1a3) to seek, look about for; 1a4) to seek
in vain, need, miss, lack; 1a5) to visit; 1a6) to visit upon, punish;
1a7) to pass in review, muster, number; 1a8) to appoint, assign, lay
upon as a charge, deposit; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be sought, be needed,
be missed, be lacking; 1b2) to be visited; 1b3) to be visited upon; 1b4)
to be appointed; 1b5) to be watched over; 1c) (Piel) to muster, call up;
1d) (Pual) to be passed in review, be caused to miss, be called, be
called to account; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to set over, make overseer,
appoint an overseer; 1e2) to commit, entrust, commit for care, deposit;
1f) (Hophal); 1f1) to be visited; 1f2) to be deposited; 1f3) to be made
overseer, be entrusted; 1g) (Hithpael) numbered; 1h) (Hothpael) numbered
n m pl abstr; #6, #1, #200, #7 = 'erez (H730): 1) cedar; 1a) cedar tree;
1b) cedar timber, cedar wood (in building); 1c) cedar wood (in
purifications); #1, #7, #6, #200 = 'ezowr (H232): 1) waist-cloth, the
innermost piece of clothing; 2) waistband; 1a) of God's power over kings
(fig.); 1b) of faithfulness (metaph); #5, #1, #8, #200 = 'acher (H312):
1) another, other, following; 1a) following, further; 1b) other,
different; #2, #6, #200, #6 = bowr (H953): 1) pit, well, cistern; #200,
#4, #10 = Radday (H7288): 1) the 5th son of Jesse and brother of David;
#8, #6, #100, #100 = Chuqqog (H2712): 1) a town on the boundary of
Naphtali; #6, #5, #200, #3 = hereg (H2027): 1) a killing, slaughter;
#40, #90, #70, #4, #10 = mits`ad (H4703): 1) step; #2, #7, #200, #5 =
zuwr (H2114): 1) to be strange, be a stranger; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to become
estranged; 1a2) strange, another, stranger, foreigner, an enemy
(participle); 1a3) loathsome (of breath) (participle); 1a4) strange
woman, prostitute, harlot (meton); 1b) (Niphal) to be estranged; 1c)
(Hophal) to be a stranger, be one alienated; #2, #200, #10, #2 = riyb
(H7379): 1) strife, controversy, dispute; 1a) strife, quarrel; 1b)
dispute, controversy, case at law; #5, #4, #200, #5 = hadar (H1926): 1)
ornament, splendour, honour; 1a) ornament; 1b) splendour, majesty; 1c)
honour, glory; #8, #200, #6 = charar (H2787): 1) to burn, be hot, be
scorched, be charred; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be hot, be scorched; 1a2) to
burn, be burned; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be scorched, be burned; 1b2) to
burn; 1b3) to be dry, be angry; 1c) (Pilpel) to cause to burn; #10, #90,
#4, #10, #100 = tsadaq (H6663): 1) to be just, be righteous; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to have a just cause, be in the right; 1a2) to be justified; 1a3)
to be just (of God); 1a4) to be just, be righteous (in conduct and
character); 1b) (Niphal) to be put or made right, be justified; 1c)
(Piel) justify, make to appear righteous, make someone righteous; 1d)
(Hiphil); 1d1) to do or bring justice (in administering law); 1d2) to
declare righteous, justify; 1d3) to justify, vindicate the cause of,
save; 1d4) to make righteous, turn to righteousness; 1e) (Hithpael) to
justify oneself; #1, #200, #8, #5 = 'aruchah (H737): 1) meal, allowance,
ration; 1a) food; 1b) diet; #6, #100, #4, #100, #4 = qodqod (H6936): 1)
head, crown of head, top of head, hairy crown, scalp ; #5, #6, #200, #3
= harag (H2026): 1) to kill, slay, murder, destroy, murderer, slayer,
out of hand; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to kill, slay; 1a2) to destroy, ruin; 1b)
(Niphal) to be killed; 1c) (Pual) to be killed, be slain; #9, #5, #200 =
taher (H2891): 1) to be clean, be pure; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be clean
(physically - of disease); 1a2) to be clean ceremonially; 1a3) to
purify, be clean morally, made clean; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to cleanse,
purify; 1b1a) physically; 1b1b) ceremonially; 1b1c) morally; 1b2) to
pronounce clean; 1b3) to perform the ceremony of cleansing; 1c) (Pual)
to be cleansed, be pronounced clean; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1) to purify
oneself; 1d1a) ceremonially; 1d1b) morally; 1d2) to present oneself for
purification; #3, #10, #200, #1 = giyr (H1528): 1) chalk, plaster; #6,
#2, #2, #200, #4 = barad (H1259): 1) hail; 1a) of God's judgment (fig.);
#4, #70, #20, #70, #50 = dokos (G1385): 1) a beam; #80, #70, #9, #5, #50
= pothen (G4159): 1) of place: from where, from what condition; 2) of
origin or source: from what author or giver; 3) of cause: how is that?,
how can that be?; #4, #10, #200 = dis (G1364): 1) twice; #8, #30, #80,
#10, #20, #5, #50, #1, #10 = elpizo (G1679): 1) to hope; 2) hopefully to
trust in; 1a) in a religious sense, to wait for salvation with joy and
full confidence; #20, #1, #10, #70, #40, #5, #50, #8, #10 = kaio
(G2545): 1) to set on fire, light, burning; 2) to burn, consume with fire;
Can withstand more than any human being,
@memeBrain [Telos: #2803, Super: #61 - Virtuous Humility at Using
'Beneath'; I-Ching: H64 - Ferrying Incomplete, Before Completion, Not
Yet Fording, Not yet completed; Tetra: 78 - On the Verge, Ego: #49 -
Sage's Constancy, Trust in Virtue; I-Ching: H3 - Birth Throes, Initial
Difficulties, Sprouting, Gathering support, Hoarding; Tetra: 4 - Barrier]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #247 has 10 Categories: #40, #1, #6, #200 = 'Uwr
(H218): 1) city in southern Babylonia, city of the Chaldeans, centre of
moon worship, home of Abraham's father, Terah, and departure point for
the Abraham's migration to Mesopotamia and Canaan; #1, #8, #200, #8, #30
= 'Acharchel (H316): 1) a descendant of Judah through Caleb; #6, #7,
#200, #2, #2, #30 = Zerubbabel (H2216): 1) the grandson of king
Jehoiachin and leader of the first group of returning exiles from
Babylon; #30, #8, #200, #4, #5 = charadah (H2731): 1) fear, anxiety,
quaking, trembling, (extreme) anxiety, anxious care; 1a) trembling,
quaking; 1b) anxious care; #10, #200, #6, #1, #30 = Yeruw'el (H3385): 1)
a place in the wilderness of southern Judah; #6, #40, #90, #6, #100, #5
= metsuwqah (H4691): 1) straitness, distress, straits, stress; #6, #40,
#200, #1 = mare' (Aramaic) (H4756): 1) lord; 1a) of king; 1b) of God;
#10, #100, #80, #1, #6, #50 = qapha' (H7087): 1) to thicken, condense,
congeal, settle, become dense; 2) congelation; 1a) (Qal) to be
condensed; 1a1) thickening (participle); 1b) (Hiphil) to cause to curdle
n m; #5, #30, #1, #10, #1, #200 = elaia (G1636): 1) an olive tree; 2) an
olive, the fruit of an olive tree; #9, #8, #100, #10, #70, #50 = therion
(G2342): 1) an animal; 2) a wild animal, wild beast, beast; 3) metaph. a
brutal, bestial man, savage, ferocious For Synonyms see entry 5846;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #263 has 13 Categories: #30, #1, #7, #20, #200, #5 =
'azkarah (H234): 1) memorial-offering, the portion of the meal (food)
offering which is burned; #6, #7, #40, #200, #10 = Zimriy (H2174): 1)
the son of Salu, a Simeonite chieftain, slain by Phinehas with the
Midianitish princess Cozbi; 2) 5th king of the northern kingdom,
murderer of the king, Elah, who reigned for 7 days before he killed
himself by setting the palace on fire and was replaced by the general of
the army, Omri; 3) one of the five sons of Zerah and grandson of Judah;
4) son of Jehoadah and descendant of Saul; 5) an obscure name mentioned
in connection with 'the mingled people' in Jeremiah; may be same as
'Zimran'; #5, #8, #200, #10, #40 = Choriy (H2752): 1) the inhabitants of
Mount Seir; 2) the inhabitants of Edom (in later times); #6, #40, #200,
#10, #2, #5 = Meriybah (H4809): 1) a fountain at Rephidim, in the desert
of Sin; so called because the Israelites murmured against God; 2) the
name of the water supply at Kadesh on the southern border of the
promised land; the people also murmured here against God; #30, #90, #10,
#100, #30, #3 = Tsiqlag (H6860): 1) a town in the south of Judah, later
allotted to Simeon; noted for its having been the city of David given to
him by king Achish of Gath and his residence when he was joined by many
of his mighty warriors and when he received word of the death of Saul;
#40, #100, #2, #90, #1, #30 = Qabtse'el (H6909): 1) the most remote city
of Judah; located in southern Judah on the border of Edom; #200, #7, #6,
#50 = Rezown (H7331): 1) son of Eliadah, a Syrian, who lead a band of
freebooters and established a petty kingdom at Damascus in the time of
David and Solomon; #5, #200, #8, #10, #40 = recheh (H7347): 1)
handmills; 1a) a pair of millstones for grinding; #1, #30, #8, #9, #5,
#10, #200 = alethes (G227): 1) true; 2) loving the truth, speaking the
truth, truthful; #5, #3, #3, #5, #3, #100, #1, #40, #40, #5, #50, #8 =
eggrapho (G1449): 1) to engrave, inscribe, write in or on; 1a) to
record, enrol; #9, #8, #30, #5, #10, #1, #200 = thelus (G2338): 1) of
the female sex; 2) a woman, a female; #80, #1, #40, #80, #30, #8, #9,
#5, #10 = pamplethei (G3826): 1) with the whole multitude; 2) all
together, one and all; #200, #20, #5, #30, #8 = skelos (G4628): 1) the
leg, from the hip to the toes inclusive;
Please rescue before I fall into despair,
@memeBrain [Telos: #1556, Super: #47 - Ignorant Guides, Viewing the
Distant; I-Ching: H43 - Resolution, Displacement, Parting,
Break-through; Tetra: 30 - Bold Resolution, Ego: #17 - Politics;
I-Ching: H54 - Marriageable Maid/Maiden, Converting the Maiden; Tetra:
65 - Inner]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #294 has 12 Categories: #6, #1, #7, #200, #70, #10 =
'ezrowa` (H248): 1) arm; #6, #30, #5, #3, #200, #10, #40 = ger (H1616):
1) sojourner; 1a) a temporary inhabitant, a newcomer lacking inherited
rights; 1b) of foreigners in Israel, though conceded rights; #6, #8,
#80, #200 = Chepher (H2660): 1) youngest son of Gilead and head of the
family of Hepherites; 2) son of Asher, the father of Tekoa; 3) the
Mecherathite, one of David's mighty warriors; 4) a place in ancient
Canaan, west of the Jordan, conquered by Joshua site unknown; 4a) a
place in Judah, probably the same as 4 above; #6, #30, #8, #200, #10,
#40 = chor (H2715): 1) a noble, freeborn one; #30, #50, #8, #6, #200 =
Nachowr (H5152): 1) son of Serug, father of Terah, and grandfather of
Abraham; 2) son of Terah and brother of Abraham; #30, #60, #200, #4 =
Cered (H5624): 1) the 1st son of Zebulun; #5, #80, #200, #4, #5 = pirdah
(H6506): 1) she-mule, mule; #50, #200, #4, #40 = radam (H7290): 1)
(Niphal) to be asleep, be unconscious, be in heavy sleep, fall into
heavy sleep, be fast asleep; #6, #200, #80, #8 = Rephach (H7506): 1) son
of Ephraim and a ancestor of Joshua; #5, #3, #20, #1, #30, #5, #10,
#200, #9, #1, #10 = egkaleo (G1458): 1) to come forward as accuser
against, bring charge against; 2) to be accused; #20, #70, #100, #2, #1,
#50, #1, #50 = korban (G2878): 1) a gift offered (or to be offered) to
God; 2) the sacred treasury; #100, #70, #4, #70, #50 = Rhodos (G4499):
1) a well known island of the Cyclades opposite Caria and Lycia, with a
Rhodes as the capital city;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #280 has 17 Categories: #1, #8, #200, #10, #5, #6,
#50 = 'achar (Aramaic) (H311): 1) after; #6, #4, #200, #70 = Dara`
(H1873): 1) a son of Zerah; #40, #8, #2, #200, #10, #20 = chaber
(H2270): 1) united n m; 2) associate, fellow, worshippers; 3) companion;
#10, #200, #20, #10, #40 = yarek (H3409): 1) thigh, side, loin, base;
1a) thigh; 1a1) outside of thigh (where sword was worn); 1a2) loins (as
the seat of procreative power); 1b) side (flank) (of object); 1c) base;
#40, #100, #10, #80, #10, #40 = naqaph (H5362): 1) to strike, strike
off; 2) to go around, compass, round; 1a) (Piel) to strike off skin; 2a)
(Qal) to go around; 2b) (Hiphil); 2b1) to go around, surround,
encompass, enclose; 2b2) to make the round, complete the circuit; 2b3)
to make round, round off; #6, #70, #4, #200 = `Eder (H5740): 1) a
Merarite Levite in the time of David; 2) a town in the extreme south of
Judah on the border of Edom; site unknown; #6, #70, #200, #4 = `Arad
(H6166): 1) a Benjamite, son of Beriah, who drove out the inhabitants of
Gath; 2) a royal city of the Canaanites north of the wilderness of
Judah; #70, #200, #6, #4 = `arowd (H6171): 1) wild ass; #40, #80, #10,
#100, #10, #40 = puwq (H6329): 1) to bring out, furnish, promote, go
out, issue; 1a) (Hiphil); 1a1) to produce, furnish; 1a2) to bring out,
elicit, obtain, cause to come out from; 1a3) to promote; 1a4) to cause
to go out to; #40, #80, #50, #10, #50, #10, #40 = paniyn (H6443): 1) a
precious stone; 1a) perhaps corals, rubies, jewels; #1, #50, #1, #3, #5,
#200, #9, #1, #10 = anago (G321): 1) to lead up, to lead or bring into a
higher place; 2) of navigators: launch out, set sail, put to sea; #70,
#10, #200 = autos (G846): 1) himself, herself, themselves, itself; 2)
he, she, it; 3) the same Wigram's frequency count is 4913 not 5117.; #4,
#10, #5, #2, #8, #200, #1, #50 = diabaino (G1224): 1) to pass through,
cross over; #10, #20, #70, #50, #10, #70, #50 = Ikonion (G2430): 1) a
famous city of Asia Minor, which was the capital of Lycaonia; #40, #70,
#50, #70, #50 = monon (G3440): 1) only, alone, but; #200, #1, #3, #8,
#50, #8, #10 = sagene (G4522): 1) a large fishing net, a drag net For
Synonyms see entry 5808; #200, #70, #10 = su (G4771): 1) you;
I will send SOS to the world,
@memeBrain [Telos: #2154, Super: #9 - Inconstancy of Achievement,
Practicing Placidity; I-Ching: H7 - The Army, Leading, Troops; Tetra: 32
- Legion, Ego: #48 - Forgetting Knowledge; I-Ching: H35 - Advance,
Progress, Prospering, Aquas; Tetra: 20 - Advance]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #303 has 6 Categories: #5, #1, #10, #70, #7, #200,
#10 = 'Iy`ezriy (H373): 1) one of the tribe of Jeezer; #6, #1, #200,
#40, #6, #50 = 'armown (H759): 1) citadel, palace, fortress; #5, #8,
#80, #200, #10 = Chephriy (H2662): 1) descendants of Hepher, son of
Gilead; #8, #200, #90, #5 = charats (Aramaic) (H2783): 1) loin, hip, hip
joint; #20, #1, #9, #5, #60, #8, #200 = kathexes (G2517): 1) one after
another, successively, in order; #70, #50, #70, #40, #1, #7, #5, #10,
#50 = onomazo (G3687): 1) to name; 1a) to name, to utter, to make
mention of the name; 1b) to name; 1b1) give name to, one; 1b2) be named;
1b2a) to bear the name of a person or thing; 1c) to utter the name of a
person or thing;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #328 has 12 Categories: #6, #1, #300, #6, #5, #10 =
'osh (Aramaic) (H787): 1) foundation; #20, #8, #90, #10, #200 = chatsiyr
(H2682): 1) grass, leek, green grass, herbage; 1a) grass; 1b) of the
quickly perishing (fig.); #30, #8, #200, #40, #10, #40 = cherem (H2764):
1) a thing devoted, thing dedicated, ban, devotion; 2) a net, thing
perforated; 3) have been utterly destroyed, (appointed to) utter
destruction; #2, #60, #200, #10, #50, #6 = ciyron (H5630): 1) armour;
#6, #70, #2, #200, #50 = `Ebron (H5683): 1) a city of Judah located in
the mountains 20 (32 km) miles south of Jerusalem and 20 (32 km) miles
north of Beersheba; #30, #200, #40, #8, #10, #40 = romach (H7420): 1)
spear, lance; #200, #70, #2, #6, #50 = reabown (H7459): 1) hunger, lack
of food, famine; #6, #20, #200, #100, #2 = raqab (H7538): 1) rottenness,
decay (always fig); #300, #10, #8, #10 = siyach (H7879): 1) meditation,
complaint, musing; 1a) plaint, complaint; 1b) following are dubious;
1b1) musing; 1b2) anxiety, trouble; 1b3) talk; #2, #300, #20, #6 = Sekuw
(H7906): 1) a place near Ramah with a great well; #3, #5, #50, #70, #200
= genos (G1085): 1) race; 1a) offspring; 1b) family; 1c) stock, race,
nation; 1c1) ie. nationality or descent from a particular people; 1d)
the aggregate of many individuals of the same nature, kind, sort; #5,
#100, #100, #8, #60, #5, #50 = rhegnumi (G4486): 1) to rend, burst or
break asunder, break up, break through; 1a) to tear in pieces; 1b) to
break forth; 1b1) into joy, of infants or dumb persons beginning to
speak; 1c) to distort, convulse; 1c1) of a demon causing convulsions in
a man possessed; 1c2) to dash down, hurl to the ground (a common
occurrence in cases of demon possession and epilepsy) For Synonyms see
entry 5850;
I will send SOS to the world,
@memeBrain [Telos: #2154, Super: #9 - Inconstancy of Achievement,
Practicing Placidity; I-Ching: H7 - The Army, Leading, Troops; Tetra: 32
- Legion, Ego: #48 - Forgetting Knowledge; I-Ching: H35 - Advance,
Progress, Prospering, Aquas; Tetra: 20 - Advance]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #312 has 15 Categories: #40, #1, #200, #70, #1 =
'ara` (Aramaic) (H772): 1) earth, world, ground; #10, #2, #100, #200 =
baqar (H1239): 1) to seek, enquire, consider; 1a) (Piel); 1a1) to seek,
look for; 1a2) to consider, reflect; #300, #5, #6, #1 = huw' (H1931): 1)
he, she, it; 2) that (with article); 1a) himself (with emphasis); 1b)
resuming subj with emphasis; 1c) (with minimum emphasis following
predicate); 1d) (anticipating subj); 1e) (emphasising predicate); 1f)
that, it (neuter) demons pron; #10, #200, #2, #70, #30 = Yerubba`al
(H3378): 1) name given to Gideon by his father when he destroyed the
altar of Baal; #6, #40, #200, #1, #10, #5, #50 = mar'eh (H4758): 1)
sight, appearance, vision; 1a) sight, phenomenon, spectacle, appearance,
vision; 1b) what is seen; 1c) a vision (supernatural); 1d) sight, vision
(power of seeing); #5, #2, #50, #5, #200, #10, #40 = nahar (H5104): 1)
stream, river; 1a) stream, river; 1b) (underground) streams; #60, #2,
#200, #10, #40 = Cibrayim (H5453): 1) town between the borders of
Damascus and that of Hamath; #60, #200, #2, #10, #40 = carab (H5621): 1)
brier, rebel; 1a) meaning dubious; #2, #90, #70, #50, #50, #10, #40 =
Tsa`ananniym (H6815): 1) a place in Naphtali near Kedesh; #2, #100,
#200, #10 = qeriy (H7147): 1) opposition, contrariness, encounter,
contrary or hostile encounter; #40, #200, #2, #70 = raba` (H7251): 1) to
square, be squared; 1a) (Qal) square (participle); 1b) (Pual) square
(participle); #10, #200, #100, #2 = raqab (H7537): 1) (Qal) to rot; #1,
#20, #1, #20, #70, #200 = akakos (G172): 1) without guile or fraud,
harmless, free from guilt; 2) fearing no evil from others, distrusting
no one; #5, #20, #30, #5, #30, #8, #200, #9, #5 = eklanthanomai (G1585):
1) to cause to forget; 2) to forget; #9, #5, #30, #8, #200, #10, #50 =
thelesis (G2308): 1) a willing will;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #376 has 23 Categories: #6, #5, #1, #300, #4, #6, #4,
#10, #40 = 'Ashdowdiy (H796): 1) an inhabitant of Ashdod; #30, #1, #300,
#40, #5 = 'ashmah (H819): 1) guiltiness, guilt, offense, sin,
wrong-doing; 1a) doing wrong, committing a trespass or offense; 1b)
becoming guilty, guilt; 1c) bringing a guilt-offering; #10, #4, #6,
#300, #50, #6 = duwsh (H1758): 1) to tread out, thresh; 1a) (Qal) to
tread on, trample on, thresh; 1b) (Niphal) to be trampled down; 1c)
(Hophal) to be threshed; #8, #300, #8, #10, #50 = chashach (Aramaic)
(H2818): 1) (P'al) to need, have need n; 2) (P'al) the thing needed;
#20, #6, #300, #50 = Kuwshan (H3572): 1) a place in Arabia or
Mesopotamia; site unknown; #40, #30, #6, #300 = luwsh (H3888): 1) (Qal)
to knead (dough); #40, #6, #60, #200, #10, #20, #40 = mowcer (H4147): 1)
band, bond; #6, #30, #40, #200, #40, #60 = mirmac (H4823): 1) trampling
place, trampling; 1a) trampling place; 1b) trampling; #5, #300, #10, #1,
#50, #10 = nasha' (H5377): 1) to beguile, deceive; 1a) (Niphal) to be
beguiled; 1b) (Hiphil) to beguile, deceive; 1c) (Qal) utterly
(infinitif); #6, #70, #100, #200 = `Eqer (H6134): 1) a descendant of
Judah; #6, #90, #10, #70, #200 = Tsiy`or (H6730): 1) a town in the
mountains of Judah belonging to the same group as Hebron; #90, #50, #6,
#200, #10, #20 = tsinnuwr (H6794): 1) pipe, spout, conduit, water
conduit; #6, #30, #90, #200, #10, #40 = Tsoriy (H6876): 1) an inhabitant
of Tyre; #6, #200, #70, #50, #50 = ra`anan (Aramaic) (H7487): 1)
flourishing; #200, #90, #6, #80 = ratsaph (H7528): 1) to fit together,
fit out, pattern; 1a) (Qal) to be fitted out, design; #6, #200, #90, #80
= Retseph (H7530): 1) a place conquered by Assyria; #300, #6, #70 =
Shuwa` (H7770): 1) father of Judah's wife; #6, #300, #30, #40 = Shillem
(H8006): 1) son of Naphtali; #6, #30, #300, #40 = Shem (H8035): 1) the
eldest son of Noah and progenitor of the Semitic tribes; #1, #5, #100,
#70, #200 = aer (G109): 1) the air, particularly the lower and denser
air as distinguished from the higher and rarer air; 2) the atmospheric
region; #1, #50, #5, #40, #70, #10, #200 = anemos (G417): 1) wind, a
violent agitation and stream of air; 2) a very strong tempestuous wind;
3) the four principal or cardinal winds, hence the four corners of
heaven; #20, #1, #9, #1, #10, #100, #5, #10, #200, #9, #1, #10 =
kathaireo (G2507): 1) to take down; 2) to pull down, demolish; 1a)
without the notion of violence: to detach from the cross, one crucified;
1b) with the use of force: to throw down, cast down; 2a) the subtle
reasonings (of opponents) likened to a fortress, ie. to refute, to
destroy; #300, #5, #20, #50, #1 = teknon (G5043): 1) offspring,
children; 1a) a male child, a son; 1b) metaph.; 1b1) the name
transferred to that intimate and reciprocal relationship formed between
men by the bonds of love, friendship, trust, just as between parents and
children; 1b2) in affectionate address, such as patrons, helpers,
teachers and the like employ: my child; 1b3) in the NT, pupils or
disciples are called children of their teachers, because the latter by
their instruction nourish the minds of their pupils and mould their
characters; 1b4) children of God: in the OT of the people of Israel as
especially dear to God, in the NT, in Paul's writings, all who are led
by the Spirit of God and thus closely related to God; 1b5) children of
the devil: those who in thought and action are prompted by the devil,
and so reflect his character; 1c) metaph.; 1c1) of anything who depends
upon it, is possessed by a desire or affection for it, is addicted to
it; 1c2) one who is liable to any fate; 1c2a) thus children of a city:
it citizens and inhabitants; 1c3) the votaries of wisdom, those souls
who have, as it were, been nurtured and moulded by wisdom; 1c4) cursed
children, exposed to a curse and doomed to God's wrath or penalty For
Synonyms see entry 5868;
Someone wishes for me,
@memeBrain [Telos: #1243, Super: #12 - Numbing Effect of the
Conventional, Abstaining from Desire; I-Ching: H6 - Contention,
Conflict, Arguing, Lawsuit; Tetra: 25 - Contention, Ego: #28 - Opposites
and Primitivism, Returning to Simplicity; I-Ching: H24 - Return, The
turning point; Tetra: 2 - Full Circle]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #324 has 11 Categories: #20, #300, #4 = Kesed
(H3777): 1) the 4th son of Nahor, the nephew of Abraham; #40, #50, #8,
#10, #200, #10, #6 = nechiyr (H5156): 1) nostril; #60, #200, #6, #8,
#10, #40 = carach (H5628): 1) to go free, be unrestrained, be overrun,
exceed, overhang, grow luxuriously; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to go free, be
unrestrained, sprawl; 1a1a) overrunning, spreading (participle); 1a2) to
overhang; 1b) (Niphal) to be let loose or dismissed or gone; #6, #70,
#7, #200, #10, #1, #30 = `Azriy'el (H5837): 1) a head of a house of the
half-tribe of Manasseh beyond the Jordan; 2) a Naphtalite, ancestor of
Jerimoth, the head of the tribe at the time of the census of David; 3)
father of Seraiah, an officer of king Jehoiakim of Judah; #30, #5, #200,
#3, #10, #70, #6 = raga` (H7280): 1) to act in an instant, stir up,
disturb; 2) to rest or repose, be at rest or repose, settle, quiet, give
rest; 3) to harden; 1a) (Qal) to stir up, disturb; 1b) (Hiphil) to make
a twinkling; 2a) (Niphal); 2a1) to cause to rest (of sword, of the sea);
2a2) to wink (with prep); 2b) (Hiphil); 2b1) to give rest to; 2b2) to
rest, repose; #6, #10, #300, #4, #4 = sadad (H7702): 1) (Piel) to
harrow; #6, #1, #300, #8, #9 = sachat (H7818): 1) (Qal) to squeeze,
press out; #1, #3, #50, #70, #200 = hagnos (G53): 1) exciting reverence,
venerable, sacred; 2) pure; 2a) pure from carnality, chaste, modest; 2b)
pure from every fault, immaculate; 2c) clean; #1, #40, #70, #10, #2, #1,
#200 = amoibe (G287): 1) requital, recompence; #3, #5, #9, #200, #8,
#40, #1, #50, #8 = Gethsemane (G1068): 1) the name of a place at the
foot of the Mount of Olives, beyond the torrent Kidron; #4, #5, #100,
#5, #10, #200 = dero (G1194): 1) to flay, skin; 2) to beat, thrash, smite;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #404 has 11 Categories: #4, #300, #50, #10, #40 =
dashen (H1879): 1) fat subst; 2) vigorous, stalwart ones; #6, #40, #8,
#300, #10, #40 = Chuwshiym (H2366): 1) one of the two wives of
Shaharaim; 2) the sons of Aher, a Benjamite; 3) descendants of Dan; #6,
#10, #6, #300, #10, #2, #10, #50, #10 = yashab (H3427): 1) to dwell,
remain, sit, abide; 10) to be inhabited; 100) to make to dwell; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to sit, sit down; 1a2) to be set; 1a3) to remain, stay; 1a4)
to dwell, have one's abode; 1b) (Niphal) to be inhabited; 1c) (Piel) to
set, place; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to cause to sit; 1d2) to cause to abide,
set; 1d3) to cause to dwell; 1d4) to cause (cities) to be inhabited;
1d5) to marry (give an dwelling to); 1e) (Hophal); #40, #300, #8, #50,
#6 = mashach (H4886): 1) to smear, anoint, spread a liquid; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to smear; 1a2) to anoint (as consecration); 1a3) to anoint,
consecrate; 1b) (Niphal) to be anointed; #6, #40, #50, #8, #300 =
nachash (H5172): 1) to practice divination, divine, observe signs, learn
by experience, diligently observe, practice fortunetelling, take as an
omen; 1a) (Piel); 1a1) to practice divination; 1a2) to observe the signs
or omens; #6, #2, #50, #90, #6, #200, #10, #40 = natsar (H5341): 1) to
guard, watch, watch over, keep; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to watch, guard, keep;
1a2) to preserve, guard from dangers; 1a3) to keep, observe, guard with
fidelity; 1a4) to guard, keep secret; 1a5) to be kept close, be
blockaded; 1a6) watchman (participle); #300, #10, #80, #6, #8 = puwach
(H6315): 1) to breathe, blow; 1a) (Qal) to breathe; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1)
to cause to exhale or breathe; 1b2) to puff, snort; 1b3) to excite,
inflame; 1b4) to puff, pant for it; 1b5) to breathe out, utter; 1b6) to
blow, blast; #100, #4, #300 = Qadesh (H6946): 1) a city in the extreme
south of Judah; 1a) same as 'Kedesh' and 'Kadesh-barnea'; #40, #5, #300,
#9, #10, #40 = Shittiym (H7851): 1) place of Israel's encampment between
the conquest of the transjordanic region and crossing the Jordan into
Canaan; 2) a place west of Jerusalem; #6, #300, #40, #8, #10, #40 =
sameach (H8056): 1) joyful, merry, glad; 1a) joyful, showing joy; 1b)
you who rejoice (subst); #20, #1, #300, #1, #30, #1, #30, #10, #1, #10 =
katalalia (G2636): 1) defamation, evil speaking;
Message in the bottle,
@memeBrain [Telos: #1027, Super: #33 - Achievable Goals, Virtue of
Discrimination; I-Ching: H9 - Lesser Domestication, Minor Restraint,
Small Accumulating, The taming power of the small, Small harvest; Tetra:
35 - Gathering, Ego: #55 - Abstruse Mysterious Signs; I-Ching: H22 -
Elegance, Grace, Adorning, Luxuriance; Tetra: 54 - Unity]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #357 has 13 Categories: #6, #1, #40, #200, #80, #30 =
'Amraphel (H569): 1) the king of Shinar (Babylon) (perhaps Hammurabi c
2100 BC); #1, #50, #6, #300 = 'Enowsh (H583): 1) son of Seth; #1, #300,
#20, #6, #30 = 'Eshkol (H812): 1) an area of Hebron, the valley of
Eshcol; 2) an Amorite, the brother of Mamre, dwelling in Hebron; #40,
#3, #4, #10, #300 = gadiysh (H1430): 1) heap, stack, pile; 2) tomb; #7,
#200, #100, #10, #40 = zaraq (H2236): 1) to scatter, sprinkle, toss,
throw, scatter abundantly, strew; 1a) (Qal) to scatter, sprinkle, toss;
1b) (Pual) to be sprinkled; #6, #10, #300, #40, #1 = Yishma' (H3457): 1)
a Judaite descended from Hur; #6, #5, #200, #40, #6, #50, #10, #40 =
rimmown (H7416): 1) pomegranate; 1a) as tree; 1b) as fruit; 1c) as
pomegranate shaped ornaments in temple; #30, #300, #2, #20, #5 = sebakah
(H7639): 1) network, lattice-work, net, netting; 1a) lattice; 1b)
net-ornament (on pillars); 1c) network, toils (for catching animals);
#6, #300, #50, #1 = shana (H8132): 1) to change, alter; 1a) (Qal) to
change; 1b) (Piel) to change, alter; 1c) (Pual) to be changed; #2, #1,
#100, #50, #1, #2, #1, #200 = Barnabas (G921): 1) the surname of Joses
or Joseph, a Levite, a native of Cyprus He was a distinguished Christian
teacher and companion and colleague of Paul.; #2, #1, #100, #200, #1,
#2, #1, #50 = Barsabas (G923): 1) the surname of a certain Joseph (Acts
1:; 2) the surname of a certain Judas (Acts 15:; 22) ; 23) ; #9, #5,
#70, #200, #5, #2, #5, #10, #1, #50 = theosebeia (G2317): 1) reverence
towards God's goodness; #20, #70, #30, #1, #20, #5, #10, #1, #200 =
kolakeia (G2850): 1) flattery, flattering discourse;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #459 has 14 Categories: #1, #2, #5, #400, #50, #1 =
'ab (Aramaic) (H2): 1) father; #400, #1, #50, #8 = 'anach (H584): 1)
(Niphal) sigh, groan (in pain or grief), gasp; 1a) moan (of cattle); #6,
#8, #30, #10, #400, #5 = chelyah (H2484): 1) jewels, jewelry; #6, #8,
#400, #40, #5 = chatham (Aramaic) (H2857): 1) (P'al) seal.; #5, #30, #6,
#8, #10, #400 = Luwchiyth (H3872): 1) a town of Moab, south of the Arnon
River; #10, #400, #40, #8, #1 = mecha' (Aramaic) (H4223): 1) to strike,
smite, kill; 1a) (P'al) to strike; 1b) (Pael) to hinder; 1c) (Ithp'al)
to allow to be stricken; #6, #40, #400, #3, #10 = metheg (H4964): 1)
bridle; 1a) bridle (for animals); 1b) control, authority (fig.); #2,
#50, #1, #6, #400 = na'ah (H4999): 1) pasture, abode, abode of shepherd,
habitation, meadow; 1a) pasture, meadow; 1b) abode; #50, #2, #6, #1,
#400 = nebuw'ah (H5016): 1) prophecy; 1a) prophecy; 1a1) specific and
genuine; 1a2) false; 1b) prophetic writing; #80, #60, #50, #9, #200,
#10, #50 = picanteriyn (Aramaic) (H6460): 1) a stringed instrument
(triangular); 1a) perhaps a lyre or a harp; #5, #400, #40, #10, #4 =
tamiyd (H8548): 1) continuity, perpetuity, to stretch; 1a) continually,
continuously (as adverb); 1b) continuity (subst); #2, #1, #200, #10,
#30, #5, #10, #1, #200 = basileia (G932): 1) royal power, kingship,
dominion, rule; 2) a kingdom, the territory subject to the rule of a
king; 3) used in the N.T. to refer to the reign of the Messiah; 1a) not
to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority
to rule over a kingdom; 1b) of the royal power of Jesus as the
triumphant Messiah; 1c) of the royal power and dignity conferred on
Christians in the Messiah's kingdom; #70, #10, #20, #8, #40, #1, #300,
#10 = oikema (G3612): 1) a dwelling place, habitation; 2)
euphemistically a prison; #100, #8, #40, #1, #300, #10 = rhema (G4487):
1) that which is or has been uttered by the living voice, thing spoken,
word; 2) subject matter of speech, thing spoken of; 1a) any sound
produced by the voice and having definite meaning; 1b) speech,
discourse; 1b1) what one has said; 1c) a series of words joined together
into a sentence (a declaration of one's mind made in words); 1c1) an
utterance; 1c2) a saying of any sort as a message, a narrative; 1c2a)
concerning some occurrence; 2a) so far forth as it is a matter of
narration; 2b) so far as it is a matter of command; 2c) a matter of
dispute, case at law;
One year has passed since I wrote my memo,
@memeBrain [Telos: #3216, Super: #73 - Employing Deeming, Daring to Act;
I-Ching: H46 - Climbing, Moving/Pushing Upward, Ascending; Tetra: 7 -
Ascent, Ego: #57 - Laissez Faire Politics, Simplicity In Habits;
I-Ching: H37 - The Family (the clan), Dwelling People, Family members;
Tetra: 39 - Residence]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #430 has 28 Categories: #1, #30, #10, #300, #80, #9 =
'Eliyshaphat (H478): 1) a captain for the high priest Jehoiada; #3, #1,
#6, #400, #20 = ga`avah (H1346): 1) pride, majesty, a rising up; 1a) a
rising up, swelling (of the sea); 1b) majesty (of Israel); 1c) pride,
haughtiness; #20, #4, #200, #6, #200 = derowr (H1866): 1) a swallow,
bird; #10, #4, #400, #10, #6 = yad (H3027): 1) hand; 1a) hand (of man);
1b) strength, power (fig.); 1c) side (of land), part, portion (metaph.)
(fig.); 1d) (various special, technical senses); 1d1) sign, monument;
1d2) part, fractional part, share; 1d3) time, repetition; 1d4)
axle-trees, axle; 1d5) stays, support (for laver); 1d6) tenons (in
tabernacle); 1d7) a phallus, a hand (meaning unsure); 1d8) wrists; #40,
#20, #70, #300 = ka`ac (H3708): 1) anger, vexation, provocation, grief;
1a) vexation; 1a1) of men; 1a2) of God; 1b) vexation, grief,
frustration; #30, #40, #50, #300, #10 = Menashshiy (H4520): 1)
descendants of Manasseh, son of Joseph and grandson of Jacob; 1a)
specifically used only of that half that lived east of the Jordan; #30,
#40, #90, #70, #200 = mits`ar (H4705): 1) a small thing; 1a) small
thing; 1b) little while (of time); #40, #60, #80, #200, #10, #40 =
caphar (H5608): 1) to count, recount, relate; 2) enumerator,
muster-officer, secretary, scribe; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to count (things);
1a2) to number, take account of, reckon; 1b) (Niphal) to be counted, be
numbered; 1c) (Piel) to recount, rehearse, declare; 1c1) to recount
(something), rehearse; 1c2) to talk; 1c3) to count exactly or
accurately; 1d) (Pual) to be recounted, be rehearsed, be related n m;
2a) enumerator, muster-officer, secretary; 2b) learned man, scribe; #6,
#70, #4, #300, #10, #40 = `adash (H5742): 1) lentil; #30, #70, #80,
#200, #50 = `Ephrown (H6085): 1) a Hittite, son of Zohar and the one
from whom Abraham bought the field and cave of Machpelah; 2) a city on
the borders of Benjamin; 3) a mountain on the northern border of Judah;
#80, #200, #10, #90, #10, #40 = periyts (H6530): 1) violent one,
breaker; 1a) robber, murderer; #30, #100, #90, #10, #200 = qatsiyr
(H7105): 1) harvest, harvesting; 2) boughs, branches; 1a) process of
harvesting; 1b) crop, what is harvested or reaped; 1c) time of harvest;
#40, #100, #90, #200 = qotser (H7115): 1) shortness, impatience,
anguish; #30, #100, #300 = qash (H7179): 1) stubble, chaff; #30, #200,
#90, #50, #20, #40 = ratsown (H7522): 1) pleasure, delight, favour,
goodwill, acceptance, will; 1a) goodwill, favour; 1b) acceptance; 1c)
will, desire, pleasure, self-will; #10, #300, #20, #50, #50 = shekan
(Aramaic) (H7932): 1) to dwell, reside; 1a) (P'al) to dwell; 1b) (Pael)
to cause to dwell; #6, #300, #40, #10, #4, #70 = Shemiyda` (H8061): 1) a
son of Gilead, grandson of Manasseh, and progenitor of a family in
Manasseh; #300, #40, #90 = shemets (H8102): 1) whisper, little; #300,
#60, #70 = sheca` (H8157): 1) cleft, cloven, split; #1, #3, #100, #10,
#5, #30, #1, #10, #70, #200 = agrielaios (G65): 1) of or belonging to
the oleaster or wild olive; 2) the oleaster, wild olive tree; #1, #50,
#300, #30, #8, #40, #1 = antlema (G502): 1) what is drawn; 2) the act of
drawing water; 3) a thing to draw with, e.g. bucket and rope let down
into a well; #1, #100, #10, #9, #40, #70, #200 = arithmos (G706): 1) a
fixed and definite number; 2) an indefinite number, a multitude; #4, #5,
#70, #50, #300, #1 = dei (G1163): 1) it is necessary, there is need of,
it behooves, is right and proper; 10) concerning what Christ was
destined finally to undergo, his sufferings, death, resurrection,
ascension For Synonyms see entry 5829; 1a) necessity lying in the nature
of the case; 1b) necessity brought on by circumstances or by the conduct
of others toward us.; 1c) necessity in reference to what is required to
attain some end; 1d) a necessity of law and command, of duty, equity;
1e) necessity established by the counsel and decree of God, especially
by that purpose of his which relates to the salvation of men by the
intervention of Christ and which is disclosed in the Old Testament
prophecies; #5, #60, #1, #3, #3, #5, #10, #30, #8, #300, #5 = exaggello
(G1804): 1) to tell out or forth; 2) to declare abroad, divulge,
publish; 3) to make known by praising or proclaiming, to celebrate; #5,
#80, #5, #80, #5, #200, #5, #50 = epipipto (G1968): 1) to fall upon, to
rush or press upon; 2) metaph.; 1a) to lie upon one; 1b) to fall into
one's embrace; 1c) to fall back upon; 2a) to fall upon one ie. to seize,
take possession of him; 2a1) of the Holy Spirit, in his inspiration and
impulse; 2a2) of reproaches cast upon one; #50, #70, #40, #70, #200 =
nomos (G3551): 1) anything established, anything received by usage, a
custom, a law, a command; 1a) of any law whatsoever; 1a1) a law or rule
producing a state approved of God; 1a1a) by the observance of which is
approved of God; 1a2) a precept or injunction; 1a3) the rule of action
prescribed by reason; 1b) of the Mosaic law, and referring, acc. to the
context. either to the volume of the law or to its contents; 1c) the
Christian religion: the law demanding faith, the moral instruction given
by Christ, esp. the precept concerning love; 1d) the name of the more
important part (the Pentateuch), is put for the entire collection of the
sacred books of the OT; #70, #100, #50, #10, #200 = ornis (G3733): 1) a
bird; 2) a cock, a hen; #5, #100, #100, #10, #40, #40, #5, #50, #70, #10
= rhipto (G4496): 1) to cast, throw; 2) throw down; 3) to cast forward
or before; 4) to set down (with the suggestion of haste and want of
care); 5) to throw to the ground, prostrate;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #516 has 29 Categories: #5, #1, #300, #200, #10 =
'Asheriy (H843): 1) those descended from Asher; #6, #2, #8, #50, #400,
#10, #40 = bachan (H974): 1) to examine, try, prove; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
examine, scrutinise; 1a2) to test, prove, try (of gold, persons, the
heart, man of God); 1b) (Niphal) to be tried, proved; 1c) (Pual) to make
a trial; #300, #10, #4, #2, #200 = dabar (H1696): 1) to speak, declare,
converse, command, promise, warn, threaten, sing; 1a) (Qal) to speak;
1b) (Niphal) to speak with one another, talk; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to speak;
1c2) to promise; 1d) (Pual) to be spoken; 1e) (Hithpael) to speak; 1f)
(Hiphil) to lead away, put to flight; #6, #4, #100, #6, #400 = daq
(H1851): 1) thin, small, fine, gaunt; 1a) thin; 1b) small, fine; #6,
#10, #70, #30, #400 = ya`alah (H3280): 1) female mountain goat; #6, #10,
#400, #50, #50 = Yithnan (H3497): 1) one of the towns in the extreme
south of Judah; site unknown; #20, #30, #6, #30, #400, #10, #20 =
keluwlah (H3623): 1) betrothals, espousals; #10, #400, #40, #30, #30, #6
= muwl (H4135): 1) to circumcise, let oneself be circumcised, cut, be
cut off; 1a) (Qal) to circumcise; 1b) (Niphal) to be circumcised,
circumcise oneself; 1c) (Hiphil) to cause to be circumcised; 1c1) of
destruction (fig.); 1d) (Hithpolel) to be cut off; 1e) (Polel) cut down;
#40, #6, #60, #4, #6, #400 = mowcadah (H4146): 1) foundation; #30, #40,
#6, #400, #40 = maveth (H4194): 1) death, dying, Death (personified),
realm of the dead; 1a) death; 1b) death by violence (as a penalty); 1c)
state of death, place of death; #30, #40, #30, #6, #400, #10 =
Mallowthiy (H4413): 1) one of the 14 sons of Heman, the singer in the
time of David; #6, #40, #300, #100, #70 = mishqa` (H4950): 1) what is
settled or clarified, clear; #50, #400, #60, #6 = nathac (H5420): 1) to
tear down, break down; 1a) (Qal) to break down; #30, #70, #2, #10, #4,
#400 = `abiydah (Aramaic) (H5673): 1) work, service, ritual, worship;
1a) work, administration; 1b) ritual, service; #2, #70, #4, #400, #40 =
`edah (H5712): 1) congregation, gathering; #70, #30, #10, #6, #400 =
`illiy (H5942): 1) upper; #6, #40, #70, #100, #300 = `aqash (H6140): 1)
to be perverse, twist, pervert, make crooked, prove perverse, declare
perverse; 1a) (Niphal) to be crooked; 1b) (Piel) to twist, distort,
pervert, make crooked; 1c) (Hiphil) to declare crooked; 1d) (Qal)
perverse; #6, #300, #200, #10 = Saray (H8297): 1) original name of Sarah
the wife of Abram or Abraham; #40, #400, #40, #6, #30 = temowl (H8543):
1) before, before that time, beforetime, heretofore, of late, of old,
these days, time(s) past, yesterday, day before yesterday, recently,
formerly; 1a) yesterday; 1a1) recently, formerly (usual usage) (fig);
1b) as formerly, so more recently; 1c) from yesterday, already; #4, #10,
#1, #20, #70, #200, #10, #1, #200 = diakosioi (G1250): 1) two hundred;
#4, #10, #1, #200, #80, #70, #100, #1, #50 = diaspora (G1290): 1) a
scattering, dispersion; 1a) of Israelites dispersed among foreign
nations; 1b) of the Christians scattered abroad among the Gentiles; #5,
#200, #300, #1, #10 = eimi (G1510): 1) to be, to exist, to happen, to be
present; #5, #10, #200, #5, #50, #5, #3, #20, #8, #10, #200 = eisphero
(G1533): 1) to bring into, in or to; 2) to lead into; #5, #30, #1, #10,
#70, #400 = elaion (G1637): 1) olive oil; 1a) for fuel for lamps; 1b)
for healing the sick; 1c) for anointing the head and body at feasts; 1d)
mentioned among articles of commerce; #20, #5, #20, #70, #200, #40, #8,
#40, #5, #50, #8, #50 = kosmeo (G2885): 1) to put in order, arrange,
make ready, prepare; 2) to ornament, adore; 3) metaph. to embellish with
honour, gain honour; #40, #5, #50, #70, #50, #300, #1 = meno (G3306): 1)
to remain, abide; 2) to wait for, await one; 1a) in reference to place;
1a1) to sojourn, tarry; 1a2) not to depart; 1a2a) to continue to be
present; 1a2b) to be held, kept, continually; 1b) in reference to time;
1b1) to continue to be, not to perish, to last, endure; 1b1a) of
persons, to survive, live; 1c) in reference to state or condition; 1c1)
to remain as one, not to become another or different; #80, #1, #100, #1,
#4, #70, #200, #10, #50 = paradosis (G3862): 1) giving up, giving over;
2) a giving over which is done by word of mouth or in writing, ie.
tradition by instruction, narrative, precept, etc.; 1a) the act of
giving up; 1b) the surrender of cities; 2a) objectively, that which is
delivered, the substance of a teaching; 2b) of the body of precepts,
esp. ritual, which in the opinion of the later Jews were orally
delivered by Moses and orally transmitted in unbroken succession to
subsequent generations, which precepts, both illustrating and expanding
the written law, as they did were to be obeyed with equal reverence;
#80, #1, #400, #30, #5 = Paulos (G3972): 1) Paul was the most famous of
the apostles and wrote a good part of the NT, the 14 Pauline epistles;
2) Paulus was a deputy or pro-consul of Cyprus and is said to be a
prudent man, in the management of affairs, as a governor; #80, #70,
#100, #50, #5, #10, #1, #200 = porneia (G4202): 1) illicit sexual
intercourse; 2) metaph. the worship of idols; 1a) adultery, fornication,
homosexuality, lesbianism, intercourse with animals etc.; 1b) sexual
intercourse with close relatives; Lev. 18; 1c) sexual intercourse with a
divorced man or woman; Mk. 10:11,12; 2a) of the defilement of idolatry,
as incurred by eating the sacrifices offered to idols;
@memeBrain [Telos: #502, Super: #61 - Virtuous Humility at Using
'Beneath'; I-Ching: H64 - Ferrying Incomplete, Before Completion, Not
Yet Fording, Not yet completed; Tetra: 78 - On the Verge, Ego: #16 -
Being a Guide, Returning to the Root; I-Ching: H28 - Major Superiority,
Excess, Great Exceeding, Preponderance of the great, Critical mass;
Tetra: 75 - Failure]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #491 has 25 Categories: #6, #1, #80, #4, #400 =
'aphad (H640): 1) (Qal) bind, gird; 1a) to gird on (ephod); 1b) (TWOT)
ephod; #1, #80, #4, #400, #6 = 'ephuddah (H642): 1) ephod; 1a) priestly
garment, shoulder-cape or mantle, outer garment; 1a1) worn by an
ordinary priest and made of white stuff; 1a2) worn by the high priest -
more costly, woven of gold, blue, purple, scarlet, and linen threads
provided with shoulder-pieces and a breast piece of like material,
ornamented with gems and gold; 1b) a metallic covering for idols, a
plating over; #6, #400, #5, #40, #40 = hamam (H2000): 1) to move
noisily, confuse, make a noise, discomfit, break, consume, crush,
destroy, trouble, vex; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to move noisily; 1a2) to confuse,
discomfit, vex; #9, #2, #70, #400, #10 = taba` (H2883): 1) to sink, sink
into, sink down, pierce, settle down, drown, be settled, be planted; 1a)
(Qal) to sink, sink down; 1b) (Pual) to be sunk; 1c) (Hophal) to cause
to sink; #6, #400, #20, #5, #10, #50 = kahah (H3543): 1) to grow weak,
grow dim, grow faint, falter, be weak, be dim, be darkened, be
restrained, be faint, fail; 1a) (Qal) to grow dim, grow faint; 1b)
(Piel) to faint, grow weak, grow faint; #400, #20, #6, #10, #50, #5 =
kavah (H3554): 1) to burn, scorch, brand; 1a) (Niphal) to be burned, be
scorched; #40, #5, #6, #40, #400 = mehuwmah (H4103): 1) tumult,
confusion, disquietude, discomfiture, destruction, trouble, vexed,
vexation; 1a) tumult, confusion, disturbance, turmoil, disquietude,
panic; 1b) discomfiture; #40, #30, #1, #400, #20 = mele'ah (H4395): 1)
fullness, full produce; #6, #1, #400, #40, #30, #9, #5 = malat (H4422):
1) to slip away, escape, deliver, save, be delivered; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1)
to slip away; 1a2) to escape; 1a3) to be delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to
lay, let slip out (of eggs); 1b2) to let escape; 1b3) to deliver, save
(life); 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to give birth to; 1c2) to deliver; 1d)
(Hithpael); 1d1) to slip forth, slip out, escape; 1d2) to escape; #40,
#30, #20, #400, #1 = malka' (Aramaic) (H4433): 1) queen; #20, #50, #9,
#6, #400, #6 = natah (H5186): 1) to stretch out, extend, spread out,
pitch, turn, pervert, incline, bend, bow; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to stretch
out, extend, stretch, offer; 1a2) to spread out, pitch (tent); 1a3) to
bend, turn, incline; 1a3a) to turn aside, incline, decline, bend down;
1a3b) to bend, bow; 1a3c) to hold out, extend (fig.); 1b) (Niphal) to be
stretched out; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to stretch out; 1c2) to spread out;
1c3) to turn, incline, influence, bend down, hold out, extend, thrust
aside, thrust away; #5, #60, #20, #6, #400 = cukkah (H5521): 1) thicket,
covert, booth; 1a) thicket; 1b) booth (rude or temporary shelter); #2,
#400, #8, #30, #1, #10, #40 = tachaluw' (H8463): 1) diseases; #1, #40,
#1, #100, #300, #8, #40, #1 = hamartema (G265): 1) sin, evil deed; #1,
#80, #5, #80, #5, #200, #70, #50 = apopipto (G634): 1) to fall off, slip
down from; #1, #200, #9, #5, #50, #5, #10, #1, #10, #200 = astheneia
(G769): 1) want of strength, weakness, infirmity; 1a) of the body; 1a1)
its native weakness and frailty; 1a2) feebleness of health or sickness;
1b) of the soul; 1b1) want of strength and capacity requisite; 1b1a) to
understand a thing; 1b1b) to do things great and glorious; 1b1c) to
restrain corrupt desires; 1b1d) to bear trials and troubles; #4, #1,
#50, #5, #10, #200, #1, #200, #9, #1, #10 = daneizo (G1155): 1) to lend
money; 2) to have money lent to one's self; 3) to take a loan, borrow
For Synonyms see entry 5827; #4, #10, #4, #1, #200, #20, #1, #30, #10,
#1, #10, #200 = didaskalia (G1319): 1) teaching, instruction; 2)
teaching; 2a) that which is taught, doctrine; 2b) teachings, precepts;
#5, #80, #10, #80, #30, #8, #60, #8, #10, #200 = epiplesso (G1969): 1)
to strike upon, beat upon; 2) to chastise with words, to chide, upbraid,
rebuke; #5, #100, #80, #5, #300, #1 = herpeton (G2062): 1) a creeping
animal, reptile; 2) an animal of any sort; 1a) used chiefly of snakes;
2a) four-legged animals and birds; 2b) marine animals; #30, #10, #300,
#100, #1, #50 = litra (G3046): 1) a pound, a weight of 12 ounces (340
gm); #60, #400, #30, #1 = xulon (G3586): 1) wood; 2) a tree; 1a) that
which is made of wood; 1a1) as a beam from which any one is suspended, a
gibbet, a cross; 1a2) a log or timber with holes in which the feet,
hands, neck of prisoners were inserted and fastened with thongs; 1a3) a
fetter, or shackle for the feet; 1a4) a cudgel, stick, staff; #80, #1,
#300, #100, #10 = pater (G3962): 1) generator or male ancestor; 2)
metaph.; 3) God is called the Father; 1a) either the nearest ancestor:
father of the corporeal nature, natural fathers, both parents; 1b) a
more remote ancestor, the founder of a race or tribe, progenitor of a
people, forefather: so Abraham is called, Jacob and David; 1b1) fathers
ie. ancestors, forefathers, founders of a race; 1c) one advanced in
years, a senior; 2a) the originator and transmitter of anything; 2a1)
the authors of a family or society of persons animated by the same
spirit as himself; 2a2) one who has infused his own spirit into others,
who actuates and governs their minds; 2b) one who stands in a father's
place and looks after another in a paternal way; 2c) a title of honour;
2c1) teachers, as those to whom pupils trace back the knowledge and
training they have received; 2c2) the members of the Sanhedrin, whose
prerogative it was by virtue of the wisdom and experience in which they
excelled, to take charge of the interests of others; 3a) of the stars,
the heavenly luminaries, because he is their creator, upholder, ruler;
3b) of all rational and intelligent beings, whether angels or men,
because he is their creator, preserver, guardian and protector; 3b1) of
spiritual beings and of all men; 3c) of Christians, as those who through
Christ have been exalted to a specially close and intimate relationship
with God, and who no longer dread him as a stern judge of sinners, but
revere him as their reconciled and loving Father; 3d) the Father of
Jesus Christ, as one whom God has united to himself in the closest bond
of love and intimacy, made acquainted with his purposes, appointed to
explain and carry out among men the plan of salvation, and made to share
also in his own divine nature; 3d1) by Jesus Christ himself; 3d2) by the
apostles; #80, #30, #1, #50, #8, #9, #8, #300, #5 = planao (G4105): 1)
to cause to stray, to lead astray, lead aside from the right way; 2)
metaph.; 1a) to go astray, wander, roam about; 2a) to lead away from the
truth, to lead into error, to deceive; 2b) to be led into error; 2c) to
be led aside from the path of virtue, to go astray, sin; 2d) to sever or
fall away from the truth; 2d1) of heretics; 2e) to be led away into
error and sin; #300, #70, #30, #40, #1, #50 = tolmao (G5111): 1) not to
dread or shun through fear; 2) to bear, endure; 3) to bring one's self
to; 4) to be bold; 5) bear one's self boldly, deal boldly;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #532 has 58 Categories: #30, #2, #300, #200 = basar
(H1320): 1) flesh; 1a) of the body; 1a1) of humans; 1a2) of animals; 1b)
the body itself; 1c) male organ of generation (euphemism); 1d) kindred,
blood-relations; 1e) flesh as frail or erring (man against God); 1f) all
living things; 1g) animals; 1h) mankind; #6, #200, #20, #300, #6 =
rekuwsh (H7399): 1) property, goods, possessions; 1a) property, goods;
1a1) general term for all movable goods; 1a2) of livestock; 1a3) of
stores, utensils, etc; #30, #300, #2, #200 = shabar (H7665): 1) to
break, break in pieces; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) break, break in or down, rend
violently, wreck, crush, quench; 1a2) to break, rupture (fig); 1b)
(Niphal); 1b1) to be broken, be maimed, be crippled, be wrecked; 1b2) to
be broken, be crushed (fig); 1c) (Piel) to shatter, break; 1d) (Hiphil)
to cause to break out, bring to the birth; 1e) (Hophal) to be broken, be
shattered; #40, #90, #2, #400 = matstsebeth (H4678): 1) pillar, mastaba,
stump; 1a) pillar; 1a1) as monument, personal memorial; 1a2) with an
altar; 1b) (Hoph) stock, stump (of tree); #1, #30, #40, #50, #6, #400,
#5 = 'almanuwth (H491): 1) widowhood; #6, #400, #40, #30, #1, #50, #5 =
male' (H4390): 1) to fill, be full; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be full; 1a1a)
fullness, abundance (participle); 1a1b) to be full, be accomplished, be
ended; 1a2) to consecrate, fill the hand; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be
filled, be armed, be satisfied; 1b2) to be accomplished, be ended; 1c)
(Piel); 1c1) to fill; 1c2) to satisfy; 1c3) to fulfil, accomplish,
complete; 1c4) to confirm; 1d) (Pual) to be filled; 1e) (Hithpael) to
mass themselves against; #6, #10, #10, #200, #300, #6 = yarash (H3423):
1) to seize, dispossess, take possession off, inherit, disinherit,
occupy, impoverish, be an heir; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to take possession of;
1a2) to inherit; 1a3) to impoverish, come to poverty, be poor; 1b)
(Niphal) to be dispossessed, be impoverished, come to poverty; 1c)
(Piel) to devour; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to cause to possess or inherit;
1d2) to cause others to possess or inherit; 1d3) to impoverish; 1d4) to
dispossess; 1d5) to destroy, bring to ruin, disinherit; #6, #400, #70,
#50, #6 = `anah (H6030): 1) to answer, respond, testify, speak, shout;
2) (Qal) to sing, utter tunefully; 3) (Qal) to dwell; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
answer, respond to; 1a2) to testify, respond as a witness; 1b) (Niphal);
1b1) to make answer; 1b2) to be answered, receive answer; #1, #30, #400,
#100, #1 = 'Elteqe (H514): 1) Levitical city in the tribe of Dan,
between Ekron and Timna; #6, #5, #70, #30, #10, #400, #5, #6 = `alah
(H5927): 1) to go up, ascend, climb; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to go up, ascend;
1a2) to meet, visit, follow, depart, withdraw, retreat; 1a3) to go up,
come up (of animals); 1a4) to spring up, grow, shoot forth (of
vegetation); 1a5) to go up, go up over, rise (of natural phenomenon);
1a6) to come up (before God); 1a7) to go up, go up over, extend (of
boundary); 1a8) to excel, be superior to; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be taken
up, be brought up, be taken away; 1b2) to take oneself away; 1b3) to be
exalted; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to bring up, cause to ascend or climb, cause
to go up; 1c2) to bring up, bring against, take away; 1c3) to bring up,
draw up, train; 1c4) to cause to ascend; 1c5) to rouse, stir up
(mentally); 1c6) to offer, bring up (of gifts); 1c7) to exalt; 1c8) to
cause to ascend, offer; 1d) (Hophal); 1d1) to be carried away, be led
up; 1d2) to be taken up into, be inserted in; 1d3) to be offered; 1e)
(Hithpael) to lift oneself; #5, #4, #2, #10, #100, #400, #5, #6 = dabaq
(H1692): 1) to cling, stick, stay close, cleave, keep close, stick to,
stick with, follow closely, join to, overtake, catch; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
cling, cleave to; 1a2) to stay with; 1b) (Pual) to be joined together;
1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to cleave to; 1c2) to pursue closely; 1c3)
to overtake; 1d) (Hophal) to be made to cleave; #6, #40, #60, #20, #6,
#400 = maccekah (H4541): 1) a pouring, libation, molten metal, cast
image, drink offering; 2) web, covering, veil, woven stuff; 1a) libation
(with covenant sacrifice); 1b) molten metal, molten image, molten gods;
#2, #40, #60, #30, #400 = mecillah (H4546): 1) highway, raised way,
public road; #6, #70, #30, #10, #400, #10, #6 = `aliyah (H5944): 1)
roof-room, roof chamber; #30, #40, #30, #20, #6, #400, #6 = malkuwth
(H4438): 1) royalty, royal power, reign, kingdom, sovereign power; 1a)
royal power, dominion; 1b) reign; 1c) kingdom, realm; #6, #200, #20, #6,
#300 = rekuwsh (H7399): 1) property, goods, possessions; 1a) property,
goods; 1a1) general term for all movable goods; 1a2) of livestock; 1a3)
of stores, utensils, etc; #200, #20, #6, #300, #6 = rekuwsh (H7399): 1)
property, goods, possessions; 1a) property, goods; 1a1) general term for
all movable goods; 1a2) of livestock; 1a3) of stores, utensils, etc; #6,
#40, #6, #80, #400 = mowpheth (H4159): 1) wonder, sign, miracle,
portent; 1a) wonder (as a special display of God's power); 1b) sign,
token (of future event); #40, #20, #6, #50, #400, #10, #6 = mekownah
(H4350): 1) fixed resting place, base, pedestal; #2, #90, #30, #10, #400
= Batsluwth (H1213): 1) a head of a family of exiles returning with
Zerubbabel; #70, #2, #4, #400, #50, #6 = `abodah (H5656): 1) labour,
service; 1a) labour, work; 1b) labour (of servant or slave); 1c) labour,
service (of captives or subjects); 1d) service (of God); #70, #6, #50,
#6, #400 = `avon (H5771): 1) perversity, depravity, iniquity, guilt or
punishment of iniquity; 1a) iniquity; 1b) guilt of iniquity, guilt (as
great), guilt (of condition); 1c) consequence of or punishment for
iniquity; #70, #30, #10, #6, #400, #10, #6 = `aliyah (H5944): 1)
roof-room, roof chamber; #70, #50, #6, #400, #6 = `anah (H6031): 1)
(Qal) to be occupied, be busied with; 2) to afflict, oppress, humble, be
afflicted, be bowed down; 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to be put down, become low;
2a2) to be depressed, be downcast; 2a3) to be afflicted; 2a4) to stoop;
2b) (Niphal); 2b1) to humble oneself, bow down; 2b2) to be afflicted, be
humbled; 2c) (Piel); 2c1) to humble, mishandle, afflict; 2c2) to humble,
be humiliated; 2c3) to afflict; 2d4) to humble, weaken oneself; 2d)
(Pual); 2d1) to be afflicted; 2d2) to be humbled; 2e) (Hiphil) to
afflict; 2f) (Hithpael); 2f1) to humble oneself; 2f2) to be afflicted;
#6, #10, #300, #10, #200, #6 = shiyr (H7891): 1) to sing; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to sing; 1a2) singer, songstresses (participle); 1b) (Polel); 1b1)
to sing; 1b2) singer, songstress (participle); 1c) (Hophal) to be sung;
#6, #300, #20, #200, #6 = shakar (H7937): 1) to be or become drunk or
drunken, be intoxicated; 1a) (Qal) to become drunken; 1b) (Piel) to make
drunken, cause to be drunk; 1c) (Hiphil) to cause to be drunk; 1d)
(Hithpael) to make oneself drunk; #6, #100, #6, #10, #400, #10 = qavah
(H6960): 1) to wait, look for, hope, expect; 2) to collect, bind
together; 1a) (Qal) waiting (participle); 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to wait or
look eagerly for; 1b2) to lie in wait for; 1b3) to wait for, linger for;
2a) (Niphal) to be collected; #2, #50, #80, #400 = naphah (H5299): 1) a
lofty place, height; 2) sieve, winnowing implement; #6, #2, #40, #30,
#8, #40, #6, #400 = milchamah (H4421): 1) battle, war; #6, #70, #6, #50,
#400 = `avon (H5771): 1) perversity, depravity, iniquity, guilt or
punishment of iniquity; 1a) iniquity; 1b) guilt of iniquity, guilt (as
great), guilt (of condition); 1c) consequence of or punishment for
iniquity; #6, #2, #8, #100, #400, #10, #6 = chuqqah (H2708): 1) statute,
ordinance, limit, enactment, something prescribed; 1a) statute; #50, #2,
#70, #400, #10 = ba`ath (H1204): 1) to terrify, startle, fall upon,
dismay, be overtaken by sudden terror; 1a) (Niphal) to be terrified; 1b)
(Piel); 1b1) to fall upon, overwhelm; 1b2) to terrify; #5, #2, #70,
#400, #30, #8, #9, #8 = boulomai (G1014): 1) to will deliberately, have
a purpose, be minded; 2) of willing as an affection, to desire; #70,
#50, #70, #40, #1, #300, #1 = onoma (G3686): 1) name: univ. of proper
names; 2) the name is used for everything which the name covers,
everything the thought or feeling of which is aroused in the mind by
mentioning, hearing, remembering, the name, i.e. for one's rank,
authority, interests, pleasure, command, excellences, deeds etc.; 3)
persons reckoned up by name; 4) the cause or reason named: on this
account, because he suffers as a Christian, for this reason; #20, #100,
#1, #400, #3, #8 = krauge (G2906): 1) a crying, outcry, clamour; #4, #1,
#100, #8, #200, #5, #200, #9, #5 = dero (G1194): 1) to flay, skin; 2) to
beat, thrash, smite; #20, #1, #300, #1, #20, #5, #10, #40, #5, #50, #70,
#10 = katakeimai (G2621): 1) to have lain down, i.e. to lie prostrate;
1a) of the sick; 1b) of those at meals, to recline; #20, #5, #20, #70,
#80, #10, #1, #20, #1, #300, #5 = kopiao (G2872): 1) to grow weary,
tired, exhausted (with toil or burdens or grief); 2) to labour with
wearisome effort, to toil; 2a) of bodily labour; #5, #200, #9, #8, #300,
#10 = esthes (G2066): 1) clothing, raiment, apparel; #2, #10, #9, #400,
#50, #10, #1, #50 = Bithunia (G978): 1) a Roman province in Asia Minor,
bounded by the Euxine Sea, the Propontis, Mysia, Phrygia, Galatia,
Paphlagonia; #40, #1, #20, #1, #100, #10, #200, #40, #70, #50 =
makarismos (G3108): 1) declaration of blessedness; 2) to utter a
declaration of blessedness upon one; 3) to pronounce one blessed; #70,
#4, #400, #50, #8 = odune (G3601): 1) consuming grief, pain, sorrow;
#20, #1, #30, #400, #40, #40, #1 = kaluma (G2571): 1) a veil, covering;
#8, #3, #70, #400, #40, #1, #10 = hegeomai (G2233): 1) to lead; 2) to
consider, deem, account, think For Synonyms see entry 5837; 1a) to go
before; 1b) to be a leader; 1b1) to rule, command; 1b2) to have
authority over; 1b3) a prince, of regal power, governor, viceroy, chief,
leading as respects influence, controlling in counsel, overseers or
leaders of the churches; 1b4) used of any kind of leader, chief,
commander; 1b5) the leader in speech, chief, spokesman; #20, #1, #40,
#50, #70, #50, #300, #1 = kamno (G2577): 1) to grow weary, be weary; 2)
to be sick; #200, #1, #30, #80, #10, #3, #3, #5, #200 = salpigx (G4536):
1) a trumpet;
I should have known this right from the beginning,
@memeBrain [Telos: #2834, Super: #24 - Important Distinctions, Trouble
from Indulgence; I-Ching: H5 - Waiting, Delay, Attending, Waiting,
Moistened, Arriving; Tetra: 18 - Waiting, Ego: #80 - Primitivist
Independence, Remaining in Isolation; I-Ching: H16 - Contentment,
Enthusiasm, Providing-For, Excess; Tetra: 23 - Ease]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #515 has 32 Categories: #6, #5, #4, #100, #400 =
deqaq (Aramaic) (H1855): 1) to break into pieces, fall into pieces, be
shattered; 1a) (P'al) to be shattered; 1b) (Aphel) to break into pieces;
#300, #8, #2, #200, #5 = chabar (H2266): 1) to unite, join, bind
together, be joined, be coupled, be in league, heap up, have fellowship
with, be compact, be a charmer; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to unite, be joined;
1a2) to tie magic charms, charm; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to unite with, make an
ally of; 1b2) to unite, join, ally; 1c) (Pual); 1c1) to be allied with,
be united; 1c2) to be joined together; 1d) (Hiphil) to join together,
pile up (words); 1e) (Hithpael) to join oneself to, make an alliance,
league together; #2, #8, #200, #300, #5 = choresh (H2793): 1) wood,
wooded height, forest, wooded area; #9, #40, #50, #400, #10, #6 = taman
(H2934): 1) to hide, conceal, bury; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to hide; 1a2)
hiding, concealing, secretly laying (participle); 1a3) darkness
(participle); 1b) (Niphal) to hide oneself; 1c) (Hiphil) to hide; #5,
#200, #10, #300 = Yehovah (H3068): 1) the proper name of the one true
God; 1a) unpronounced except with the vowel pointings of 0136; #5, #10,
#40, #50, #10, #400 = yemaniy (H3233): 1) right, right hand; #10, #100,
#4, #400, #1 = yeqad (Aramaic) (H3345): 1) (P'al) to burn; #10, #100,
#5, #400 = yiqqahah (H3349): 1) obedience, cleansing, purging; #10,
#200, #300, #5 = yereshah (H3424): 1) possession, property; #2, #40, #3,
#4, #30, #6, #400, #10, #20 = migdal (H4026): 1) tower; 1a) tower; 1b)
elevated stage, pulpit; 1c) raised bed; #40, #20, #50, #400, #5 =
mekunah (H4369): 1) resting place, base; #30, #5, #50, #400, #10, #20 =
nathak (H5413): 1) to pour out or forth, drop (or rain), be poured, be
poured out, be melted, be molten; 1a) (Qal) to pour forth; 1b) (Niphal)
to be poured, be poured out; 1c) (Hiphil) to pour out, melt; 1d)
(Hophal) to be melted; #6, #5, #60, #30, #8, #6, #400 = celiychah
(H5547): 1) forgiveness; #2, #70, #3, #30, #400, #10 = `eglah (H5697):
1) heifer; #40, #70, #400, #5 = `attah (H6258): 1) now; 1a) now; 1b) in
phrases; #6, #100, #9, #400 = Qattath (H7005): 1) a town in Zebulun;
#40, #5, #100, #200, #100, #70 = qarqa` (H7172): 1) floor, bottom; #6,
#300, #200, #9 = seret (H8296): 1) incision, cut; #5, #400, #10, #40,
#50, #10 = Teymaniy (H8489): 1) an inhabitant of Teman located east of
Idumea; 2) a descendant of Teman, the grandson of Esau and a duke of
Edom; #5, #400, #10, #90, #10 = Tiytsiy (H8491): 1) an inhabitant of
Tiz; #5, #40, #400, #20, #50 = takan (H8505): 1) to regulate, measure,
estimate, ponder, balance, make even, level, weigh, be equal, be weighed
out, test, prove; 1a) (Qal) estimate (participle); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to
be estimated; 1b2) to be made even or right, be adjusted to the
standard; 1c) (Piel) to weigh out, mete out; 1d) (Pual); 1d1) to be
weighed out, be measured out; 1d2) measured out (participle); #400, #50,
#10, #50, #5 = tinyan (Aramaic) (H8578): 1) second; #4, #10, #8, #3, #5,
#10, #100, #5, #300, #70 = diegeiro (G1326): 1) to wake up, awaken,
arouse (from sleep); 1a) of the sea, which begins to be agitated, to
rise; 1b) metaph.; 1b1) to arouse the mind; 1b2) stir up, render active;
#4, #10, #20, #1, #10, #70, #400 = dikaios (G1342): 1) righteous,
observing divine laws; 1a) in a wide sense, upright, righteous,
virtuous, keeping the commands of God; 1a1) of those who seem to
themselves to be righteous, who pride themselves to be righteous, who
pride themselves in their virtues, whether real or imagined; 1a2)
innocent, faultless, guiltless; 1a3) used of him whose way of thinking,
feeling, and acting is wholly conformed to the will of God, and who
therefore needs no rectification in the heart or life; 1a3a) only Christ
truly; 1a4) approved of or acceptable of God; 1b) in a narrower sense,
rendering to each his due and that in a judicial sense, passing just
judgment on others, whether expressed in words or shown by the manner of
dealing with them; #5, #40, #70, #400 = ego (G1473): 1) I, me, my; #10,
#200, #300, #5 = eido (G1492): 1) to see; 2) to know; 12) For Synonyms
see entry 5825; 1a) to perceive with the eyes; 1b) to perceive by any of
the senses; 1c) to perceive, notice, discern, discover; 1d) to see; 1d1)
ie. to turn the eyes, the mind, the attention to anything; 1d2) to pay
attention, observe; 1d3) to see about something; 1d31) ie. to ascertain
what must be done about it; 1d4) to inspect, examine; 1d5) to look at,
behold; 1e) to experience any state or condition; 1f) to see ie. have an
interview with, to visit; 2a) to know of anything; 2b) to know, ie. get
knowledge of, understand, perceive; 2b1) of any fact; 2b2) the force and
meaning of something which has definite meaning; 2b3) to know how, to be
skilled in; 2c) to have regard for one, cherish, pay attention to (1Th.
5:; #5, #80, #8, #3, #3, #5, #10, #30, #1, #300, #70 = epaggello
(G1861): 1) to announce that one is about to do or furnish something; 2)
to profess; 1a) to promise (of one's own accord) to engage voluntarily;
2a) an art, to profess one's skill in something; #7, #8, #30, #70, #400
= zelos (G2205): 1) excitement of mind, ardour, fervour of spirit; 1a)
zeal, ardour in embracing, pursuing, defending anything; 1a1) zeal in
behalf of, for a person or thing; 1a2) the fierceness of indignation,
punitive zeal; 1b) an envious and contentious rivalry, jealousy; #30,
#5, #50, #300, #10, #70, #50 = lention (G3012): 1) a linen cloth, towel;
1a) of the towel or apron with which servants put on when about to work;
#40, #5, #200, #70, #200 = mesos (G3319): 1) middle; 2) the midst; 3) in
the midst of, amongst; #80, #10, #200, #10, #4, #10, #1, #200 = Pisidia
(G4099): 1) a region in Asia Minor bounded by Pamphylia, and the
Pamphylian Sea, Phrygia, and Lycaonia; #80, #30, #5, #10, #70, #50, #70,
#200 = pleion (G4119): 1) greater in quantity; 2) greater in quality,
superior, more excellent; 1a) the more part, very many;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #612 has 52 Categories: #6, #400, #200, #1, #5 =
ra'ah (H7200): 1) to see, look at, inspect, perceive, consider; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to see; 1a2) to see, perceive; 1a3) to see, have vision;
1a4) to look at, see, regard, look after, see after, learn about,
observe, watch, look upon, look out, find out; 1a5) to see, observe,
consider, look at, give attention to, discern, distinguish; 1a6) to look
at, gaze at; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to appear, present oneself; 1b2) to be
seen; 1b3) to be visible; 1c) (Pual) to be seen; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to
cause to see, show; 1d2) to cause to look intently at, behold, cause to
gaze at; 1e) (Hophal); 1e1) to be caused to see, be shown; 1e2) to be
exhibited to; 1f) (Hithpael) to look at each other, face; #2, #200, #10,
#400 = beriyth (H1285): 1) covenant, alliance, pledge; 2) (phrases); 1a)
between men; 1a1) treaty, alliance, league (man to man); 1a2)
constitution, ordinance (monarch to subjects); 1a3) agreement, pledge
(man to man); 1a4) alliance (of friendship); 1a5) alliance (of
marriage); 1b) between God and man; 1b1) alliance (of friendship); 1b2)
covenant (divine ordinance with signs or pledges); 2a) covenant making;
2b) covenant keeping; 2c) covenant violation; #6, #400, #4, #2, #200 =
dabar (H1696): 1) to speak, declare, converse, command, promise, warn,
threaten, sing; 1a) (Qal) to speak; 1b) (Niphal) to speak with one
another, talk; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to speak; 1c2) to promise; 1d) (Pual) to
be spoken; 1e) (Hithpael) to speak; 1f) (Hiphil) to lead away, put to
flight; #6, #10, #300, #200, #90, #6 = sharats (H8317): 1) (Qal) to
teem, swarm, multiply; 1a) to swarm, teem; 1b2) to swarm; #6, #4, #2,
#200, #400 = dabar (H1696): 1) to speak, declare, converse, command,
promise, warn, threaten, sing; 1a) (Qal) to speak; 1b) (Niphal) to speak
with one another, talk; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to speak; 1c2) to promise; 1d)
(Pual) to be spoken; 1e) (Hithpael) to speak; 1f) (Hiphil) to lead away,
put to flight; #100, #90, #6, #400, #10, #6 = qatsah (H7098): 1) end,
extremity; 1a) end; 1b) from the whole of, from among (of what is
included between extremities); #2, #8, #2, #200, #400 = chobereth
(H2279): 1) junction, a thing joined; 2) curtain pieces of the
tabernacle; #2, #200, #4, #400, #6 = yarad (H3381): 1) to go down,
descend, decline, march down, sink down; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to go or come
down; 1a2) to sink; 1a3) to be prostrated; 1a4) to come down (of
revelation); 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to bring down; 1b2) to send down; 1b3)
to take down; 1b4) to lay prostrate; 1b5) to let down; 1c) (Hophal);
1c1) to be brought down; 1c2) to be taken down; #5, #200, #1, #400, #6 =
ra'ah (H7200): 1) to see, look at, inspect, perceive, consider; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to see; 1a2) to see, perceive; 1a3) to see, have vision;
1a4) to look at, see, regard, look after, see after, learn about,
observe, watch, look upon, look out, find out; 1a5) to see, observe,
consider, look at, give attention to, discern, distinguish; 1a6) to look
at, gaze at; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to appear, present oneself; 1b2) to be
seen; 1b3) to be visible; 1c) (Pual) to be seen; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to
cause to see, show; 1d2) to cause to look intently at, behold, cause to
gaze at; 1e) (Hophal); 1e1) to be caused to see, be shown; 1e2) to be
exhibited to; 1f) (Hithpael) to look at each other, face; #5, #200, #1,
#6, #400 = ra'ah (H7200): 1) to see, look at, inspect, perceive,
consider; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to see; 1a2) to see, perceive; 1a3) to see,
have vision; 1a4) to look at, see, regard, look after, see after, learn
about, observe, watch, look upon, look out, find out; 1a5) to see,
observe, consider, look at, give attention to, discern, distinguish;
1a6) to look at, gaze at; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to appear, present oneself;
1b2) to be seen; 1b3) to be visible; 1c) (Pual) to be seen; 1d)
(Hiphil); 1d1) to cause to see, show; 1d2) to cause to look intently at,
behold, cause to gaze at; 1e) (Hophal); 1e1) to be caused to see, be
shown; 1e2) to be exhibited to; 1f) (Hithpael) to look at each other,
face; #5, #2, #5, #200, #400 = bohereth (H934): 1) white patch of skin,
brightness, bright spot (on skin); 2) (CLBL) bright spot, scar, blister,
boil; 2a) resulting from fire; 2b) resulting from inflammation of the
skin; 2c) possible sign of leprosy; #6, #2, #200, #4, #400 = yarad
(H3381): 1) to go down, descend, decline, march down, sink down; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to go or come down; 1a2) to sink; 1a3) to be prostrated;
1a4) to come down (of revelation); 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to bring down;
1b2) to send down; 1b3) to take down; 1b4) to lay prostrate; 1b5) to let
down; 1c) (Hophal); 1c1) to be brought down; 1c2) to be taken down;
#200, #10, #2, #400 = riyb (H7379): 1) strife, controversy, dispute; 1a)
strife, quarrel; 1b) dispute, controversy, case at law; #2, #10, #400,
#200 = yether (H3499): 1) remainder, excess, rest, remnant, excellence;
1a) remainder, remnant; 1b) remainder, rest, other part; 1c) excess; 1d)
abundantly (adv); 1e) abundance, affluence; 1f) superiority, excellency;
#6, #10, #300, #40, #200, #50, #6 = shamar (H8104): 1) to keep, guard,
observe, give heed; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to keep, have charge of; 1a2) to
keep, guard, keep watch and ward, protect, save life; 1a2a) watch,
watchman (participle); 1a3) to watch for, wait for; 1a4) to watch,
observe; 1a5) to keep, retain, treasure up (in memory); 1a6) to keep
(within bounds), restrain; 1a7) to observe, celebrate, keep (sabbath or
covenant or commands), perform (vow); 1a8) to keep, preserve, protect;
1a9) to keep, reserve; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be on one's guard, take
heed, take care, beware; 1b2) to keep oneself, refrain, abstain; 1b3) to
be kept, be guarded; 1c) (Piel) to keep, pay heed; 1d) (Hithpael) to
keep oneself from; #6, #200, #6, #400 = Ruwth (H7327): 1)
daughter-in-law of Naomi, wife of Boaz, and grandmother of David; #5,
#200, #2, #400, #5 = rabah (H7235): 1) be or become great, be or become
many, be or become much, be or become numerous; 2) (Qal) to shoot; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to become many, become numerous, multiply (of people,
animals, things); 1a2) to be or grow great; 1b) (Piel) to make large,
enlarge, increase, become many; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make much, make
many, have many; 1c1a) to multiply, increase; 1c1b) to make much to do,
do much in respect of, transgress greatly; 1c1c) to increase greatly or
exceedingly; 1c2) to make great, enlarge, do much; #400, #4, #2, #200,
#6 = dabar (H1696): 1) to speak, declare, converse, command, promise,
warn, threaten, sing; 1a) (Qal) to speak; 1b) (Niphal) to speak with one
another, talk; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to speak; 1c2) to promise; 1d) (Pual) to
be spoken; 1e) (Hithpael) to speak; 1f) (Hiphil) to lead away, put to
flight; #2, #200, #2, #2, #400, #6 = rebabah (H7233): 1) multitude,
myriad, ten thousand; #4, #2, #200, #6, #400 = doberah (H1702): 1)
floats, rafts; #6, #70, #90, #40, #6, #400 = `etsem (H6106): 1) bone,
essence, substance; 1a) bone; 1a1) body, limbs, members, external body;
1b) bone (of animal); 1c) substance, self; #6, #100, #300, #200, #6 =
qesher (H7195): 1) conspiracy, treason, (unlawful) alliance; #6, #10,
#400, #100, #30, #60, #6 = qalac (H7046): 1) to mock, scoff; 1a) (Piel)
to scoff at; 1b) (Hithpael) to mock, deride, make fun of; #8, #200, #4,
#400 = charad (H2729): 1) to tremble, quake, move about, be afraid, be
startled, be terrified; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to tremble, quake (of a
mountain); 1a2) to tremble (of people); 1a3) to be anxiously careful;
1a4) to go or come trembling (with prep); 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to cause to
tremble; 1b2) to drive in terror, rout (an army); #6, #200, #1, #400, #5
= ra'ah (H7200): 1) to see, look at, inspect, perceive, consider; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to see; 1a2) to see, perceive; 1a3) to see, have vision;
1a4) to look at, see, regard, look after, see after, learn about,
observe, watch, look upon, look out, find out; 1a5) to see, observe,
consider, look at, give attention to, discern, distinguish; 1a6) to look
at, gaze at; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to appear, present oneself; 1b2) to be
seen; 1b3) to be visible; 1c) (Pual) to be seen; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to
cause to see, show; 1d2) to cause to look intently at, behold, cause to
gaze at; 1e) (Hophal); 1e1) to be caused to see, be shown; 1e2) to be
exhibited to; 1f) (Hithpael) to look at each other, face; #2, #1, #3,
#200, #6, #400 = 'iggereth (H107): 1) letter, missive; #200, #2, #10,
#400 = rabah (H7235): 1) be or become great, be or become many, be or
become much, be or become numerous; 2) (Qal) to shoot; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
to become many, become numerous, multiply (of people, animals, things);
1a2) to be or grow great; 1b) (Piel) to make large, enlarge, increase,
become many; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make much, make many, have many;
1c1a) to multiply, increase; 1c1b) to make much to do, do much in
respect of, transgress greatly; 1c1c) to increase greatly or
exceedingly; 1c2) to make great, enlarge, do much; #2, #10, #200, #100,
#200, #100 = 'ebrah (H84): 1) pinion, wing; 1a) of bird (ostrich, eagle,
dove); 1b) of God (metaph); #20, #70, #6, #50, #400, #10, #50, #6 =
`avon (H5771): 1) perversity, depravity, iniquity, guilt or punishment
of iniquity; 1a) iniquity; 1b) guilt of iniquity, guilt (as great),
guilt (of condition); 1c) consequence of or punishment for iniquity;
#100, #6, #90, #6, #400, #10 = qevutstsah (H6977): 1) lock, locks of
hair; #400, #200, #7, #5 = tirzah (H8645): 1) a type of tree; 1a)
perhaps the cypress, holm-tree; 1b) meaning very dubious; #2, #70, #90,
#40, #400, #10 = `etsem (H6106): 1) bone, essence, substance; 1a) bone;
1a1) body, limbs, members, external body; 1b) bone (of animal); 1c)
substance, self; #2, #200, #400, #10 = beriyth (H1285): 1) covenant,
alliance, pledge; 2) (phrases); 1a) between men; 1a1) treaty, alliance,
league (man to man); 1a2) constitution, ordinance (monarch to subjects);
1a3) agreement, pledge (man to man); 1a4) alliance (of friendship); 1a5)
alliance (of marriage); 1b) between God and man; 1b1) alliance (of
friendship); 1b2) covenant (divine ordinance with signs or pledges); 2a)
covenant making; 2b) covenant keeping; 2c) covenant violation; #2, #400,
#200, #10 = bether (H1335): 1) part, piece; 1a) of the parts of an
animal cut in half for a sacrifice; #200, #2, #400, #10 = rab (H7227):
1) much, many, great; 2) captain, chief; 1a) much; 1b) many; 1c)
abounding in; 1d) more numerous than; 1e) abundant, enough; 1f) great;
1g) strong; 1h) greater than adv; 1i) much, exceedingly n m; #400, #7,
#200, #5 = zarah (H2219): 1) to scatter, fan, cast away, winnow,
disperse, compass, spread, be scattered, be dispersed; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
to scatter; 1a2) to fan, winnow; 1b) (Niphal) to be scattered, be
dispersed; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to scatter, disperse (intensive of Qal);
1c2) to winnow, sift; 1d) (Pual) to be scattered, be spread out; #2,
#300, #300, #10 = shishshiy (H8345): 1) sixth; 1a) sixth (ordinal
number); 1b) sixth (as fraction); #5, #3, #4, #200, #400 = gederah
(H1448): 1) wall, hedge; 2) sheepfold (construct with 'sheep'); #2, #3,
#7, #200, #400 = gezerah (H1510): 1) decree; #40, #2, #100, #70, #400 =
biq`ah (H1237): 1) valley; 2) plain, level valley; #2, #200, #2, #2, #6,
#400 = rebabah (H7233): 1) multitude, myriad, ten thousand; #1, #80,
#10, #200, #300, #10, #1, #10 = apistia (G570): 1) unfaithfulness,
faithless; 2) want of faith, unbelief; 3) weakness of faith; #3, #100,
#1, #500, #8 = graphe (G1124): 1) a writing, thing written; 2) the
Scripture, used to denote either the book itself, or its contents; 3) a
certain portion or section of the Holy Scripture; #1, #400, #3, #8, #200
= auge (G827): 1) brightness, radiance, daylight For Synonyms see entry
5817; #1, #80, #70, #20, #1, #300, #1, #30, #30, #1, #60, #8, #10 =
apokatallasso (G604): 1) to reconcile completely; 2) to reconcile back
again, bring back a former state of harmony;
The only hope can keep me together,
@memeBrain [Telos: #1970, Super: #71 - Know-How as a Disease, Disease of
Knowledge; I-Ching: H38 - Contrariety, Opposition, Polarising,
Perversion; Tetra: 6 - Contrariety, Ego: #26 - Ambiguous Reversals,
Virtue of Gravity; I-Ching: H3 - Birth Throes, Initial Difficulties,
Sprouting, Difficulty at the beginning, Gathering support, Hoarding;
Tetra: 3 - Mired]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #586 has 71 Categories: #6, #10, #70, #400, #100 =
`athaq (H6275): 1) to move, proceed, advance, move on, become old, be
removed; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to move; 1a2) to advance (in years), grow old
and weak; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to move forward, proceed, move on; 1b2) to
remove; 1b3) to transcribe; #5, #50, #40, #90, #1, #400 = matsa'
(H4672): 1) to find, attain to; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to find; 1a1a) to find,
secure, acquire, get (thing sought); 1a1b) to find (what is lost); 1a1c)
to meet, encounter; 1a1d) to find (a condition); 1a1e) to learn, devise;
1a2) to find out; 1a2a) to find out; 1a2b) to detect; 1a2c) to guess;
1a3) to come upon, light upon; 1a3a) to happen upon, meet, fall in with;
1a3b) to hit; 1a3c) to befall; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be found; 1b1a) to
be encountered, be lighted upon, be discovered; 1b1b) to appear, be
recognised; 1b1c) to be discovered, be detected; 1b1d) to be gained, be
secured; 1b2) to be, be found; 1b2a) to be found in; 1b2b) to be in the
possession of; 1b2c) to be found in (a place), happen to be; 1b2d) to be
left (after war); 1b2e) to be present; 1b2f) to prove to be; 1b2g) to be
found sufficient, be enough; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to find,
attain; 1c2) to cause to light upon, come upon, come; 1c3) to cause to
encounter; 1c4) to present (offering); #30, #200, #1, #300, #50, #5 =
ri'shown (H7223): 1) first, primary, former; 2) first, before, formerly,
at first; 1a) former (of time); 1a1) ancestors; 1a2) former things; 1b)
foremost (of location); 1c) first (in time); 1d) first, chief (in
degree) adv; #90, #50, #40, #6, #400 = tsanam (H6798): 1) (Qal) to dry
up, harden, wither; #6, #5, #300, #70, #200, #5 = se`orah (H8184): 1)
barley; 1a) barley (of the plant); 1b) barley (of the meal or grain);
#6, #30, #300, #40, #200, #10 = shamar (H8104): 1) to keep, guard,
observe, give heed; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to keep, have charge of; 1a2) to
keep, guard, keep watch and ward, protect, save life; 1a2a) watch,
watchman (participle); 1a3) to watch for, wait for; 1a4) to watch,
observe; 1a5) to keep, retain, treasure up (in memory); 1a6) to keep
(within bounds), restrain; 1a7) to observe, celebrate, keep (sabbath or
covenant or commands), perform (vow); 1a8) to keep, preserve, protect;
1a9) to keep, reserve; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be on one's guard, take
heed, take care, beware; 1b2) to keep oneself, refrain, abstain; 1b3) to
be kept, be guarded; 1c) (Piel) to keep, pay heed; 1d) (Hithpael) to
keep oneself from; #6, #90, #80, #10, #400 = tsaphah (H6823): 1) to lay
out, lay over, overlay, cover; 1a) (Piel) to overlay, plate, stud; 1b)
(Pual) to be laid over; #80, #200, #300, #6 = peresh (H6569): 1) faecal
matter, dung, offal; #6, #30, #50, #400, #100 = netheq (H5424): 1) scab,
skin eruption, scall (of leprosy); #400, #100, #80, #6 = naqaph (H5362):
1) to strike, strike off; 2) to go around, compass, round; 1a) (Piel) to
strike off skin; 2a) (Qal) to go around; 2b) (Hiphil); 2b1) to go
around, surround, encompass, enclose; 2b2) to make the round, complete
the circuit; 2b3) to make round, round off; #300, #6, #80, #200 =
showphar (H7782): 1) horn, ram's horn; #10, #400, #100, #70, #6 = taqa`
(H8628): 1) to blow, clap, strike, sound, thrust, give a blow, blast;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to thrust, drive (of weapon); 1a2) to give a blast, give
a blow; 1a3) to strike or clap hands; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be blown,
blast (of horn); 1b2) to strike or pledge oneself; #6, #300, #70, #10,
#200 = sa`iyr (H8163): 1) hairy n m; 2) he-goat, buck; 32) ; 2a) as
sacrificial animal; 2b) satyr, may refer to a demon possessed goat like
the swine of Gadara (Mt. 8:30-; #300, #200, #80, #6 = saraph (H8313): 1)
to burn; 1a) (Qal) to burn; 1b) (Niphal) to be burned; 1c) (Piel)
burner, burning (participle); 1d) (Pual) to be burnt up, be burned; #40,
#70, #200, #6, #70, #200 = `Arow`er (H6177): 1) a city on the north bank
of the river Arnon, the southern point of the territory of Sihon the
king of the Amorites and later of Reuben; modern 'Arair'; 2) a city in
Ammon near the Jabbok belonging to Gad; 3) a town in southern Judah; #6,
#10, #400, #100, #70 = taqa` (H8628): 1) to blow, clap, strike, sound,
thrust, give a blow, blast; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to thrust, drive (of
weapon); 1a2) to give a blast, give a blow; 1a3) to strike or clap
hands; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be blown, blast (of horn); 1b2) to strike
or pledge oneself; #30, #100, #50, #6, #400 = qanah (H7069): 1) to get,
acquire, create, buy, possess; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to get, acquire, obtain;
1a1a) of God originating, creating, redeeming His people; 1a1a1)
possessor; 1a1b) of Eve acquiring; 1a1c) of acquiring knowledge, wisdom;
1a2) to buy; 1b) (Niphal) to be bought; 1c) (Hiphil) to cause to
possess; #300, #70, #200, #10, #6 = sha`ar (H8179): 1) gate; 1a) gate
(of entrance); 1b) gate (of space inside gate, ie marketplace, public
meeting place); 1b1) city, town; 1c) gate (of palace, royal castle,
temple, court of tabernacle); 1d) Heaven, Sheol (fig); #6, #80, #200,
#300 = paras (H6566): 1) to spread, spread out, stretch, break in
pieces; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to spread out, display; 1a2) to spread over; 1b)
(Niphal) to be scattered, be spread out; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to scatter;
#2, #40, #8, #30, #100, #6, #400 = machaloqeth (H4256): 1) division,
course, class, share, allotment; 1a) division, part; 1b) division,
class, course; 1b1) of priests, Levites (technical term of
organisation); #6, #40, #400, #80, #30, #30 = palal (H6419): 1) to
intervene, interpose, pray; 1a) (Piel) to mediate, judge; 1b)
(Hithpael); 1b1) to intercede; 1b2) to pray; #50, #90, #40, #400, #6 =
tsamath (H6789): 1) to put an end to, cut off, destroy, exterminate,
extirpate; 1a) (Qal) to put an end to, terminate; 1b) (Niphal) to be
ended, be annihilated, be exterminated; 1c) (Piel) to put an end to; 1d)
(Pilel) to be exterminated, be annihilated; 1e) (Hiphil) to exterminate,
annihilate; #6, #300, #70, #200, #10 = sha`ar (H8179): 1) gate; 1a) gate
(of entrance); 1b) gate (of space inside gate, ie marketplace, public
meeting place); 1b1) city, town; 1c) gate (of palace, royal castle,
temple, court of tabernacle); 1d) Heaven, Sheol (fig); #10, #200, #70,
#300, #6 = ra`ash (H7493): 1) to quake, shake; 1a) (Qal) to quake,
shake; 1b) (Niphal) to be made to quake; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to
quake; 1c2) to cause to spring or leap (of horse); #70, #50, #10, #400,
#50, #6 = `anah (H6031): 1) (Qal) to be occupied, be busied with; 2) to
afflict, oppress, humble, be afflicted, be bowed down; 2a) (Qal); 2a1)
to be put down, become low; 2a2) to be depressed, be downcast; 2a3) to
be afflicted; 2a4) to stoop; 2b) (Niphal); 2b1) to humble oneself, bow
down; 2b2) to be afflicted, be humbled; 2c) (Piel); 2c1) to humble,
mishandle, afflict; 2c2) to humble, be humiliated; 2c3) to afflict; 2d4)
to humble, weaken oneself; 2d) (Pual); 2d1) to be afflicted; 2d2) to be
humbled; 2e) (Hiphil) to afflict; 2f) (Hithpael); 2f1) to humble
oneself; 2f2) to be afflicted; #40, #100, #40, #6, #400 = maqowm
(H4725): 1) standing place, place; 1a) standing place, station, post,
office; 1b) place, place of human abode; 1c) city, land, region; 1d)
place, locality, spot; 1e) space, room, distance; 1f) region, quarter,
direction; 1g) give place to, instead of; #6, #400, #70, #50, #50, #10 =
`anah (H6030): 1) to answer, respond, testify, speak, shout; 2) (Qal) to
sing, utter tunefully; 3) (Qal) to dwell; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to answer,
respond to; 1a2) to testify, respond as a witness; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to
make answer; 1b2) to be answered, receive answer; #80, #10, #80, #10,
#6, #400 = piyphiyah (H6374): 1) tooth, edge, mouth; #6, #70, #300, #10,
#200 = `ashiyr (H6223): 1) rich, wealthy n; 2) the rich, the wealthy,
rich man; #80, #6, #200, #300 = paras (H6566): 1) to spread, spread out,
stretch, break in pieces; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to spread out, display; 1a2)
to spread over; 1b) (Niphal) to be scattered, be spread out; 1c) (Piel);
1c1) to scatter; #5, #400, #100, #6, #70, #5 = taqa` (H8628): 1) to
blow, clap, strike, sound, thrust, give a blow, blast; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
to thrust, drive (of weapon); 1a2) to give a blast, give a blow; 1a3) to
strike or clap hands; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be blown, blast (of horn);
1b2) to strike or pledge oneself; #30, #40, #10, #300, #6, #200 =
miyshowr (H4334): 1) level place, uprightness; 1a) level country,
table-land, plain; 1b) level place; 1c) uprightness; #6, #400, #80, #100
= puwq (H6329): 1) to bring out, furnish, promote, go out, issue; 1a)
(Hiphil); 1a1) to produce, furnish; 1a2) to bring out, elicit, obtain,
cause to come out from; 1a3) to promote; 1a4) to cause to go out to;
#60, #30, #60, #30, #6, #400 = calcillah (H5552): 1) basket; 1a) perhaps
or probably shoot, branch, tendril; #5, #8, #7, #10, #100, #400, #50, #6
= chazaq (H2388): 1) to strengthen, prevail, harden, be strong, become
strong, be courageous, be firm, grow firm, be resolute, be sore; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to be strong, grow strong; 1a1a) to prevail, prevail upon;
1a1b) to be firm, be caught fast, be secure; 1a1c) to press, be urgent;
1a1d) to grow stout, grow rigid, grow hard (bad sense); 1a1e) to be
severe, be grievous; 1a2) to strengthen; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to make
strong; 1b2) to restore to strength, give strength; 1b3) to strengthen,
sustain, encourage; 1b4) to make strong, make bold, encourage; 1b5) to
make firm; 1b6) to make rigid, make hard; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make
strong, strengthen; 1c2) to make firm; 1c3) to display strength; 1c4) to
make severe; 1c5) to support; 1c6) to repair; 1c7) to prevail, prevail
upon; 1c8) to have or take or keep hold of, retain, hold up, sustain,
support; 1c9) to hold, contain; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1) to strengthen
oneself; 1d2) to put forth strength, use one's strength; 1d3) to
withstand; 1d4) to hold strongly with; #80, #70, #30, #400, #6 =
pe`ullah (H6468): 1) work, recompense, reward; 1a) work; 1b) wages; #10,
#300, #70, #200, #6 = sa`ar (H8175): 1) to storm, shiver, dread, bristle
(with horror), be very afraid; 2) to storm away, sweep away, whirl away;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to bristle (with horror); 1a2) to dread; 2a) (Qal); 2a1)
to sweep away; 2a2) to storm away (of God's action against the wicked)
(fig); 2b) (Niphal) to be stormy, be tempestuous (exceedingly); 2c)
(Piel) to whirl away, be stormed away; 2d) (Hithpael) to storm against,
come as a storm; #400, #90, #10, #30, #50, #6 = natsal (H5337): 1) to
snatch away, deliver, rescue, save, strip, plunder; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1)
to tear oneself away, deliver oneself; 1a2) to be torn out or away, be
delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to strip off, spoil; 1b2) to deliver; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to take away, snatch away; 1c2) to rescue, recover; 1c3)
to deliver (from enemies or troubles or death); 1c4) to deliver from sin
and guilt; 1d) (Hophal) to be plucked out; 1e) (Hithpael) to strip
oneself; #30, #5, #100, #40, #6, #400, #5 = quwm (H6966): 1) to arise,
stand; 1a) (P'al); 1a1) to arise from; 1a2) to come on the scene (fig);
1a3) to arise (out of inaction); 1a4) to stand; 1a5) to endure; 1b)
(Pael) to set up, establish; 1c) (Aphel); 1c1) to set up; 1c2) to lift
up; 1c3) to establish; 1c4) to appoint; 1d) (Hophal) to be made to
stand; #6, #70, #400, #10, #100 = `attiyq (H6268): 1) ancient, advanced,
aged, old, taken away; #6, #80, #300, #200 = peshar (H6591): 1)
interpretation (of dream); #400, #50, #1, #80, #50, #5 = na'aph (H5003):
1) to commit adultery; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to commit adultery; 1a1a) usually
of man; 1a1a1) always with wife of another; 1a1b) adultery (of women)
(participle); 1a2) idolatrous worship (fig.); 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to commit
adultery; 1b1a) of man; 1b1b) adultery (of women) (participle); 1b2)
idolatrous worship (fig.); #5, #100, #3, #1, #7, #70, #400 = ergazomai
(G2038): 1) to work, labour, do work; 2) to trade, to make gains by
trading, Vdo businessV; 3) to do, work out; 4) to work for, earn by
working, to acquire; 3a) exercise, perform, commit; 3b) to cause to
exist, produce; #80, #70, #10, #8, #200, #8, #10, #200 = poieo (G4160):
1) to make; 2) to do; 1a) with the names of things made, to produce,
construct, form, fashion, etc.; 1b) to be the authors of, the cause; 1c)
to make ready, to prepare; 1d) to produce, bear, shoot forth; 1e) to
acquire, to provide a thing for one's self; 1f) to make a thing out of
something; 1g) to (make i.e.) render one anything; 1g1) to (make i.e.)
constitute or appoint one anything, to appoint or ordain one that; 1g2)
to (make i.e.) declare one anything; 1h) to put one forth, to lead him
out; 1i) to make one do something; 1i1) cause one to; 1j) to be the
authors of a thing (to cause, bring about); 2a) to act rightly, do well;
2a1) to carry out, to execute; 2b) to do a thing unto one; 2b1) to do to
one; 2c) with designation of time: to pass, spend; 2d) to celebrate,
keep; 2d1) to make ready, and so at the same time to institute, the
celebration of the passover; 2e) to perform: to a promise For Synonyms
see entry 5871; #80, #300, #5, #100, #50, #1, #50 = pterna (G4418): 1)
the heel (of the foot); 2) to lift up the heel against one; 2a) to
injure one by trickery (figure borrowed either from kicking, or from a
wrestler tripping up his antagonist); #70, #100, #1, #200, #5, #10, #200
= horasis (G3706): 1) the act of seeing; 2) appearance, visible form; 3)
a vision; 1a) the sense of sight, the eyes; 3a) an appearance divinely
granted in an ecstasy or dream; #5, #30, #1, #30, #70, #400, #50 = laleo
(G2980): 1) to utter a voice or emit a sound; 2) to speak; 3) to talk;
4) to utter, tell; 5) to use words in order to declare one's mind and
disclose one's thoughts; 2a) to use the tongue or the faculty of speech;
2b) to utter articulate sounds; 5a) to speak; #5, #60, #5, #30, #5, #60,
#1, #50, #300, #70 = eklegomai (G1586): 1) to pick out, choose, to pick
or choose out for one's self; 5) so that the ground of the choice lies
in Christ and his merits only; 1a) choosing one out of many, i.e. Jesus
choosing his disciples; 1b) choosing one for an office; 1c) of God
choosing whom he judged fit to receive his favours and separated from
the rest of mankind to be peculiarly his own and to be attended
continually by his gracious oversight; 1c1) i.e. the Israelites; 1d) of
God the Father choosing Christians, as those whom he set apart from the
irreligious multitude as dear unto himself, and whom he has rendered,
through faith in Christ, citizens in the Messianic kingdom: (James 2:;
#50, #5, #1, #50, #10, #70, #400 = neanias (G3494): 1) a young man; #1,
#50, #1, #7, #8, #300, #8, #200, #1, #10 = anazeteo (G327): 1) to seek
out, search through, make diligent search; #1, #100, #5, #10, #70, #400
= Areios (G697): 1) a rocky height in the city of Athens, opposite the
western end of the Acropolis toward the west. This hill belonged to
(Ares) Mars and was called Mar's Hill; so called, because, as the story
went, Mars, having slain Halirrhothius, son of Neptune, for the
attempted violation of his daughter Alicippe, was tried for the murder
here before twelve gods as judges. This place was the location where the
judges convened who, by appointment of Solon, had jurisdiction of
capital offences, (as wilful murder, arson, poisoning, malicious
wounding, and breach of established religious usages). The court itself
was called Areopagus from the place where it sat, also VAreum judiciumV
an VcuriaV. To that hill the apostle Paul was not led to defend himself
before judges, but that he might set forth his opinions on divine
subjects to a greater multitude of people, flocking together there and
eager to hear something new.; #5, #400, #50, #70, #10, #1, #50 = eunoia
(G2133): 1) good will, kindness; #40, #1, #300, #1, #10, #70, #30, #70,
#3, #10, #1, #50 = mataiologia (G3150): 1) vain talking, empty talk; #3,
#70, #8, #300, #5, #200 = goes (G1114): 1) a wailer, a howler; 2) a
juggler, enchanter (because incantations used to be uttered in a kind of
howl); 3) a deceiver, imposter; #1, #80, #70, #20, #400, #5, #10 =
apokueo (G616): 1) to bring forth; 2) produce; 1a) from the womb; 1b)
give birth to;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #638 has 23 Categories: #6, #2, #200, #20, #400, #10
= barak (H1288): 1) to bless, kneel; 2) (TWOT) to praise, salute, curse;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to kneel; 1a2) to bless; 1b) (Niphal) to be blessed,
bless oneself; 1c) (Piel) to bless; 1d) (Pual) to be blessed, be adored;
1e) (Hiphil) to cause to kneel; 1f) (Hithpael) to bless oneself; #6, #2,
#300, #30, #300 = shalowsh (H7969): 1) three, triad; 1a) 3, 300, third;
#2, #40, #90, #100, #400, #6 = muwtsaqah (H4166): 1) pipe; 2) a casting;
#30, #2, #200, #6, #400 = barah (H1262): 1) to eat, consume; 1a) (Qal)
to eat; 1b) (Piel) for eating, devouring; 1c) (Hiphil) to cause to eat;
#2, #90, #80, #10, #400, #50, #6 = tsaphah (H6822): 1) to look out or
about, spy, keep watch, observe, watch; 1a) (Qal) to keep watch, spy;
1b) (Piel) to watch, watch closely; #6, #20, #2, #200, #10, #400 =
boriyth (H1287): 1) lye, potash, soap, alkali (used in washing); #20,
#100, #10, #300, #8, #200 = krites (G2923): 1) one who passes or
arrogates to himself, judgment on anything; 1a) an arbiter; 1b) of a
Roman procurator administering justice; 1c) of God passing judgment on
men; 1d) of the leaders or rulers of the Israelites For Synonyms see
entry 5838; #200, #5, #2, #70, #50, #300, #1, #10 = sebomai (G4576): 1)
to revere, to worship; #80, #5, #10, #100, #1, #7, #70, #40, #5, #50,
#70, #200 = peirazo (G3985): 1) to try whether a thing can be done; 2)
to try, make trial of, test: for the purpose of ascertaining his
quantity, or what he thinks, or how he will behave himself; 1a) to
attempt, endeavour; 2a) in a good sense; 2b) in a bad sense, to test one
maliciously, craftily to put to the proof his feelings or judgments; 2c)
to try or test one's faith, virtue, character, by enticement to sin;
2c1) to solicit to sin, to tempt; 1c1a) of the temptations of the devil;
2d) after the OT usage; 2d1) of God: to inflict evils upon one in order
to prove his character and the steadfastness of his faith; 2d2) men are
said to tempt God by exhibitions of distrust, as though they wished to
try whether he is not justly distrusted; 2d3) by impious or wicked
conduct to test God's justice and patience, and to challenge him, as it
were to give proof of his perfections.; #5, #80, #50, #10, #3, #70, #50,
#300, #70 = pnigo (G4155): 1) to choke, strangle; 2) to wring one's
neck, throttle; 1a) of thorns crowding out the seed in the field and
hindering its growth; #4, #10, #1, #30, #70, #3, #10, #200, #40, #70,
#200 = dialogismos (G1261): 1) the thinking of a man deliberating with
himself; 2) a deliberating, questioning about what is true; 1a) a
thought, inward reasoning; 1b) purpose, design; 2a) hesitation,
doubting; 2b) disputing, arguing; #200, #400, #20, #8, #10 = suke
(G4808): 1) a fig tree; #5, #400, #200, #5, #2, #5, #10, #1, #10 =
eusebeia (G2150): 1) reverence, respect; 2) piety towards God,
godliness; #400, #80, #5, #2, #1, #30, #70, #50 = hupoballo (G5260): 1)
to throw or put under; 2) to suggest to the mind; 3) to instruct
privately, instigate, to bribe or induce (someone) unlawfully or
secretly to perform some misdeed or commit a crime; 4) to induce (a
person esp. a witness) to give false testimony; #1, #80, #5, #200, #300,
#1, #30, #20, #1 = apostello (G649): 1) to order (one) to go to a place
appointed; 2) to send away, dismiss; 2a) to allow one to depart, that he
may be in a state of liberty; 2b) to order one to depart, send off; 2c)
to drive away For Synonyms see entry 5813; #20, #30, #8, #300, #70, #10,
#200 = kletos (G2822): 1) called, invited (to a banquet); 1a) invited
(by God in the proclamation of the Gospel) to obtain eternal salvation
in the kingdom through Christ; 1b) called to (the discharge of) some
office; 1b1) divinely selected and appointed; #80, #30, #5, #70, #50,
#1, #200, #1, #200, #1 = pleonazo (G4121): 1) to superabound; 2) to make
to increase: one in a thing; 1a) of things; 1a1) to exist in abundance;
1a2) to increase; 1a3) be augmented; #20, #1, #300, #5, #2, #1, #100,
#8, #200, #1 = katabareo (G2599): 1) to press down by an imposing
weight; 2) to weigh down; 3) metaph. to burden;
Love can repair your life,
@memeBrain [Telos: #2014, Super: #48 - Forgetting Knowledge; I-Ching:
H35 - Advance, Progress, Prospering, Aquas; Tetra: 20 - Advance, Ego:
#70 - Difficulty in Knowing How, Obtuse; I-Ching: H53 - Gradual Advance,
Development (gradual progress), Infiltrating, Advancement; Tetra: 14 -
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #634 has 24 Categories: #30, #4, #200, #400 = dowr
(H1755): 1) period, generation, habitation, dwelling; 1a) period, age,
generation (period of time); 1b) generation (those living during a
period); 1c) generation (characterised by quality, condition, class of
men); 1d) dwelling-place, habitation; #30, #200, #4, #400 = yarad
(H3381): 1) to go down, descend, decline, march down, sink down; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to go or come down; 1a2) to sink; 1a3) to be prostrated;
1a4) to come down (of revelation); 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to bring down;
1b2) to send down; 1b3) to take down; 1b4) to lay prostrate; 1b5) to let
down; 1c) (Hophal); 1c1) to be brought down; 1c2) to be taken down;
#400, #4, #200, #20, #10 = darak (H1869): 1) to tread, bend, lead,
march; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to tread, march, march forth; 1a2) to tread on,
tread upon; 1a3) to tread (a press); 1a4) to tread (bend) a bow; 1a5)
archer, bow-benders (participle); 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to tread, tread
down; 1b2) to tread (bend with the foot) a bow; 1b3) to cause to go,
lead, march, tread; #30, #40, #2, #200, #1, #300, #6, #50, #5 = ri'shown
(H7223): 1) first, primary, former; 2) first, before, formerly, at
first; 1a) former (of time); 1a1) ancestors; 1a2) former things; 1b)
foremost (of location); 1c) first (in time); 1d) first, chief (in
degree) adv; #20, #9, #5, #200, #400 = tohorah (H2893): 1) purifying,
cleansing, purification, purity, cleanness; 1a) purifying, menstruation;
1b) cleansing, purification; #4, #200, #20, #400, #10 = darak (H1869):
1) to tread, bend, lead, march; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to tread, march, march
forth; 1a2) to tread on, tread upon; 1a3) to tread (a press); 1a4) to
tread (bend) a bow; 1a5) archer, bow-benders (participle); 1b) (Hiphil);
1b1) to tread, tread down; 1b2) to tread (bend with the foot) a bow;
1b3) to cause to go, lead, march, tread; #2, #8, #200, #2, #6, #400,
#10, #6 = chereb (H2719): 1) sword, knife; 1a) sword; 1b) knife; 1c)
tools for cutting stone; #6, #1, #200, #20, #2, #400, #5 = 'arkubah
(H755): 1) knee; #2, #1, #80, #300, #10, #200, #40, #1 = baptisma
(G908): 1) immersion, submersion; 1a) of calamities and afflictions with
which one is quite overwhelmed; 1b) of John's baptism, that purification
rite by which men on confessing their sins were bound to spiritual
reformation, obtained the pardon of their past sins and became qualified
for the benefits of the Messiah's kingdom soon to be set up. This was
valid Christian baptism, as this was the only baptism the apostles
received and it is not recorded anywhere that they were ever rebaptised
after Pentecost.; 1c) of Christian baptism; a rite of immersion in water
as commanded by Christ, by which one after confessing his sins and
professing his faith in Christ, having been born again by the Holy
Spirit unto a new life, identifies publicly with the fellowship of
Christ and the church; #9, #5, #100, #10, #200, #40, #70, #200 =
therismos (G2326): 1) harvest, the act of reaping; 1a) fig. of the
gathering of men into the kingdom of God; 1b) referring to time of
reaping, the final judgment, when the righteous are gathered into the
kingdom of God and the wicked are cast into hell for ever; #8, #10,
#100, #5, #300, #10, #200, #1 = hairetizo (G140): 1) to choose; 2) to
belong to a sect; #1, #100, #9, #8, #200, #5, #300, #1, #10 = airo
(G142): 1) to raise up, elevate, lift up; 2) to take upon one's self and
carry what has been raised up, to bear; 3) to bear away what has been
raised, carry off; 1a) to raise from the ground, take up: stones; 1b) to
raise upwards, elevate, lift up: the hand; 1c) to draw up: a fish; 3a)
to move from its place; 3b) to take off or away what is attached to
anything; 3c) to remove; 3d) to carry off, carry away with one; 3e) to
appropriate what is taken; 3f) to take away from another what is his or
what is committed to him, to take by force; 3g) to take and apply to any
use; 3h) to take from among the living, either by a natural death, or by
violence; 3i) cause to cease; #5, #30, #5, #400, #9, #5, #100, #70, #10
= eleutheros (G1658): 1) freeborn; 2) free, exempt, unrestrained, not
bound by an obligation; 3) in an ethical sense: free from the yoke of
the Mosaic Law; 1a) in a civil sense, one who is not a slave; 1b) of one
who ceases to be a slave, freed, manumitted; #1, #50, #1, #300, #1, #60,
#1, #200, #9, #1, #10 = anatassomai (G392): 1) to put together in order,
arrange, compose; #20, #1, #30, #70, #400, #40, #5, #50, #8, #10 = kaleo
(G2564): 1) to call; 2) to call i.e. to name, by name; 1a) to call
aloud, utter in a loud voice; 1b) to invite; 2a) to give a name to; 2a1)
to receive the name of, receive as a name; 2a2) to give some name to
one, call his name; 2b) to be called i.e. to bear a name or title (among
men); 2c) to salute one by name For Synonyms see entry 5823; #9, #5,
#50, #300, #70, #200 = tithemi (G5087): 1) to set, put, place; 2) to
make; 3) to set, fix establish; 1a) to place or lay; 1b) to put down,
lay down; 1b1) to bend down; 1b2) to lay off or aside, to wear or carry
no longer; 1b3) to lay by, lay aside money; 1c) to set on (serve)
something to eat or drink; 1d) to set forth, something to be explained
by discourse; 2a) to make (or set) for one's self or for one's use; 3a)
to set forth; 3b) to establish, ordain; #9, #400, #5, #200, #9, #1, #10
= thuo (G2380): 1) to sacrifice, immolate; 2) to slay, kill; 3)
slaughter; 2a) of the paschal lamb; #300, #8, #100, #8, #200, #8, #10 =
tereo (G5083): 1) to attend to carefully, take care of; 1a) to guard;
1b) metaph. to keep, one in the state in which he is; 1c) to observe;
1d) to reserve: to undergo something For Synonyms see entry 5874; #30,
#1, #30, #70, #400, #40, #5, #50, #8 = laleo (G2980): 1) to utter a
voice or emit a sound; 2) to speak; 3) to talk; 4) to utter, tell; 5) to
use words in order to declare one's mind and disclose one's thoughts;
2a) to use the tongue or the faculty of speech; 2b) to utter articulate
sounds; 5a) to speak; #9, #400, #100, #5, #70, #50 = thureos (G2375): 1)
a shield, a large oblong, four cornered shield; #40, #1, #200, #300,
#10, #3, #70, #10 = mastigoo (G3146): 1) to scourge;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #708 has 50 Categories: #400, #300, #6, #2 = shuwb
(H7725): 1) to return, turn back; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to turn back, return;
1a1a) to turn back; 1a1b) to return, come or go back; 1a1c) to return
unto, go back, come back; 1a1d) of dying; 1a1e) of human relations
(fig); 1a1f) of spiritual relations (fig); 1a1f1) to turn back (from
God), apostatise; 1a1f2) to turn away (of God); 1a1f3) to turn back (to
God), repent; 1a1f4) turn back (from evil); 1a1g) of inanimate things;
1a1h) in repetition; 1b) (Polel); 1b1) to bring back; 1b2) to restore,
refresh, repair (fig); 1b3) to lead away (enticingly); 1b4) to show
turning, apostatise; 1c) (Pual) restored (participle); 1d) (Hiphil) to
cause to return, bring back; 1d1) to bring back, allow to return, put
back, draw back, give back, restore, relinquish, give in payment; 1d2)
to bring back, refresh, restore; 1d3) to bring back, report to, answer;
1d4) to bring back, make requital, pay (as recompense); 1d5) to turn
back or backward, repel, defeat, repulse, hinder, reject, refuse; 1d6)
to turn away (face), turn toward; 1d7) to turn against; 1d8) to bring
back to mind; 1d9) to show a turning away; 1d10) to reverse, revoke; 1e)
(Hophal) to be returned, be restored, be brought back; 1f) (Pulal)
brought back; #6, #400, #300, #2 = shuwb (H7725): 1) to return, turn
back; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to turn back, return; 1a1a) to turn back; 1a1b) to
return, come or go back; 1a1c) to return unto, go back, come back; 1a1d)
of dying; 1a1e) of human relations (fig); 1a1f) of spiritual relations
(fig); 1a1f1) to turn back (from God), apostatise; 1a1f2) to turn away
(of God); 1a1f3) to turn back (to God), repent; 1a1f4) turn back (from
evil); 1a1g) of inanimate things; 1a1h) in repetition; 1b) (Polel); 1b1)
to bring back; 1b2) to restore, refresh, repair (fig); 1b3) to lead away
(enticingly); 1b4) to show turning, apostatise; 1c) (Pual) restored
(participle); 1d) (Hiphil) to cause to return, bring back; 1d1) to bring
back, allow to return, put back, draw back, give back, restore,
relinquish, give in payment; 1d2) to bring back, refresh, restore; 1d3)
to bring back, report to, answer; 1d4) to bring back, make requital, pay
(as recompense); 1d5) to turn back or backward, repel, defeat, repulse,
hinder, reject, refuse; 1d6) to turn away (face), turn toward; 1d7) to
turn against; 1d8) to bring back to mind; 1d9) to show a turning away;
1d10) to reverse, revoke; 1e) (Hophal) to be returned, be restored, be
brought back; 1f) (Pulal) brought back; #300, #8, #400 = shachath
(H7843): 1) to destroy, corrupt, go to ruin, decay; 1a) (Niphal) to be
marred, be spoiled, be corrupted, be corrupt, be injured, be ruined, be
rotted; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to spoil, ruin; 1b2) to pervert, corrupt, deal
corruptly (morally); 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to spoil, ruin, destroy; 1c2) to
pervert, corrupt (morally); 1c3) destroyer (participle); 1d) (Hophal)
spoiled, ruined (participle); #400, #8, #300 = Tachash (H8477): 1) son
of Nahor by his concubine Reumah and nephew of Abraham; #5, #300, #1,
#2, #400 = sha'ab (H7579): 1) to draw (water); 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to draw
(water); 1a2) water-drawing women (participle); #400, #300, #2, #6 =
yashab (H3427): 1) to dwell, remain, sit, abide; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to sit,
sit down; 1a2) to be set; 1a3) to remain, stay; 1a4) to dwell, have
one's abode; 1b) (Niphal) to be inhabited; 1c) (Piel) to set, place; 1d)
(Hiphil); 1d1) to cause to sit; 1d2) to cause to abide, set; 1d3) to
cause to dwell; 1d4) to cause (cities) to be inhabited; 1d5) to marry
(give an dwelling to); 1e) (Hophal); 1e1) to be inhabited; 1e2) to make
to dwell; #6, #400, #100, #2, #200 = qabar (H6912): 1) to bury; 1a)
(Qal) to bury; 1b) (Niphal) to be buried; 1c) (Piel) to bury, bury (in
masses); 1d) (Pual) to be buried; #20, #80, #200, #8, #400 = parach
(H6524): 1) to bud, sprout, shoot, bloom; 2) (Qal) to break out (of
leprosy); 3) (Qal) to fly; 1a) (Qal) to bud, sprout, send out shoots,
blossom; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to cause to bud or sprout; 1b2) to show buds
or sprouts; #400, #6, #300, #2 = towshab (H8453): 1) sojourner,
stranger; #300, #2, #400, #6 = shebeth (H7674): 1) cessation, a sitting
still; 1a) meaning dubious; #400, #200, #8, #100 = rachaq (H7368): 1) to
be or become far, be or become distant, be removed, go far away; 2)
(Niphal) loose v inf (as adv); 3) at a distance; 1a) (Qal) to be far, be
distant; 1b) (Piel) to send far away, extend; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make
or exhibit distance, be gone far; 1c2) to remove, put far away; #5, #40,
#60, #3, #200, #400 = micgereth (H4526): 1) border, fastness, rim; 1a)
border, rim; 1b) fastness; #6, #2, #200, #100, #400 = bareqeth (H1304):
1) a gem, precious stone, emerald (Josephus); #400, #100, #200, #2, #6 =
qarab (H7126): 1) to come near, approach, enter into, draw near; 1a)
(Qal) to approach, draw near; 1b) (Niphal) to be brought near; 1c)
(Piel) to cause to approach, bring near, cause to draw near; 1d)
(Hiphil) to bring near, bring, present; #2, #40, #60, #200, #6, #400 =
Mowcerah (H4149): 1) a place near Mount Hor where Aaron died; #6, #100,
#200, #2, #400 = qarab (H7126): 1) to come near, approach, enter into,
draw near; 1a) (Qal) to approach, draw near; 1b) (Niphal) to be brought
near; 1c) (Piel) to cause to approach, bring near, cause to draw near;
1d) (Hiphil) to bring near, bring, present; #6, #300, #2, #400 = shuwb
(H7725): 1) to return, turn back; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to turn back, return;
1a1a) to turn back; 1a1b) to return, come or go back; 1a1c) to return
unto, go back, come back; 1a1d) of dying; 1a1e) of human relations
(fig); 1a1f) of spiritual relations (fig); 1a1f1) to turn back (from
God), apostatise; 1a1f2) to turn away (of God); 1a1f3) to turn back (to
God), repent; 1a1f4) turn back (from evil); 1a1g) of inanimate things;
1a1h) in repetition; 1b) (Polel); 1b1) to bring back; 1b2) to restore,
refresh, repair (fig); 1b3) to lead away (enticingly); 1b4) to show
turning, apostatise; 1c) (Pual) restored (participle); 1d) (Hiphil) to
cause to return, bring back; 1d1) to bring back, allow to return, put
back, draw back, give back, restore, relinquish, give in payment; 1d2)
to bring back, refresh, restore; 1d3) to bring back, report to, answer;
1d4) to bring back, make requital, pay (as recompense); 1d5) to turn
back or backward, repel, defeat, repulse, hinder, reject, refuse; 1d6)
to turn away (face), turn toward; 1d7) to turn against; 1d8) to bring
back to mind; 1d9) to show a turning away; 1d10) to reverse, revoke; 1e)
(Hophal) to be returned, be restored, be brought back; 1f) (Pulal)
brought back; #100, #2, #200, #400, #6 = qebuwrah (H6900): 1) grave,
burial, burial site; 1a) grave; 1b) burial; #2, #4, #2, #300, #400 =
Dabbesheth (H1708): 1) a town on the border of Zebulun; #2, #200, #100,
#400, #6 = raqqah (H7541): 1) temple, the temple (of the head); #6,
#400, #100, #200, #2 = qarab (H7126): 1) to come near, approach, enter
into, draw near; 1a) (Qal) to approach, draw near; 1b) (Niphal) to be
brought near; 1c) (Piel) to cause to approach, bring near, cause to draw
near; 1d) (Hiphil) to bring near, bring, present; #2, #200, #90, #6,
#400, #10 = ratsah (H7521): 1) to be pleased with, be favourable to,
accept favourably; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be pleased with, be favourable to;
1a2) to accept; 1a3) to be pleased, be determined; 1a4) to make
acceptable, satisfy; 1a5) to please; 1b) (Niphal) to be accepted, be
pleased with; 1c) (Piel) to seek favour of; 1d) (Hiphil) to please, pay
off; 1e) (Hithpael) to make oneself acceptable or pleasing; #100, #2,
#200, #6, #400 = qeber (H6913): 1) grave, sepulchre, tomb; #400, #2,
#300, #6 = buwsh (H954): 1) to put to shame, be ashamed, be
disconcerted, be disappointed; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to feel shame; 1a2) to be
ashamed, disconcerted, disappointed (by reason of); 1b) (Piel) to delay
(in shame); 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to put to shame; 1c2) to act shamefully;
1c3) to be ashamed; 1d) (Hithpolel) to be ashamed before one another;
#300, #2, #6, #400 = shebuwth (H7622): 1) captivity, captives; #6, #2,
#300, #400 = bosheth (H1322): 1) shame; 1a) shame; 1b) shameful thing;
#100, #200, #2, #6, #400 = qerab (H7128): 1) battle, war; #400, #300,
#3, #5 = shagah (H7686): 1) to go astray, stray, err; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
err, stray; 1a2) to swerve, meander, reel, roll, be intoxicated, err (in
drunkenness); 1a3) to go astray (morally); 1a4) to commit sin of
ignorance or inadvertence, err (ignorantly); 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to lead
astray; 1b2) to lead astray, mislead (mentally); 1b3) to lead astray
(morally); #400, #300, #4, #4 = shadad (H7703): 1) to deal violently
with, despoil, devastate, ruin, destroy, spoil; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
violently destroy, devastate, despoil, assail; 1a2) devastator,
despoiler (participle) (subst); 1b) (Niphal) to be utterly ruined; 1c)
(Piel); 1c1) to assault; 1c2) to devastate; 1d) (Pual) to be devastated;
1e) (Poel) to violently destroy; 1f) (Hophal) to be devastated; #200,
#8, #90, #400, #10 = rachats (H7364): 1) to wash, wash off, wash away,
bathe; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to wash, wash off, wash away; 1a2) to wash, bathe
(oneself); 1b) (Pual) to be washed; 1c) (Hithpael) to wash oneself; #30,
#40, #200, #20, #2, #400, #10, #6 = merkabah (H4818): 1) chariot; #400,
#80, #200, #10, #8, #10 = parach (H6524): 1) to bud, sprout, shoot,
bloom; 2) (Qal) to break out (of leprosy); 3) (Qal) to fly; 1a) (Qal) to
bud, sprout, send out shoots, blossom; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to cause to
bud or sprout; 1b2) to show buds or sprouts; #200, #8, #100, #400 =
rachaq (H7368): 1) to be or become far, be or become distant, be
removed, go far away; 2) (Niphal) loose v inf (as adv); 3) at a
distance; 1a) (Qal) to be far, be distant; 1b) (Piel) to send far away,
extend; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make or exhibit distance, be gone far;
1c2) to remove, put far away; #400, #300, #8 = shachach (H7817): 1) to
bow, crouch, bow down, be bowed down; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be bowed down,
be prostrated, be humbled; 1a2) to bow (in homage); 1a3) to bow (of
mourner); 1a4) to crouch (of wild beast in lair); 1b) (Niphal) to be
prostrated, be humbled, be reduced, be weakened, proceed humbly, be
bowed down; 1c) (Hiphil) to prostrate, lay low, bow down; 1d)
(Hithpolel) to be cast down, be despairing; #2, #40, #100, #90, #70, #6,
#400 = maqtsu`ah (H4741): 1) scraping tool (used in fashioning idols);
#400, #8, #80, #10, #200, #10 = chapher (H2659): 1) to be ashamed, be
confounded, be abashed, feel abashed; 1a) (Qal) to be ashamed, be
abashed; 1b) (Hiphil) to display shame, demonstrate shame, cause
embarrassment; #100, #2, #6, #200, #400 = qebuwrah (H6900): 1) grave,
burial, burial site; 1a) grave; 1b) burial; #2, #1, #90, #200, #400,
#10, #5 = 'owtsar (H214): 1) treasure, storehouse; 1a) treasure (gold,
silver, etc); 1b) store, supplies of food or drink; 1c) treasure-house,
treasury; 1c1) treasure-house; 1c2) storehouse, magazine; 1c3) treasury;
1c4) magazine of weapons (fig. of God's armoury); 1c5) storehouses (of
God for rain, snow, hail, wind, sea); #400, #2, #6, #300 = buwsh (H954):
1) to put to shame, be ashamed, be disconcerted, be disappointed; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to feel shame; 1a2) to be ashamed, disconcerted,
disappointed (by reason of); 1b) (Piel) to delay (in shame); 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to put to shame; 1c2) to act shamefully; 1c3) to be
ashamed; 1d) (Hithpolel) to be ashamed before one another; #2, #40, #20,
#40, #200, #400, #6 = mikmereth (H4365): 1) net, fishing net; #5, #400,
#4, #70, #20, #8, #200, #1 = eudokeo (G2106): 1) it seems good to one,
is one's good pleasure; 2) to be well pleased with, take pleasure in, to
be favourably inclined towards one; 1a) think it good, choose,
determine, decide; 1b) to do willingly; 1c) to be ready to, to prefer,
choose rather; #5, #80, #10, #70, #100, #20, #8, #200, #5, #10, #200 =
epiorkeo (G1964): 1) to swear falsely, forswear one's self; #4, #10, #1,
#3, #5, #50, #70, #40, #5, #50, #70, #400 = diaginomai (G1230): 1) to be
through, continue; 2) to be between, intervene, used of time, to have
intervened, elapsed, passed meanwhile; #4, #70, #9, #5, #50, #300, #70,
#200 = didomi (G1325): 1) to give; 2) to give something to someone; 3)
to give; 4) to grant or permit one; 2a) of one's own accord to give one
something, to his advantage; 2a1) to bestow a gift; 2b) to grant, give
to one asking, let have; 2c) to supply, furnish, necessary things; 2d)
to give over, deliver; 2d1) to reach out, extend, present; 2d2) of a
writing; 2d3) to give over to one's care, intrust, commit; 2d3a)
something to be administered; 2d3b) to give or commit to some one
something to be religiously observed; 2e) to give what is due or
obligatory, to pay: wages or reward; 2f) to furnish, endue; 3a) to
cause, profuse, give forth from one's self; 3a1) to give, hand out lots;
3b) to appoint to an office; 3c) to give one to someone as his own; 3c1)
as an object of his saving care; 3c2) to give one to someone, to follow
him as a leader and master; 3c3) to give one to someone to care for his
interests; 3c4) to give one to someone to whom he already belonged, to
return; 4a) to commission For Synonyms see entry 5836; #40, #70, #40,
#500, #8, #50 = momphe (G3437): 1) blame; 2) to have a complaint against
any one; #4, #10, #4, #70, #50, #300, #70, #200 = didomi (G1325): 1) to
give; 2) to give something to someone; 3) to give; 4) to grant or permit
one; 2a) of one's own accord to give one something, to his advantage;
2a1) to bestow a gift; 2b) to grant, give to one asking, let have; 2c)
to supply, furnish, necessary things; 2d) to give over, deliver; 2d1) to
reach out, extend, present; 2d2) of a writing; 2d3) to give over to
one's care, intrust, commit; 2d3a) something to be administered; 2d3b)
to give or commit to some one something to be religiously observed; 2e)
to give what is due or obligatory, to pay: wages or reward; 2f) to
furnish, endue; 3a) to cause, profuse, give forth from one's self; 3a1)
to give, hand out lots; 3b) to appoint to an office; 3c) to give one to
someone as his own; 3c1) as an object of his saving care; 3c2) to give
one to someone, to follow him as a leader and master; 3c3) to give one
to someone to care for his interests; 3c4) to give one to someone to
whom he already belonged, to return; 4a) to commission For Synonyms see
entry 5836; #20, #8, #100, #400, #60, #70, #50 = kerusso (G2784): 1) to
be a herald, to officiate as a herald; 2) to publish, proclaim openly:
something which has been done; 3) used of the public proclamation of the
gospel and matters pertaining to it, made by John the Baptist, by Jesus,
by the apostles and other Christian teachers; 1a) to proclaim after the
manner of a herald; 1b) always with the suggestion of formality, gravity
and an authority which must be listened to and obeyed;
But love can break your heart,
@memeBrain [Telos: #2623, Super: #28 - Opposites and Primitivism,
Returning to Simplicity; I-Ching: H24 - Return, The turning point;
Tetra: 2 - Full Circle, Ego: #31 - Military Stratagem, Quelling War;
I-Ching: H32 - Perseverance, Endurance, Duration, Constancy; Tetra: 51 -
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #662 has 22 Categories: #6, #50, #200, #1, #400, #5 =
ra'ah (H7200): 1) to see, look at, inspect, perceive, consider; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to see; 1a2) to see, perceive; 1a3) to see, have vision;
1a4) to look at, see, regard, look after, see after, learn about,
observe, watch, look upon, look out, find out; 1a5) to see, observe,
consider, look at, give attention to, discern, distinguish; 1a6) to look
at, gaze at; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to appear, present oneself; 1b2) to be
seen; 1b3) to be visible; 1c) (Pual) to be seen; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to
cause to see, show; 1d2) to cause to look intently at, behold, cause to
gaze at; 1e) (Hophal); 1e1) to be caused to see, be shown; 1e2) to be
exhibited to; 1f) (Hithpael) to look at each other, face; #40, #200,
#20, #2, #400 = merkabah (H4818): 1) chariot; #40, #200, #2, #20, #400 =
rabak (H7246): 1) to mix, stir; 1a) (Hophal) to be mixed; #5, #50, #6,
#200, #1, #400 = yare' (H3372): 1) to fear, revere, be afraid; 2) (TWOT)
to shoot, pour; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to fear, be afraid; 1a2) to stand in awe
of, be awed; 1a3) to fear, reverence, honour, respect; 1b) (Niphal);
1b1) to be fearful, be dreadful, be feared; 1b2) to cause astonishment
and awe, be held in awe; 1b3) to inspire reverence or godly fear or awe;
1c) (Piel) to make afraid, terrify; #2, #60, #400, #200 = cether
(H5643): 1) covering, shelter, hiding place, secrecy; 2) shelter,
protection; 1a) covering, cover; 1b) hiding place, shelter, secret
place; 1c) secrecy; 1c1) secrecy (of tongue being slanderous) n f; #40,
#2, #200, #20, #400 = barak (H1288): 1) to bless, kneel; 2) (TWOT) to
praise, salute, curse; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to kneel; 1a2) to bless; 1b)
(Niphal) to be blessed, bless oneself; 1c) (Piel) to bless; 1d) (Pual)
to be blessed, be adored; 1e) (Hiphil) to cause to kneel; 1f) (Hithpael)
to bless oneself; #6, #400, #200, #1, #50, #5 = ra'ah (H7200): 1) to
see, look at, inspect, perceive, consider; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to see; 1a2)
to see, perceive; 1a3) to see, have vision; 1a4) to look at, see,
regard, look after, see after, learn about, observe, watch, look upon,
look out, find out; 1a5) to see, observe, consider, look at, give
attention to, discern, distinguish; 1a6) to look at, gaze at; 1b)
(Niphal); 1b1) to appear, present oneself; 1b2) to be seen; 1b3) to be
visible; 1c) (Pual) to be seen; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to cause to see,
show; 1d2) to cause to look intently at, behold, cause to gaze at; 1e)
(Hophal); 1e1) to be caused to see, be shown; 1e2) to be exhibited to;
1f) (Hithpael) to look at each other, face; #400, #200, #2, #50, #10 =
rabah (H7235): 1) be or become great, be or become many, be or become
much, be or become numerous; 2) (Qal) to shoot; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
become many, become numerous, multiply (of people, animals, things);
1a2) to be or grow great; 1b) (Piel) to make large, enlarge, increase,
become many; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make much, make many, have many;
1c1a) to multiply, increase; 1c1b) to make much to do, do much in
respect of, transgress greatly; 1c1c) to increase greatly or
exceedingly; 1c2) to make great, enlarge, do much; #6, #10, #200, #40,
#6, #400 = Yeriymowth (H3406): 1) a Benjamite, son of Bela and head of a
house of Benjamite; 2) a Benjamite, son of Becher and head of a house of
Benjamite; 3) a Benjamite, son of Beriah and grandson of Elpaal; 4) a
Merarite Levite, son of Mushi; 5) one of the men that joined David in
the wilderness; 6) a Levite, son of Heman and head of the 15th course of
musicians; 7) a Levite in the reign of Hezekiah; 8) a son of Azriel,
ruler of the tribe of Naphtali in the reign of David; 9) a son of king
David and the father of the wife of Rehoboam; 10) a son of Elam, a man
with a foreign wife in the time of Ezra; 11) a son of Zattu, a man with
a foreign wife in the time of Ezra; #50, #6, #400, #200, #6 = yathar
(H3498): 1) to be left over, remain, remain over, leave; 1a) (Qal)
remainder (participle); 1b) (Niphal) to be left over, remain over, be
left behind; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to leave over, leave; 1c2) to save over,
preserve alive; 1c3) to excel, show pre-eminence; 1c4) to show excess,
have more than enough, have an excess; #6, #400, #50, #6, #200 = tannuwr
(H8574): 1) furnace, oven, fire-pot, (portable) stove; 1a) for cooking;
1b) of God's wrath, His furnace (fig); 1c) of hunger, desire for evil;
1d) fire-pot; #6, #5, #400, #200, #6, #40, #5 = teruwmah (H8641): 1)
contribution, offering; 1a) a heave offering; 1b) any offering; 1c) an
offering to God; 1d) an offering (of grain, money, etc); 1e)
contribution; #9, #1, #400, #40, #1, #200, #1, #10 = thaumazo (G2296):
1) to wonder, wonder at, marvel; 2) to be wondered at, to be had in
admiration; #9, #1, #400, #40, #1, #200, #10, #1 = thaumasios (G2297):
1) wonderful, marvellous; 2) wonderful deeds, wonders; #3, #100, #1,
#500, #8, #50 = graphe (G1124): 1) a writing, thing written; 2) the
Scripture, used to denote either the book itself, or its contents; 3) a
certain portion or section of the Holy Scripture; #80, #5, #50, #9, #8,
#200, #5, #300, #5 = pentheo (G3996): 1) to mourn; 2) to mourn for,
lament one; #1, #80, #70, #30, #30, #400, #40, #1, #10 = apollumi
(G622): 1) to destroy; 2) to destroy; 1a) to put out of the way
entirely, abolish, put an end to ruin; 1b) render useless; 1c) to kill;
1d) to declare that one must be put to death; 1e) metaph. to devote or
give over to eternal misery in hell; 1f) to perish, to be lost, ruined,
destroyed; 2a) to lose; #20, #1, #300, #5, #100, #3, #1, #7, #5, #200,
#9, #1, #10 = katergazomai (G2716): 1) to perform, accomplish, achieve;
2) to work out i.e. to do that from which something results; 3) to
fashion i.e. render one fit for a thing; 2a) of things: bring about,
result in; #5, #20, #500, #70, #2, #5, #10, #50 = ekphobeo (G1629): 1)
to frighten away, to terrify; 2) to throw into violent flight; #5, #30,
#1, #400, #50, #70, #40, #5, #50, #1, #10 = elauno (G1643): 1) to drive;
1a) of the wind driving ships or clouds; 1b) of sailors propelling a
vessel by oars, to row; 1c) to be carried in a ship, to sail; 1d) of
demons driving to some place the men whom they possess;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #739 has Unknown Categories:
I will send SOS to the world,
@memeBrain [Telos: #2154, Super: #9 - Inconstancy of Achievement,
Practicing Placidity; I-Ching: H7 - The Army, Leading, Troops; Tetra: 32
- Legion, Ego: #48 - Forgetting Knowledge; I-Ching: H35 - Advance,
Progress, Prospering, Aquas; Tetra: 20 - Advance]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #671 has 35 Categories: #1, #60, #400, #10, #200 =
cathar (H5641): 1) to hide, conceal; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to hide oneself;
1a2) to be hidden, be concealed; 1b) (Piel) to hide carefully; 1c)
(Pual) to be hidden carefully, be concealed; 1d) (Hiphil) to conceal,
hide; 1e) (Hithpael) to hide oneself carefully; #5, #6, #200, #4, #400,
#50, #6 = yarad (H3381): 1) to go down, descend, decline, march down,
sink down; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to go or come down; 1a2) to sink; 1a3) to be
prostrated; 1a4) to come down (of revelation); 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to
bring down; 1b2) to send down; 1b3) to take down; 1b4) to lay prostrate;
1b5) to let down; 1c) (Hophal); 1c1) to be brought down; 1c2) to be
taken down; #6, #5, #200, #60, #400 = harac (H2040): 1) to tear down,
break down, overthrow, beat down, break, break through, destroy, pluck
down, pull down, throw down, ruined, destroyer, utterly; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
to throw down, tear down; 1a2) to break through; 1a3) to break down,
break away; 1b) (Niphal) to be torn down, be thrown down; 1c) (Piel);
1c1) to overthrow, tear down; 1c2) destroyer (participle); #6, #50,
#200, #400, #10, #5 = niyr (H5216): 1) lamp; #5, #90, #70, #100, #400,
#6 = tsa`aqah (H6818): 1) cry, outcry; 1a) outcry (against); 1b) cry of
distress (especially as heard by God); #5, #200, #10, #40, #6, #400, #10
= ruwm (H7311): 1) to rise, rise up, be high, be lofty, be exalted; 2)
(Qal) to be rotten, be wormy; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be high, be set on
high; 1a2) to be raised, be uplifted, be exalted; 1a3) to be lifted,
rise; 1b) (Polel); 1b1) to raise or rear (children), cause to grow up;
1b2) to lift up, raise, exalt; 1b3) to exalt, extol; 1c) (Polal) to be
lifted up; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to raise, lift, lift up, take up, set up,
erect, exalt, set on high; 1d2) to lift up (and take away), remove; 1d3)
to lift off and present, contribute, offer, contribute; 1e) (Hophal) to
be taken off, be abolished; 1f) (Hithpolel) to exalt oneself, magnify
oneself; #5, #6, #200, #400, #50, #10 = yarah (H3384): 1) to throw,
shoot, cast, pour; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to throw, cast; 1a2) to cast, lay,
set; 1a3) to shoot arrows; 1a4) to throw water, rain; 1b) (Niphal) to be
shot; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to throw, cast; 1c2) to shoot; 1c3) to point
out, show; 1c4) to direct, teach, instruct; 1c5) to throw water, rain;
#6, #30, #5, #20, #200, #10, #400 = karath (H3772): 1) to cut, cut off,
cut down, cut off a body part, cut out, eliminate, kill, cut a covenant;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to cut off; 1a1a) to cut off a body part, behead; 1a2)
to cut down; 1a3) to hew; 1a4) to cut or make a covenant; 1b) (Niphal);
1b1) to be cut off; 1b2) to be cut down; 1b3) to be chewed; 1b4) to be
cut off, fail; 1c) (Pual); 1c1) to be cut off; 1c2) to be cut down; 1d)
(Hiphil); 1d1) to cut off; 1d2) to cut off, destroy; 1d3) to cut down,
destroy; 1d4) to take away; 1d5) to permit to perish; 1e) (Hophal) cut
off; #5, #400, #100, #30, #100, #30, #6 = qalal (H7043): 1) to be
slight, be swift, be trifling, be of little account, be light; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to be slight, be abated (of water); 1a2) to be swift; 1a3)
to be trifling, be of little account; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be swift,
show oneself swift; 1b2) to appear trifling, be too trifling, be
insignificant; 1b3) to be lightly esteemed; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to make
despicable; 1c2) to curse; 1d) (Pual) to be cursed; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1)
to make light, lighten; 1e2) to treat with contempt, bring contempt or
dishonour; 1f) (Pilpel); 1f1) to shake; 1f2) to whet; 1g) (Hithpalpel)
to shake oneself, be moved to and fro; #30, #5, #20, #200, #10, #400, #6
= karath (H3772): 1) to cut, cut off, cut down, cut off a body part, cut
out, eliminate, kill, cut a covenant; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to cut off; 1a1a)
to cut off a body part, behead; 1a2) to cut down; 1a3) to hew; 1a4) to
cut or make a covenant; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be cut off; 1b2) to be cut
down; 1b3) to be chewed; 1b4) to be cut off, fail; 1c) (Pual); 1c1) to
be cut off; 1c2) to be cut down; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to cut off; 1d2) to
cut off, destroy; 1d3) to cut down, destroy; 1d4) to take away; 1d5) to
permit to perish; 1e) (Hophal) cut off; #5, #60, #200, #6, #400 = ciyr
(H5518): 1) pot; 2) thorn, hook, brier; 1a) pot (household utensil); 1b)
pot (of temple); 2a) thorns; 2b) hooks; #2, #1, #80, #300, #10, #200,
#9, #8, #50, #1, #10 = baptizo (G907): 1) to dip repeatedly, to immerse,
to submerge (of vessels sunk); 2) to cleanse by dipping or submerging,
to wash, to make clean with water, to wash one's self, bathe; 3) to
overwhelm; #20, #1, #100, #80, #70, #400 = karpos (G2590): 1) fruit; 2)
that which originates or comes from something, an effect, result; 1a)
the fruit of the trees, vines, of the fields; 1b) the fruit of one's
loins, i.e. his progeny, his posterity; 2a) work, act, deed; 2b)
advantage, profit, utility; 2c) praises, which are presented to God as a
thank offering; 2d) to gather fruit (i.e. a reaped harvest) into life
eternal (as into a granary), is used in fig. discourse of those who by
their labours have fitted souls to obtain eternal life; #70, #400, #200,
#1 = eimi (G1510): 1) to be, to exist, to happen, to be present; #9,
#400, #40, #10, #1, #200, #1, #10 = thumiao (G2370): 1) to burn incense;
#1, #100, #300, #70, #200 = artos (G740): 1) food composed of flour
mixed with water and baked; 2) food of any kind; 1a) the Israelites made
it in the form of an oblong or round cake, as thick as one's thumb, and
as large as a plate or platter hence it was not to be cut but broken;
1b) loaves were consecrated to the Lord; 1c) of the bread used at the
love-feasts and at the Lord's Table; #80, #1, #50, #300, #5, #30, #5,
#200 = panteles (G3838): 1) all complete, perfect; 2) completely,
perfectly, utterly; #5, #400, #3, #5, #50, #8, #200 = eugenes (G2104):
1) well born, of noble race; 2) noble minded; #40, #1, #200, #300, #10,
#60, #10, #50 = mastix (G3148): 1) a whip, scourge; 2) metaph. a
scourge, plague; 2a) a calamity, misfortune, esp. sent by God to
discipline or punish; #80, #100, #70, #5, #300, #5, #10, #50, #1, #50 =
proteino (G4385): 1) to stretch forth, stretch out; 1a) when they had
stretched one out on the thongs i.e. to receive the blows of the thongs
(by tying him up to a beam or a pillar); #80, #100, #400, #40, #50, #1 =
prumna (G4403): 1) the stern or hinder part of the ship; #70, #30, #400,
#40, #80, #1, #50 = Olumpas (G3652): 1) a Christian at Rome; #80, #1,
#100, #1, #4, #70, #200, #5, #10, #200 = paradosis (G3862): 1) giving
up, giving over; 2) a giving over which is done by word of mouth or in
writing, i.e. tradition by instruction, narrative, precept, etc.; 1a)
the act of giving up; 1b) the surrender of cities; 2a) objectively, that
which is delivered, the substance of a teaching; 2b) of the body of
precepts, esp. ritual, which in the opinion of the later Jews were
orally delivered by Moses and orally transmitted in unbroken succession
to subsequent generations, which precepts, both illustrating and
expanding the written law, as they did were to be obeyed with equal
reverence; #20, #400, #100, #10, #1, #20, #70, #50 = kuriakos (G2960):
1) belonging to the Lord; 2) related to the Lord; #1, #80, #10, #200,
#300, #70, #10 = apistos (G571): 1) unfaithful, faithless, (not to be
trusted, perfidious); 2) incredible; 3) unbelieving, incredulous; 2a) of
things; 3a) without trust (in God); #20, #400, #50, #1, #200 = kuon
(G2965): 1) a dog; 2) metaph. a man of impure mind, an impudent man; #5,
#80, #10, #30, #1, #50, #9, #1, #50, #70, #40, #5, #50, #70, #200 =
epilanthanomai (G1950): 1) to forget; 2) forgotten, given over to
oblivion, i.e. uncared for; #40, #5, #40, #10, #1, #200, #40, #5, #50,
#70, #10, #200 = miaino (G3392): 1) to dye with another colour, to
stain; 2) to defile, pollute, sully, contaminate, soil; 2a) to defile
with sins For Synonyms see entry 5864; #40, #5, #300, #100, #8, #200,
#8, #10 = metreo (G3354): 1) to measure, to measure out or off; 2) to
measure out, mete out to, i.e. to give by measure; 1a) any space or
distance with a measurer's reed or rule; 1b) metaph. to judge according
to any rule or standard, to estimate;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #787 has Unknown Categories:
I will send SOS to the world,
@memeBrain [Telos: #2154, Super: #9 - Inconstancy of Achievement,
Practicing Placidity; I-Ching: H7 - The Army, Leading, Troops; Tetra: 32
- Legion, Ego: #48 - Forgetting Knowledge; I-Ching: H35 - Advance,
Progress, Prospering, Aquas; Tetra: 20 - Advance]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #680 has 51 Categories: #80, #200, #400 = Perath
(H6578): 1) the largest and longest river of western Asia; rises from
two chief sources in the Armenian mountains and flows into the Persian
Gulf; #80, #400, #200 = pathar (H6622): 1) (Qal) to interpret (dreams);
#5, #200, #70, #400, #5 = ra`a` (H7489): 1) to be bad, be evil; 2) to
break, shatter; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be displeasing; 1a2) to be sad; 1a3)
to be injurious, be evil; 1a4) to be wicked, be evil (ethically); 1b)
(Hiphil); 1b1) to do an injury or hurt; 1b2) to do evil or wickedly;
1b3) mischief (participle); 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to break; 2a2) broken
(participle); 2a3) to be broken; 2b) (Hithpolel) to be broken, be broken
in pieces, be broken asunder; #90, #50, #90, #50, #400 = tsintseneth
(H6803): 1) jar, pot, receptacle; #30, #50, #400, #200 = nathar (H5425):
1) to start up, tremble, shake, spring up; 2) to loose, let loose, undo,
be free, be loose; 1a) (Qal) to start up; 1b) (Piel) to leap; 1c)
(Hiphil) to cause to start up; 2a) (Hiphil); 2a1) to unfasten, loosen;
2a2) to set free, unbind; #2, #70, #200, #2, #6, #400 = `arabah (H6160):
1) desert plain, steppe, desert, wilderness; #40, #40, #300, #300 =
mashash (H4959): 1) to feel, grope; 1a) (Qal) to feel, grope; 1b) (Piel)
to feel over or through, grope; 1b1) to feel through; 1b2) to grope; 1c)
(Hiphil) to feel; #10, #60, #400, #10, #200 = cathar (H5641): 1) to
hide, conceal; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to hide oneself; 1a2) to be hidden, be
concealed; 1b) (Piel) to hide carefully; 1c) (Pual) to be hidden
carefully, be concealed; 1d) (Hiphil) to conceal, hide; 1e) (Hithpael)
to hide oneself carefully; #2, #70, #2, #200, #6, #400 = `abarah
(H5679): 1) ford; #50, #20, #200, #10, #400 = karath (H3772): 1) to cut,
cut off, cut down, cut off a body part, cut out, eliminate, kill, cut a
covenant; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to cut off; 1a1a) to cut off a body part,
behead; 1a2) to cut down; 1a3) to hew; 1a4) to cut or make a covenant;
1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be cut off; 1b2) to be cut down; 1b3) to be
chewed; 1b4) to be cut off, fail; 1c) (Pual); 1c1) to be cut off; 1c2)
to be cut down; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to cut off; 1d2) to cut off, destroy;
1d3) to cut down, destroy; 1d4) to take away; 1d5) to permit to perish;
1e) (Hophal) cut off; #40, #200, #40, #400 = Meremowth (H4822): 1) a
priest, son of Uriah of the family of Koz active in rebuilding the wall
of Jerusalem and in the 7th course of temple service in the time of Ezra
and Nehemiah; 2) a priest in the time of Zerubbabel; 3) a returning
exile of the family of Bani who had a foreign wife in the time of Ezra;
#300, #70, #300, #3, #7 = Sha`ashgaz (H8190): 1) the eunuch in the
palace of Xerxes who was in charge of the women in the 2nd house; #400,
#90, #80, #50, #50, #10 = tsaphan (H6845): 1) to hide, treasure,
treasure or store up; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to hide, treasure, treasure up;
1a2) to lie hidden, lurk; 1b) (Niphal) to be hidden, be stored up; 1c)
(Hiphil) to hide, hide from discovery; #400, #80, #200 = parar (H6565):
1) to break, frustrate; 2) to split, divide; 1a) (Hiphil); 1a1) to
break, violate; 1a2) to frustrate, make ineffectual; 1b) (Hophal); 1b1)
to be frustrated; 1b2) to be broken; 1b3) to break; 1c) (Pilpel) to
break to bits, shatter; 2a) (Qal) to split, crack through; 2b) (Poel) to
break apart; 2c) (Hithpoel) to be split, be cracked through; #10, #70,
#400, #200 = `athar (H6279): 1) to pray, entreat, supplicate; 1a) (Qal)
to pray, entreat; 1b) (Niphal) to be supplicated, be entreated; 1c)
(Hiphil) to make supplication, plead; #200, #70, #400, #10 = ra`
(H7451): 1) bad, evil; 2) evil, distress, misery, injury, calamity; 3)
evil, misery, distress, injury; 1a) bad, disagreeable, malignant; 1b)
bad, unpleasant, evil (giving pain, unhappiness, misery); 1c) evil,
displeasing; 1d) bad (of its kind - land, water, etc); 1e) bad (of
value); 1f) worse than, worst (comparison); 1g) sad, unhappy; 1h) evil
(hurtful); 1i) bad, unkind (vicious in disposition); 1j) bad, evil,
wicked (ethically); 1j1) in general, of persons, of thoughts; 1j2)
deeds, actions n m; 2a) evil, distress, adversity; 2b) evil, injury,
wrong; 2c) evil (ethical) n f; 3a) evil, misery, distress; 3b) evil,
injury, wrong; 3c) evil (ethical); #6, #8, #30, #100, #30, #100, #6,
#400 = chalaqlaqqah (H2519): 1) flattery, slipperiness, fine promises,
smoothness; 1a) slipperiness; 1b) fine promises; #6, #400, #200, #70, #4
= ra`ad (H7460): 1) to tremble, quake; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to tremble; 1a2)
(earth)quake; 1b) (Hiphil) trembling (participle); #10, #400, #50, #20,
#200 = nakar (H5234): 1) to recognise, acknowledge, know, respect,
discern, regard; 2) to act or treat as foreign or strange, disguise,
misconstrue; 1a) (Niphal) to be recognised; 1b) (Piel) to regard; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to regard, observe, pay attention to, pay regard to,
notice; 1c2) to recognise (as formerly known), perceive; 1c3) to be
willing to recognise or acknowledge, acknowledge with honour; 1c4) to be
acquainted with; 1c5) to distinguish, understand; 1d) (Hithpael) to make
oneself known; 2a) (Niphal) to disguise oneself; 2b) (Piel); 2b1) to
treat as foreign (profane); 2b2) to misconstrue; 2c) (Hithpael); 2c1) to
act as alien; 2c2) to disguise oneself; #100, #90, #80, #400, #10 =
qatsaph (H7107): 1) to be displeased, be angry, fret oneself, be wroth;
1a) (Qal) to be wroth; 1b) (Hiphil) to provoke to wrath or anger; 1c)
(Hithpael) to put oneself in a rage, anger oneself; #40, #10, #200, #20,
#400, #10 = yerekah (H3411): 1) flank, side, extreme parts, recesses;
1a) side; 1b) sides, recesses (dual); #2, #70, #2, #200, #400, #6 =
`ebrah (H5678): 1) outpouring, overflow, excess, fury, wrath, arrogance;
1a) overflow, excess, outburst; 1b) arrogance; 1c) overflowing rage or
fury; #40, #400, #40, #200 = Tamar (H8559): 1) widow of Er, the son of
Judah; fiancee of Shelah, another son of Judah; wife of Judah and mother
of Pharez and Zerah; 2) daughter of David by Maacah, sister of Absalom,
and rape victim of Amnon her half brother, another son of David; 3)
daughter of Absalom; 4) a place on the southern border of Gad; #10, #60,
#200, #400, #10 = yacar (H3256): 1) to chasten, discipline, instruct,
admonish; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to chasten, admonish; 1a2) to instruct; 1a3)
to discipline; 1b) (Niphal) to let oneself be chastened or corrected or
admonished; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to discipline, correct; 1c2) to chasten,
chastise; 1d) (Hiphil) to chasten; 1e) (Nithpael) to teach; #70, #400,
#200, #10 = `athar (H6282): 1) suppliant, worshipper; 2) odour, incense
(odoriferous smoke); #400, #10, #70, #200 = huios (G5207): 1) a son; 2)
son of man; 3) son of God; 36) and of angels and of Jesus Christ; 38) ;
1a) rarely used for the young of animals; 1b) generally used of the
offspring of men; 1c) in a restricted sense, the male offspring (one
born by a father and of a mother); 1d) in a wider sense, a descendant,
one of the posterity of any one,; 1d1) the children of Israel; 1d2) sons
of Abraham; 1e) used to describe one who depends on another or is his
follower; 1e1) a pupil; 2a) term describing man, carrying the
connotation of weakness and mortality; 2b) son of man, symbolically
denotes the fifth kingdom in Daniel 7:13 and by this term its humanity
is indicated in contrast with the barbarity and ferocity of the four
preceding kingdoms (the Babylonian, the Median and the Persian, the
Macedonian, and the Roman) typified by the four beasts. In the book of
Enoch (2nd Century) it is used of Christ.; 2c) used by Christ himself,
doubtless in order that he might intimate his Messiahship and also that
he might designate himself as the head of the human race, the man, the
one who both furnished the pattern of the perfect man and acted on
behalf of all mankind. Christ seems to have preferred this to the other
Messianic titles, because by its lowliness it was least suited to foster
the expectation of an earthly Messiah in royal splendour.; 3a) used to
describe Adam (Lk. 3:; 3b) used to describe those who are born again
(Lk. 20:; 3c) of those whom God esteems as sons, whom he loves, protects
and benefits above others; 3c1) in the OT used of the Jews; 3c2) in the
NT of Christians; 3c3) those whose character God, as a loving father,;
#80, #70, #10, #70, #400, #50 = poieo (G4160): 1) to make; 2) to do; 1a)
with the names of things made, to produce, construct, form, fashion,
etc.; 1b) to be the authors of, the cause; 1c) to make ready, to
prepare; 1d) to produce, bear, shoot forth; 1e) to acquire, to provide a
thing for one's self; 1f) to make a thing out of something; 1g) to (make
i.e.) render one anything; 1g1) to (make i.e.) constitute or appoint one
anything, to appoint or ordain one that; 1g2) to (make i.e.) declare one
anything; 1h) to put one forth, to lead him out; 1i) to make one do
something; 1i1) cause one to; 1j) to be the authors of a thing (to
cause, bring about); 2a) to act rightly, do well; 2a1) to carry out, to
execute; 2b) to do a thing unto one; 2b1) to do to one; 2c) with
designation of time: to pass, spend; 2d) to celebrate, keep; 2d1) to
make ready, and so at the same time to institute, the celebration of the
passover; 2e) to perform: to a promise For Synonyms see entry 5871; #5,
#300, #5, #100, #70, #200 = heteros (G2087): 1) the other, another,
other; 1a) to number; 1a1) to number as opposed to some former person or
thing; 1a2) the other of two; 1b) to quality; 1b1) another: i.e. one not
of the same nature, form, class, kind, different For Synonyms see entry
5806; #7, #400, #3, #70, #200 = zugos (G2218): 1) a yoke; 2) a balance,
pair of scales; 1a) a yoke that is put on draught cattle; 1b) metaph.,
used of any burden or bondage; 1b1) as that of slavery; 1b2) of
troublesome laws imposed on one, esp. of the Mosaic law, hence the name
is so transferred to the commands of Christ as to contrast them with the
commands of the Pharisees which were a veritable 'yoke'; yet even
Christ's commands must be submitted to, though easier to be kept; #5,
#10, #200, #5, #30, #9, #70, #50, #300, #1 = eiserchomai (G1525): 1) to
go out or come in: to enter; 2) metaph.; 1a) of men or animals, as into
a house or a city; 1b) of Satan taking possession of the body of a
person; 1c) of things: as food, that enters into the eater's mouth; 2a)
of entrance into any condition, state of things, society, employment;
2a1) to arise, come into existence, begin to be; 2a2) of men, to come
before the public; 2a3) to come into life; 2b) of thoughts that come
into the mind; #30, #5, #30, #400, #40, #5, #50, #70, #50 = luo (G3089):
1) to loose any person (or thing) tied or fastened; 2) to loose one
bound, i.e. to unbind, release from bonds, set free; 3) to loosen, undo,
dissolve, anything bound, tied, or compacted together; 1a) bandages of
the feet, the shoes,; 1b) of a husband and wife joined together by the
bond of matrimony; 1c) of a single man, whether he has already had a
wife or has not yet married; 2a) of one bound up (swathed in bandages);
2b) bound with chains (a prisoner), discharge from prison, let go; 3a)
an assembly, i.e. to dismiss, break up; 3b) laws, as having a binding
force, are likened to bonds; 3c) to annul, subvert; 3d) to do away with,
to deprive of authority, whether by precept or act; 3e) to declare
unlawful; 3f) to loose what is compacted or built together, to break up,
demolish, destroy; 3g) to dissolve something coherent into parts, to
destroy; 3h) metaph., to overthrow, to do away with; #5, #80, #10, #300,
#10, #9, #5, #1, #200, #10, #50 = epitithemi (G2007): 1) in the active
voice; 2) in the middle voice; 1a) to put or lay upon; 1b) to add to;
2a) to have put on, bid to be laid on; 2b) to lay or throw one's self
upon; 2c) to attack one, to make an assault on one; #80, #70, #30, #30,
#70, #400 = polus (G4183): 1) many, much, large; #8, #300, #70, #10,
#40, #1, #200, #1, #50 = hetoimazo (G2090): 1) to make ready, prepare;
2) metaph.; 1a) to make the necessary preparations, get everything
ready; 2a) drawn from the oriental custom of sending on before kings on
their journeys persons to level the roads and make them passable; 2b) to
prepare the minds of men to give the Messiah a fit reception and secure
his blessings; #4, #400, #50, #8, #200, #8, #10 = dunamai (G1410): 1) to
be able, have power whether by virtue of one's own ability and
resources, or of a state of mind, or through favourable circumstances,
or by permission of law or custom; 2) to be able to do something; 3) to
be capable, strong and powerful; #4, #10, #8, #100, #40, #8, #50, #5,
#400, #5, #50 = diermeneuo (G1329): 1) to unfold the meaning of what is
said, explain, expound; 2) to translate into one's native language; #20,
#70, #30, #400, #40, #2, #8, #9, #100, #1 = kolumbethra (G2861): 1) a
place for diving, a swimming hole, a reservoir or pool for bathing; #20,
#100, #10, #200, #80, #70, #200 = Krispos (G2921): 1) the ruler of the
Jewish synagogue in Corinth, baptised by Paul; #40, #5, #9, #10, #200,
#300, #1, #50, #5, #10, #50 = methistemi (G3179): 1) to transpose,
transfer, remove from one place to another; 1a) of change of situation
or place; 1b) to remove from the office of a steward; 1c) to depart from
life, to die; #500, #9, #70, #100, #1 = phthora (G5356): 1) corruption,
destruction, perishing; 2) in the NT, in an ethical sense, corruption
i.e. moral decay; 1a) that which is subject to corruption, what is
perishable; 1b) in the Christian sense, eternal misery in hell; #1,
#400, #60, #8, #200, #1, #10 = auxano (G837): 1) to cause to grow,
augment; 2) to increase, become greater; 3) to grow, increase; 3a) of
plants; 3b) of infants; 3c) of a multitude of people; 3d) of inward
Christian growth; #40, #5, #300, #100, #10, #70, #80, #1, #9, #5, #10,
#50 = metriopatheo (G3356): 1) to be affected moderately or in due
measure; 2) to preserve moderation in the passions, esp. anger or grief;
2a) of one who is not unduly disturbed by the errors, faults, sins of
others, but bears them gently;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #835 has Unknown Categories:
I hope someone gets me,
@memeBrain [Telos: #829, Super: #11 - Value and Function of
Non-Existence; I-Ching: H8 - Closeness, Seeking Unity, Grouping, Holding
together, Alliance; Tetra: 33 - Closeness, Ego: #19 - Argument for
Ethical Anarchism, Returning to Simplicity; I-Ching: H57 - Compliance,
Gentle Penetration/Wind, Ground, Calculations; Tetra: 58 - Gathering In]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #691 has 37 Categories: #5, #80, #200, #6, #400 =
parah (H6510): 1) cow, heifer; #5, #70, #400, #10, #200, #6 = `athar
(H6279): 1) to pray, entreat, supplicate; 1a) (Qal) to pray, entreat;
1b) (Niphal) to be supplicated, be entreated; 1c) (Hiphil) to make
supplication, plead; #80, #400, #6, #200, #5 = Pethowr (H6604): 1) a
town of Mesopotamia and the home of Balaam; located on a river; site
unknown; #10, #400, #80, #1, #200 = pa'ar (H6286): 1) to glorify,
beautify, adorn; 2) (Piel) to go over the boughs; 1a) (Piel) to glorify,
beautify; 1b) (Hithpael); 1b1) to glorify oneself; 1b2) to get glory to
oneself, be glorified; #1, #80, #200, #400, #10 = 'Ephrathiy (H673): 1)
an inhabitant or descendant of Ephraim; 2) an inhabitant of Bethlehem;
#5, #200, #80, #6, #400 = riyphah (H7383): 1) a grain or fruit (for
grinding); 1a) meaning dubious; #5, #50, #20, #200, #10, #6, #400 =
nokriy (H5237): 1) foreign, alien; 1a) foreign; 1b) foreigner (subst);
1c) foreign woman, harlot; 1d) unknown, unfamiliar (fig.); #200, #80,
#1, #400, #10 = rapha' (H7495): 1) to heal, make healthful; 1a) (Qal) to
heal; 1a1) of God; 1a2) healer, physician (of men); 1a3) of hurts of
nations involving restored favour (fig); 1a4) of individual distresses
(fig); 1b) (Niphal) to be healed; 1b1) literal (of persons); 1b2) of
water, pottery; 1b3) of national hurts (fig); 1b4) of personal distress
(fig); 1c) (Piel) to heal; 1c1) literal; 1c2) of national defects or
hurts (fig); 1d) (Hithpael) in order to get healed (infinitive); #5,
#60, #10, #200, #6, #400, #10 = cuwr (H5493): 1) to turn aside, depart;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to turn aside, turn in unto; 1a2) to depart, depart from
way, avoid; 1a3) to be removed; 1a4) to come to an end; 1b) (Polel) to
turn aside; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to turn aside, cause to depart,
remove, take away, put away, depose; 1c2) to put aside, leave undone,
retract, reject, abolish; 1d) (Hophal) to be taken away, be removed; #5,
#200, #70, #6, #400, #10 = ra`a` (H7489): 1) to be bad, be evil; 2) to
break, shatter; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be displeasing; 1a2) to be sad; 1a3)
to be injurious, be evil; 1a4) to be wicked, be evil (ethically); 1b)
(Hiphil); 1b1) to do an injury or hurt; 1b2) to do evil or wickedly;
1b3) mischief (participle); 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to break; 2a2) broken
(participle); 2a3) to be broken; 2b) (Hithpolel) to be broken, be broken
in pieces, be broken asunder; #30, #1, #60, #400, #200 = 'Ecter (H635):
1) the queen of Persia, heroine of the book of Esther - daughter of
Abihail, cousin and adopted daughter of Mordecai, of the tribe of
Benjamin, made queen by king Ahasuerus to replace divorced queen,
Vashti.; #200, #70, #6, #400, #10, #5 = re`ah (H7464): 1) female
companion, companion, attendant (of maidens); #40, #40, #5, #200, #6,
#400 = mahar (H4116): 1) (Qal) to hasten; 1a) hasty, precipitate,
impetuous; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to hasten, make haste; 1b2) hasten (used as
adverb with another verb); 1b3) to hasten, prepare quickly, do quickly,
bring quickly; #200, #40, #40, #400, #5, #6 = ruwm (H7311): 1) to rise,
rise up, be high, be lofty, be exalted; 2) (Qal) to be rotten, be wormy;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be high, be set on high; 1a2) to be raised, be
uplifted, be exalted; 1a3) to be lifted, rise; 1b) (Polel); 1b1) to
raise or rear (children), cause to grow up; 1b2) to lift up, raise,
exalt; 1b3) to exalt, extol; 1c) (Polal) to be lifted up; 1d) (Hiphil);
1d1) to raise, lift, lift up, take up, set up, erect, exalt, set on
high; 1d2) to lift up (and take away), remove; 1d3) to lift off and
present, contribute, offer, contribute; 1e) (Hophal) to be taken off, be
abolished; 1f) (Hithpolel) to exalt oneself, magnify oneself; #5, #100,
#5, #400, #60, #70, #40, #1, #10 = ereugomai (G2044): 1) to spit or spew
out; 2) to be emptied, discharge itself, used of streams; 3) to pour
forth words, to speak out, utter; 2a) to empty, discharge, cast forth,
used of rivers and waters; #5, #400, #30, #70, #3, #8, #40, #5, #50,
#70, #10 = eulogeo (G2127): 1) to praise, celebrate with praises; 2) to
invoke blessings; 3) to consecrate a thing with solemn prayers; 4) of
God; 3a) to ask God's blessing on a thing; 3b) pray God to bless it to
one's use; 3c) pronounce a consecratory blessing on; 4a) to cause to
prosper, to make happy, to bestow blessings on; 4b) favoured of God,
blessed; #80, #10, #30, #1, #300, #70, #200 = Pilatos (G4091): 1) the
sixth Roman procurator of Judah and Samaria who ordered Christ to be
crucified; #5, #80, #10, #100, #100, #1, #80, #300, #5, #10 = epirrhapto
(G1976): 1) to sew upon, sew to; #1, #30, #1, #30, #1, #7, #70, #50,
#300, #1, #200 = alalazo (G214): 1) to repeat frequently the cry ValalaV
as soldiers used to do on entering into battle; 2) to utter a joyful
sound; 3) to wail, lament; 4) to ring loudly, to clang For Synonyms see
entry 5804; #20, #100, #1, #300, #70, #200 = kratos (G2904): 1) force,
strength; 2) power, might: mighty with great power; 3) dominion For
Synonyms see entry 5820; 2a) a mighty deed, a work of power; #80, #1,
#300, #5, #100, #5, #200 = pater (G3962): 1) generator or male ancestor;
2) metaph.; 3) God is called the Father; 1a) either the nearest
ancestor: father of the corporeal nature, natural fathers, both parents;
1b) a more remote ancestor, the founder of a race or tribe, progenitor
of a people, forefather: so Abraham is called, Jacob and David; 1b1)
fathers i.e. ancestors, forefathers, founders of a race; 1c) one
advanced in years, a senior; 2a) the originator and transmitter of
anything; 2a1) the authors of a family or society of persons animated by
the same spirit as himself; 2a2) one who has infused his own spirit into
others, who actuates and governs their minds; 2b) one who stands in a
father's place and looks after another in a paternal way; 2c) a title of
honour; 2c1) teachers, as those to whom pupils trace back the knowledge
and training they have received; 2c2) the members of the Sanhedrin,
whose prerogative it was by virtue of the wisdom and experience in which
they excelled, to take charge of the interests of others; 3a) of the
stars, the heavenly luminaries, because he is their creator, upholder,
ruler; 3b) of all rational and intelligent beings, whether angels or
men, because he is their creator, preserver, guardian and protector;
3b1) of spiritual beings and of all men; 3c) of Christians, as those who
through Christ have been exalted to a specially close and intimate
relationship with God, and who no longer dread him as a stern judge of
sinners, but revere him as their reconciled and loving Father; 3d) the
Father of Jesus Christ, as one whom God has united to himself in the
closest bond of love and intimacy, made acquainted with his purposes,
appointed to explain and carry out among men the plan of salvation, and
made to share also in his own divine nature; 3d1) by Jesus Christ
himself; 3d2) by the apostles ; #1, #100, #70, #300, #100, #70, #50 =
arotron (G723): 1) a plough; #80, #100, #70, #40, #5, #30, #5, #300, #1,
#10, #50 = promeletao (G4304): 1) to meditate beforehand; #80, #1, #100,
#5, #200, #300, #5 = pareimi (G3918): 1) to be by, be at hand, to have
arrived, to be present; 2) to be ready, in store, at command; #1, #30,
#400, #200, #10, #50 = halusis (G254): 1) a chain, bond by which the
body or any part of it (hands, feet) is bound; #40, #1, #20, #100, #70,
#9, #400, #40, #10, #1 = makrothumia (G3115): 1) patience, endurance,
constancy, steadfastness, perseverance; 2) patience, forbearance,
longsuffering, slowness in avenging wrongs For Synonyms see entry 5861;
#400, #80, #70, #50, #70, #10, #1, #10 = huponoia (G5283): 1) a surmising;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #854 has Unknown Categories:
Message in the bottle.
@memeBrain [Telos: #1027, Super: #33 - Achievable Goals, Virtue of
Discrimination; I-Ching: H9 - Lesser Domestication, Minor Restraint,
Small Accumulating, The taming power of the small, Small harvest; Tetra:
35 - Gathering, Ego: #55 - Abstruse Mysterious Signs; I-Ching: H22 -
Elegance, Grace, Adorning, Luxuriance; Tetra: 54 - Unity]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #724 has 25 Categories: #400, #200, #8, #10, #100, #6
= rachaq (H7368): 1) to be or become far, be or become distant, be
removed, go far away; 2) (Niphal) loose v inf (as adv); 3) at a
distance; 1a) (Qal) to be far, be distant; 1b) (Piel) to send far away,
extend; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to make or exhibit distance, be gone far;
1c2) to remove, put far away; #6, #10, #300, #2, #400, #6 = shabath
(H7673): 1) to cease, desist, rest; 2) (Qal) to keep or observe the
sabbath; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to cease; 1a2) to rest, desist (from labour);
1b) (Niphal) to cease; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to cease, put an end
to; 1c2) to exterminate, destroy; 1c3) to cause to desist from; 1c4) to
remove; 1c5) to cause to fail; #6, #40, #60, #3, #200, #400, #10, #5 =
micgereth (H4526): 1) border, fastness, rim; 1a) border, rim; 1b)
fastness; #6, #10, #300, #8, #400 = shachath (H7843): 1) to destroy,
corrupt, go to ruin, decay; 1a) (Niphal) to be marred, be spoiled, be
corrupted, be corrupt, be injured, be ruined, be rotted; 1b) (Piel);
1b1) to spoil, ruin; 1b2) to pervert, corrupt, deal corruptly (morally);
1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to spoil, ruin, destroy; 1c2) to pervert, corrupt
(morally); 1c3) destroyer (participle); 1d) (Hophal) spoiled, ruined
(participle); #6, #400, #300, #10, #2, #6 = yashab (H3427): 1) to dwell,
remain, sit, abide; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to sit, sit down; 1a2) to be set;
1a3) to remain, stay; 1a4) to dwell, have one's abode; 1b) (Niphal) to
be inhabited; 1c) (Piel) to set, place; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to cause to
sit; 1d2) to cause to abide, set; 1d3) to cause to dwell; 1d4) to cause
(cities) to be inhabited; 1d5) to marry (give an dwelling to); 1e)
(Hophal); 1e1) to be inhabited; 1e2) to make to dwell; #400, #300, #10,
#3, #5, #6 = nasag (H5381): 1) to reach, overtake, take hold upon; 1a)
(Hiphil); 1a1) to overtake; 1a2) to reach, attain to, cause to reach;
1a3) to be able to secure, reach, have enough; #300, #8, #6, #400, #10 =
shachach (H7817): 1) to bow, crouch, bow down, be bowed down; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to be bowed down, be prostrated, be humbled; 1a2) to bow (in
homage); 1a3) to bow (of mourner); 1a4) to crouch (of wild beast in
lair); 1b) (Niphal) to be prostrated, be humbled, be reduced, be
weakened, proceed humbly, be bowed down; 1c) (Hiphil) to prostrate, lay
low, bow down; 1d) (Hithpolel) to be cast down, be despairing; #30, #8,
#200, #80, #6, #400 = cherpah (H2781): 1) reproach, scorn; 1a) taunt,
scorn (upon enemy); 1b) reproach (resting upon condition of shame,
disgrace); 1c) a reproach (an object); #300, #10, #8, #6, #400 =
shiychah (H7882): 1) pit; #6, #8, #4, #300, #6, #400 = chadash (H2319):
1) new, new thing, fresh; #50, #70, #4, #200, #400 = `adar (H5737): 1)
to help; 2) to hoe; 3) to be lacking, fail; 1a) (Qal) to help; 2a)
(Niphal) to be hoed; 3a) (Niphal); 3b1) to leave lacking; 3b) (Piel) to
leave lacking; #6, #400, #300, #10, #8 = shuwach (H7743): 1) to sink
down, be bowed down, be humble; 1a) (Qal) to sink down; 1b) (Hiphil) of
depression of the mind; #30, #80, #200, #8, #6, #400 = parach (H6524):
1) to bud, sprout, shoot, bloom; 2) (Qal) to break out (of leprosy); 3)
(Qal) to fly; 1a) (Qal) to bud, sprout, send out shoots, blossom; 1b)
(Hiphil); 1b1) to cause to bud or sprout; 1b2) to show buds or sprouts;
#6, #2, #40, #70, #200, #6, #400 = me`arah (H4631): 1) cave, den, hole;
#1, #500, #8, #200, #5, #10 = aphiemi (G863): 1) to send away; 2) to
permit, allow, not to hinder, to give up a thing to a person; 3) to
leave, go way from one; 1a) to bid going away or depart; 1a1) of a
husband divorcing his wife; 1b) to send forth, yield up, to expire; 1c)
to let go, let alone, let be; 1c1) to disregard; 1c2) to leave, not to
discuss now, (a topic); 1c21) of teachers, writers and speakers; 1c3) to
omit, neglect; 1d) to let go, give up a debt, forgive, to remit; 1e) to
give up, keep no longer; 3a) in order to go to another place; 3b) to
depart from any one; 3c) to depart from one and leave him to himself so
that all mutual claims are abandoned; 3d) to desert wrongfully; 3e) to
go away leaving something behind; 3f) to leave one by not taking him as
a companion; 3g) to leave on dying, leave behind one; 3h) to leave so
that what is left may remain, leave remaining; 3i) abandon, leave
destitute; #5, #1, #400, #300, #8, #10 = heautou (G1438): 1) himself,
herself, itself, themselves; #1, #100, #3, #400, #100, #70, #50 =
arguros (G696): 1) silver; 1a) 1 Cor. 3:12 refers to the silver with
which the columns of noble buildings were covered and the rafters
adorned; 1b) things made of silver; 1b1) vessels; 1b2) images of gods;
#2, #1, #200, #1, #50, #70, #400 = basanos (G931): 1) a touchstone,
which is a black siliceous stone used to test the purity of gold or
silver by the colour of the streak produced on it by rubbing it with
either metal; 2) the rack or instrument of torture by which one is
forced to divulge the truth; 3) torture, torment, acute pains; 3a) of
the pains of a disease; 3b) of those in hell after death; #80, #1, #100,
#5, #4, #10, #4, #70, #400, #50 = paradidomi (G3860): 1) to give into
the hands (of another); 2) to give over into (one's) power or use; 3) to
commit, to commend; 4) to deliver verbally; 5) to permit allow; 2a) to
deliver to one something to keep, use, take care of, manage; 2b) to
deliver up one to custody, to be judged, condemned, punished, scourged,
tormented, put to death; 2c) to deliver up treacherously; 2c1) by
betrayal to cause one to be taken; 2c2) to deliver one to be taught,
moulded; 4a) commands, rites; 4b) to deliver by narrating, to report;
5a) when the fruit will allow that is when its ripeness permits; 5b)
gives itself up, presents itself; #5, #80, #10, #4, #70, #50, #300, #5,
#200 = epididomi (G1929): 1) to hand, give by hand; 2) to give over; 2a)
give up to the power or will of one; #5, #30, #400, #80, #8, #200, #1 =
lupeo (G3076): 1) to make sorrowful; 2) to affect with sadness, cause
grief, to throw into sorrow; 3) to grieve, offend; 4) to make one
uneasy, cause him a scruple; #1, #3, #50, #70, #400, #200 = hagnos
(G53): 1) exciting reverence, venerable, sacred; 2) pure; 2a) pure from
carnality, chaste, modest; 2b) pure from every fault, immaculate; 2c)
clean; #1, #9, #5, #300, #8, #200, #1, #200 = atheteo (G114): 1) to do
away with, to set aside, disregard; 2) to thwart the efficacy of
anything, nullify, make void, frustrate; 3) to reject, to refuse, to slight;
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #909 has Unknown Categories:
I went out this morning.
@memeBrain [Telos: #1947, Super: #26 - Ambiguous Reversals, Virtue of
Gravity; I-Ching: H3 - Birth Throes, Initial Difficulties, Sprouting,
Difficulty at the beginning, Gathering support, Hoarding; Tetra: 3 -
Mired, Ego: #3 - Political Prescriptions, Quietude; I-Ching: H46 -
Climbing, Moving/Pushing Upward, Ascending; Tetra: 8 - Opposition]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #750 has Unknown Categories:
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #912 has Unknown Categories:
Do not believe it ...
@memeBrain [Telos: #1039, Super: #15 - Mastering Guiding Discourse,
Revealers of Virtue; I-Ching: H61 - Inner Trust, Inner Truth, Center
Returning; Tetra: 1 - Centre, Ego: #67 - Three Treasures; I-Ching: H10 -
Treading (conduct), Tread Carefully, Continuing; Tetra: 48 - Ritual]
SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #765 has Unknown Categories:
EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #979 has Unknown Categories:
#5 + #6 {OPINION} = #11: Say NO to anonymous fascist propaganda every time.
The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities No. 43 of Act 2006
defines a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING” and the question is, if it is
permissible to extend this definition to be a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN
That my mathematical theoretical noumenon defines the meta-descriptor
prototypes which are prerequisite to the BEING of HOMO[IOS] SAPIEN[T] as
After all the ENNEAD of THOTH and not the Roman Catholic Eucharist,
expresses an Anthropic Cosmological Principle which appears within its
geometric conception as being equivalent to the Pythagorean